Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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The BUNFATHER wrote:
Aw Snuggy...I love a big woman. I find that as a flemish...it gives me more to snuggle with. You can always move to Texas...
Thanks for the kind words, Tiny. My mom TOLD me to stay away from that Yankee, but I didn't listen. I'm sticking to Southern bucks from now on. They know how to treat a lady.
Here are some pics of Thumper eating out of his hay box, I know they aren't the greatest poses but Thumps is reall tough to get pictures of, as soon as he sees the camera he heads for the hills.








Oh, puh-freakin'-lease! How many pictures of you feeding your fat head does your owner think we need to see?

By the way, I sure am glad this board is back up. I've missed dishing out the verbal abuse to you, Bored Thumper.

Queen Gingivere
Please, Gingivere, try to be nice to LT. He may have a big head, but his ego bruises as easily as that of any bunny.

Sorry, TumpieRabbit & LT, Gingivere has been a bear without the RO boards. All she did was thump the computer keyboard every time she would try to log on and get the error message. She was a little put out about not getting an email that things were rolling again. And of course since the last month of posts was "lost in cyberspace" she's grown increasingly agitated...that was when she had joined RO. She's distraught that she's lost the record of all the verbal sparring she and LT did.

But she's a tough gal, she'll get over it.

Once, again, I apologize for her rude words. You are quite handsome, LT. Perhaps you'd like to visit Gingi and the gang at their "Bunnicula's Castle" blog. We'd love to have you stop in and read.

Mary Ellen
Hi, sorry LT can't talk right now, he is "grounded". He was a little nasty to his new bonded-bride-to-be this afternoon, nothing a blow torch and some solder can't take c are of :)

I have to laugh at the fan joke though, I admit that was pretty funny lol!
LT has a live in now? Wow! That guy sure has a way with women.

So what did he do to her?

Do be careful. That little lisp the Pipkin talks with...all due to the lip laceration that Gingivere gave him the first 10 minutes he was in the house. Hanging lip, blood, and many stitches later...he's still cute, but he sure doesn't spend time with Gingi any more!
Ward Tumpah!

You dere?

I's worried bout you. That fan scawes me! Mommy sez you haves a wife now. Emmawine twies to be my wife...but she can't boss me around.

Wew, actuey she can.

Women! Can't live wiv 'em...can't live wiv 'em. :humour:

Your fwiend,

Pipkin wrote:
I's worried bout you. That fan scawes me!

Fan, schmann, you twit! If I were there, I'd plug it in and turn it to high speed.

Really, Mr. Dumper, you should talk to your owner about letting the moths out of his wallet and buying you a $5 hay rack.

The humans here are annoying, but at leas they know how to treat royalty!

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere
OK, first of all Pumpkin and Gingerbread, how DARE you insult my method of eating hay. Only low class PEASANTS eat their hay out of a rack like a good little trained rabbit, I have my hay DELIVERED in a fan box down on the floor with a flap cut out of it. Jim has tried the rack and every other way but he finally understood and got the drift. And Pumpkins, I take the fan OUT of the box before I eat the hay you twit!

I have to admit, even though Mr Pipps, Guineauvere and Dumbasscula are annoying, you guys are pretty cute, adorable even, do you guys have blogs??

Thumper and Francesca are getting along great, the bonding sessions have progressed nicely, Tumps even licked her today for about 6 minutes straight and then they snuggled up in a ball and slept for a little, here are some pics from the day of the adoption when they were on the counter for pics:




Cute huh?
Hello Francesca!

Welcome to RO. You are a gorgeous bunny, and Lord Thumper is lucky to have someone so beautiful in his life. I hope he is treating you well. Just let him know who is in charge (you, of course) and things will go perfectly.

As soon as you get the chance, you must register for RO under your own user name. Then, when your human is not looking, you can visit our Bunnicula's Castle blog and we can talk girl-bunny stuff. I'll be looking for more news about you soon.

Your pal,

Okay, look here, Frannie...

Lord Dumpbutt thinks he is royalty, but that's just a sick lie that his owner has told him so that he will use a litter pan. Whatever you do, DO NOT let him convince you that he is anything more than a little fuzzball with a twitchy nose.

If you've got any brains to go with that beauty, you'll thump him on his fat white head!

Your Ruler,

Queen Gingivere
Oh, Jim, all kidding aside, Thumper has got to be one of the most beautiful rabbits I've ever seen. (I've had a thing for blue-eyed white bucks ever since Apollo)

Thumper is justgorgeous. I love his eyes. He really does have a certain "regalness" about him.

I'm gladhe is being nicer to Francesca. She is a pretty little girl.Sounds like things are going wellwith the bonding. I'm almost ready to start with Snuggs and Cooper. Maybe you can share your tricks with me. :)

Just thinking that the subtitle of your blog "one bunny, one owner, one blog" might have to change...

Of course, LT probably still thinks there's only one bunny...

This is one sticky situation you've gotten yourself into :nope:

Bunnicula (aka Mary Ellen)

Emma, I am glad you like my girlfriend's coloring. Personally I like my girls black & white and let's just say rotund. You think it is just a coincidence that she sort of looks like Snuggy (of course there is only one Snuggy)?

But I gotta tell ya, that Frannie she is a good woman. She has the looks, the brains. She does this thing with her tail that you wouldn't bel...well you understand. She cooks a mean carrot cake, also that kale and cilantro salad is pretty good too. I gotta tell you though, I am so damn sick of vegetables though, that's all we ever eat for pete's sake! Carrots, hay, dandelions, kale, parsley,celery,romaine, basil, and on and on. Can't a guy get a friggin burger once in a while?? Jim says we are herbivores and that's why we eat all this crap, what the hell is a herbivore?? I thought I was a bunny? Man, me and Franny are saving up and we are moving out of Jim's house the second we have enough. I have some friends out west that will help us out.

Gunieau and Pippsmear I think you two need a psychiatrist, Pippsmear I have heard of people having a lisp but who the hell types with a lisp????? Do you have an HMO?
