Life with bunny monsters

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I trust them together while we're home with just minimal supervision. Over the weekend we'll move forward.

They aren't super snuggly but I have got a snuggle session or two. Very cute!
I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted in here.

The bunnies have been doing well with evenings together. I think though it would be better to get them together for good soon. Right now they have a power struggle the first few minutes of every session - and I think that's because I've been splitting them up.

As of Saturday AM they'll be living together (unless something changes).
Finley and J.Behr spent all day together. We left to go shopping and were gone longer than planned - but there weren't any issues to our knowledge.

They don't snuggle or anything that much, but I think they are co-habitating well just the same. We just moved them from play space to their new joint cage. They seem to be doing ok, but that might change once they are done checking it out.

I had to add NIC grids to make it taller so J.Behr can't jump out. It's annoyingly tall right now. I can't reach in very well. I will be making some changes so it's easier to work with.

I'm hoping there aren't any issues tonight because I have to work a really long day tomorrow.
Well, I think there was some minor chasing the first night. J.Behr is herding Finley into her litterbox on a regular basis. Ya, like he's the litterbox expert! ;)

But they are now officially together. They don't snuggle much, but I do catch them the odd time.
kahlin wrote:
And that leaves us with Behr. We got him after we lost Teagan. I needed a bunny that wasn't as tempermental as Finley, and Finley has wanted a friend for a while. He has been so entertaining (as you will read in the 'real' blog posts).


I loved 'meeting' your bunnies! They are *adorable* and all have so much personality! That bottom picture of Behr is wonderful :)
I like that picture too. But it's too bad he was shedding hard-core.

Bonding update: So I had been concerned that J.Behr was herding and keeping Finley in her litterbox. We had been watching her, and finding that she was in her litterbox a lot. However, some of it was her playing the 'poor bunny' card.

I had been meaning to throw in a blankie for them but hadn't because: I figured it would get peed on by both (Fin is immaculate with her habits unless a blankie is involved and J.Behr...well, he's a work in progress), I also thought it might cause problems/territorial issues, and because I just kept forgetting.

Well, last night I caved and instantly Finley was out of her box. Her blankie is a new safe place. Now that she has a soft spot she is also a bit more active in the pen. I almost climbed into the pen to smother her with kisses - but I didn't because kissing a peed-on Finley isn't that great of a sport, and because with the super tall pen that I created to keep J.Behr *in* also keeps me *out* (I'm beginning to think that was part of his master plan). I'll have to make a few modifications to it...but I need more tie wraps/zip ties (whatever you call them).

Anyway, all of that to say that I'm more at ease with them now. I caught them snuggling even. :)

In time I think we'll be able to expand their play space a bit too because J.Behr's habits are improving for the most part. There were a few messes last night, but I'm 100% sure that it was an attitude thing. He was mad that the veggies were late (I was working) - so what better way to get back at me than to pee on the carpet?!

I laughed and told him he'll have to work harder. Moving the barricades and chewing my textbooks don't count either (the first bunny of 5 to do that). In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have told him that. I may go home to find a huge mess.
I didn't find anything too out of the ordinary. Both litterboxes had been moved. I think it was J.Behr. I got home early enough to put them back before he peed in the litterbox-free corner.

Finley is much more content now that she has a blankie in the pen. I think she's more rested or something because I noticed this morning she's decided not to get as pushed around by J.Behr. She actually did some of the chasing. J.Behr went in the other direction instead of fighting back, which was good.

I told my husband to keep a close eye on them just in case though.
It's a good night to be a bunny mom. :)

As I mentioned earlier, they seem to be in a bit of a power struggle. I hadn't witnessed anything too serious, but noticed that both have taken turns sitting up on their hay bin. I figured they both needed some space for a bit.

I was a bit worried about J.Behr...but he just showed me there was no need. He was binkying all over in a way I have never seen him do. I climbed into their area and gave them both loving (especially because Finley was a bit freaked out).

It was so cute. (and then I realized he's really just alerting me to pellet time - but oh well).
I knew tonight I was going to be later than usual and miss veggie time, so I asked my husband to give them a bit before he left for work around 4 (veggie time is at 8). This did nothing to satisify J.Behr. First, the explanation....

The current rabbit set up has them confined to half of the rec-room area. It's the size of small room. That is where they are supposed to be when not in their cage.

I got home tonight and opened the door. I thought I heard nails on the kitchen floor. But, no, there cant be nails on the kitchen floor because the kitchen is very far away from the rec-room, and the rabbits wouldnt be in the kitchen.

And I was right, the rabbits wouldnt be in the kitchen. Not both of them. Just the one. Twitching like crazy once he was found. "Look mom, I did it!"

So, the bet Im taking....did the little trouble maker jump the gate, or scale the back of the couch? I will share the answer tomorrow. :)

I dont think he was out for long, probably sometime between 8:30-10:00 when he got sick of lettuce being late.

He cracks me up.
Hmm. It seems at some point I opened up another account? Anyway, this is still me, 'kahlin'.

Well, I'm not waiting for bets because I just need to share.

Round 1: J.Behr getting out last night

A I was unwinding from work last night J.Behr told me his secret. He was doing it by scaling the back of the couch. He jumped up with me right there. He perched for a second, realized his error, and got down. He did this for a few times before deciding he didn't care. Up and over he went. I took that as a sign he wanted to be put away (to be fed).

So away he went.

Round two:

This morning I took some time to fix things up. I used some NIC grids to put along the back of the couch. He couldn't get 'grip' that way. I moved some boxes so he wouldn't have a launch pad. He's less than 5 lbs. Surely he woudln't be able to clear the 4 foot barricade. I went on my way, kind of smugly, thinking, 'ha, take that'.

Well, he took that as a challenge. I was making my lunch and running low on time. So of course that's when I hear bunny nails on the top of the stairs. The little jerk.

Round three:

So I pull out more supplies. I add to the 4 foot barricade, so now it is 5 feet. I added some boxes to the top of the bookshelf (that runs along the wall beside the back of the couch). And I also figured since he is clearly persistent I should add to the babygate too. I didn't have time to mess with it too much, so I used some NIC grids as a main/secure gate...and then I took our two baby gates and stretched them out as far as I could and leaned them on their side (pointing to the ceiling) against the secure gate.

My husband doesn't know the story yet, but I'm sure he'll figure it out when he leaves the bedroom to see my massive contraption. Hopefully J.Behr is still contained.

If only J.Behr were to realize that good litter habits would lead to more floor space. I'd rather he have the run of the house so he's not getting himself into dangerous/risky escape attempts. But I can't have him peeing all over the carpet.

And a bit more serious....this is something I've been anticipating for a while (well, not to this degree), so I made sure to leave their pen unlocked so he'd have access to water for whenever he did escape. And I know he went in there because he peed in the corner (where the litterbox usually is) let J.Behr's jail breaks serve as a warning to always have supplies set up outside of their area too.

Today I made sure he had a lot of hay, water, a litterbox, and closed the doors of unbunnyproofed rooms.

Anyway, I wonder who is going to win round three. I cant even be mad at him. He's just too funny!
Well, so far so good. He's still in his section (according to my husband).

I think the true test will be Friday when veggie time is late again.

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