Life with bunny monsters

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That's his favourite look. He follows it up with 'see how cute I am? You can't be mad at me.' and then he continues to engage in the 'bad' behaviour.
I was away over the weekend and left them in my husband's care. I found out he spoiled them and they got playtime 24/7.

Despite this spoilage, they were both happy to see me. Behr was so excited he didn't know what to do with he chased Finley. She was pretty happy to see me too.

I had to take down some of the barricade for a little bit, and sure enough Behr took that as an invitation to scale the couch to freedom.

I'm happy to report that his litter habits have improve *a lot* to they may graduate out of the sectioned play space and will no longer need the monster-gate. :)

They're off at the bunny sitters now because the holidays get a bit crazy for me. I'm gonna miss my furries!

And then in the new year we *might* be getting a lop if everything works out. I love my Fin and J.Behr but I need a lop to feel like our family is complete.
I haven't had many updates since the buns are at the sitters. I have heard that they are doing well...and that Finley is a lot more relaxed than she was when she was at the sitters 1.5 years ago. They haven't been fighting which is good. I was a bit concerned about that since they wouldn't be getting play time.

I am excited to see them on Sunday. :)

And I also need to share that we'll be bringing home a new addition. Her name is Zayne Chaya Bronte. We picked her up today.

She is pretty friendly, but skittish. I'm thinking she's deaf. She doesn't seem to react to noise and once she sees a shadow she gets scared. She will be 3/4 deaf lops we've had.

Here are some pictures:

'Can you see me'?


She's behind the mat.

Here she really is:



i just sat here and read your whole blog-cried at the beginning then continued to laugh at all of Behrs monstruous ways..
you have beautiful bunnies-and the new bun is gorgeous too!!!! i hope you feel now that your family is complete!!

congrats on the new bunny-and give them all nose rubs for me when they get home.
I decided to give Zayne playspace a bit more slowly I gave her a bit more room - not a lot since I don't want to overwhelm her. It worked out really well. I gave her some more this evening and I think I might have gone too far because she hasn't really come out. We'll see how it goes and make adjustments tomorrow if necessary.

I also went to pick up the other two monsters. At first I thought they were happy to see me....and then they realized I wasn't offering treats so I got ignored. Now we're home and they are out to play. Behr has had a few binkies. I think he's glad to be home.

Neither will have much to do with me yet, but eventually they will forgive me!
There's no such thing as sleeping in when bunnies are around. We have bunny surround-sound. Zayne upstairs digging and noise making, and Finley and Behr on the other side of our bedroom digging and noise making. And stomping was coming from somewhere. *sigh*.

Zayne was quick to move into playspace today. She was ready before I was! She will only be out for a bit this morning and then I will have to put her back for a few hours while I'm out. It's not that I don't trust her (she has awesome litter habits), but I'm worried the J.Behr monster will escape and make his way up to see her.

Finley and J.Behr are on the move now that their bellies are full. They'd been cooped up at the bunny-sitter's so I think they are taking advantage of playtime. They have no interest in sitting still for kisses. Boo. I'll have to make my move this afternoon when they are sleepy. ;)
I got plenty of bunny snuggles this afternoon. First from Behr and Finley (only after they realized I wasn't offering treats), and later with Zayne.

Zayne is much more comfortable in her playspace today. :) And she's interacting with me more. When I first got her and we were in the car she nudged me a few times (my hand was in the carrier).

But since then she's ignored me. If I got in her play area she'd move to her litterbox. Today I decided to lay on the floor hoping she'd check me out. She ignored me until I turned my body away from her. Then I felt her whiskers on me. I took it as an invitation and spent a while petting her. Every so often, if I got distracted, she'd nudge me to keep going. :)

Back to Fin and Behr....a week at the sitter's did them well. They are snuggling so much more now. I may try to get pictures tomorrow. The lighting down here sucks though.
LOL. True. It's on my to do list for tomorrow.

Today I gave Zayne most of the living room to play in. She explored it a bit...until I gave her a box to hide in. Then she wouldn't come out.

When I left for work I downsized her and removed her box. Either that worked, someone switched her out while I was away, or she's hungry because she's a very different bunny right now.

She has stepped on me, nudged me, etc. She was even digging at my leg. When she got tired she sat near me so I could give her snuggles. She's cute stuff my little Zayne. :)
Not much is new with the bunny monsters. Zayne continues to come out of her shell and looks like she's going to be quite bossy. She loves the 'dig the person' game to get attention.

She's also starting to eat a bit more and be more active.

Finley and Behr....well, they are still the same. They love food and snuggles.

But, this is what you really want:

Fin and J.Behr snuggling



Just Finley (on her blankie)


Just Behr


And baby Zayne

Exploring (with more confidence and less fear)


Relaxing (err, looking less than impressed)


And just a cute shot...


So....I'm learning that some of Behr's litterbox 'issues' are really attitude issues. It seems when he is mad he is more likely to pee outside of the box.

I can't say that all of J.Behr's 'accidents' are due to his attitude, but I know some of them are. For example:

Yesterday I called him out of the laundry room and told him what a great bunny he was when he listened. But I didn't give him a treat. So either he was mad at me for the lack of treat, or for 'kicking' him out of the off limits room. I was telling him how great he was and then I started giving Finley attention (hmm, maybe he was jealous?).

Anyway, he came over to his and left a river of pee by our feet. (Since I caught this one I verbally scolded him - didn't yell though)

Another example (because they are kind of funny)....he has a parsley roll (which is similar to a hay cube - but a cruel version because it rolls away). He's had a lot of trouble keeping track of it. I felt bad for him yesterday so I put it in his food bowl so it can't roll off. He was going after it so well that the food bowl slowly made it's way across the floor and eventually it too ended up stuck. Angry J.Behr then peed beside the bowl.

That's the news with Behr. Finley is her usual quiet self. Very cute and gorgeous.

Zayne continues to come out of her shell. If I sit on the couch she will come over to explore the area near my feet before settling in for a snuggle. If that gets boring and she wants loving, she will dig at me not-so-gently. She's warming up to me. :) Although I wish she had other ways to ask for attention. ;)
Really? I used to have a bunny we called Pudge as well. Her 'real' name was Lindor. But she was our little Pudge or Pudger.
I just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoy your blog, even the sad parts. I look forward to reading more posts!

I should be doing dishes, but I'm not because I have a ridiculously cute baby Zaynestuck to me.

I've been in the habit of spending some time with her in the late mornings while I play on my laptop. I started by sitting on the couch. She informed me this wasn't ideal by viciously digging at my slippers. I gave her a few nose rubs and went back to my stuff. More digging insued.

I grabbed her and pulled her onto the couch for snuggles. 10 seconds later she hopped away and flicked me. And then came back for digging. I gave up and sat on the floor with her. She ran around me, exploring the 'newness' of this arrangement. I saw some almost binkies and mini bunny 500's.

If something scared her she'd come and hide behind me. :) And the right now she is flopped between my back and the couch...all snuggled in tight. How am I ever going to be mean enough to get up and do dishes?!
So, first Fin and Behr updates...when we first bonded them Finley used a litterbox as a safe spot from him when he was chasing her. Rarely would they ever be in a box together (they have two boxes). I was happy to see this week that they are comfortable enough to share. :)

But then today happened. It's rabbit cleaning day. I did Zayne first because that's where the stuff was...and I wasn't thinking about how the supplies would smell like her. Anyway, I did the cleaning of Fin and Behr after. And from the looks of it, the supplies smelled like Zayne because now the love-buns aren't as snuggly. Finley is finally sticking up for herself and refusing to be bossed around.

It's kind of funny (as long as they stay bonded) to see the dynamics change. J.Behr was in a litterbox, Finley hopped in, and out he went. He has his orders I guess. ;)

Onto Zayne...I gave her free-run of our upstairs. She was fine with it at first, but once the newness wore off I think she's a bit uncomfortable with it. She's on edge a bit more and we are startling her (since she can't hear us). I think I may put up some NIC grids to run along the space and act as a wall of sorts, but leave an opening for her to come and go as she would like.
We got Zayne from Rabbit Rescue, based out of Milton. She was a rescued stray and was about to be euthanized before RR stepped in. It broke my heart to know that such a cute little bunny almost ran out of time just before lop suck that I am, I had to have her.

I picked her up when I was in Guelph for New Years. :)
I think I'm going to have to take Zayne's blankie out of her cage for a bit. I thought she'd been using her litterbox, but now I'm not so sure.

Other Zayne stuff...last night when I finally got home (I hit the ditch after work - I'm fine and no damage to the car thankfully) Zayne was so excited to see me. And that made me feel better. And then I realized she thought it was veggie time. Silly girl. It made me chuckle though.

Finley still seems to be playing the boss role. Behr is mostly good about it. He goes after her sometimes too, but they both know when to back down and that's the important thing. And it's mainly at food time that they pull this stuff.

BUT, it resulted in my first bunch of kisses from Behr. :) I think he was trying to upset Finley by giving me his affection (as opposed to grooming her). I didn't care about the 'why' though. :)

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