Life with bunny monsters

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kahlin wrote:
BUT, it resulted in my first bunch of kisses from Behr. :) I think he was trying to upset Finley by giving me his affection (as opposed to grooming her). I didn't care about the 'why' though. :)
You had to rub it in huh??:( You will be the envy of alot of us here including myself!!
LOL. Sorry. Finley gives kisses too - but I have to work for them by petting her for a while.

If it makes you feel better only 4 of 7 of the bunnies I've had ever gave kisses.
Sorry. :) It is pretty nice.

Things have been a bit rough between Finley and Behr. She's been really aggressive with him. Usually it was just at feeding, but this morning it was an extended thing. I'm pretty sure they were doing the silent treatment after (but bunny style).

At bed time feeding I split them up until the food was poured and that worked well.

Zayne...well she's still cute. No changes in that department. I spent a fair amount of time with her today. She's a little suck. She's also spoiled. I had taken the towel out of her cage because she's been peeing on it. I know she really doesn't like the bare floor, but I'm trying to improve her litter habits.

Anyway, tonight after I poured the food for her, she jumped in, grabbed some and got right back out. Then she kept trying to eat her food from the oustide and looking upset that it wasn't working...until she hopped over to me and made me cave with her cuteness. She has a towel back tonight.

Sigh. I'm a push over.
I love bunny kisses..Chewbacca gives them to me all the time. :)
haha you do sound like a pushover! But who would resist?!
And as a result of my push-over-ness...she peed outside of the box. But, not on the towel. And really, as long as the mess is always *in* the cage, it's not like it's a huge deal to do bunny laundry.
I've had a good day of bunny love so far. :)

Finley and Behr were less vicious towards each other this morning...but I'm also trying to separate them before I pour the food and this is helping.

I spent some time snuggling Fin this morning and was rewarded with kisses. :) Behr got some nose rubs too, of course.

Then while I was on the phone Zayne snuggled into me and just let me pet her forever. If I stopped, she let me know by digging me. Very cute.
So it's been a few days since I posted about Finley attacking J.Behr...and I'm happy to say that things are much better. I removed all of Zayne's laundry and cleaning supplies from their floor of the house. I've also separated Fin and j.Behr pre-feeding. They do know our routine so the chasing and stuff starts at feeding time, but I kick one out...and once the food is poured it's (usually) ok.

We also downplay veggie time by no longer 'announcing' it. And lastly, not only is Finley fed first, she gets all attention first too.

The result....less attacking at food time and more loving. And we're good with that.

Zayne...well, she's good. She's had her vet check and is healthy (which is what I thought). They said she's a bit skinny (J.Behr gets that too).

In non-health stuff...She won't explore beyond the living room because that's where the carpet ends....but she seems content enough. I put down some mats to get her to go further and that's had some limited success. If she sees me get comfy in her 'space' she'll hop right over and get comfy with me.

We're working on getting her to use the litterbox - but she's really weird. She only misses at night, and it might be because she's going over the edge. We're trying a few things.

What makes her weird is that she doesn't go during the day....once I let her out after breakfast around 10 AM she doesn't re-visit her litterbox until late into the afternoon or sometimes not until 7 ish. That's not normal is it? She's also not eating any hay during this time frame (but will take treats).

She isn't messing anywhere in the house though....and she has easy access to her cage throughout the day. She does drink though (I believe).

Otherwise she's great. Very snuggly and innocent. :)
Not much new to report.

Finley continues to be a bit grumpy. Behr is making a game out of it...just to get on her nerves I think. I separate them at feeding to minimize the chasing...and now Behr has started grunting (just like Fin), and being underfoot so I don't forget to let him back into the food bowl area. Today he also started lunging at my feet and gently digging them. I guess he was particularly hungry today. It was kind of cute (as long as it doesn't get worse).

Zayne is still cute and cuddly. She did her first bunny 500 the other night. I didn't see it, but I heard it. :) The litterbox training is a work in progress.
I had to work late tonight...past veggie time. So I came home to some pretty mad bunnies. Zayne drank all of her water and then peed all over her cage. It was her own personal pond. Yay. Fantastic.

And Fin and Behr were grumpy at each other. Sheesh. It was just 2 hours!

But, Zayne got over it because she was bunny 500-ing all over...until I tried creeping up on her (yes, I was creeping up quietly on a deaf bunny - that's how crazy I am)...but she saw me before I saw her so she did her statue pose. I vow I will see binkies/bunny 500 one day.
I know! They are so impatient! But so cute...

I came home from the dentist this morning and felt pretty crappy...and so the bunnies are all going out of their way to make me fawn all over them....

I tend to spend some time each morning sitting on the floor with Zayne. After 10 seconds, she snuggles in next to me. This morning though, she kept trying to dig to the centre of the universe, via my leg. I decided I needed 'protection' , so got up to get a blanket. She dug that for a while, snuggled for a while, and then flopped over next to me.

Cute, yes. BUT, I need to have a snack soon and her cuteness is anchoring me to my spot. *sigh*. So, the lesson for the day is to get all snacks, drinks, etc BEFORE spending time with her royal highness.
I got it right this morning...all prepared and everything.

And yet, she wasn't impressed that it didn't last all day.
Things with Finley and Behr are not better. Now that I've been treating Finley like she's boss, Behr is trying harder to assert his dominance. And he's learned some tricks from Finley. He does her grunting thing and he also lunged at my feet and bit my leg yesterday at pellet feeding (so twice).

So, this isn't going to work. I've decided to flip it and treat him as boss to see how Finley reacts...and then go with the lesser of two evils.

I also decided to (try to) stop talking to Zayne. She's deaf and can't hear me anyway...and I think it is part of Finley's problem...hearing me talk to an unseen creature. You'd think it would be easy to not talk to a deaf bunny. But, apparantly I'm crazy and am having difficulty with it! lol

In other Finley news...the reason we don't have a dog is that she's terrified of them. Unlike our other bunnies, she wouldn't ever get used to the dog (who was amazing with the furries). So when we lost him, I decided that for Finley, it would have to be a dog-free household. And she started making a lot of progress without one around.

Anyway, last night I decided to play Nintendogs on my Nintendo DS. It's been forever, and I was bored....she flipped out and stomped the whole time - just hearing me give the Nintendog commands! Silly bun. She was mad for a good 45 minutes after I put it away!

And in Zayne news....I've been struggling getting her to pee in her litterbox consistentlhy. She *always* keeps the mess in her cage, but not always the box. I'm trying a bit of a different set up so the litterbox area has a clear distinction from the sleeping/playing area...and so far so good. No mess last night, and I'm finding she's getting in and out of her litterbox more (even when not caged)...leading her to eat more hay. So, yay for Zayne! Let's hope she keeps it up.
Ugh, things have been busy.

I didn't get to spend much time with any of the monsters last week, and then I was away for the weekend. I fully expected three grumpy monsters when I got back.

But they weren't! Likely because I came home around feeding time, but let's pretend otherwise. ;)

My husband said they missed me, and the proof lies in Finley's willingness to get loving from him. He's silly though. Finley would sit for attention *any* time he offered some up.

J.Behr's litter habits have finally improved enough that I gave them more floor space. There has been a bit of chasing each other, but there have also been binkies. So, let's hope the chasing subsides a bit so I don't change my mind. :)

And Zayne is doing well. I had snuggle time with her this morning. She has turned into quite the little begger. And she's so cute it's hard not to give in.
Monday I graduated J.Behr and Finley to more floor space. I realized this came with the responsibility of being extra vigilent with people food since he'd now have access to the coffee table and end tables.

Before I left the house yesterday I made sure to clear them off - especially since the end table had already been visited (along with the couch and chair). I took extra time to double barricade the duo from Zayne to make sure no mischief happened...and felt pretty smug about him not having anything to get into.

Ha. Ya right.

I get home to my husband telling me he was downstairs cleaning up a bunch of rabbit 'treats'. I figured he meant poo, since J.Behr has been marking with this new graduation. But no, he actually meant rabbit treats.

The monster used the couch to springboard to the bookshelf to find a collection of rabbit treats, which he then knocked on the floor to share with Finley. Luckily I don't think they got much but man, he's a monster! ;)

Well, that's what I thought anyway. But at the same time, Finley has been sticking really close to the couch. Maybe *she* did it to get away from Behr and then just hit the jackpot? Gah. They are messing with my head.

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