Life with bunny monsters

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I did a dumb thing today. I pushed too far too fast.

Today I took the girls outside. They ignored each other for the most part. At points, Zayne followed Finley, but not in a chasing kind of way.

And then, because I'm an idiot, I thought I'd step things up and bring in Behr. I'm starting a new job in 2 weeks and will have some crazy hours. This will mean all bunnies get less attention, and either Zayne or Fin/Behr will get restricted play time (because they share a room).

Anyway, I left the girls unattended to get Behr. Mistake # 1. While I was gone a scuffle started. I broke it up and separated them for a few minutes.

And because I'm even more of an idiot, I still put Behr in the mix. Mistake # 2. Needless to say it didn't go well - mainly between Fin and Zayne, but stuff started between Zayne and Behr too. I've looked them all over and no injuries that I can see (but will keep checking). Finley did break my skin - even though I was wearing gloves.

I took them all inside to put them in the tub to end on a positive note. Behr and Zayne were fine. Finley and Zayne not as much. Finley was aggressive. I forced some snuggles and then forced snuggles between all three.

Obviously this is a major set back. Behr is the only one pretty 'meh' about it. Zayne is a bit freaked out and on edge - but quite likely because she's in the 'wrong' pen. (in the mix of keeping them all separated and bringing in the pens from outside to re-set up inside, she ended up checking out the couple pen. I wasn't going to do this yet, but didn't want to stress her more by picking her up to move her.

Finley hid under her chair in a while which made me feel super bad, but she's out now.

I feel pretty bad about the whole thing cause it was totally preventable and avoidable. I just got stupid. I will try to make it up to Finley later when she's willing to 'talk' to me again.

For anyone who actually got through that, congrats. It was a lot.
I'm moving away from posting about bonding for now (I'm still at it, but whatever).

Mr. Behr learned to use the stairs this week. So I have to be a bit quicker with the baby gate. He's also taken to jumping on surfaces that are definitely no-Mr.Behr zone's. I will have to make up signage that he can understand. ;) He's been a happy bunny lately and showing us lots of bunny 500's and some itty bitty twitches.

Finley is....Finley. I could snuggle her all day if someone would pay me to do so. She's the one that told Behr about the stairs though, so she's got some 'bad' bunny in her. ;) I think she instigates stuff and then lets him get caught so she doesn't get in trouble.

And little miss oblivious. She's taken to peeing/pooing near the other cage. I put a corner box for her to use, and she sort of caught on. She spends a lot of time sitting in it and not using her main box with her hay, so her hay consumption is way down (working on a remedy for that now). She is using the corner box most of time time....and shifts it around to be in the 'perfect' location (where she can keep a close eye on Finley).
Finley is....Finley. I could snuggle her all day if someone would pay me to do so. She's the one that told Behr about the stairs though, so she's got some 'bad' bunny in her. ;) I think she instigates stuff and then lets him get caught so she doesn't get in trouble.
Smart bunny, sits back watches him get into trouble and chuckles silent to herself.

Today was a big day for the bunnies. I took them to get their nails done....Zayne's weren't bad at all but I notice she's more comfortable moving around today.

Well, she was. Right now she's more comfortable having a nap. ;) She's all tuckered out because they also had some time outside.

I think they enjoyed it. :)

Here's Finley


Here is Zayne. She's all stretched out next to Finley and Behr (who are on the other side of the fence)


And then Finley and Behr together:


kahlin wrote:
Finley is....Finley. I could snuggle her all day if someone would pay me to do so. She's the one that told Behr about the stairs though, so she's got some 'bad' bunny in her. ;) I think she instigates stuff and then lets him get caught so she doesn't get in trouble.

Lol! I love reading about their antics and the newest "adventure." The 2 of them spells trouble!!:biggrin2:
Just a quick post....starting tomorrow I will be at my new job and working crazy hours - so tonight I want to relax and put the computer away. :)

Bonding went really well today. They were in the tub and did lots of snuggling. Finley stretched out next to Zayne. Zayne isn't as comfortable, so when she wanted a nap she came over and snuggled into my feet, using my foot as a pillow (I was sitting on the edge of the tub with my feet in it).

I think my heart melted a bit when she did that. So freakin' cute. :)
Ack. Crazy week. I haven't been around much these days. I wasn't even able to bond Monday or Tuesday. :( I was worried that would effect the progress, but bonding was 100% awesome on Wednesday.

So, we graduated from the tub. I put Finley and Zayne in a pen in the kitchen. It started ok....but they did scuffle a bit. Part of the problem is that my husband (who was in charge with me looking on) doesn't read their language as well/quickly so issues can escalate pretty fast. He got a nasty bite from Zayne when he was separating them.

Later he made a comment that he'd rather be Zayne's victim than let her get Finley. I love how my husband is such a bunny suck. :)

Once I was able to take over things went a bit better. Finley groomed Zayne and we ended it on that note. I am about to do another session now, which cuts short my time on RO before I head to work. *sigh* I should get paid to stay home and work with my monsters.
kahlin wrote:
Later he made a comment that he'd rather be Zayne's victim than let her get Finley. I love how my husband is such a bunny suck. :)

*sigh* I should get paid to stay home and work with my monsters.

Now that's a cool husband!

I agree, taking care of the buns is a full time job!
Working three jobs is really eating into my free time. Grr.

I'm still trying to bond the rabbits...They spend time on the kitchen floor together these days - with me right there in the pen with them.

Finley is usually the one that starts the fight, and yet she's always the loser. Zayne is a bit nervous of her, so she presses her tiny little body up against me. Yesterday she tried to hide between my feet. :(

Today I decided to work on making her feel safer with Finley. I did this by petting Fin the whole time to keep her still and hopefully let Zayne explore safely. For a good chunk of the session Zayne had her butt to Fin and was not an eager participant. Towards the end she relaxed (a bit).

Finley relaxed a lot. She stretched all the way out - and even let me pet her in this position! A huge milestone for us.

We've had Fin for almost four years. When we first got her we could only pet her sometimes. Eventually she would come to us for attention...but anytime she was flopped or comfy, if we even moved in any direction she'd get up. So, to have her stay stretched out while I gave her nose rubs is a big deal. :)
So, it's been a while. I had put bonding on hold because my work stress was putting the monsters on edge. Bad all around.

My husband tried to help me out once and there was a really nasty fight. He was worried that he ruined the bond, but they still nap near each other - so I think we are fine.

We're in the process of moving right now, and that's freaking them out. Pre-Zayne, Finley and J.Behr would sit in front of the tv - in our line of vision. That stopped a long time ago....but the other night they were there again. I told them to relax, I wouldn't forget to pack them up! :)

I'm not sure what the plan is...they may stay at my mom's for a while until I get settled, or I might bring them with me right away. I will know when I get there I guess.

Back to packing!
So, it doesn't matter what my 'plan' is because Finley isn't cooperating with it.

She started acting 'off' on Sunday. On Monday I got her an appointment at the vet. Basically she hasn't been eating, and when she is eating, some of it is just sitting in her tummy and not coming out.

She was on 3 different meds, spent a couple of nights at the vets....and then we went back today because she's just not improving. They've added baytril to the group, and we're waiting on some bloodwork to come back.

So, none of that sounds good...but she is pretty alert. I'm hoping to get some answers soon.

The rabbits have been staying with my mom since she's closer to this vet and is working from home so it's easier to get the meds into Fin.

I haven't decided if I'm taking them with me when I go back to the new place tomorrow.
It took three weeks for Finley to improve. But, she did. :) We got her after her previous owners moved and ditched her at a shelter....I don't know how much bunnies remember, but maybe moving is a big deal for her?

Anyway, the monsters were at my mom's for three weeks but I finally have them home! :)

The first morning here they all freaked me out because no-bun at all of their pellets. However, it seems to be a heat related thing. It is hotter in this house since they aren't in a basement.

Finley is pretty 'meh' about being in a new place. Mr. Behr is...very different. I think he's more attached to me, which is weird. He binkies when I come near him. :) He's also calmer - to the point that I was a bit worried about him. But, he's fine in every other way, so maybe this is just a better house for him? He could also be missing my husband who hasn't joined us in the move yet.

And Zayne...she's not the smartest bunny in the bunch. I'm not sure she realizes we moved. ;) I think she will like it here. I tried to set her cage up in a way that she will only see me after the other two have alerted her (since she's deaf).

They've been here for almost a week now...and I only realized yesterday that I forgot to give Zayne her stuffed cow. Oops. She's not super attached to it - well, at least she wasn't at the old place. She'd groom him sometimes, but not often. But this morning when I was doing the 'scary' cage cleaning, she snuggled right into him, groomed him, and demanded to be groomed back. Cute and sad at the same time. I'm hoping to start bonding again after I come back from vacation. I really hope it works. I hate that Zayne is alone, but do not want a fourth bunny either (my husband would kill me!).
Zayne with her cow. It's not a great picture, but you get the idea.


The backyard in the new place. I was really hoping to get the bunnies outside today, but it's pouring. Grr.


I have more coming...
These were all taken at my mom's....


Zayne being a chicken and not sure if outside is a good thing....


Behr being a chicken and not wanting to play in grass....


But, they eventually got over it



All three bunnies are doing well. Zayne gave us a bit of a scare last week though. She stopped eating. I couldn't get in her into the recommended vet for 2-3 weeks...I told them to forget it because she'd be dead by then. I got her to another vet though, and I really didn't like what they did so I scheduled an appointment in Guelph (a bit over two hours away).

Long story short, she is much improved. She has been very active the past few days. I think it's because I've been in there re-arranging stuff so she has a lot to check out.

But she's very lonely. :( She has Mr. Cow for company (she grooms and snuggles him) but I don't think it's enough. She tries to be friends with the other two through the cage...but Finley isn't always receptive. I will probably try the trio again once everyone is for sure healthy....but I'm not super confident that it will work.

And that sucks. I just can't make the jump from 3 to 4 rabbits. My husband would kill me, we don't have the space, and it just seems like too much. So, I'm *really* hoping I can get the trio to work.

Anyway, the rabbit room is mostly set up the way I want it. In a perfect world my husband would build me an awesome off-the-floor cage (to give them more playspace) but he doesn't think his abilities are to par with my vision. Oh well.

Time for pictures! (in the next post)
It's strange how much can change in a year. At this time last year, I was at my mom's....celebrating a (rare) long weekend away with my husband and bunny family. At this time last year, that included Finley and Teagan.

Teagan....she was my couch potato. She would sit for hours with me on the couch as I planned my teaching lessons. Sometimes she helped me grade, and gave her nod of approval with little teeth marks.

The night before labour day was like any other night. She begged for her food. But when we woke up, she wasn't right. And it was too late. She had a bout of gas that caused a painful obstruction. And we had to let her go. I held her, snuggled her, and felt the heartbreak that comes with a monumental loss.

A year later, I am spending labour day with my husband and bunny family. This year, that means Finley, Behr, and Zayne. We got Behr try to get over the loss of Teag. It didn't work. Later, we got Zayne.

I've lost four bunnies in my time as a bunny mom. Kahlua, Lindor, the brat, and Teagan. I've learned that they are all different. I've learned that they are all amazing. And I've learned that it will hurt every single time.

So, this post is to remember my sweet bunnies. I don't know that I would have noticed the 'anniversary' on my own. So much has changed. My 'crew' is different. I live somewhere new. I have a new job....etc

But life works in mysterious ways. First (today) I came across a picture of Teagan in my camera. And I paused on it, wondering if it was time to let go. But I blocked it out, and continued on my day. Then, I heard a Teagan & Sara song that I haven't heard in a while. And finally,an email found it's way to my was a reply to a post I had written about Teag - once upon a time.

Three 'messages' of sorts in one day. Here she is, my little Teagan....gone, but not forgotten.

Lounging in her chair


Having a nap


Playing hide and go seek


And making friends


Thanks for helping me remember my Teagan.

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