Life with bunny monsters

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Yes, people can be dumb!

Behr spent his day pooping up a storm today. Finley...well, didn't do much as far as I can tell. After spending two days upstairs, I figured she lost interest in being downstairs.

I decided to bring up the rest of her toys. Within 10 minutes, she made the move back downstairs. Grr. Silly girl! I think she just wants TV time with me tonight.
30 minutes before veggie time Behr decided he needed a snack to tide him over. Into the garbage he went. *sigh*.

On Finley news, she managed to find her way back upstairs for veggie time. Surprise, surprise. Her round belly guides her. :)
LMAO "her round belly guides her"

I have a picture in my head of a stuffed furry sausage rolling on the floor. lol
Thanks. The addition of Behr gives me more to write about.

I spoke too soon about Finley and her belly. (it's still super round)...but I guess her attitude is bigger.

At bed time they get the rest of their daily pellets. Finley got all excited and was running around downstairs, but she now gets fed upstairs. She came to the top of the stairs and wouldn't come any higher.

Eventually I followed through on my threat to get her and brought her up. I got stomped at, flicked at, and then ignored. She wasn't 'talking' to me. If I was in the room she wouldn't eat her pellets or her pineapple piece. She'd do the 'groom me' thing to let me know she was boss, but wouldn't take food from me.

I had to leave the room before she'd eat her pellets. All seems to be forgiven this morning though. Between her attitude and Behr's trouble-making I am going to have my hands full!

NorthernAutumn wrote:
kahlin wrote:
Anyone want to bunny sit? ;)
Actually, I CAN bunnysit :biggrin2:Give me a shout!

I think it is absolutely wonderful that you finally have a blog, by the way:hug:

I'd be careful if I were you. I may take you up on that one of these days.
While Finley tolerates being held and is an angel to work with, she doesn't really like it. So, we taught her to go for litterbox rides. We'd tap the box and ask her or tell her it was time for a litterbox ride. She'd hop in, and we'd move her to where ever we wanted her (sort of like her own personal helicopter).

Behr hasn't caught on yet (although I haven't really tried either). But tonight he was in his litterbox, so when my husband was letting him out to play he took him for a litterbox ride and did his noises for it too (which I believe is 'vroom vroom, who wants to go for a witterbox wide?' - shh, don't tell him I said anything!) Anyway, Finley heard it and got all attitude-y and wouldn't have anything to do with him after. hehehe. I think she was jealous.

And Behr...the only 'new' thing is that we noticed he likes to eat with us. If we're at the table he is *always* on his hay bunch munching away too. He's a cute little monster. :)
GAH! They are competing. And they can't tell time.

Behr must have realized he wasn't the star of the last post because I heard the sounds of trouble-making. With no garbage to get into, he made his way onto the table again. So I went up to kick him off.

And now Finley thinks Behr got veggies and she didn't, so she is following me around.

They're 15 minutes early. Sheesh.
I'm sure things will get boring once they're bonded and Finley settles Behr down (as long as it goes that way and not Behr influencing Finley to troublemake).

Anyway, so they can't tell time, but they know the days of the week. On Wednesdays I give them each part of a hay cube as a treat. This morning I totally forgot and was getting ready to go, and Behr was being 'look at me' pest-y.

I couldn't figure out what his problem was, so I gave him a bit more hay and some loving. But he wasn't interested in any of that. It took me a minute, but then I figured it out..."OHHH! It's *Wednesday*. You want your treat."

Silly Behr.

I think Finley is sick of the new cage-by-cage arrangements because shortly after I let her out this morning she headed downstairs. I need bunny GPS so I can track her location when I'm away from home. :)
kahlin wrote:
I think Finley is sick of the new cage-by-cage arrangements because shortly after I let her out this morning she headed downstairs. I need bunny GPS so I can track her location when I'm away from home. :)
LOL. That would be funny if you could get a GPS for the bun. But I think maybe a live google map of the house might work better :p
kahlin wrote:
NorthernAutumn wrote:
kahlin wrote:
Anyone want to bunny sit? ;)
Actually, I CAN bunnysit :biggrin2:Give me a shout!

I think it is absolutely wonderful that you finally have a blog, by the way:hug:

I'd be careful if I were you. I may take you up on that one of these days.
Any time :) Looking forward to meeting you one of these days ;)
It looks like Finley spent the day downstairs, away from Behr. I think she had a grumpy day.

Behr might be learning about the litterbox ride thing. I got him to jump in tonight - although I don't do the babytalk and the vroom vroom. I tap the side and tell him it's time for his litterbox ride. In he went. My bunnies may not know cute 'tricks', but I think that's a pretty helpful one! :)

NorthernAutumn wrote:
kahlin wrote:
NorthernAutumn wrote:
kahlin wrote:
Anyone want to bunny sit? ;)
Actually, I CAN bunnysit :biggrin2:Give me a shout!

I think it is absolutely wonderful that you finally have a blog, by the way:hug:

I'd be careful if I were you. I may take you up on that one of these days.
Any time :) Looking forward to meeting you one of these days ;)
Do you stick around over the holidays? :)
Finley was still hanging around upstairs when I left, so I'm thinking that she didn't want to eat her haycube within sight of Behr yesterday morning. The haycube is missing, but I can't see any debris from her eating it on the carpet, and she's not talented enough to take it downstairs.

So, I'm thinking that the haycube my husband found outside of Behr's cage yesterday that he assumed was Behrs and gave back to him....was actually Finley's. So Behr scored 2 haycubes. The little bugger. ;)
Finley was downstairs when I got home yesterday...I believe after she gave Behr a lesson in litterbox rearranging. He's never moved his litterbox before, until after this lesson.

He decided to demonstrate his new skill at 5 AM this morning, along with cage chewing. I was not impressed, I like my sleep.

I don't think Finley was impressed either because once I let her out, she went downstairs pretty quickly. I think she's realized he can be annoying. Imagine that? ;)
When I got home today I was glad to see Finley had made her way back upstairs to hang out near Behr's cage. I think she gets over grudges more quickly than I because I'm still cranky from the 5 AM wake up call. ;)