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July 20, 2009 - Toby loses his charms

Does this face look like it could hurt a fly?

Well, he can hurt a bunny 5 times his weight. He and Kirby have not been getting along, not at all. And he's been going a little nuts, so the hormones were definitely beginning to rage. :(I decided on Saturday morning for his health and to decrease the risk of him getting himself injured from all of his crazy stunts and also so that Kirby wouldn't decide he was the enemy, to get him fixed today: Monday, July 20, 2009.

Aaaaand the record comes to a screeeeching halt...!!!

........"Wait, what did you say mommy??? You're going to do wot???"

"Mommy am I getting my buddy back??!"

Yep, Saturday I made the appointment to go ahead and get Toby, my mere 17-18 week old bunny rabbit neutered.

"Oh no!" *runs for it*


Poor Toby. I was in a panic all weekend. Really stressed out, trying to learn as much as I could but I was a nervous wreck. No information I was reading would sink in. I couldn't complete any thoughts. I was just so nervous about the whole thing. I knew it had to be done one day, I just didn't think it would be so soon. I know I'd never really be ready for it. No matter when I made the appt for, it'd been about the same effect on me. It's like Toby knew. He was running away from me all weekend. He must have sensed my mood.


I made it out alive though. Thanks to all the wonderful members and mods here on RO, I got a lot of good info and moral support. And Toby was in good hands at the vet. My husband took a half day to take him in. He was in at 8:30am, done by noon, conscious by 1:30pmand came home at 6:30pm.

He's been eating, pooping, drinking and peeing. I've given him his first dose of Metacam for the pain (he got an injection at the office already for pain). He seems to be quite ok. It'll be a few days to get back to normal.

More pics of Sir Toby:



King Kirby says: "Now we can really be pals!"

Oh my gosh, I was just looking at my old blogs and loooook at this baby face! I can't believe this was just TWO months ago! What a baby!


How the heck did I miss this blog!? I've always thought your bunnies were adorable, but for some reason it never dawned on me to look for a blog! Eek! Such cute pictures! I hope Sir Toby isn't too mad at you for taking his "bits" away! I hope King Kirby and little Toby get along now! :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
How the heck did I miss this blog!? I've always thought your bunnies were adorable, but for some reason it never dawned on me to look for a blog! Eek! Such cute pictures! I hope Sir Toby isn't too mad at you for taking his "bits" away! I hope King Kirby and little Toby get along now! :)

Hee hee, thanks Kelly!

I sure do hope His Rabbit Highness and Sir Toby become friends after this soon too. I can tell Kirby is already less scared of Toby. He usually *sniff sniff* and then runs away. Today he stayed and sniffed more by the fence where Toby was lying.
Whoa, I found another lookalike. This time, Toby!

The ear color on PingPong looks lighter, Toby has a darker outline. But the face: brown spots around the eyes and the little spot on the side of the nose looks JUST like Toby!

kirbyultra wrote:
Whoa, I found another lookalike. This time, Toby!

The ear color on PingPong looks lighter, Toby has a darker outline. But the face: brown spots around the eyes and the little spot on the side of the nose looks JUST like Toby!

HEY! THAT IS MY RESCUE! Well the one I foster for. Ping Pong is a cutey I know him. :p
Oh wow! What a small world! Too bad Ping Pong is not bondable.

Believe it or not I had seriously considered naming my first rabbit that before I actually found my rabbit of choice (like when you daydream about what you'll name your kids one day). But Kirby didn't look like a playful Ping Pong (how terribly unregal!) so that's why I let that name go. When I got my second, I wanted a name that ended in -by so it didn't work out otherwise he might've been a Ping Pong!
July 23, 2009 - Dad's birthday

I went out to have dinner with my mom, dad, brother and hubby for my dad's birthday today. Me and my dad have had a rough couple of years. He's done some pretty crappy stuff in the last few years that ordinarily would have torn a younger family apart. We were lucky to be more financially stable because my brother and I are all grown up at this point. But sometimes the things family members do can still hurt deeply. It's taken a lot of time, and will continue to take time, but we are slowly healing. Dinner was actually very enjoyable. I am glad that we did that.

I came home and took a shower before seeing my bunnies. We had a couple of steaks sizzling at the table for dinner, I'm sure I would have scared the daylights out of the bunnies coming home smelling of cow.

They're so cute. They were sniffing each other and checking each other out. I got Toby the smaller Jolly ball as promised. He never does seem to be interested in the stuff I give to him, only the stuff I give to Kirby. Typical baby, likes his big brother's stuff :p

Toby is doing EXTREMELY well after hsi neuter! I'm so relieved to see he's happy and healthy. He's too funny. He just plops on the floor all the time now. Probably just resting extra post-op.

Another crummy day at work, another crummy week gone by. I get paid well and that money goes towards making my bunnies happy so what can I say? I am a bunny slave.
kirbyultra wrote:
They're so cute. They were sniffing each other and checking each other out. I got Toby the smaller Jolly ball as promised. He never does seem to be interested in the stuff I give to him, only the stuff I give to Kirby. Typical baby, likes his big brother's stuff :p
My rabbits were the same way! I've had three pairs of rabbits now (only one was semi-bonded) and one of the rabbits in each pair were the same. Toby is my little baby, so he's been around while we've had three other rabbits.

He got to meet Felice (nee Berry-Boo), our foster. He suddenly decided that he loved timothy and alfalfa hay when he started stealing it from her. Now he chows down timothy like nobody's business. Then, after Berry-Boo went to her forever home, Toby was lonely and we got Miss Emma McFluffybottoms. They bonded, but Toby was always more interested in the things that she had, even if they were the same. They unbonded, and Toby got the ever-living-crap beat out of him by her. We rehomed her after several unsuccessful attempts at rebonding. Now, we have Sammi. Toby wants to be by her, but she wants none of it, for now. I have caught him stealing her treats and toys from between the NIC grids, and I have caught her stealing his hay and lettuce.

In the end, I am just trying to make a point that rabbits are like children. Even if they have the same things, they always think that their big/little brother/sister has the better toy. Here's the main point of this reply: Try putting the stuff that Toby is not intersted with into Kirby's cage. Let Kirby chin it to death, then give it back to Toby. He might be more interested in it. Also, I try to rotate my bunnies' playthings on the first of the month. That way, they always have "new" toys!

Sorry, mini-rant in your blog. :p
kherrmann3 wrote:
kirbyultra wrote:
They're so cute. They were sniffing each other and checking each other out. I got Toby the smaller Jolly ball as promised. He never does seem to be interested in the stuff I give to him, only the stuff I give to Kirby. Typical baby, likes his big brother's stuff :p

In the end, I am just trying to make a point that rabbits are like children. Even if they have the same things, they always think that their big/little brother/sister has the better toy. Here's the main point of this reply: Try putting the stuff that Toby is not intersted with into Kirby's cage. Let Kirby chin it to death, then give it back to Toby. He might be more interested in it. Also, I try to rotate my bunnies' playthings on the first of the month. That way, they always have "new" toys!

Sorry, mini-rant in your blog. :p

Oh no, don't apologize, I really appreciate the advice. I'm willing to hear about other people's approaches to bonding because I have a strong feeling Kirby and Toby are going to be a difficult pair. I'll give Toby a while more before I start to do some switcheroos onhim and Kirby. I want to see what his neutral, normal behavior is like post-neuter so I can tell more clearly what's happening during the bonding process. Also want to give him some time to let the hormonal stuff fizzle out.

The switching toys and switching pens suggestions make a lot of sense. I'm sure switching pens would upset Kirby (he's such a homebody) but maybe we can start with just the toys and things. :)
July 25, 2009 - Stay tuned... I stayed up real late to get some good footage of Kirby!

Kirby is usually soooo lazy. He, like many other buns, likes to frolick and play in the wee hours and I just can't stay up that late normally on the weekdays. I came home with a massive headache that basically took my body down completely by 8pm so I took a long nap. By midnight I was powered up and ready to bunny-game.

I got some video of Kirby flicking around his big long uppity ears, just running around rearranging his furnishings according to the mighty bunny-feng shui. And I got him to play with his new jolly ball.

What I was really trying to do was get some good video of Kirby's increased grooming lately. In the last 2-3 weeks Kirby's been scratching his ears a whole lot. It worries me. I check his ears daily. Nothing visibly wrong. No scratches, no swelling, no ickyness inside or out. But he just roughly goes at the ears with his hind legs multiple times a night. He's also been shedding a *lot* so, maybe that has something to do with it but during his last significant molt in February he didn't do any passionate scratching of his ears at all. Of course when I pull out the camera he stopped scratching :XI ended up getting fun, playful videos instead.

It will take me a long, long time to upload all the videos to youtube but I'll get them up soon hopefully. For some reason the video is always brighter and more colorful on my camera screen than it is on my PC monitor and then dims down even more once I kick it to youtube. It really doesn't do my sweet Kirby justice. Makes his fur look so dull. He's a satin mix so his fur is slick and shiny looking in reality. I don't know, maybe I need a new camera. :p

How's Toby? He's starting up his crazy bunny antics again. He is tamer in some ways. Before he never used to sit still for me to pet him. He sat still for me today. He still runs all over and without warning though. I guess that's just baby bun hyperactivity. He's never flatted out for me yet, but I think he'll come around to it one day. Kirby did, and now he loves to just become a bunny pancake when I pet him.

Some more pictures! :dutch

Toby flops over for a snooze

Kirby and his jolly ball adventures



The mighty King Kirby commands you to bring his royal craisins

Glad to help! :) The only setback from trading stuff would be the marking problem. Keep a dustpan and some urine cleanup supplies nearby! :p


I love Kirby's markings! They look so much like my Toby's! :D They both have the same little white smoosh on their faces! Plus the white chest and foot! :hearts: I won't spam up your blog with pictures of my guy, but here is a picture of him that shows off his markings pretty well. He just got done slaying the fearsome phone book, too. Doesn't he look proud? lol
Ahh so cute! He's standing there like "I'm ready for my prize now" hehe! Phone book... I bet my Toby would enjoy that. Kirby would just eat the phonebook (staying true to his video game namesake). Maybe given something to destroy he'll stop trying to escape his pen!

Your Toby and my Kirby does have similar markings! What kind of bun is he?he looks 4 lbs-ish but with dwarfy ears. What a cutie. Btw I always wanted to say, I love your avatar -- how'd you score such a greatly positioned pic of the pair? :) When you first got Sammi I thought "holy cow how'd she bond them so fast"? But I then read Sammi was still on the fence. But its cool that they didn't fight.
Oh gosh.... So much has been happening with your guys, and I've missed so much.... :(. I'll have to spend some time catching up on everyone's blogs when I get my laptop back. I am sneaking some time on the computer at work, and it is blocking all of the pictures. :(I really want to see all of the new photos of Kirby and Toby!! :pI'll have to post more about how cute they are in a few weeks...

kirbyultra wrote:
Your Toby and my Kirby does have similar markings! What kind of bun is he?he looks 4 lbs-ish but with dwarfy ears. What a cutie. Btw I always wanted to say, I love your avatar -- how'd you score such a greatly positioned pic of the pair? :) When you first got Sammi I thought "holy cow how'd she bond them so fast"? But I then read Sammi was still on the fence. But its cool that they didn't fight.
Toby is a Netherland Dwarf, just big for his breed. He's about 3-3[sup]1/2[/sup] pounds. He's referred to as a big ugly buck (I beg to differ ;)). The picture of my avatar was just good timing. I had just plopped them into the tub for a date, and they were too confused to move. They were just trying to make sense of it all! lol
kherrmann3 wrote:
Toby is a Netherland Dwarf, just big for his breed. He's about 3-3[suP]1/2[/suP] pounds. He's referred to as a big ugly buck (I beg to differ ;)). The picture of my avatar was just good timing. I had just plopped them into the tub for a date, and they were too confused to move. They were just trying to make sense of it all! lol
Toby's anything but and ugly buck! He's quite the lova bun! :)
Kirby flicks his ears!

Kirby plays with his new Jolly Ball

Kirby jumps into the Jolly Ball
