Well-Known Member
July 20, 2009 - Toby loses his charms
Does this face look like it could hurt a fly?
Well, he can hurt a bunny 5 times his weight. He and Kirby have not been getting along, not at all. And he's been going a little nuts, so the hormones were definitely beginning to rage.
I decided on Saturday morning for his health and to decrease the risk of him getting himself injured from all of his crazy stunts and also so that Kirby wouldn't decide he was the enemy, to get him fixed today: Monday, July 20, 2009.
Aaaaand the record comes to a screeeeching halt...!!!
........"Wait, what did you say mommy??? You're going to do wot???"
"Mommy am I getting my buddy back??!"
Yep, Saturday I made the appointment to go ahead and get Toby, my mere 17-18 week old bunny rabbit neutered.
"Oh no!" *runs for it*
Poor Toby. I was in a panic all weekend. Really stressed out, trying to learn as much as I could but I was a nervous wreck. No information I was reading would sink in. I couldn't complete any thoughts. I was just so nervous about the whole thing. I knew it had to be done one day, I just didn't think it would be so soon. I know I'd never really be ready for it. No matter when I made the appt for, it'd been about the same effect on me. It's like Toby knew. He was running away from me all weekend. He must have sensed my mood.
I made it out alive though. Thanks to all the wonderful members and mods here on RO, I got a lot of good info and moral support. And Toby was in good hands at the vet. My husband took a half day to take him in. He was in at 8:30am, done by noon, conscious by 1:30pmand came home at 6:30pm.
He's been eating, pooping, drinking and peeing. I've given him his first dose of Metacam for the pain (he got an injection at the office already for pain). He seems to be quite ok. It'll be a few days to get back to normal.
More pics of Sir Toby:
King Kirby says: "Now we can really be pals!"
Does this face look like it could hurt a fly?

Well, he can hurt a bunny 5 times his weight. He and Kirby have not been getting along, not at all. And he's been going a little nuts, so the hormones were definitely beginning to rage.
Aaaaand the record comes to a screeeeching halt...!!!
........"Wait, what did you say mommy??? You're going to do wot???"

"Mommy am I getting my buddy back??!"

Yep, Saturday I made the appointment to go ahead and get Toby, my mere 17-18 week old bunny rabbit neutered.
"Oh no!" *runs for it*

Poor Toby. I was in a panic all weekend. Really stressed out, trying to learn as much as I could but I was a nervous wreck. No information I was reading would sink in. I couldn't complete any thoughts. I was just so nervous about the whole thing. I knew it had to be done one day, I just didn't think it would be so soon. I know I'd never really be ready for it. No matter when I made the appt for, it'd been about the same effect on me. It's like Toby knew. He was running away from me all weekend. He must have sensed my mood.

I made it out alive though. Thanks to all the wonderful members and mods here on RO, I got a lot of good info and moral support. And Toby was in good hands at the vet. My husband took a half day to take him in. He was in at 8:30am, done by noon, conscious by 1:30pmand came home at 6:30pm.
He's been eating, pooping, drinking and peeing. I've given him his first dose of Metacam for the pain (he got an injection at the office already for pain). He seems to be quite ok. It'll be a few days to get back to normal.
More pics of Sir Toby:

King Kirby says: "Now we can really be pals!"