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If I remember correctly, you can find out if he has mites yourself. With dogs, you run the edge of a piece of paper against their fur (the wrong way) and see if you pick up any little critters. If the mites are big enough, you can see them on the white paper. (It's something like that)
August 2, 2009 - Two Bunny Slaves Update the Nation's Safety Protocols

Here are the finished products:

#1 - Fencing in the PCs with wire linen shelves



Toby demonstrates bunny proof success:

#2 - Fencing in the power source of all my PCs cables and the room's floor lamp area which for some reason is the rabbit magnet of the room. I *had* to figure out a way to make this area inaccessible! Another linen shelf put vertically did the trick.

"Ma, I disapprove of this..."

"Me too, I disapprove..."

#3: Preventing bunnies from going far into the depths of the "under-couch". Cut up some "hardboard", drilled a few holes, and created an L shaped box construction with L brackets and cable ties. It's not too visible if you are standing up looking at the couch. There are lamp wires hidden inside the box now which used to run under the side table.

Here's a side angle view:

#4: this was a tough one. I was originally going to construct a similar box underneath the entertainment unit but it proved to be super hard to cut the hardboard into narrow enough strips. Plus the cables and wires back there are so thick that it's almost impossible to maneuver without significant lifting and re-arranging. So we did the next best thing. We just cheaped it and created a new "wall" with side panels to prevent bunnies from going in the sides behind the unit.

Here's what it looks like from the most visible corner view. No wires or cables are sticking out under the unit anymore, so I'm not too concerned with the bunnies going there. It's fairly shallow in depth so I won't have too much trouble getting them out if they do hang out under there.

Here's what it looks like from above the right side panel.

Here's a view from the back, behind the TV. The green is the wall. You can see the hardboards creating a new wall right up against the unit. Pardon my dust :)

Here's a view from the right side viewing the left panel way on the far side.

Wow! The slaves have been busy in Kirby's Kingdom! :D I hope it all works out for you! :) One thing that I did behind our entertainment center (we have a lot of cords; TV, DVD, VHS, PS2, X-Box, GameCube, N64, phone, TV/Video splitter, etc.) was I "braided" cords together and labeled them. Nothing fancy, but I would take three or so cords that were going to the same area and braid them together so they weren't all over the place. Then, I would put little labels near the plugs. It tidied things up a bit, and I didn't have to worry so much about the rabbits doing damage. Sammi isn't much of a cord chewer, but Toby loves cords, but only seems to like nibbling on single, exposed cords. He has been in contact with the braided cords, but he merely sniffs them or chews the label instead. Maybe that would help with your computer desk problem. Then you would have less area to pen off! :D I'm just chocked-full of ideas!

(I love your choices of furniture, by the way!)
kherrmann3 wrote:
Wow! The slaves have been busy in Kirby's Kingdom! :D I hope it all works out for you! :) One thing that I did behind our entertainment center (we have a lot of cords; TV, DVD, VHS, PS2, X-Box, GameCube, N64, phone, TV/Video splitter, etc.) was I "braided" cords together and labeled them. Nothing fancy, but I would take three or so cords that were going to the same area and braid them together so they weren't all over the place. Then, I would put little labels near the plugs. It tidied things up a bit, and I didn't have to worry so much about the rabbits doing damage. Sammi isn't much of a cord chewer, but Toby loves cords, but only seems to like nibbling on single, exposed cords. He has been in contact with the braided cords, but he merely sniffs them or chews the label instead. Maybe that would help with your computer desk problem. Then you would have less area to pen off! :D I'm just chocked-full of ideas!

(I love your choices of furniture, by the way!)

Braiding! That is a really good idea. I should think about the next time we do a big overhaul of our electronics. We only moved here a bit over a year ago and my husband had alllll the electronic stuff all neatly done because we were planning on getting rabbits back then. Figured we'd get ahead on bunny proofing if we moved in neatly. Well that didn't work out because after we moved in we bought so much stuff that the wires just kept growing behind the entertainment unit :ph34r2But I would agree, labeling and making things more organized in a one-shot-deal would be more rewarding in the long run :D

We probably won't live in Manhattan forever. It's very expensive and the space issue is going to become more prominent when we either have a child or I get another couple of buns LOL This is good to keep in mind for whenever we do bunny proof again. There is the bedroom to think about for now, though. That might be a good application!

Thanks on the furniture! Right after we got married, we wanted all this super expensive stuff from Bo Concept ( but couldn't afford it. Luckily a few weeks after we started looking, Bo Concept had a massive warehouse sale where we got MOST of what we wanted at literally a small fraction of what it would have cost us retail. And the area carpet/rug is so huge for our space that it practically covers our entire living room space -- it was $700 at home depot, and then 2 weeks later when we were looking at it again they told us that the makers were having a sale where everything was 50% off - so we got it at littler over $300 (I don't know who did the math but I won't complain about paying less than 50%!). It was all a very cool stroke of luck in April 2008!
August 3, 2009 - Setting the rabbits loose

I let Toby out and the first thing he does is try to break into Kirby's pen. Uh-uh, not happening. I shoo him outside and he has a blast. He is running all over the living room and dining room. I put his litter box out there and he visits it from time to time so I assume he is using it. No accidents on my rug yet lol No poos or pee anywhere there shouldn't be --- CROSS MY FINGERS!

Kirby is a total homebody. I let him out and he just peeks out, sees the door open and goes home. He's like "well, I could go out if I want to, but I don't so, meh." He doesn't really care. He just likes being in his own space. It's these two conflicting traits that makes me feel like the pair is doomed to be unbondable. One loooooves to explore and invade, the other likes to retreat and stay protected.

I don't let them out at the same time. They have different out time but Toby definitely likes to run around more. I am just afraid that Toby will become so territorial of the entire apartment that Kirby will never make a comeback in rabbitdom. I don't know if that makes any sense.

kirbyultra wrote:
I put his litter box out there and he visits it from time to time so I assume he is using it.
Do you put hay in his litter box? That's how I get my bunnies to chill out in their litter box for extended periods of time. Plus, they don't have to run to their "bathroom". They can just munch and do it in one spot!

Kirby is a total homebody. I let him out and he just peeks out, sees the door open and goes home.
My Toby does that, too. He never used to be that way when he was a single bun. I think it's a territory thing, in my case. He doesn't like to leave his lair because he's afraid that other rabbits will come in and take his stuff (oh, no! Not the little hay ball with the bell in it!) *rolls eyes*

Your two are just so flippin' adorable! I want to snorgle Kirby! :hearts:
LOL "snorgle" -- that's an excellent word! I want to too, but Kirby won't approve :p He prefers for me to fulfill his every demand from afar unless his demand is to pet him 2000 times :p
August 4, 2009 - Anxiety

I am having such a bad week at work. Day after day of crushing pressure and dissatisfaction on the job... I just don't know how long I can keep doing this. It's been horrible for months but I am literally getting tired. I don't know how or when but I just feel like one day I'll just lose my mind. I don't know what else to do right now. This job has turned me off the tech field for all eternity. I don't know what else I can do. I am not really good at anything else.

My husband says I should study to be a vet. I don't know. I have never considered medicine for any field. I just love my bunnies so much and they're all that keeps me getting up in the morning (King Kirby demands breakfast promptly!) I really have no idea what to do even if I did want a career change. The job market sucks so much right now and I have my own mortgage in addition to my husband's own which is for the place where we live. I pay a big half of the mortgage for the home where mb parents live and there is no way they can afford it without my income.

Being a slave really sucks. Next life I'm going to strive to be a rabbit :p my friend said something hilarious the other day: being an animal is awesome. You just eat, sleep, poop and have casual sex all your life LOL

kherrmann3 wrote:
Do you put hay in his litter box?
I sure do! I put hay in Kirby's box and Toby's box but Kirby has a hay basket as well because he has more space. Toby doesn't have any issues with hay in his litter box, but he does pee on it so I have to give him a new handful twice a day. That's how I got him to be litter trained. He is a very clean bun, actually. He was getting crazy when the hormones kicked in but since his neuter he's been like 99.9% going in the box.

He even goes and makes a rest stop in the box when he is out in the living room, but I bring his box out with him because I'm sure he "knows his way home" yet from the living room to the rabbit kingdom.

I've seen pix of buns konked out in their litter boxes before but my buns aren't like that. Shrug! I think I like it better if they just used it and skedaddle anyways.
August 5, 2009 - Why do rabbits do this?

Of all the square footage I have just given to the bun, where does Toby decide is going to be "the spot"? In the corner, behind the ottoman, underneath my side table. Geez, could you pick a more inconvenient spot?!


And also, introducing:

My new deflatable and inflatable bun!

My goodness. He discovered he could do this and then wouldn't stop going in and out. I am definitely gonna need to get myself a "bunny stick" to poke him outta there when necessary...

Royal Update: Kriby has been doing very well. He is either scratching less or I am spending less time with him than I was last week. Probably the latter because it's been so busy at work. Anyway he goes to the vet tomorrow for a check of his itchy ears. I hope it's not mites or something terrible. He is shedding like a monster. 2 pats on his back and I've got myself a whole new rabbit in my palm. :shock:He's eating a ton of hay so his poops have been more plentiful than ever before. They are all quite round and beautiful. Some are stringy, but I'm so glad he is working it out of himself bigtime. :biggrin2:

:dutch... whoa how'd I get to page 8 already?

August 6, 2009 - All is Well

Kirby's vet visit went totally great. The vet said he is in perfect health, he has the cleanest ears she's ever seen and he's probably just scratching his ears extra lots because he's shedding like a little monster. He's eating well, pooping even better. Can't complain about that diagnosis!:biggrin2: They even trimmed his bunny nails, whee! I was totally dreading doing them myself.The only thing is he was sofreaked out at the vet's office, even more than usual. There was fur flying everywhere. He's just totally blargh now. I'm getting Ye Olde Bunny Butt Treatment. He wouldn't accept my Craisin covered apologies. I'm really in for it. :expressionless

Update on bunny weight:

Kirby, despite my lowering his pellet intake due to shedding has still gotten fatter - 5.8lbs. Sheesh.

Toby, as of afew weeks ago at his neuter, was 2.6lbs.

Schweet, my bunny investments have appreciated. :biggrin2:
I love it when the vet trims their nails. It takes the pressure off of you for a month or so! I also have my vet clean out his scent glands... :ph34r2
kherrmann3 wrote:
I love it when the vet trims their nails. It takes the pressure off of you for a month or so! I also have my vet clean out his scent glands... :ph34r2

Kirby is a spotless creature. He takes real good care of his scent glands on his own. I sniff him up all the time (is that weird?!)

Toby has been smelling pretty, pretty funky. But only around the bum. I think because of his neuter he's been avoiding rummaging the area because of pain. But he looks pretty good. No swelling, no bleeding. His recovery is going as far as I can physically see. He's still been an awful bunny in terms of being Kirby's neighbor. I let him out yesterday and the first thing he did was nip at Kirby's nose :( :( :( Kirby's nosey fur got plucked and Toby nommed it :( :( :( He was very naughty so I punished him by trimming his nails LOL He's had pretty long nails and they're tiny and sharp. In the last few days since I bunny proofed the apt, he's been allowed out and playing tic-tac-toe on my arms. :twitch:Well, he's better now. All trimmed!
After having his nails trimmed, Toby had been very well behaved believe it or not. He is learning a lot about how to be a good servant to King Kirby.

Toby understands a lot. I told him to "go home" and he scampered back into his pen from the living room last night after having hours out and about. When he hasn't had enough fun time though he doesn't budge. He does the funniest bunny 500s around me in the living room, I gotta get a video of it. I'd literally be watching tv and I'd see a rabbit zipping past me over and over and over.

I've taken some random photos of them and their livig spaces to show my mom. I'll upload them soon to share! She saw Toby when he was just a tiny snowball with ears. She doesn't believe me when I tell her he is 2/3 Kirby's size in length.
I am glad they seem to be ok. How are you doing and such. I had not checked in for about a week I love your furniture in the video.

August 11, 2009 - A Tour of Rabbit Nation

Mrs. PBJ wrote:
I am glad they seem to be ok. How are you doing and such. I had not checked in for about a week I love your furniture in the video.
Thanks! I am doing better... the week has gotten better. I'm able to sit down and update my blog with pix. It makes me happy :)
On to the main event:

Sir Toby's Digs (and bum)

King Kirby's Courtyard (and King Kirby himself, looking over the land)

Sir Toby inspects the road from the slave village

Color mats that lead to my living room



Follow the Yellow Brick Ro... Err... I mean, follow the Rainbow Foam Road! :D


Very colorful decor! ;) I love Sir Toby's bunny bum picture. :p I don't know why bunny bums are so cute. I don't think there are many other animals that make people WANT to look at their bum, and even less bums that are considered "cute". Maybe it's the roundness, followed by a puff of a tail! :biggrin2:

Plus, I love your description of baby Toby: "a tiny snowball with ears"! They grow up so fast! :cry1:
kherrmann3 wrote:
Very colorful decor! ;) I love Sir Toby's bunny bum picture. :p I don't know why bunny bums are so cute. I don't think there are many other animals that make people WANT to look at their bum, and even less bums that are considered "cute". Maybe it's the roundness, followed by a puff of a tail! :biggrin2:
Yeah, bunny bums ARE adorable. Toby gives the *best* bum shots because he's always on the go. Kirby doesn't offer his bum to my camera very often. He only wants me to take pix of his left side. That must be his "good" side. :p

kherrmann3 wrote:
Plus, I love your description of baby Toby: "a tiny snowball with ears"! They grow up so fast! :cry1:
My vet said that Toby was so cute when he was a baby and I brought him in for a checkup. Then he came in for his neuter 2 months later and he, and I quote, "became a rabbit". LOL I was like, "hey, he's still pretty cute.... right?" :twitch:

:shock: so so so cute!!!!!!!!!

omg! I iz on my way to steal your gorgeous bunnsters
....NooooooOOOoOoooz... :ph34r2