Wow! The slaves have been busy in Kirby's Kingdom!

I hope it all works out for you!

One thing that I did behind our entertainment center (we have a lot of cords; TV, DVD, VHS, PS2, X-Box, GameCube, N64, phone, TV/Video splitter, etc.) was I "braided" cords together and labeled them. Nothing fancy, but I would take three or so cords that were going to the same area and braid them together so they weren't all over the place. Then, I would put little labels near the plugs. It tidied things up a bit, and I didn't have to worry so much about the rabbits doing damage. Sammi isn't much of a cord chewer, but Toby loves cords, but only seems to like nibbling on single, exposed cords. He has been in contact with the braided cords, but he merely sniffs them or chews the label instead. Maybe that would help with your computer desk problem. Then you would have less area to pen off!

I'm just chocked-full of ideas!
(I love your choices of furniture, by the way!)