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NorthernAutumn wrote:
Just popping in to pay homage to HRH Kirby, and give Toby a virtual pat.
Maybe give Slave Helen 30 lashes for not getting a twin for HRH Kirby LOL j/k

I would swear the two were twins! Are you guys positive on the timing?

HRH is pleased. ;)

Not really sure... but I really think they ahve to be related somehow. The region, the closeness in years, the absolute unmistakeable look of the two and somewhat similar shy personality too.

How amazing would it be to find a long lost brohter or sister for your adopted bun? :blushan:I have always wondered what happened in Kirby's first 2.5 years of his life. What has he seen? What has he done? How was he treated? Was he happy.... So many questions... and now I have a ton more! What of his kit-mates? Is Kit-mate even a word?
Thanks so much for replying! I was actually planning on setting my bunners cage up very similar to yours - litter box on the first floor, food on the second, and beds on the third :) I will also leave the cage doors open all the time. I guess they don't really need a cage and seem happy without one (I have an XPen and a green cage very similar to the one in your pictures, but it's way to small for 3 rabbits), but I think they would enjoy the levels and the extra room and it's probably a good idea for them to have a cage just in case I ever need to lock them up for some reason.

Hmm I'm kind of short too - 5'4'', maybe I could get some kind of a step stool or something to clean the top level.

Ahh if Kirby's picture was on SafeHaven Rabbit Rescue's site then I probably saw him there. It's on my list of places to look at cute adoptable bunny pictures, even though my other half would probably make me sleep in the bunny room if I brought another bunny home!

Loove Kirby's name, but the way! When we got my first rabbit, Zeus, we were going to name him Kirby. It didn't seem to fit him for some reason though, so he was named Zeus and my boyfriend got me a stuffed animal bunny to name Kirby. :D

How big is Kirby? I'm so bad at judging size from pictures. I have a lionhead who's 2.5lbs, and then my other two are both holland lops and both around 4lbs each. Hopefully that cage isn't too small for them, even though I guess it doesn't matter to much since they'll still have free range of the room anyways.
:):):)I love Kirby too! At SafeHaven, he was originally Luca but it seemed such a proper gentleman name for such a playful and cute looking bunny. Kirby seemed more fitting. Kirby is a 5.5 lb boy! He's bigger than he looks in some of the pics. It's hard to tell size in pictures. Toby is only 1.3 lb and tiny compared to Kirby but they look the same in pix.

Safe Haven has a new bunny that looks like Toby a little and he's so darling, I kind of wish that I had waited and adopted this guy instead of buying a pet store bunny. If I get another rabbit, I'll have to quit my job and be a full time bunny mom. Also, I'll have to probably throw out some stuff to make room lol It would be a big problem!

It is actually quite good to be able to lock them in the condo when you're doing heavy duty cleaning and you don't want them near vacuum wires or cleaning agents. Kirby goes absolutely ballistic when we confine him to any area whether it be inside his condo (when I'm cleaning the pen), inside his play pen (cleaning his condo), or somewhere outside of the room altogether (something major has happened and I need to clean the WHOLE room). But better for the rabbit to be a little upset than sick from a cleaning agent. It's good to have the option.

Actually, if you're 5'4 you won't need a step ladder to clean. I guess I think that arm length is a function of your height and my arms are not long enough to reach deep into the cage to scrub well, My finger tips would reach, but it would not do cleaning any good. I end up having to stick a good portion of my head/upper body into the cage to give the corners some elbow grease.

May 23, 2009 -Bonding in the bathtub part 1

I found out from the vet that Toby doesn't need to stay overnight for neutering. He can come in the morning and leave in the afternoon. That being the case I think it might be ok for me to try to bond Kirby and Toby together before Toby is neutered. Toby's testicles haven't come out yet so he's not raging with hormones yet.

Observing the two of them interacting by the fence dividing them... it seems like they take on a real interest in each other. Even though Kirby shrinks away more often than Toby, Kirby seems really happy during these encounters. I've seen him do ear flicks and straight-up-in-the-air binkies after sniffing Toby. He's not much of a binky bun, so he must be really happy.

In the few face-to-face encounters they've had so far, the score's about even. A couple times Toby's pulled out Kirby's fur. Other times Kirby's tried to claw at Toby. There was action almost immediately together. Encounters were short, a minute tops.

Today I put them in the bath tub. I left them in there about 5-6 minutes. They mostly paid each other no attention. Both were periscoping and slipping around trying to get out. There was no circling. Toby likes to sniff Kirby's cheek and Kirby mostly sat and observed until... he ready to pounce. Kirby pounced on Toby twice. No injuries. Toby put his face into Kirby's cheek/neck but not sure what he was doing. I don't think he was licking or grooming. But he didn't pull out any fur. To get around, Toby put his front paws on Kirby a couple of times and Kirby didn't seem to care, but he walked away.

It was mostly uneventful. I kept petting the both of them to try to calm them down and also so I could keep my hands close enough to prevent injury, just in case.

Hmm... not sure if this was good or bad. The session was short. Sort of a meet and greet. I'll do it a few more nights and see what develops.

Aw, I can't edit my post anymore.

I wanted to also add, that Kirby also grunted both times he pounced on Toby. It sounded kind of silly for a grunt. It sounded like a bunny sneeze, but more pronounced and purposeful. lol
May 24, 2009 - Bonding in the bathtub part 2

Kirby and Toby both seemed more mellow in the tub. Toby stood up on hind legs the whole time. Kirby seemed ready to pounce but didn't. Today was markedly different in that both buns did not move much. They stayed in the same place pretty much for the whole 15 minutes.

They were both sitting there so I decided to push them beside each other. I'm sure some rabbit owners would not approve of that, but it seemed ok since they were both not moving a muscle. They sat quietly next to each other (both heads facing the same side) for a few minutes.

Then Toby got up and started to periscope again. No movement again.

I pushed Toby next to Kirby again (this time head facing the other's bum).

A minute later, Toby stuck his nose into Kirby's fur and for about 30 seconds nobody moved. Toby seemed to be sniffing Kirby and maybe pulled out a little bit of loose fur (is he grooming Kirby?) and Kirby did not flinch. Eventually Kirby moved away. Kirby sorta grunted. Followed by more nonmovement. Toby poked his nose into Kirby's fur again and then he put 1 front paw on Kirby. They separated and a bit later Kirby took a swipe at Toby, but it wasn't a bad one. Toby didn't get hurt. Kirby started to dig. When Kirby starts to dig, he's really panicking so I took him out of the tub and brough him to his pen.

Both bunnies seemed exhausted from the tub afterwards. The tub is really stressing for them both.

I think Toby might have to be the first one to show affection. Kirby might take some convincing. I didn't think Kirby would have it in him to show aggression but he's a little bit mean!:shock: At least there was no circling. I think this session was a step up from the last. They seemed to observe each other. They tolerated each other's presence for the most part. There was very little movement.

We'll see what happens tomorrow!

May 25, 2009 - Bonding in the bathtub part 3

It didn't go particularly well or not well. There was still no chasing. Kirby grunted once. Toby poked his nose in Kirby's fur again and this time came out with a mouthful of fur. :( Kirby seemed more stressed to begin with. They refused to sit next to each other, as Kirby would walk away.

The session was short on the account of Kirby starting to dig in the tub. Poor baby.


Let me out!

Toby is hooked on freedom. 2 nights ago I put him back in his cage as I do every night. Nope, he was not having it. I kept hearing him rattle the cage door with his teeth. I went in the rabbit room and wagged my finger at him and pushed his pokey nose back in. No use. Next morning at dawn the little guy had his revenge. He made so much noise that it woke me up next door. I opened the door for him and let him have the run of the pen. Little guy... all grown up with attitude. I left the door open for him last night and all was well. Seems like he's grownup big enough to not get stuck in the play pen's fence anymore so I feel better about letting him out unsupervised.
May 26, 2009 - kirby'z blogz vol. 6

hi! Kirby the King bun is back. mommy is taking a break. she's been up to no good, i tell you. that'z why i made her the slave:shock: she has been putting my royal buns in the tub! confounded smell! so slippery and what for! then she put Sir Toby down here withme. We must escape!

Toby and I were thinking about it when... she pushed our buns together. why, i never... how stinky is he? he stuck his nose into my fur and took some as a souvenir. :nerves1how terrible! it hurt! ouch! mommy!!!

i started to think the only way out was to dig! but then mommy put me back into my home. i don't like it in the tub :cry1:tell mommy not to put me there anymore? i'll be a good little king, i promise.i look at everything all the time. i keep good watch, don't i?
kirby'z blogz vol. 6 - kontinuez

well mommie didn't put me in the tubbers today. She put me on the fluffy stuff bed.Toby kept sniffing my bunz.i am taller than him,i am bigger than him. he hears me roarz! Toby tried to roar at me but he is silly, he makes no noise. I just see this mouth open. heehee. listen here, Toby, i am da king bun here. you better be good or i'm going to tell mommy on you. Growl.

i really let Toby have it today. i snuffed him a good one or two. mommy kept telling me to be nice. but i don't like him sniffing my bunz and biting my furz. they are my bunz and my furz. this is my mommy. this is my daddy's fluffy stuff bed. this is my stuff. Toby is mine too. but i don't like him sniffing my stuff :cry1:

mommy gave me 2x more treats today. i was really mad and I gave her my angry bunz.

i was less mad after the craisin and papaya tabbie. she pet me lots and put her face on my nose. :blushan:i like that. she fed me another 2 craisins. i liked that too. :biggrin2:eek:k so i'm not mad at mommy anymore.

looka this pic. that's wires and other stinky stuff. kidz. whaddya gonna do. i told him not to go there. :?


k - bye everyone. help tell my mommy i don't like the tub!


Sigh. These two don't seem to get along when put together. Kirby and Toby did a slight bit of circling today. Mostly they walked around with their eyes bulging because of the strange place (my bed).Toby likes to sniff at Kirby's tail or poke his nose at his midriff. Every so often he'd pluck out a few loose furs and it would upset Kirby. Kirby takes a minute to set up but he goes head-to-head with Toby and he pounces onhim. I clearly heard him grunt when he had Toby underneath him. What should I do? Should I keep allowing them to work it out?

There are no injuries to either rabbit. They just don't seem to really get along.

:grumpy:What should I do?

Here are some recent pix.

They like to sniff at each other harmlessly and quite happily when separated by a fence.

Toby takes a sip of water

"I'm melting...!"

Evil Buneevil prepares for the leap of courage!

"O,your Rabbit Highness, I'm not worthy..."

P.S. Don't worry, I don't let Toby play near the wires unattended. It was just a cute shot of him climbing the basket and Kirby was looking on, seeing what mischief his royal subject was engaging in...
May 26, 2009 - Bonding session #4

Not so positive today. Put them on the bed again and they were at first looking around the place, then suddenly in a flash there was fur everywhere. Kirby usually goes for a pounce and he backs up. Toby goes in with his teeth and he keeps going. I have I pull him off Kirby by his hind legs (both legs at once). Kirby lost a bunch of fur again, but he wouldn't let up. I already had Toby under my arms to keep him down and safe but Kirby pounced a 2nd time. By the time I had my husband remove Toby, Kirby was so stressed out that he wouldn't stop digging.

It was a little bit sad. I think I will let it rest for a couple of days and try again maybe Friday or Saturday night. I will put them back in the tub and use a squirt bottle to try to keep them under control.

Sigh. It's not very encouraging... What to do...:nerves1

June 1, 2009 - It's Kirby Time!

"I've been a good boy, why no craisin?"

"hi hi it's private time"

Lazy time


Sneezy time? :cry1:

Awesome pictures!

So sorry the bonding isn't going so well right now. When I started bonding my trio there was quite a bit of fur flying too.

Have you tried switching cages, or at least litter boxes? When I was bonding I had the bunny room seperated into 2 seperate sections. What I would do is every night I switched who stayed in what area. That way they start getting used to the other bunnies smell being all over their stuff. That reallly seemed to help for me. If you can't have them switch cages/areas completly, I have heard that you can just switch litter boxes instead.

I know the fur pulling is discouraging, but don't give up hope! It might just take you awhile to get them to get along. As long as they arn't drawing blood it's okay. My bunnies (2 males and a female) did a lot of fur pulling at first and it took me 3 months to fully bond them, but they are doing great together now.
Dragonrain wrote:
Have you tried switching cages, or at least litter boxes?
Hmm! I haven't done this yet, but pretty sure Kirby would have a fit. Whenever we so much as close the door to his pen, he freaks out and rattles the door as if his life depended on it.

It broke my heart to see Kirby so sad when I was putting them together... so now I have backed off... I have them back in their own pens next to each other. :expressionless

I don't know... I think I will give them some more time next to each other. Their interaction has changed a bit since the small fights in the tub. They seem to want to see each other even more than before.
Nothing wrong with taking a break. If they can see and smell each other then that should help them get use to each other too. When you're ready you could start bonding sessions again. :)

I definatly understand how frustrating it is. There where so many times I thought of giving up when I was working with the trio. It's well worth it though when/if they finally bond! After having bonded bunnies, I don't think I'd ever keep a single rabbit again unless I had one that really seemed to hate the company.
June 8, 2009 - Updates

Yeah I have let them rest in their own places. Kirby seems less interested in Toby :( Toby is doing his own thing. Kirby has his Condo and hangs out there a lot. He only comes down when I am in the room. Only when he is on the floor can he see Toby in his pen.

On another note I coudln't help it - I brought Toby to my bed and let him run around on it. He totally claimed it as his own, chinning everywhere. He hung out a few times and last time he started to do bunny 500's around and binky. Well, there goes one bonding arena. Unless maybe I change the sheets. lol

June 8, 2009 - Toby's growing up

Oh... why hello...

I'm too sexy to show you my... you know.

Where's the lettuce I dropped?

Silly bunnies.

Kirby is 2.5 yrs old and Toby is 3 months old.

I really want to get them bonded but it's been nuts at work and I don't have as much time at home the last 2 weeks. I don't want to do it halfway and confuse the buns instead of allowing them to develop good feelings for each other. Maybe once things settle down a bit I'll be able to do a better job.

On a different note there was a terrible thunderstorm in the NYC area last night. I woke up from thunderclaps and the bunnies were spooked. Poor things. Kirby was scared even by morning. Kirby is a fraidy cat but it was a really loud storm. I'd say worst one in a while. :(
kirbyultra wrote:
I really want to get them bonded but it's been nuts at work and I don't have as much time at home the last 2 weeks. I don't want to do it halfway and confuse the buns instead of allowing them to develop good feelings for each other. Maybe once things settle down a bit I'll be able to do a better job.
Maybe you should check out my blogs. See the torment mine have put me through. It could help build some confidence. I would hold off till Toby is older and fixed.