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July 26 - A rabbit slave loses her iPhone

I lost my iPhone in a cab today. Didn't even realize it for a few hours. When I called my phone it went straight to voicemail. I had my phone fully charged this morning so it's not possible to even say it was out of battery. Someone definitely picked it up and turned it off. Jerkface!!!!

I don't even like Apple products. I only bought the iPhone because it has an awesome web camviewer app so I can watch my buns all day at work real time. :( I spent another 600 buckeroos on the new iPhone 3G S because I am not eligible for upgrade pricing.

When I realized I lost it I frantically went online changing all my passwords only to totally forget what I changed them to and spent the rest of the night trying to figure them out.

The jerk who took my phone: I hope your dispicable act was worth it. Your hair will fall out, you'll fall on your face and buddy, what goes around comes around so if I were you I'd hold on tight to my wallet

at least the jerk didn't do anything malicious on my phone given how many passwords I stored in the apps. I am almost sure I have checked everything and changed all my passwords. I also set a pin on my new phone so you can't just unlock the screen and get total access anymore.

I can't even believe someone would take my phone :( it's so immoral. It's stealing, really :( I could never take something so valuable to someone and not at least make a decent effort to find it's owner. All my email and contacts was on it - it would not have been hard to find me if the person wanted to but they turned my phone off (hence why I got voicemail when I dialed my number) so clearly there was no intention of returning it. ;(

I just can't go through the day not seeing my bunnies. They keep me sane. I had to buy a new one. Apple Inc has taken a lot of money from me this year :(

Aww, I'm sorry you lost your phone. It's not a good feeling! Luckily, I've always found mine, or had it returned. I can't believe they would just take the phone! I mean, it's not like it would be hard to find the owner (look in the numbers and call "home"). What a jerk!
July 27, 2009 - Binkies Galore

Toby was being a rat today. he wouldn't stop chewing on the gate. I finally scooped him up and took him to bed. He explored a bit, dug at our blankets a bit... And then the bed binkies began. He jumped this way and that, threw his bunny bum around. There were straight up in the air binkies and bunny 500s. Sir Toby was certainly filled with bunny joy. But as soon as I grabbed my camera, he suddenly didn't know why he was there. He began digging and looking for hidden treasures again. No binkies were to be found on camera :( what a bun!

Kirby has been shedding bigtime. Real bad in the last 24 hours. He seems to have a pattern of losing his soft furry fur first. Then another couple of weeks later he sheds the longer fur. He doesn't have any "course" furs but those would be the ones coming off this week. Furs everywhere. A few pets and my hand's just an animal of it's own. He seems a bit sad, but that's to be expected I guess, of a shedding bun. Poor baby. I am reducing his pellets to get him to eat more hay. Giving him a bit more greens and a papaya tablet to keep him happy.

Toby is a lot of fun as a baby bun filled with energy and curiosity. But the love I get from Kirby... Well there's nothing quite like it. Toby will learn one day. :)

kirbyultra wrote:
... as soon as I grabbed my camera, he suddenly didn't know why he was there. He began digging and looking for hidden treasures again. No binkies were to be found on camera :( what a bun!
I've found that my rabbits know when the camera is "on" versus "off" and will only do their spectacular stunts while it is off. I figured out that they can see the recording light on the front of the camera while it is taking video. Plus, when you press the button to focus the camera (for photos), the light comes on while it's focusing. They see the light and freeze. My guy poses for cameras, though. I'll post that funny little story in my blog.

I'm glad that your Toby is a little explosion of joy! That is, until someone is watching with a camera! ;)
July 28, 2009 - Sir Toby discovers the Internet

"MOMMY! I found a website of our home!!!"

"What are these Kirby pics? No pictures of me? That's it! I'm outta here...."

"Sir Toby uses special camoflage...disappear into cyberspace..."

myheart wrote:
Oh gosh.... So much has been happening with your guys, and I've missed so much.... :(. I'll have to spend some time catching up on everyone's blogs when I get my laptop back. I am sneaking some time on the computer at work, and it is blocking all of the pictures. :(I really want to see all of the new photos of Kirby and Toby!! :pI'll have to post more about how cute they are in a few weeks...

myheart, can't wait till you're back! A lot has changed, but everyone's still healthy and happy. Hope to hear some updates on your Trio and Andy soon!
July 28 still - quality time petting King Kirby

I was lying on the floor in his pen when he flopped over right next to my head. I got some funny flop shots of him. That's a dead bunny flop if I ever saw one.



Kirby gets really flat for me :hearts:



I got a video of the little terror, Toby, attempting to nip at Kirby's tail! Waiting for it to upload...


Hehe sometimes on video when the lighting isn't good, all you see moving onscreen are his white bunny lips lol
July 29, 2009 - Sigh

Toby and I had a big big fight. He was a very naughty bun today. I am so sad. :bawl:
I took him out to the living room. He ran around, then we went to the kitchen. Everything was cool. Then he ran under the couch (non-bunny zone) and he wouldn't come out. I had a real tough come getting him back out and he just kept giving me a hard time. Ended up yelling at him. It was not a happy day. :cry1:

And look what he did to Kirby! You can just barely see it on the left but you can actually see the fear in Kirby's eyes before he hops off... he was so intent on it. I can't believe Toby got off the floor just to bite Kirby :(

Aww, poor Kirby! Naughty Toby! Hormonal bunnies can be the worst to "control", or at least get along with. When we had our foster mini-rex, she was such a bad bun! Once she was spayed, she was like a totally different girl! She could (and would) get under our couch and we couldn't get her out. After awhile, I bought "the bunny stick", which is a yard stick that I use to shoo them out from under areas that I don't want them. It even has the words "the bunny stick" written on it in permanent markers!

:p Food for thought! lol
kirbyultra wrote:
myheart wrote:
Oh gosh.... So much has been happening with your guys, and I've missed so much.... :(. I'll have to spend some time catching up on everyone's blogs when I get my laptop back. I am sneaking some time on the computer at work, and it is blocking all of the pictures. :(I really want to see all of the new photos of Kirby and Toby!! :pI'll have to post more about how cute they are in a few weeks...

myheart, can't wait till you're back! A lot has changed, but everyone's still healthy and happy. Hope to hear some updates on your Trio and Andy soon!

Thanks for the good vibes. I have been able to keep caught up on a few blogs, but I don't spend as much time as I was able to with my laptop. My desktop is still running 98 and is so slow. I just don't have the patience anymore for slow electronics...:p

I love the new pics of Kirby all flattened out for you. His DBF just made my heart skip a beat because he looked so "dead".... Loved the video of Toby catching Kirby's tail. I know Toby is being naughty, but his attempts at naughtiness made me giggle. Your boys are just too cute. :D

kirbyultra wrote:
And look what he did to Kirby! You can just barely see it on the left but you can actually see the fear in Kirby's eyes before he hops off... he was so intent on it. I can't believe Toby got off the floor just to bite Kirby :(
Toby had such a look of innocence on his face at the end, like what? I didn't do nuthin.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
kirbyultra wrote:
And look what he did to Kirby! You can just barely see it on the left but you can actually see the fear in Kirby's eyes before he hops off... he was so intent on it. I can't believe Toby got off the floor just to bite Kirby :(
Toby had such a look of innocence on his face at the end, like what? I didn't do nuthin.

I know! It KILLS me! I don't know whether to be mad to laugh. But I then saw how scared Kirby was and I got mad at Toby...
myheart wrote:
I love the new pics of Kirby all flattened out for you. His DBF just made my heart skip a beat because he looked so "dead".... Loved the video of Toby catching Kirby's tail. I know Toby is being naughty, but his attempts at naughtiness made me giggle. Your boys are just too cute. :D

Yah, he nearly stopped my heart the first time he ever DBF'ed. It's all very sudden, and then the eyeballs are not quite oriented right and it just looks wrong. But it feels so right - for him :)
Bunny eyes seem to bug out or roll when they do DBFs. Our old foster did them, and that was the only time you'd see the "whites" of her eyes.
He rarely ever DBFs to be honest. He usually half-flops/loafs/chicken-mode. That's why I was beyond shocked when he flopped right next to me. He's really trusting me now and feels safe with me nearby. I took the pictures from such an odd position because I knew if I got up he'd un-flop and I'd miss my photo op.

Kirby sometimes gets really, really scared (like when I am clipping his nails or when he's being terrorized by Toby during bonding sessions) and his eyes just bug out and you can see the whites of his eyes :privateeyesHe is truly an anxious bun.

Kirby's definition of happiness is safety and security.

Toby's definition of happiness is jumping off high places and scaring the cr@p out of mommy.:shame

What fur kids I have. :pullhair:

August 1, 2009 - Another Infirmiry post

I've finally worked up enough anxiety to post in the Infirmiry about Kirby's incessant scratching:

I'm worried about him but I don't want to overwork myself into thoughts of paranoia. ...It's just that I am almost certain Kirby never used to scratch his ear so darn much. I tried to get a video of him doing the crazy scratching but he wouldn't do it with the camera rolling. :pI sure hope it's not mites of any kind. Hope it's just from his furry shedding and my paranoia.

It's good to keep a frequent bunny blog, actually. I can provide a pretty good timeline history of events for my buns. I was able to pretty easily pinpoint when Kirby last went to the vet, when I went on vacation, when he started to scratch just by reviewing my own blogs. Ah, sometimes I love technology.

