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Ah yeah I'm right outside of NYC so we got the thunderstorms too. I like the thunder so I enjoyed it. I had to run into the bunny room to close their window so the rain wouldn't get in and the bunnies seemed spooked. I'm not sure if they where nervous because of the thunder or if I just suprised them running into their room.
JadeIcing wrote:
kirbyultra wrote:
I really want to get them bonded but it's been nuts at work and I don't have as much time at home the last 2 weeks. I don't want to do it halfway and confuse the buns instead of allowing them to develop good feelings for each other. Maybe once things settle down a bit I'll be able to do a better job.
Maybe you should check out my blogs. See the torment mine have put me through. It could help build some confidence. I would hold off till Toby is older and fixed.
Whereabouts is your bonding? Is it in this year's blog btw? lol I love your bunny pics. I :heartsyour trio!!!
June 13, 2009 - Vet Visit For Sneezing

Can't believe it's mid June already. It should be summertime but it's so dreary out.

Kirby's been sneezing more than usual lately. Took him to see the vet today. They think it could be because Toby brought some pet store bacteria with him, causing him a little infection, but there's no discharge. The vet isn't too concerned about it but put him on a course of Baytril.

Kirby's doing all right. He didn't like the fruit flavored Baytril. It is very sticky, I had a real hard time getting him to eat it with some other food. I think tomorrow I'll try to get him to eat it by mixing it into some pumpkin.

June 15, 2009 - Boy this kid is smart

Yesterday I mixed in some pumpkin with the baytril and attmpted to get Kirby to eat it. He turned his nose up at it. I decided to change strategy. I gave him some plain pumpkin. He munched at it right away. Then I scooped a spoonful of the medicated pumpkin on top in between his bites. He leaned down, took a sniff and immediately turned away from it. It got me so frustrated, my husband laughed and said that we have a smart kid and I underestimate him... just my luck.

Well I left it there to see if he'd eventually eat it. He did, thankfully. But once he got to the medicated part he would eat it much more slowly. Last night I decided to hide the medicated pumpkin underneath unmedicated pumpkin. He started to eat it and the stopped midway. Why am I not surprised? He ate the rest eventually, but again, with much hesitance.

I am afraid tablespoon of pumpkin per dose, twice a day would be too much in the way of traats for him. This morning I decided to warm up the pumpkin to make it a little more fragrant. I gave him 3/4 tbspn and mixed in the baytril. He ate that up after some time passed. I'm sure he still smells the fruity baytril in it.

Other than an extra cecal and smaller, wetter poops, no bad signs yet. I bet all that is from the excess feed of pumpkin, not the baytril. I'll have to watch him more.

June 25, 2009 - What a day

Farrah and MJ both gone on the same day? Spooky. What a loss for the entertainment world. MJ was so sudden too.

On Saturday I'll be going on vacay to Hawaii for the first time. Will be chillaxating in Maui. I'm long overdue for a truly relaxing vacation, but I will miss my buns very, very much. My brother's bunnysitting again for 5 days. I come back before July 4, but I know North Korea's still got their eyes on us. Back off, North Korea. You are screwing around with the wrong nation.

Updates on the buns:

King Kirby: His Rabbit Highness' sneezies have subsided. He went through 10 days of baytril-filled pumpkin and is doing well. He ate well throughout, no troubles. I truly think Kirby has bonded with me after 7 months of being together. He trusts me now. He finds happiness with me and no longer finds me to be a threat. He tolerates being held much more now. He will even (relatively) behave during grooming and nail cutting. And after those events he won't even give me the butt. Not even after being taken to the vet. He faces me all the time and offers me his head for petting. I am so happy. We've come so far from when he first came home that I can't even believe it myself. He's made me so happy, more happy than I ever though imaginable. He's the King of my heart :blushan:

Toby: Toby's been on and off lately. I feel like he must be starting to get hormonal. He was very neat with his litter box for a few weeks and all of a sudden in the last 10 days or so he's become a little monster. Every morning I'd find a bunch of poops all over the floor and on top of his hidey box. He's not peeing everywhere at least, but he is much more naughty it seems.
I took him to the bed for him to run around freely on the mattress this evening and as I put him back in his cage he flew out of my arms (giving me major claw marks) and landed very badly. He went "splat", half in the litter box, half out. The side of the litterbox is taller than he is standing up, which means his stomach took the brunt of that fall. It freaked me out. He seems to be ok, though. I felt him all over, nothing seems out of place. He is still sorta running around. He just pooped and then ate hay. I'll have to check on him maybe in the middle of the night to see if he's ok or not. It worries me, I'm sure a fall like that could cause internal injury... I read somewhere (I think someone's post) that their 4 month old baby bun jumped off the kitchen counter and broke his spine and then passed away. I am so afraid Toby might do something like that... :nerves1:nerves1:nerves1

I just read about little Toby in the Infirmary... :shock:How frightful to have a rabbit jump unexpectedly!!! I guess that isthe lesson.... to expect the unexpected. I hope Toby continues to do well without signs of trauma before and during your vacation. :pray:

Glad to hear that Kirby trusts you so much and that you wrote about it. I go back through my blogs on occasion just to remind my self of such moments. I was so proud of my Luna when she came to me for comfort during an outside adventure. There is nothing in the world that compares to the moment when your pet trusts you with all of their heart, because that is when you that they have become part of your heart. :hearts:

June 27

I'm in salt lake city waiting for a transfer to Maui. My brother told me Kirby is scratching one ear a lot. He says it's red. I think some kinda bug bit him, maybe a mosquito? :( I checked the inside of his ears before I left and it was clean. He's an indoor bun so I don't even know how it could be mites. But mosquitoes do fly into my apartment. Sigh I'm so worried. What can my brother do to alleviate whatever is itching kirby? He is scratching so much. I'm afraid he'll break skin. :(

Toby and kirby are driving their bunny sitter, my brother, nuts.

Toby is starting to be hormonal. He is totally peeing in places he didn't used to. He reportedly chewed some of Kirby's fur right off from his side of the cage. Sigh.

There's not much that we can do. I'll be home Friday, then I can check on Toby and see if he's ok to neuter yet. Toby is being quite crazy according to my brother, but it could be subjective. He's so used to Kirby, so calm and sweet, that Toby in comparison is pretty hyper and unpredictable. This is the first time he's bunnysit for Toby.

Poor guy, he's totally confused lol.
July 9, 2009

This picture is just hilarious. I got it from lolcatz


The buns are doing okie dokie. I started giving Toby a bitty bit of romaine from Kirby's salad at feeding time. He wuvs lettuce :)I think I can use it to make him learn his name. He doesn't get any treats at all yet. He only gets pellets and hay. I wanna make him plump :biggrin2:

July 14, 2009 - Sir Toby gets his charms

Yep, I found Toby's bunny "bits" the other day. His behavior, besides being a bit poopy in his pen, is manageable. He doesn't pee everywhere (yet) and hasn't shown any aggression. He is just very active, his usual self.

I've decided so far as his behavior doesn't change dramatically to wait for him to be about 6 months before neutering him. He's just my little tiny baby. I have trouble with the thought of putting him under a knife. If he doesn't pose a risk to himself, I will let him be until he is a bit older.

Here are some new pics of Sir Toby. King Kirby pics will be updated one day soon! I've been having a lot of fun playing with the buns lately, and haven't been focusing much on snapping pics. Ever since I got back from Hawaii, we've been inseparable :blushan:

"Hi mommy. I'm a good boy. Can I have a craisin, like Kirby? Please?"

"I think the craisins were over here..."

"Hmmm... where could they be..."

"I'm confused..."

It's not easy being Sir Toby...

Sometimes, the best things are free... like a little bunny nap...

King Kirby says: "Sometimes I take a nappie too..."

July 17, 2009 - kirby'z blogz vol. 7


Hi it's me, Kirby again! Oh,i am so scared! Sir Toby is being a traitor! He is supposed to be my ally, my bunny ally but he is attacking me lately... He keeps eating my foodz and biting my fur off my bunz even though fence! Mommy opened my pen to let me stretch my legs andi went to sniff him up but he kept trying to chew me up. What has happened...i thought Toby was my buddy. Or he was going to be... Nowi am not so sure. :nerves1

Mommy picked him up and accidentally dropped him into my pen and then he was running all over and eating my tent and playing with my bell ball! Nyahhhh! buti was so scared of him! Mommy chased him out quick but he climbed all over her and she yelled at him. he's suuuuuch a bad bunny! mommy tells me i am a good bun. :hearts

Mommy got me a new toy! it's pretty fun. it's called a jolly ball. it's really big. i can go in the hole and sleep there. See?

Toby wants it too but he's so mean.Wheni am hanging out near the jolly ball he comes over and bites my bunz. :twitch:mommy said she'll buy him his own later.

yeah and now mommy feeds him a leaf from my salad every day... i am losing food! see?

mommy says i am too plump and she won't feed me all the pellets i used to get. :grumpy:and now toby gets one leaf from my salad! eeeeee! but whyyyyy? but mommy did buy me some yummmmmerly orchard hay. i wuv that. and she pets me eeeeextra lots lately. i like that... :blushan:

one time mommy wasn't home yet but she forgot to lock his door and he hopped out and started to run around my kingdom. it was terrible. he went all over the place, even no-bunny-zone! noooobody goes to no-bunny-zone! good thing mommy came home in time to stop him. mommy has left my door unlocked before. but i stay inside like a good bun should... i hope Toby stops being a bad bun soon. i would like my buddy back :cry1:

k bye!

