King Kirby's Rabbit Nation

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kirbyultra wrote:
Oh my goodness, she is just lovely. My Kirby is neutered so I suppose it was just not meant to be :biggrin2:It is really amazing how much they look alike though. Is your bunny a very shy bunny too? Kirby sure is. Thanks for posting a pic. It really made my day!
Yeah she's shy too. She doesn't like being picked up and will throw a squeaking fit like she's being hurt but she's not.
kirby doesn't squeak. He hates being held generally but will tolerate it if I've got him securely. Kirby does grunt if I try to pick him up a few times and fail (he runs away). I guess we have similar buns :)
kirbyultra wrote:
KookieKing wrote:
I stole your Kirby!

OH MY GOD! :shock::shock::shock:Where did you get him?!?!?! WOW! It's AMAZING how much he looks like Kirby. Right down to the white mark and the 1 white paw. Compare to my avatar. Literally mirror images LOL! I wanted to get one just like Kirby but couldn't find them anywhere. But Toby is a good boy too. :biggrin2:
There mirror imagens of each other. I was like man thats crazy
Elf Mommy wrote:
Do you need me to rename your blog? Let me know if you come up with something :D

I don't think that we are ready to rename yet. Kirby isn't ready to give up his blog yet and share :(

Maybe one day!
May 17, 2009 - Bunny Spa Day

The Shelter where I adopted Kirby from ran a fundraiser event today. Bunny Spa Day! It was a wonderful opportunity to get Kirby out a little (he's such a homebody though) and get: nails trimmed, fur brushed, scent glands cleaned, and last but not least, a super bunny massage!

Kirby loved the massage. He doesn't like being held but he really became a mush and enjoyed this massage and I'm so glad because he deserves a little R&R. The nail trimming and scent gland cleaning were a cinch. I keep his nails short these days after he cracked and bled a nail a few weeks ago. And Kirby has always been a clean freak. He smells perfect all the time. It's no wonder they found Kirby's scent glands squeaky clean.

The grooming was a different story. He didn't enjoy that much. Started to run around and away from the lovely lady trying to groom him. "I am already beautiful", I think he thought. :biggrin2:Well he started to dig and when that happens, all bets are off. Kirby is really freaking out if he starts to try to dig his way out. He came home happily and is now a super lazy bunny, once again overwatching his kingdom.

The people running the fundraiser were talking about when I first came to see the bunnies at the shelter and we all thought back to Kirby's story. Poor kiddo, left out in a hutch by his previous owner for just being who he is - a rabbit! Well, I don't understand it. They claimed he was a messy bun but Kirby is anything but. I can almost always count on Kirby to be **** n span clean in his area. I never have to worry about his bum or his face and ears. He always, always, always RUNS to his littler box to do his business. He would poop a couple in his favorite spots for marking, but that's all. He's never peed where he shouldn't. I don't understand how anyone could claim Kirby was a mess. He is an absolute dream of a pet bunny. Don't worry Kirby, mommy is always with you.:coolness:

May 17, 2009

The King is slumbering. Whatever your business is, come back later.

Small rabbit thinks he's a parrot

"Iam victorious! I haveconquered mommy!"

Conquests are hard work. Time for a nap.

Silly rabbits...:p


May 18, 2009

Oh I do think Kirby and Toby will be getting along one day. Today, I took Toby out to the living room to watch tv with me. We watched most of Gossip Girl together and he had about enough of me so I put him back in his pen. OH, Kirby was so excited to see Toby back in the room! I've never seen him binky in his condo before!

He binkied right up on the 3rd floor of the condo and thenran down the ramps. He didn't even hit the first floor, he jumped from the bottom ramp to the play pen floor in one leap and started to flick his ears and run around binkying all about! It was such a sight to see Kirby so alive!

They procceeded to sniff each other through the fence again. I am careful about the amount of contact they're allowed (due to Toby's health conditions) so they can only sniff when I push their fences together. They sniffed each other up and Kirby got nervous and backed off a few times but he was clearly happy. He was running around a bit, stopping to look at Toby. He watched as I gave Toby his meds through a syringe.

Then Kirby did something I've never seen before. He was eating hay out of his basket and started to dig all the hay out of the basket. It made a huge ruckus but he seemed to have a lot of fun so I didn't scold him or stop him. He munched loudly and proudly for a few minutes then ran up to the 3rd floor and immediately *PLOP* dead-bunny-flopped on the floor. I'm so happy Kirby is enjoying himself. I know getting Toby was right. Even though they're apart right now, I can see the twinkle in Kirby's eyes. He's smitten!

Here's a pic of him lying on the floor all happy this morning!


May 18, 2009

News Flash: King Kirby Has Conquered All the Lands


King Kirby has expanded his Dreamland to encompass the Rabbit Nation. The subjects of the Rabbit Nation ( Population: 2 [Sir Toby the Faithful, and Helen the Slave]) bow to his Majesty's every whim!

LOL - Kirby is quite pleased. Thanks Autumn!

May 20, 2009

I have to weigh him later but does Kirby look like he's a bit chub to you? I think that fold in the hind leg is muscle, not fat... do bunnies look like that if they are getting to fat? Or just stronger?


I weighed the fluffer. He's about 5.5-5.6 lb. Yay! When I got him he was 5.7. He dipped down to just over 5 lbs when he was having some molting and gut slowdown issues. He looks so muscular now.

Maybe it's also the contrast I have now with Toby. Toby is so easy to handle. No struggling. When I hold Kirby, hefeels very dense like he'sall muscle, wiggling all about. I really have to hold him tight to make him feel secure.

Kirby has been working out! He must think Toby is a lady and is trying to impress him LOL :rollseyes
May 20, 2009 - Oops

Last night I was walking around Kirby's pen, tidying it up a bit... he was running around all over the place and...well... there's no good way to put it. I almost stepped on him. I clipped him in the midriff with my ankle. Poor thing let out a grunt. I'm so sorry, Kirby. Mommy didn't mean it. I'll be more careful, honey...

I looked him over and monitored him for a while. He looks ok, I seem to have shoved him a bit but nothing is broken or bruised. He is fine today, still running all about.

Man, I feelguilty though. I once sorta, with my pinky toe,stepped on the tip of his front paw. He did not react or make a noise. He was ok, I didn't hurt him. But I felt so bad the whole night about it. He's so fast and I can't ever tell if I am backing up if he's there. :expressionless

Your bunnies are adorable!

Kirby looks so fimilar for some reason! Was he listed on petfinder or anything before you got him? I'm just outside of NYC in NJ, and even though I already have three bunnies, I keep my eyes out on the local bunny rescues as well as petfinder and craigslist. But anyways, both your boys are soo cute!

I noticed that it looks like Kirby has a leith petwerks condo? Would you mind if I ask which size it is, and how he (and you!) likes it? My trio have their own room and are never caged now that they are all bonded, but I think it would be nice for them to have a big cage too. If for nothing else, than to give them some more ariel space- I think they'd like the levels. I am planning on getting the 48' 3 story condo for them sometime in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully they like it and it works out well, because it's pretty expensive!
Dragonrain wrote:
Your bunnies are adorable!

Kirby looks so fimilar for some reason! Was he listed on petfinder or anything before you got him? I'm just outside of NYC in NJ, and even though I already have three bunnies, I keep my eyes out on the local bunny rescues as well as petfinder and craigslist. But anyways, both your boys are soo cute!

I noticed that it looks like Kirby has a leith petwerks condo? Would you mind if I ask which size it is, and how he (and you!) likes it? My trio have their own room and are never caged now that they are all bonded, but I think it would be nice for them to have a big cage too. If for nothing else, than to give them some more ariel space- I think they'd like the levels. I am planning on getting the 48' 3 story condo for them sometime in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully they like it and it works out well, because it's pretty expensive!

Hmm, I don't think he was on petfinder. He was at SafeHaven Rabbit Rescue. They have a very cute website with pix of each rabit up for adoption. I am finding that there are lots of rabbits out there that look like Kirby. Besides KookieKing's beautiful girl, I also found a little bun in HK at a pet shop for sale who looked like he could be Kirby's son. Same black fur and very similar white markings on the mouth, neck andpaw. I wouldn't say it's "common" to see this type of rabbit but I have come to grips with reality that my Kirby is not the only one of his kind :?There really is only one King Kirby though hehe

The condo is pretty good! Kirby took a liking to it right away. Kirby has half of one bedroom and he shares the other half of the room with Toby. They are not bonded so they are separated. Kirby goes into the condo to use his litter box (ground lobby floor) and to eat hay (2nd floor dining hall) and to basically sleep (the King's master suite). It's big enough to even fita hidey house up there. Sometimes he sleeps in the play pen but he often likes to sleep in the little corner by the window (you see him there in some of my pix). He really likes to stare out the window and I like that the 48" 3 level condo gives him the height to see through the window. Also, the 3rd floor puts him right at my eye level so I can get a good look at him without bending down or getting on the floor. If it gets too warm and sunny he knows to go downstairs for some shade. I think both he and I like it quite a bit.All the condo doors are open and unlocked all the time so hecomes and goes as he pleases.The only thing tough about a 48" cage is that I'm a small and short woman so it's hard to reeeeach into those corners and give it a good scrub when I am cleaning the cage.

The condo comes with removable floor mats which I have had to remove. Kirby is a chewer and he ate quite a bit of it :( The mats on the ramps are not removable and Kirby chews on those every so often but only when he is displeased with his slave. It gives him good traction to run up and down.

A bun of Kirby's size is quite comfy in the condo, so long as that's not the only area they are allowed because it's not enough to really stretch their legs. I think your guys would like it. It would be so funny to see 3 bunnies, one on each floor.
Oh! By the way, the exit ramp is additional! Doesn't come with the condo. Kirby can get in and out of the condo without it just fine, but it's so much easier for the bunny with a ramp. Also funny to see him binky from the inside of the condo and land outside in the play pen. It'll only happen with a ramp there!
May 21, 2009 - King Kirby... has a sister? Maybe?

I just read KookieKing's blog and I think it's undeniable. I think my Kirby and Kat's Mitsuki are from the same litter.

I'm so shocked right now I don't even know what else to say!

Hah! I might have read the post wrong. Kookie is gonna be 3, not Mitsuki. Sigh, oh well... excite was cool while it lasted. I think someone's out there in Jersey breeding Kirby lookalikes though... there can't be that big a coincidence.
Just popping in to pay homage to HRH Kirby, and give Toby a virtual pat.
Maybe give Slave Helen 30 lashes for not getting a twin for HRH Kirby LOL j/k

I would swear the two were twins! Are you guys positive on the timing?
