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Not sure what he is planning, Kirby, but I think you should start interrogating him ASAP!!! Like... where did he come from, how come he is so cute, is he going to be your new friend while mom and dad are at work...? Fill us in when you find out, okay?
Oh my goodness! They are both adorable!
Kirby, have you found out who this new interloper is yet?:mrsthumper:
May 4, 2009 - kirby'z blogz vol. 4

Kirby the bun! reporting the latest on the tresspassing fool. i do believe he is auditioning for the part of Court Jester. he's pretty good at it, i'll give him that. i can't be bothered with him all the time. mommy does a good job of shooing him away when he tries to wiggle into my castle. mommy and daddy were at work and he kept me interested for some time.

he defecates everywhere, how uncivil! well, one good thing is mommy picks him up more often than me and that's ok by me!! she still comes in to play with me and pets me all the time. boy am i getting extra treats for making sad faces. hee hee hee :biggrin2:

he is an odd one... he may stick around a while. i might even like him...if he keeps up the funnies. :twitch:


he took a couple swipes at me too! who does he think he is??! mommy!!!!! mommy keeps him away so he doesn't come by my place and try to chin it all up. he jumps around all over the land and puts his stinky smell everywhere. at least mommy puts him away and lets me out to put MY mark back on the land. hah!

i've got my eyes on you....don't you forget it!


You do have to admit, Kirby, that the new guy is cute, but you are definitely handsome. :pNew guy is cute in a little kid kind of way. He sure does throw a lot of little head binkies out there, doesn't he? Btw.... does new guy have a name yet?

Oh Kirby is just teasing. He adores his new friend. The little guy is the one who is a bit aggressive. My Kirby needs a lot of security and protection. He is a very nervous bunny. The lil one definitely interests him but he is also quite scared of him getting close.

Baby bun doesn't have a name yet! He is also pending a gender confirmation :) he has potential to be a snuggle bun. He is not a biter and relatively well behaved. No one is quite as mellow and well mannered as Kirby but I think the lil one will fit in eventually.
May 5, 2009 - Baby bun gets a name

Good news! My husband and I have named him! Meet Toby, everyone!


Kirby and Toby :) :) my lovelies!

Kirby is a little less eager to share his room ("kingdom") with his new buddy.


"oh no mommy... do i have to share?"

Kirby, you'll be fine :biggrin2:
Oh my gosh your Bunnies are Adorable.

Kirby is just the most handsome bunny and little Toby looks like he can get into lots of mischief.

In the one video Kirby was playing with some type of wooden blocks, where did you get those from? I bet some of my gang would love those.


missyscove wrote:
Congratulations on Toby!

Kirby, if it doesn't work out, you can always come stay with me.

It ain't gonna happen missy :biggrin2:Kirby's mine!

SOOOSKA wrote:
Oh my gosh your Bunnies are Adorable.

Kirby is just the most handsome bunny and little Toby looks like he can get into lots of mischief.

In the one video Kirby was playing with some type of wooden blocks, where did you get those from? I bet some of my gang would love those.



Thanks!!! Kirby is my Mr. Gorgeous and Toby so far has been just the funniest hyper bun. Sometimes all Kirby has to do is gimme one "look" and I'm done. He could ask me for the world and I'd give it to him.

I got the blocks here:

Actually, hubby got them. He thought it was $1.98 for 1 block... I don't know how big he thought those blocks were for that price! Anyway he bought 10 of those and now we have about 80 wooden blocks in the closet:biggrin2:
May 11, 2009 - kirby'z blogz vol. 5
hi it's me Kirby again. Daddy went away and Mommy took Toby to the vet and grandma's on Saturday. Toby came home exhausted. long day i guess! i know, i've been to the vet before. they are nice, i just don't like to be poked in the butt :(and i know grandma. she likes to huggles. noooo! :ph34r2

italked to Toby alittle. i guess he is an ok bun. he is just trying to get by. he likes mommy a lot and likes to climb on her. i am not that kind of bun but mommy loves me anyway. toby's not a suck-up. he is just young and eager. i heard he is sick. mommy was so worried. she looks tired. i heard her chasing after toby and saw toby jumping around. poor kiddo. i feel bad for him. i should be nicer to him. i wouldn't want to be sick. the medicine looks yucky. he is so stinky now, i see him wiping his face a lot.


i will try to be nice to him. try to make him feel better. us buns gotta stick together. but mommy isn't mean. she is just trying to help. toby will learn. maybe i can help him along?

i guess we aren't too different. we are buns after all. look at him. his chicken mode is like my chicken mode.


his posture is not too bad. i have more muscles. hee hee.


ok he is a pretty cute kid.



i might... like him one day. we might... get along... but mommy says he has to get bigger first, plus he has to get better first.

k that's all for now. byebye!

KookieKing wrote:
I stole your Kirby!

OH MY GOD! :shock::shock::shock:Where did you get him?!?!?! WOW! It's AMAZING how much he looks like Kirby. Right down to the white mark and the 1 white paw. Compare to my avatar. Literally mirror images LOL! I wanted to get one just like Kirby but couldn't find them anywhere. But Toby is a good boy too. :biggrin2:
Mine's a girl, her name's Mitsuki and we got her from an adoption agency here in South NJ. She's 1 year 8 months old. It's a shame she's spayed we could of had little Kirby/Mitsuki babies.
Oh my goodness, she is just lovely. My Kirby is neutered so I suppose it was just not meant to be :biggrin2:It is really amazing how much they look alike though. Is your bunny a very shy bunny too? Kirby sure is. Thanks for posting a pic. It really made my day!
May 13, 2009 - Picture & video time

Kirby: "Chicken Mode"


Toby: The "Egyptian" aka the "Half Flop"


2 Lazy Buns in my rabbit room


Toby: Hyper Bun Flash!

