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How is Kirby feeling? Is he eating more now? Maybe he misses your brother (I think he was Kirby's bunny-sitter for your vacation). You gave Kirby a new friend to play with, and now he is gone.... That would make me sad to. Are you still making time to watch tv together?

Maybe he is picking up on your stress vibes about work. Anything else really bothering you?

Sometimes it is the little things that we don't think about that causes the upset in our pet's lives. Aside from a tummy upset, anything else come to mind that has changed for him?

Just thoughts...

myheart wrote:
How is Kirby feeling? Is he eating more now? Maybe he misses your brother (I think he was Kirby's bunny-sitter for your vacation). You gave Kirby a new friend to play with, and now he is gone.... That would make me sad to. Are you still making time to watch tv together?

Maybe he is picking up on your stress vibes about work. Anything else really bothering you?

Sometimes it is the little things that we don't think about that causes the upset in our pet's lives. Aside from a tummy upset, anything else come to mind that has changed for him?

Just thoughts...

I did consider that maybe Kirby is missing my brother.. I don't know, though. I tried to get my brother to come back to visit. He misses Kirby a lot but he's having midterms at school right now. :grumpy:Kirby sometimes seems better. Sometimes he seems worse. On some days he eats everything, just slowly. He's pooping fewer stringy poops which is either good (no more hair) or bad (the hair isn't getting out of his system). I can't tell. I've been trying to get more loose fur off of him as much as possible, though.

I have given it a ton of thought and I think Kirby could be disturbed by a few different things... what with me leaving, and then my brother leaving, he's probably not enjoying the constant tumult in his home. I changed his usual little mats because he was chewing on them in exchange for the big straw mat to cover half the entire room. I picked him up a lot more since I came home because I missed him terribly. And then I had to trim his nails last week... no bunny likes that. He's just getting over his molt and so many things have been happening. I am trying my best to promote a safe and calm environment for him all this week. I've not forced him to do anything besides putting him in the carrier to get him to the vet.

Kirby... mommy's sorry for not... being there. Mommy is sorry for not understanding your bunny ways. Mommy is sorry for being selfish and picking you up when you didn't want to. I promise to be better. Please... I want to see you binky and run around again. Please, Kirby. Forgive mommy. :cry2


Kirby has been doing better the last few days. I think he does appreciate the private space. He has been coming out to play more and we even saw some binkies! I think a calm, stress-free environment is helping him cope and stabilize. He is eating faster than he was the last week.

He's been eating his hay very well and pooping out good size poops. They look normal, with the occassional stringy one. I've been religiously tugging at his loose fur (which annoys him!) and hand-vacuuming all the little fuzzies in his condo. I've been encouraging more hay eating. He likes being fed pieces of hay one-by-one so I spend some time playing with him that way.

I also bought him a brand new busy bunny willow tent. He loves that thing. He's already been attacking it by eating thepieceson the side and climbing upon top of it.I haven't thrown out the old one that is literally standing up on 1 piece of willow, so he doesn't feel alarmed that I'm changing his environment again. I also got him a little ball that you can stuff hay into. He's taken a bit of interest in that. Kirby usually doesn't cake any interest in the little toys I buy him.

This is really good! I am so glad to see him showing more signs of mental and physical interest. He seems way more happy today than he has in 2 weeks. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief! :singing:

kirbyultra wrote:
...He likes being fed pieces of hay one-by-one so I spend some time playing with him that way....

Not that Kirby is sounding spoiled or anything.... :DMade me laugh a bit when I read that. Poor bunny getting single pieces of hay fed to him. :biggrin2:

So glad to hear that Kirby is doing so much better!!! I think it is a sign of spring. My bunnies are also going through a terrible shed and smaller poo's also.

Good job seeing him through his trying time of missing you and tummy troubles!!!:bunnydance:

Oh, he certainly gets all the hay he wants. But when he is sitting on a different floor of his condo, sometimes I just want him to get up off his rump so I lure him with some hay. He gets into a mood and will sit and eat as many single pieces of hay I'll give him. It's so funny to watch the bunny lips twist and turn the long pieces while his teeth munch away.
I wouldn't beat yourself up over his eating habbits. Some of my buns will chow down on their food and then the next time I feed them, they take a couple of nibbles and ignore it for a while.

Othersare what my daughter calls private eaters. They eat and drink but not whenanyone is in the room.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I wouldn't beat yourself up over his eating habbits. Some of my buns will chow down on their food and then the next time I feed them, they take a couple of nibbles and ignore it for a while.

Othersare what my daughter calls private eaters. They eat and drink but not whenanyone is in the room.


2 things made me laugh: "Private eaters" and you said "habbits". You been around too many wabbits, wabbitdad. :biggrin2:
April 2, 2009

Kirby has been eating better these days. I think it just is taking him a long while to get over whatever was happening with his GI tract before. He has officially finished molting. He is a slick, shiny, beautiful boy again! And so much less cleanup for his mom!

He runs out in his play pen more often than before. He's doing his usual bunny flops as well. I think my boy is coming around. :DHis happiness makes my life bright.

Guess who is my favorite Easter bunny?

Work has been horrible. I feel like I'm working harder and harder every week... I don't even get to spend as much time with Kirby anymore. Sigh. I feel bad. He's all alone all day and I don't even get to spend much time to try to get him to be playful again. I want to though. I hope things settle down soon. Otherwise I hope they fire me so I don't have to work this horrible job anymore.

April 7, 2009 - It's picture time again!

4 days away from my first wedding anniversary! My husband got me a lot of stuff ths year. We got married the same day as my birthday, so it's extra special. I asked him to get me a gift sponsorship for a bunny at the rescue where we got Kirby. But he went over the top and got me a bunch of other stuff too. :blushan:

Kirby is so playful these days! He's really gotten over whatever it was. I'm so glad he's back to normal and happy again. I was home today and saw him sitting out in the play area all day long. The previous few weeks he used to just sit in his cage and be mopey. Now he grooms himself outside and eats outside, runs around and everything! That means picture and video time!!! Check it out! And happy Easter!

"Hello it's me again!"

"I heard you say carrot?!"

"For 1 craisin I will give you 1 bunny ear."

"For no craisins, you get no bunny ears."

Watch Kirby play in High Quality!

Congratulations on the First Year Anniversary!!! Sounds like your husband takes such good care of you! He must be a keeper...!:D

Good to hear that Kirby is feeling more like himself. Aside from his tummy not feeling well, maybe he could tell that you have too much going on in your life also. He must have thought it was time for you to slow down and worry about him for a bit. ;)

I love the new pics of Kirby. You should enter the basket pic in the Easter photo contest. He is just too cute in that pic!!! I'll watch for his entry, because he would definitely get my vote. :D

myheart wrote:
I love the new pics of Kirby. You should enter the basket pic in the Easter photo contest. He is just too cute in that pic!!! I'll watch for his entry, because he would definitely get my vote. :D

Thanks!!! I entered the 2nd picture of him in a basket. He's such a googly eyed bunner!
Oh goodness Kirbygave mommy a scare. I saw blood on the floor this morning. Kirby ripped a toenail. Someone is getting a pedicure tonight.
April 25, 2009 - Oh Happy Day

It's unseasonably warm today in NYC. I had to turn the AC on to prevent bunny roasting. I had a lot of family over my apartment today and it was probably the most people Kirby's ever seen! But he held up all right. He continued to eat and poop and groom as usual after everyone left. Kirby seems to be getting better all the time. He was actually sunbathing a bit...:? I grew concerned and pulled the shades to prevent direct sunlight from hitting his usual napping spot. It was really cute though!

What should I do in the summer? It's much too hot... keep the AC on?

More new pictures of Kirby!





New Video!



Nice pictures, he does like his close ups doesn't he.:)

I keep my AC on when its warm/hot out and I make sure that the buns are not in direct sunlight. I also use a fan to circulate the air in the bunny room and make sure their water bottles are always full. You can also use frozen water bottles for him to lay against if you need to keep the ac off to save your electric bill.

He sure is a handsome guy!
May 3, 2009 - kirby'z blogz vol. 3

hiiii it's me, Kirby the bun! mommy and daddy went outtie today. They said they were going out for lunch.

After they came home my kingdom was reconfigured. I don't know what they were doing over there but there was so much noise.

iwas hopping around wheni smelled...something.... something... weird... and stinky...


And then... I saw him.........


!!! He smells weird! And now mommy and daddy smell weird too! I don't know, I don't like it... who is this guy, what's he doing in my kingdom?! Is he plotting a war? I saw him plotting...I saw it!


He's in there plotting something.... I just know it... oh mommy, what has happened? Who is this other rabbit?


