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February 3, 2009

Only a few more days till vacation! I feel a lot better after what everyone's told me about leaving their bunnies for a few days. I am sure my Kirby will be fine... I am just a nervous bunny mom.

Kirby is currently totally in a bunny flop. Legs out, head on its side, eyes almost completely shut, and completely chillaxing. I also just realized that I left my camera at my cousin's house from when she had her daughter's birthday party on Sunday. BUMMER! I wanted to take a picture of this adorable moment... His head twitches ever so slightly as he's happily in dreamland. What a sight!!!!

Now he's back up on his feet and shaking off his little nappie. Aw!

February 5, 2009 - The countdown continues... Kirby plays dead

I wrote up a big document for my bro to reference. It has:
-List of Rabbit duties (broken down by day & frequency)
-Kirby's food - what to feed and what is no ok to feed
-Bunny rules - what bunnies like and don't like their slaves to do. Follow da rules and nobody gets hurt!
-Bunny Illnesses - symptoms to be alerted of
-What if's - miscellaneous what-do-I-do-if Q&A
-Emergency Contacts - Kirby's vet, the animal ER off hours, the rabbit rescue where Kirby came from, URL, and how to get in touch with me

I also took the February calendar and wrote all over it as a checklist of what he has to do each day at a minimum for Kirby. I think that should about cover it all...right? Am I missing anything?

Sigh. Just 1 more day. I fly on Saturday..... and there's lousy work tomorrow! Argh! I haven't even packed for this vacation yet! I'm so screwed...

Kirby's mom is officially a mess. :cry1:

In an effort to plump himback up a bit before I go-go, I've been feeding him more greens and a pinch more of pellets. I've been giving him treats more liberally, but not to the point where he'd get hooked on it. He's already looking a little more chubs. What a cutie. Little guy just loves to eat. He's nothing if not my son.

I've also been trying to spend more time with him like I has resolved to do. I think he enjoys the company even if he ignores me all night. I like to just watch him and hear him play. I think maybe that is why he has been a happier bun. He has been dead-bunny-flopping like a lazy wabbit these few days. Not only is he eating more and more happy, he's also being lazier which will all make him cuter and then I will heart him even more. He's got me so pwned. *SIGH* Still, I am dreading being away from him. I can't even think about it with my chest tightening. :tears2:

February 16, 2009 - The Unexpected Bun aka Lookalike Bun

Hi everyone!

I'm still on vacation but just wanted to write an update.

Kirby's been well considering I've been gone over a week now. Poor baby is bored at home an becoming a bit of a trouble bun. He must miss me and I miss him dearly. He has been chewing on things he shouldn't -- but fear not, on my shopping adventures I came upon a large straw mat (6x5 ft) which should do agood job of replacing all the rugs he's been munching on. :pIt cost so much but my husband insisted that it was a good buy and it would b so much better for Kirby's gut. I had to agree with that. The amount of money spent on this bun!!

I went to the local HRS and they had a lotta bunnies. :)Then, I perused all the nearby pet stores for "small animals" and found that they're better stocked with hay and other quality rabbit essentials than NYC. I am really quite shocked. Even though I imagine everything is imported here, the prices are very reasonable. I went to one pet store that I thought was kind of awful, but I guess, they are a pet store after all. It wasa warm day, about 65-70 degrees F. In a clear box here were all the buns for sale. Just look at them all! They hopped all over each other but I didn't see them fighting at least:nerves1


Wait a minute, wait a MINUTE!There was one that caught my eye immediately... was it my eyes? Was it because I missed my own honey bun so much? Was it truly him? The furry patch of black? His long-lost grandson?!


Folks, side by side comparison. Seriously, someone tell me this isn't a descendent of my boy?! Maybe Kirby had his share of the ladies before his "removal"?! This little one even has Kirby's little white spot on his nosey. Kirby's white spot is on hs little mouth though. Same little white stripe under the neck, and he has 2 white paws while Kirby has 1. Same exact beautiful shiny black fur...He even dead-bunny-flops like my Kirby!


I wanted to buy him right away, guys. Seriously. I missed Kirby so much (I cried on the way to the airport, on the plane, after arriving, etc). And when I was caught offguard seeing this little guy...peeking out to see me...


I just about pulled out my wallet and said to the lady "Take everything! Gimme gimme gimme!"

I weighed my options and thought it through. Continental airlines will charge $125 for me to bring Kirby Jr. back with me in-cabin, not in cargo/freight. It's a 15 hour flight. My bunny will just about go deaf from the airplane noise and have a heartattack from being in a scary unstable, MOVING environment for that long. He may never forgive me and never recover from that kind of trauma.

Kirby, after missing me for 2 weeks, may never forgive me for bringing home a second rabbit to share in his space. Without his consent! It would be disastrous if they did not get along. A baby bunny would be a handful as it is. Plus rabbit rivalry? I would not get any sleep for weeks.

On the other hand, this bunny was gorgeous. It's like he was meant to be mine. He was perfect. I may never find another one like him. (Unless anyone knows if this kind of fur spotting is common in Satins).

After reasoning with myself, I decided against it. I really thought about the poor bunny's 15 hour flight (in-cabin, but nonetheless frightening for him) and how Kirby would feel after mommy left him and then came home with another bunny. He must feel abandoned as it is. I couldn't do that to my honey bun.

I peeled away from the display box. The hot tears filled my eyes and they started to stream down uncontrollably. How embarassing in public. :cry1:

I thought about that bunny every day since then. I keep deliberating the same points with myself. I keep arriving at the same conclusion. I will miss him. I hope he gets a good home. My Kirby already does.I may get a playmate for him if he's ready. Maybe later... Sigh.

Woah how strange!! Must of been fate :(

Though it was so great to have found that little guy it was even greater that you thought of your bun and his welfare first :)

Don't worry about crying in public, remember these are people you are never going to see again, enjoy the rest of your vacation and try not to worry about Kirby too much.
I'm sure Kirby will be so pleased to see you when you get back :)
Aww, that post almost made me have tears in my eyes!

I think you made the right decision though. It's so sad just thinking mum has left me and brought back another bun. And you'll be seeing Kirby soon! :)

I'm sure the bun will find a happy home.

Wow, that pet store is so different from all of ours here. We barely get any buns and there are never nethies or lionheads, one even looks a bit like a harlequin, and they're all so fluffy!
Yah floofy lionheads are all the rage in Asian countries! It's all I ever see here. Other popular ones are all sorts of mixed lops. They're groomed to have that funny spikey hairdo ;)

The more I look at the bunny's pictures the more I think that he might not be a satin. But it could be the lighting of the pic. I could swear he was a satin mix when I was looking at him in person. I have fantasies about snatching him in the night and stashing him in my oversized tote to take him home...:ph34r2
February 19, 2009 - 2 more days

Soon, I get to see my Kirby again... I am totally dreading my god-awful job but I really, really miss Kirby... He's my little light of life. Some still pics from the Kirby-Kam.


"Om nom nom nom nom nom! YUM YUMS!"


"Oops, forgot my bunny-manners..."


"Mommy, I know you're watching meeee. Why are you looking at me like that?"

So thrilled to be going home! I should be sad my vacation is ending but somehow I'm not, really.

I have to buy Kirby a new busybunny wicker tent when I get home. That thing looks like it's been attacked by a pitbull in my absence! I got Kirby a little wooden ball with a bell inside. He had a bigger plastic ball with a bell inside, but I have a feeling he doesn't like it as much because he can't sink his bunny toofs in it :biggrin2:
Does Kirby have his mommy's full attention now?!!!! Has he been giving you the butt, or do you get lot's of kisses and "mommy I missed you" lovin' from him? Just waiting to hear if he has taken you back for leaving him for soooooo long.....

I know, I know guys, sorry! I've been struggling ever since I got back. My husband got sick the night before we left, and he got ME sick on the 15 hour flight back. The two of us have been tag team getting better and worse all week plus getting over 13 hour jetlag WHILE going to a full day of work daily. It's been so brutal. I've literally been coming home, feeding Kirby, and going straight to bed.

Anyway here's what you really want to know! :)Kirby! He's been doing really really well!! He got over his molt while I was gone and I came home to a clean and beautifully silky smooth black furry bambino! He did not give me the butt at all. He's actually been really sweet to me but still no bunny kisses (he's never given me any!). He knows it's me because he flattens out when I pet him. He doesn't flatten out for anyone else apparently. He has been tolerating me picking him up more too. I know he misses me now! He's such a sweet bunny. I have been trying my best to spend a lot of time with him but I just konk out every night by 7 or 8pm from the jetlag and the cold.

You know what he did?! Kirby figured out how to operate a swinging gate! He pulled it open with his teeth (we don't hook it shut...there's nothing to hook it to) and one morning I just found him waiting for me outside of the bathroom. I wonder if he missed me and came looking for me.

It was definitely a little scary for me though, because now that I know he can nudge the gate open, I gotta make sure the rest of the home is bunny proofed. I've been propping it closed with 2 chairs and hoping for the best. There's nothing to lock the fence closed the way we have it sorta L shaped to fence off just half of the room. The fence does not reach all the way around to hook onto itself. Kirby is not strong enough to move 2 chairs, I think. I hope.

Well gotta go to work now. There was another round of lay offs but I survived that one too. More pictures when I am more conscious after work :p
February 27, 2009

Some pictures of Kirby.

Before mommy's trip:

"Mommy...pwease don't go..."


Playtime with mommy after trip:

"Cranberry cranberry! Gimme gimme cranberry!"




Kirby has been doing really well. Despite his little new curious bun adventures, he's been a perfectly healthy and happy bunny. His uncle has been a good bunny sitter.

I got Kirby some Zupreem orchard grass a few weeks ago and started him on a bit. He gobbled it all up. When I came back I started to also mix in some Oxbow timothy hay in addition to the orchard grass and the hay he came with at the rescue shelter. He was eating everything with equal enthusiasm for a few days and as a result has been cleaning out his hay basket abd hay ball much faster than he used to I have to refill his hay basket 2-3 times a day!

Since yesterday he stopped touching his old hay. Granted, it's older and drier. Probably not as tastey as the new bags of hay. They look greener and definitely softer. He dives in like he would at a treat! He loves this stuff. I put some out and an hour later it's almost all gone. Of course he has been pooping more and drinking more water too. I wonder if he hasn't been eating much before because he didn't like the original hay he had at the shelter as much. Or if he just discovered he really likes this new hay more. I bought the Zupreem and the Oxbow just to try em out. I wasn't going to go with Oxbow because of the prices online with shipping (was going to try sweet meadow and some other farmers) but I found a real nice pet shop near me that sells Oxbow at a reasonable price and of course I won't have to pay the enormous shipping fees. Since Kirby loves it so much, I am thinking, Why not?

I do not really like the Zupreem though. It's nice green grass hay, but it's really really bitty. As in, the pieces of hay are so small that Kirby can't get his teeth on them and he leaves just a huge mess of tiny pieces of hay everywhere. I'm not really sure if that'sthe way orchard grass is, but I don't think so. There are some rather long pieces in the mix but towards the lower half of the small bag, it gets really piecey. I think though maybe I am not accurate, that timothy is a better hay to feed in an unlimited quantity than orchard...You don't see 50lb packages of other types of hay for rabbits very often.


I got Kirby the 50lb box of timothy hay. It didn't fit in our sedan's trunk so it sat in the backseat. Both me and my hubby must be allergic to hay because our eyes started to swell and water up with itchiness everytime we stepped in the car on Saturday. Very uncomfortable. But it's for Kirby so we sucked it up.

Kirby gave me a scare yesterday. He was very sluggish and didn't eat his salad and didn't eat much hay at all. In the morning he pooped out something stringy that didn't look good. I couldn't tell what it was. I thought he was good after that but there might be something else.

I threw all his mats out and replaced it with a big straw mat I got for him on vacation. I took away the towels blocking the window draft as he likes to chew and scratch there. He had me so worried.

Checked this morning: he pooped everywhere (even outside his box) and was binkying around waiting for breakfast. What a bunner!! Fed him some greens and pumpkin this morning. He's eating his new hay. I think he's alright.
It is so good to hear that Kirby is feeling more himself today. It can be scary to sit and wonder what is going on with them sometimes. If you ever need some help with things to have on hand for when he isn't feeling good, you might be able to do a search for "emergency kits" or something along that line. I know we have covered that topic a few times in the Infirmary threads.

Such a good boy Kirby is with nomming his pumpkins down to make his tummy feel better. :D It sounds like he is such a good hay-eater!! Many other bunny-moms would like to be as lucky as you are to have an avid hay-eater. ;)

btw... I love Kirby's little moosh...


"Kiss my nose, or else...." Way too cute!!!!

So, I shot an email to my 2 immediate bosses last night asking them if it'd be ok if I worked from home or took the morning off so that I could take Kirby to the vet. I didn't get a reply but I did send it rather late.

This morning some stupid crisis happened and my manager said I can take the afternoon off. I understand the time restraint and also the need for personnel but in the end the crisis was uncalled for -- I would have quit on the spot if anything was truly wrong with Kirby and anything happened to him because I couldn't take him to the vet earlier. I was so mad... I am really quite tired of this job...

In any event I took Kirby to the vet this afternoon and the vet found nothing wrong with his gut. I am so relieved to hear that he's ok -- but we're still puzzled as to why his eating habits have changed. He's not interested in his food anymore. Kirby used to just om nom nom nom nom his food till the end! But he's like "oh. it's food. ohhh kay. *snore*" His energy level has also dipped a lot. He kinda lies around. He doesn't binky much, he doesn't even like to come out of his cage much.

The vet said his molars were a bit pointy and he should eat more hay to help with that. I will try to promote more hay eating, but ... I hope he'll be ok. Vet said it shouldn't be hurting him right now. It doesn't look bad right now.

Sigh. I've been a mess. I've worried about him since last Sunday. I haven't been sleeping well. I keep having nightmares. I miss my happy bunny. He used to be so joyful. People think I'm crazy until they meet him. My bunny smiles when he eats. Now ... he just doesn't look the same. It's like he's not the same bunny. Poor thing. Whatever it is I hope it works itself out. I'm still monitoring him like a hawk.

Please... Kirby, get better.
