February 16, 2009 -
The Unexpected Bun aka Lookalike Bun
Hi everyone!
I'm still on vacation but just wanted to write an update.
Kirby's been well considering I've been gone over a week now. Poor baby is bored at home an becoming a bit of a trouble bun. He must miss me and I miss him dearly. He has been chewing on things he shouldn't -- but fear not, on my shopping adventures I came upon a large straw mat (6x5 ft) which should do agood job of replacing all the rugs he's been munching on.

It cost
so much but my husband insisted that it was a good buy and it would b so much better for Kirby's gut. I had to agree with that. The amount of money spent on this bun!!
I went to the local HRS and they had a lotta bunnies.

Then, I perused all the nearby pet stores for "small animals" and found that they're better stocked with hay and other quality rabbit essentials than NYC. I am really quite shocked. Even though I imagine everything is imported here, the prices are very reasonable. I went to one pet store that I thought was kind of awful, but I guess, they are a pet store after all. It wasa warm day, about 65-70 degrees F. In a clear box here were all the buns for sale. Just look at them all! They hopped all over each other but I didn't see them fighting at least:nerves1
Wait a minute, wait a MINUTE!There was one that caught my eye immediately... was it my eyes? Was it because I missed my own honey bun so much? Was it truly him? The furry patch of black? His long-lost grandson?!
Folks, side by side comparison. Seriously, someone tell me this isn't a descendent of my boy?! Maybe Kirby had his share of the ladies before his "removal"?! This little one even has Kirby's little white spot on his nosey. Kirby's white spot is on hs little mouth though. Same little white stripe under the neck, and he has 2 white paws while Kirby has 1. Same exact beautiful shiny black fur...He even dead-bunny-flops like my Kirby!
I wanted to buy him right away, guys. Seriously. I missed Kirby so much (I cried on the way to the airport, on the plane, after arriving, etc). And when I was caught offguard seeing this little guy...peeking out to see me...
I just about pulled out my wallet and said to the lady "Take everything! Gimme gimme gimme!"
I weighed my options and thought it through. Continental airlines will charge $125 for me to bring Kirby Jr. back with me in-cabin, not in cargo/freight. It's a 15 hour flight. My bunny will just about go deaf from the airplane noise and have a heartattack from being in a scary unstable, MOVING environment for that long. He may never forgive me and never recover from that kind of trauma.
Kirby, after missing me for 2 weeks, may never forgive me for bringing home a second rabbit to share in his space. Without his consent! It would be disastrous if they did not get along. A baby bunny would be a handful as it is. Plus rabbit rivalry? I would not get any sleep for weeks.
On the other hand, this bunny was gorgeous. It's like he was meant to be mine. He was perfect. I may never find another one like him. (Unless anyone knows if this kind of fur spotting is common in Satins).
After reasoning with myself, I decided against it. I really thought about the poor bunny's 15 hour flight (in-cabin, but nonetheless frightening for him) and how Kirby would feel after mommy left him and then came home with
another bunny. He must feel abandoned as it is. I couldn't do that to my honey bun.
I peeled away from the display box. The hot tears filled my eyes and they started to stream down uncontrollably. How embarassing in public. :cry1:
I thought about that bunny every day since then. I keep deliberating the same points with myself. I keep arriving at the same conclusion. I will miss him. I hope he gets a good home. My Kirby already does.I may get a playmate for him if he's ready. Maybe later... Sigh.