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I am still not well. I'm tired and miserable and congested still. And, it was raining in 40 degree weather, with windchill, and I didn't have an umbrella. Completely soaked. ugh!! :(
October 15, 2009

Toby came out to play. I made it to 11pm!!! He came out almost at the stroke of 11pm and hopped around. He kept trying to nibble my pants and my big toe. He wedged his head under my knee and kept nudging me. I ignored him for a while... Oh he did not like that.

He employed the old parrot-mode. Hopped up onto my shoulders and attempted to balance his rolly bottom on there. When that didn't workhe shoved his whiskers in my face. Ok, Toby, you have my full attention now.

He hopped off and promptly made his demands. Ear rubs and head petting. NOW.

It was satisfactorially administered. And now he is off conquering something else (daddy slave). lol

kirbyultra wrote:

I am still not well. I'm tired and miserable and congested still. And, it was raining in 40 degree weather, with windchill, and I didn't have an umbrella. Completely soaked. ugh!! :(
Oh yeah I found out, it was a nor'easter. :shock:Snow and rain in October - it just ain't right!
Oh yeah I found out, it was a nor'easter. Snow and rain in October - it just ain't right!

Brr it has been getting so cold here lately huh? Already! It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for all the rain. I had to break out my winter coat this morning when it was time to take the dog out.

I hope you and the bunnies all have a good weekend! Stay warm! :)
Boy it was crazy weather today. I hope it gets better but the weekend forecast looks dreary and cold so far :(

I have not heard definitively what's happening yet. As usual my dept is making a mess of things and nothing is planned appropriately and therefore I'm sure nothing will be executed well. I'm not happy about this at all... but again, I need to make it to bonus time... sigh.

Hope everyone is having a good start of the weekend so far!
October 17, 2009 - Buns revolt

When I woke up I found the buns with poops everywhere, and Toby's pen was just a disaster:


Toby: No hay in the rack. Litter box stuff all ripped up, food dish with no pellets....
Kirby: Bits of chewed up hay stems all over the floor, willow hay rack all chewed up to pieces, poops all over the ramp and floor.


Because I didn't learn from last week's folly and woke up at noon. The buns had probably gone without food for about 3 hours. There was some hay lying around all over the place but clearly no bun of royal blood would eat off the floor. Heavens, no.

The slaves need to be punished! :pullhair::foreheadsmack::tantrum::baghead:dunno

Me? I slept for over 12 hours and my cold feels much better (I can finally breathe! sorta.) but whenever I sleep so much, my body kind of aches and my head doesn't feel right. I think I needed it though. Buns a-blazin' or not. lol

Side note: I'm dying for Kleenmama's shipment to come!!! I'm down to maybe my last 10 lbs of Oxbow and I'm up to my eyeballs in haydust. The Rubbermaid bun is like 40% dust, 15% root material, brown pieces, 45% edible. I have to sift through the bin strand by strand to pick out edible hay for my babies. I have to wear a mask to do this or I'll be sneezing to high heaven. It's just so much work for so little hay (takes me 30 minutes to get enough hay to last them 1 day).

And Kirby, having eaten bluegrass, just chews up the Oxbow timothy and dumps them on the floor. All I see are stems in 2 inch pieces, all over! Toby will eat it but he has a habit of tearing down all the hay from the rack into his litter box and peeing on all or some of it, then he won't touch it anymore. I can't ever give him enough hay to eat it seems, and picking through it every day is such a pain.

The 50# box of Oxbow seemed like a good buy at the time but now that I'm down to the last few chunks, I'm frustrated and angry with it. I really hope Kleenmama's shipment is better (I got 30 lbs). It is supposed to arrive on the 21st. I'm dying to throw out all the remaining Oxbow!!!


Great news. I spoke to my manager and told him flat out I don't want to go to Salt Lake City and India. He was totally ok with it. :) I hope plans don't change and circumstances become something else. I just can't be without my babies. I am inflicted with a fatal case of GSMB (Gotta See My Bunnies). I also have GGMB (Gotta Get More Bunnies). Oh life is cruel!!!
kirbyultra wrote:
...I am inflicted with a fatal case of GSMB (Gotta See My Bunnies). I also have GGMB (Gotta Get More Bunnies). Oh life is cruel!!!

:yeahthat: More bunnies, please!!!!

Glad to hear that things might go your way at work. I don't think I would want to travel overseas with the way things are now-a-days. Sending good vibes on your not having to travel for work... :hug:

Sounds like you are feeling a bit better. Now, get to attending to those bunny-masters!!!! I think they have been neglected enough and need some extra TLC that only a bunny-mom is able to provide!!!! ;)

The buns have been getting showered with mommy lovin' the last couple of days. :D Yahoo!!!

I found an amazing possible match for King Kirby!!!! Eeee! I'm so excited that I am totally beside myself! I want to see if the shelter would be open to bunny dates to see how it goes. I got Kirby from this shelter, so the people there know Kirby and know to some degree that I am a decent bun mom.

I am still doubting myself about the 3rd bunny, but I felt exactly this torn when I was contemplating getting my first bunny and that was the best decision *ever* so ... I'm sure I'll get over my butterflies. Husbun is 110% on board too! Wheee!!! The possibility of bunny dates first definitely makes me feel better about it.

:D She's not a Dutchie, but she's a gorgeous black all over. She totally reminds me of Kirby. Her eyes are so serene :hearts:

Here is my thread about the bunny, DeeDee.
DeeDee sounds like one of those big & beautiful girls. Best of luck waitingfor a response to your e-mail!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the dating goes well... :hug:

No email yet from Safe Haven Rabbit Rescue. I hope I hear soon. I'm tingly with excitement!
Good luck with the 3rd bun! I will be watching to see how things work out. I am on the fence about trying to bond a 3rd to the ones I have. I hope that it goes well.
Still no email reply yet... but I know they don't check email all the time like some people do. I sent them a 2nd email with some picture updates of Kirby since Kirby came from there. Hope I hear back soon!

Here's a pic of the sky by my apartment. Looks like the sky is about to be swallowed by some darkness.


I don't actually know about the buildings. There are some office buildings across the river, but they are much smaller than the high rises in New York. I love how I can see the sunset on a cloudless day :)