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October 13, 2009 - What I Am Doing Instead Of Working Today

Today, I frantically left work to do some things to prep for my refi closing tomorrow. And as a result, I am working from home this afternoon. Instead of working what was I doing? Looking at the buns groom themselves. Watching Kirby nom hay.... and just when I started to get some work done, I heard a rustle behind me.

Little Toby had fallen asleep and totally flopped over in sleepy-sleep mode. He even grinded his teeth a little in dreamland. He's so cute! I can't believe I miss this stuff when I am at work. It's so precious... I wish I could watch them both nappie every day. :hearts:


Mushy face on the floor and wittle bunny pink wips bonus!

:hearts :dutch

Adorable Toby face with pink squishy moosh action! I think I'm going to faint from cuteness!

I know how you feel about not getting stuff done in the presence of bunnies! I've had to give up on trying to do homework in the bedroom lately. I just can't do it with so many cuties scurrying around!
kirbyultra wrote:
October 13, 2009 - What I Am Doing Instead Of Working Today

....Little Toby had fallen asleep and totally flopped over in sleepy-sleep mode. He even grinded his teeth a little in dreamland. He's so cute! I can't believe I miss this stuff when I am at work. It's so precious... I wish I could watch them both nappie every day. :hearts:

Mushy face on the floor and wittle bunny pink wips bonus!

:hearts :dutch

Awe... How could you resist not scooping him up for smooches?!!!! I absolutely love this pic of Toby! I hope you don't mind, but when I get my laptop back, I want to save this pic in my forum-bunnies folder. He looks like such a little Prince when he is sleeping like this... :p

The way you described not being around the bunnies while at work is exactly how I feel about not having my complete trio. I don't know who is more lost without Luna, the bunners or me. I just miss seeing the extreme cuddling action with my babies. It was always the coolest thing to walk in on them during a cuddle session when I least expected it. Made my heart melt every single time no matter how many times I've seen them cuddle before. Satisfied bunnies just make the day so much better.... ;)

myheart wrote:
Awe... How could you resist not scooping him up for smooches?!!!! I absolutely love this pic of Toby! I hope you don't mind, but when I get my laptop back, I want to save this pic in my forum-bunnies folder. He looks like such a little Prince when he is sleeping like this... :p

The way you described not being around the bunnies while at work is exactly how I feel about not having my complete trio. I don't know who is more lost without Luna, the bunners or me. I just miss seeing the extreme cuddling action with my babies. It was always the coolest thing to walk in on them during a cuddle session when I least expected it. Made my heart melt every single time no matter how many times I've seen them cuddle before. Satisfied bunnies just make the day so much better.... ;)


:) Why would I mind? If my bunners bring joy to someone I am more than happy to share.

Oh, he's doing it again. It's so cute. He looks so silly this time. He's leaning on his chin instead of on one side :hearts:

You're right. Satisfied bunnies really make my day. When they are bursting with joy and binky all over the place, my heart just erupts with warmth. I feel like I've done something right and they are as happy as can be.

How are Zappa and Patch? Are they cuddling each other without Luna gluing them together? :expressionless
kirbyultra wrote:
How are Zappa and Patch? Are they cuddling each other without Luna gluing them together? :expressionless

I have been avoiding doing any updates on their blog because I know I will want to go through all of thepictures and memories. I know I be in tears well before the end and I am at work right now. Not a good combination.... :tears2:

So, I will update here because you asked.... Patrick and Zappa are doing okay. No where near as cuddly without Luna, but once in a while I catch an "Awe" moment that makes me think they are good. But then I see Patrick laying all by himself most of the time, and my heart just breaks for him. Zappa just isn't the cuddly type. She is very independent, and does things in her own time. She is starting to groom Patrick a little bit more, and she cuddles sometimes, but not the "I'm yours forever" type of cuddling. She is making efforts everyday to please Patrick.

I think they were spoiled by Luna. She provided the contentment and bonding when it was needed for the entire trio. But she was always there for Patrick... the way it was meant to be.

Oh, don't cry, Janet. I know I can't imagine what you are going through. And poor little Patrick. But every day will bring us new surprises and opportunity for more joy. Zappa will grow up and she may be a cuddle bun for Patrick, who knows? They do have each other for now, however conditional. And you have them both. Be each other's love and stay strong.
kirbyultra wrote:
....They do have each other for now, however conditional. And you have them both. Be each other's love and stay strong.

I usually just sigh and give thanks that I do have my baby boy and one naughty BabyZappa to care for. Maybe there will be another girl for Patrick in the future. One that Zappa will accept as a new bond-mate also. I am just to used to seeing a trio... I thought pairs were so neat to watch, but the dynamics of a trio never cease to amaze me.

I can't wait for Kirby to find his true love, if you are inclined to get another bunner. Then you will see how much more complete and peacefulhe will be. Even little Toby could benefit from some special snuggles... ;)

myheart wrote:
I usually just sigh and give thanks that I do have my baby boy and one naughty BabyZappa to care for. Maybe there will be another girl for Patrick in the future. One that Zappa will accept as a new bond-mate also. I am just to used to seeing a trio... I thought pairs were so neat to watch, but the dynamics of a trio never cease to amaze me.
I do hope you form another trio one day. Everybun is different, but I know you are up to the task. With such a loverbun like Patrick, who could resist? :biggrin2:

myheart wrote:
I can't wait for Kirby to find his true love, if you are inclined to get another bunner. Then you will see how much more complete and peacefulhe will be. Even little Toby could benefit from some special snuggles... ;)
Oh, Kirby will get a queen bun one day. It's a matter of time :) I'm sure I will fall in love with some girlie bun soon before Kirby falls in love lol

And Toby? Well, he's probably going througha "ewww girl cooties!" phase right now. We'll wait till he grows up a little ;) For now he gets his snuggles from mama. :hearts:
:tears2:I'm so sad. Could be stress. Could be because my dad busted his eyebrow today. Could be worrying about RexLovables' Sylvie bun. Could be because I'm miserably sick. Could be because rabbits are dying everywhere..... :tears2:

Not for people who cannot stomach death: article about rabbits being used as fuel in Sweden.

I'm so saddened by this. I don't know what I can do. I just feel awful. So many bunnies. Sweet, innocent little bunnies. :bawl:

Me neither. I feel like my heart stops and I hold my breath every time I think about what awful things they're doing to rabbits there :(
kirbyultra wrote:
:tears2:I'm so sad. Could be stress. Could be because my dad busted his eyebrow today. Could be worrying about RexLovables' Sylvie bun. Could be because I'm miserably sick. Could be because rabbits are dying everywhere..... :tears2:

I get this way sometimes also. The bad-stuff just gets to be so overwhelming that it just seems like a good time to break-down because I can't seemingly do anything to help things move in a positive direction. That is when I make myself some hot chocolate (with milk), put a nice comedy/romance in the dvd player, and call it a day. Sometimes I am only able to help myself, which in turn, makes me feel a bit better so I am able to then help others with their problems.

Cheer up.... We'll be strong for you, if you need us. :hug:

Grr that awful link messed up the horizontal proportion of my entire page 16. Grr!

I turned in before 10 pm last night. I found that even when I open their pens now the bunnies don't care to come out before their prime playtime of 11-11:30pm! They were probably excited in previous weeks but now the living room is just hohum :( I didn't see the buns have their run time but husbun tells me they had a blast. I'm sad to have missed that. I love to watch them run. I only pet them a bit yesterday. I must make up for it tonight. I hope I can. I am so tired. I wish this cold would go away.
kirbyultra wrote:
...I am so tired. I wish this cold would go away.

It took me at least a good week and a half to two weeks to get rid of my cold. Lot's of fluids and rest... I think that is all one is really able to do to get rid of a cold soon enough. Hope you feel better soon... :hug:
