Well-Known Member
Kirby's slaves get a bit delusional on the weekends and think that they can sleep in. 
October 13, 2009 - What I Am Doing Instead Of Working Today
....Little Toby had fallen asleep and totally flopped over in sleepy-sleep mode. He even grinded his teeth a little in dreamland. He's so cute! I can't believe I miss this stuff when I am at work. It's so precious... I wish I could watch them both nappie every day. :hearts:
Mushy face on the floor and wittle bunny pink wips bonus!
:hearts :dutch
Awe... How could you resist not scooping him up for smooches?!!!! I absolutely love this pic of Toby! I hope you don't mind, but when I get my laptop back, I want to save this pic in my forum-bunnies folder. He looks like such a little Prince when he is sleeping like this...
The way you described not being around the bunnies while at work is exactly how I feel about not having my complete trio. I don't know who is more lost without Luna, the bunners or me. I just miss seeing the extreme cuddling action with my babies. It was always the coolest thing to walk in on them during a cuddle session when I least expected it. Made my heart melt every single time no matter how many times I've seen them cuddle before. Satisfied bunnies just make the day so much better....
How are Zappa and Patch? Are they cuddling each other without Luna gluing them together? :expressionless
....They do have each other for now, however conditional. And you have them both. Be each other's love and stay strong.
I do hope you form another trio one day. Everybun is different, but I know you are up to the task. With such a loverbun like Patrick, who could resist? :biggrin2:I usually just sigh and give thanks that I do have my baby boy and one naughty BabyZappa to care for. Maybe there will be another girl for Patrick in the future. One that Zappa will accept as a new bond-mate also. I am just to used to seeing a trio... I thought pairs were so neat to watch, but the dynamics of a trio never cease to amaze me.
Oh, Kirby will get a queen bun one day. It's a matter of timeI can't wait for Kirby to find his true love, if you are inclined to get another bunner. Then you will see how much more complete and peacefulhe will be. Even little Toby could benefit from some special snuggles...![]()
:tears2:I'm so sad. Could be stress. Could be because my dad busted his eyebrow today. Could be worrying about RexLovables' Sylvie bun. Could be because I'm miserably sick. Could be because rabbits are dying everywhere..... :tears2:
...I am so tired. I wish this cold would go away.