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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
That is a very nice view. Karen and I had a nice view of the Rockies when I was stationed in Denver years ago, many many many years ago.
Thanks. I am sure the Rockies is a much more stunning view than my little office buildings ;)
Hi Helen! My name is Helen too and I just started reading your blog aboutthe adventuresof Kirby and Toby.Have to admit it's more entertaining than reading a book! Now I'm thinking about starting one about my clan. Good luck with Dee Dee and keep us posted. Will you be going the the Safe Haven Bunny Spa on Saturday? I may take Baci there to be pampered. Would love to meet you!
Nice view! Looks similar to ours - we have the NYC skyline on one side and NJ on the other. You can't see them as well from our apartment though, since we're only on the 3rd floor there's a lot blocking the view.

Good luck with the new bunny. I know you're not definatly getting her yet, but she looks like a sweetheart.

Did you get your hay yet? Mine is suppose to be delivered today sometime. I am way too excited for a box of hay, lol. Hopefully it's good though, because the last hay I got from Farmer Dave and the bunnies hated it!
hln917 wrote:
Hi Helen!  My name is Helen too and I just started reading your blog about the adventures of  Kirby and Toby.   Have to admit it's more entertaining than reading a book!  Now I'm thinking about starting one about my clan.    Good luck with Dee Dee and keep us posted.  Will you be going the the Safe Haven Bunny Spa on Saturday?  I may take Baci there to be pampered.  Would love to meet you!

Hi Helen! Thanks for reading my blog!
I went to the spring bunny spa but unfortunately cannot make it to this one coming up. I have to work! :( Poor Kirby did not really even like being touches by a stranger last time. He was so put off by it and was upset for the rest of he day LOL. If I could go I'd bring Toby. He seems more adventurous so he might have liked it.
Dragonrain wrote:
Nice view! Looks similar to ours - we have the NYC skyline on one side and NJ on the other. You can't see them as well from our apartment though, since we're only on the 3rd floor there's a lot blocking the view.
Did you see one evening in the summer when the sky was PINK and the clouds were like gimondo marshmallows/cotton puffs?? I took a picture of that too, but I forgot to post it.

Dragonrain wrote:
Did you get your hay yet? Mine is suppose to be delivered today sometime. I am way too excited for a box of hay, lol. Hopefully it's good though, because the last hay I got from Farmer Dave and the bunnies hated it!
I did! I got it on Tuesday and it is SO GOOD. The 3rd cut timmy is delish - Kirby :hearts it so much. He eats everything I give him almost immediately. Toby on the other hand isn't touching it :XToby prefers stiffer 2nd cut hay. I have not opened up the bluegrass yet, from the same shipment, but I think Toby will like that more. So far, I love all the Kleenmama hay!

October 22, 2009 - Toby starts to molt

White fur everywhere. Just everywhere. He's eating less. He's pooping small. Eating less. He's kind of moping in his hidey box. I fed him some pumpkin. I'm kind of upset about it. I hate to see my babies not feeling 100%. Toby definitely isn't looking happy. :tears2:

Kirby is still happy. In fact, he is so hoppy today. He loves his 3rd cut hay. He is uber... active.

I guess I'm just too tired to type a proper post. :?Forgive me!

Aw, thanks ladies :) I hope he is better soon too. Lot of vacuuming in the meantime... lots of floaty white fur all over the place!

So, I found out that Toby does not like Kleenmama 3rd cut hay. He won't eat it. I'll literally feed him a strand of it, he'll pull it out of my hand and then spit it back out on the floor. Then I would feed him some of his original Oxbow hay and he'll nomnomnom it up... then I try to slip in a piece of 3rd cut and he'll do the same thing - take it from my hand and toss it on the floor, then come back expecting Oxbow. Ughhh what a bunny. I can't believe I have the 1 bun in the world who doesn't like 3rd cut hay. Good thing I also ordered bluegrass. He is not crazy about it but he'll eat it. It is not helping me feel better about his shedding. I need him to eat MORE hay, not less.

Kirby on the other hand is completely nuts about 3rd cut hay. His ears screamed "HAPPY BUN!" as he joyfully OMnomnomnom'ed his hay. It's so much fun to watch buns eat. Kirby has the cutest little chubby cheeks and they "flub-bub" when he chews.:biggrin2:
Here are my shots of the weird day in the summer with very odd clouds. I think it's the first time clouds made it to the news because it was so weird. Check it out.

They look like cotton puffs.

So, Toby is still kind of mopey, but he'll get up to get a chance at Kirby. I think Kirby just sits there to annoy him. LOL "neener neener neener, you can't get me..."

Toby gets points for trying though....naughty boy.

King Kirby: Oh, look, the peasants are looking... I suppose I should look royal for a photograph...

Here's my boy with some of that bluegrass hay.

Bunny rump


Aw figures he wouldn't like it huh? They can't just make things easy for us! I gave my bunch some 3rd cut today and they are all eating - although Barnaby seems to prefer the courser hays. I think next time I order from Kleenmama's I'll get only half 3rd cut, and maybe half 2nd or bluegrass. But one good thing, is that it's sooo much less dusty compared to Oxbow! I don't think I'll be ordering Oxbow hay again anytime soon.

Hope you and the bunny boys have a great weekend! :bunnydance:
Dragonrain wrote:
Aw figures he wouldn't like it huh? They can't just make things easy for us! I gave my bunch some 3rd cut today and they are all eating - although Barnaby seems to prefer the courser hays. I think next time I order from Kleenmama's I'll get only half 3rd cut, and maybe half 2nd or bluegrass. But one good thing, is that it's sooo much less dusty compared to Oxbow! I don't think I'll be ordering Oxbow hay again anytime soon.

Hope you and the bunny boys have a great weekend! :bunnydance:

Yep - Toby likes crunchier hay as well. And totally agree about the dust. I would not go back to Oxbow because of the dust. My husband has put up with it (our 50 lb box of it) for months and we couldn't wait for this shipment so we could toss it. I really enjoy the Kleenmama hay all around.

Enjoy the weekend!:wave:
October 24, 2009 - Toby poops the big one


YAY! Toby pooped a huge furry one last night and then he pooped all over the place, some was flung outside of his pen ( I don't know how he achieved this). But it's ok, as long as he IS pooping, I feel better. He really didn't touch that 3rd cut timmy at all.

Kirby's poops have never looked better. The Oxbow was all the way at the bottom of his hay basket and he picked out all the 3rd cut. :pHe ate it ALL! I gave him a ton of it last night too. I took all the Oxbow he didn't care for and gave it to Toby, figuring Toby might appreciate it more. I gave Kirby some bluegrass to compensate. I don't want Kirby to get ALL SPOILED on 3rd cut hay and then refuse to eat anything else. It's not available year-long :(
Wow - Benebac is not a game. That stuff really works. I fed Toby a teaspoon of powder benebac before going out to dinner. He hadn't eaten very much from what I can tell still. But I came home and...

Well, I forgot to close his door. He came out and was nowhere to be found. I also didn't close the door to the no-bunny-zones (my bedroom and the bathroom). I was in a panic looking for him. I finally found him hiding under the couch. I looked around the no bun zones and didn't find anything out of place. Thank goodness my baby To-To didn't eat anything he shouldn't.

What I did find in his litter box was a huge pile of poops. They were all very dark in color and also very small. No furry ones, just small. I'm sure he's still working some stuff out that's why he's not eating much. :(

Edit: While we were gone, Toby conquered the sofa ottoman. He's lying on it right now! He's never laid down on it. For the longest time he's just been jumping on the couch and walking around. :)
October 25, 2009 - Halloween Dress-Up

I figured to preserve my life, I would start with the toughest one first while I had full energy. Mission: Transform Toby into Toby "The Jaws" Shark-bunny.

Oh he did not like it. Not one bit. :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:Lots of grunting later...

He finally stopped looking like his pride was hurt and gave me a good pose to enter into the RO PhotoPhile contest lol

And Kirby... well, Kirby was so good. He was calm, and he let me maneuver him quite a bit. But I found out that the costume was too small on him. His legs wouldn't fit through the sleeves. Luckily you don't need to fit in the sleeves to look the part. :)I draped it on his back.

I had to get the pic taken on my lap because if he ran around the suit would just fall off.

Don't forget to vote for them when the contest starts! They got lots of treats but I'm stillbeing punished for making them do this, at least the rest of the entire day.

Oh, as if I had that much talent :biggrin2:
I bought them at Target. They were both extra small size, which fit Toby perfectly. But I think a small would have fit Kirby better.
AHH Poor bunny has to look like a shark for Halloween.

kirbyultra wrote:
October 25, 2009 - Halloween Dress-Up

I figured to preserve my life, I would start with the toughest one first while I had full energy. Mission: Transform Toby into Toby "The Jaws" Shark-bunny.

Oh he did not like it. Not one bit. :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:Lots of grunting later...