kirby'z blogz vol. 10
hi everybody! it'z me, kirby, again.
happy halloween! i don't like halloween except for the treats that i get. mommy made me dress up. :grumpy:how's everyone and everybun doing? i'm blogging because mommy hasn't had time to blog much lately. she's been sort of busy and pretty down lately.
i'm not sure why, but she's been mumbling a lot, busying herself and she comes to pet me, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention. i am trying to cheer her up by binkying and standing around on my back legs. i don't know why, it alwaysmakes her laugh.
she said i was going to get a "fwiend" and then she said i wasn't gonna get one. hmmm i don't know what it is, but last time she said toby is a fwiend and he turned out to be kind of mean to me. i am ok with just mommy and daddy :hearts: and i guess toby can stay in the rabbit nation too.
my furz are falling off again. booooo!

mommy is brushing it off with her hand right now, which i like. she always takes good care of me :hearts and mommy has been giving me nommy nommy hay. i luv it so much!! i am always busy making poo though. but oh well.
don't forget! you have to
vote for me and toby! we worked hard to dress up and mommy made us.
k, that's all! byeee!