King Kirby's Rabbit Nation

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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Rabbits are like potato chips you just can't stop at 2 or 3! That's how I got so many! I am looking for localchapter of Rabbitholics Anonymous.;)
Wabbitdad, what if you have to start your own chapter? I hope the chapter won't hold outings to rabbit shows or shelters... I think too many people would fall off the wagon too quickly. :coolness:
myheart wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Rabbits are like potato chips you just can't stop at 2 or 3! That's how I got so many! I am looking for localchapter of Rabbitholics Anonymous.;)
Wabbitdad, what if you have to start your own chapter? I hope the chapter won't hold outings to rabbit shows or shelters... I think too many people would fall off the wagon too quickly. :coolness:
That is either a terrible idea, or the best idea ever!:highfive:
kirbyultra wrote:
myheart wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Rabbits are like potato chips you just can't stop at 2 or 3! That's how I got so many! I am looking for localchapter of Rabbitholics Anonymous.;)
Wabbitdad, what if you have to start your own chapter? I hope the chapter won't hold outings to rabbit shows or shelters... I think too many people would fall off the wagon too quickly. :coolness:
That is either a terrible idea, or the best idea ever!:highfive:

I could just see the members of the Rabbitholics Anonymous chapter walking into a rabbit show and getting the shakes.... :shock:They would be searching for the nearest cardboard box to start stuffing bunnies of all shapes and sizes into it!!! Oh, the pandemoniumit would cause!!!! ;)


myheart wrote:

I could just see the members of the Rabbitholics Anonymous chapter walking into a rabbit show and getting the shakes.... :shock:They would be searching for the nearest cardboard box to start stuffing bunnies of all shapes and sizes into it!!! Oh, the pandemoniumit would cause!!!! ;)


myheart wrote:
I could just see the members of the Rabbitholics Anonymous chapter walking into a rabbit show and getting the shakes.... :shock:They would be searching for the nearest cardboard box to start stuffing bunnies of all shapes and sizes into it!!! Oh, the pandemoniumit would cause!!!! ;)
That's why Will wouldn't let me go to the local rabbit show down the street. He was working that day, and wouldn't let me go alone. :( We were joking about me going with an empty backpack, and Will coming home to a household full of bunnies! Then, when there was a bunny that was stolen from the fair. Will blamed me for it (jokingly)! Whoever stole it returned it (weirdo). :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
myheart wrote:
I could just see the members of the Rabbitholics Anonymous chapter walking into a rabbit show and getting the shakes.... :shock:They would be searching for the nearest cardboard box to start stuffing bunnies of all shapes and sizes into it!!! Oh, the pandemoniumit would cause!!!! ;)
That's why Will wouldn't let me go to the local rabbit show down the street. He was working that day, and wouldn't let me go alone. :( We were joking about me going with an empty backpack, and Will coming home to a household full of bunnies! Then, when there was a bunny that was stolen from the fair. Will blamed me for it (jokingly)! Whoever stole it returned it (weirdo). :)
Thats how we got Daisy, Karen left me ALONE at a rabbit show next to a woman who could sell ice to eskimos. My hands started trembling, couldn't withstand the cuteness and..
October 8, 2009 -kirby'z blogz vol. 9

oh! it's my turn again! hi everybunny.

VOTE NOW! VOTE NOW! pls! vote for wabbitdad and skippery! Here:

yay! Rabbit Nation go! go!

hmm mommy has me on a diet. can someone tell her to feed me more? i weally like pellets and she only gives me so wittle. :grumpy:i'm fluffy because it makes my slaves more obedient. what's she doing to me? more more more! more nom! more hay!

mommy did get me some new hay and it iz soooo nommy. i eat it all up every day and i hope she keeps it coming.

and then she said i had a lot of poo. well of course, where do you think it all goes, mommy? when i don't poo you tell me to poo and watch me until i poo. then i poo and you say i poo a lot. make up your mind, mommy. :?

i made a stringy poo today and she went and grabbed me up and said i haz fuzzy butt and brushed my buns so, so much. :Xi didn't like that at all. *DISAPPROVE* i wuz wondering why she gave me so many cranberries before. it was cuz she was going to mess with my bun bun. then she gave me a banana and toby stole it. oooooh that toby... grr. she gave me another one but i didn't want that one. i wanted the first one. *shakes bunny fist*

well that is all for now. pls remember to ask mommy to pls pls pls gimme more pellets, k? thanks everybun! and everyone! :biggrin2:

-King Kirby

Haha... Oh Kirby, turning the masses against me huh? Let's see, if everyone thinks you should have more, I'll feed you more ok?

I'll get a pic of my dear Kirby and you guys tell me if he looks like he could use a tiny diet. He's been getting less pellets for a month or two. Sometimes he looks much rounder than I remember and sometimes he doesn't. One thing I will say is his coat used to be even softer and shinier:( Kirbys old owner used to feed just hay and pellets, no greens so he loved his pellets bigtime and was absolutely gorgeous. He's still beautiful now but his coat seems different.

Sir Toby got called by his full name this morning. Naughty boy climbed up things he shouldn't be climbing and got stuck, couldn't get himself back out lol!! He was making all sorts of gurgly grunting noises struggling to find an exit. It was so funny after a minute. Kirby doesn't make any noises unless I have mega pissed him off, then he will let out a low growl. It's very manly. (lol). Toby's grunts sound like something else... Like a baby blowing bubbles with his spit. LOL

Oh I love bunnies!!! They do such playful little things to light up your life. :hearts:
It's Friday! yay!

What a week. It was a zoo at work. And not the good type with cute animals in it. :?
I don't know, actually. I am so ill, congested... and generally miserable that I can't remember half of it. Oh, it's probably better that way lol Sigh...

I am actually really sad. My manager needs our tiny team to send 1 person to India and one person to Salt Lake City for a period of 1-2 MONTHS. :shock:I told my manager I have no interest in going to either place. Not because I don't want to (ok, I don't want to) but because I don't know if I can make it 1-2 months without my honey bunny babies. :tears2:I was pretty sure one of my colleagues would be ok with going to India (he's actually IN Indiaright now visiting family) but we won't know for sure until he returns to the office. And one other person wants to go to Salt Lake. But of all these people my manager picked me for Salt Lake City :( I wanted to ask him if he could switch me with the person who wanted to go to Salt Lake but before doing that I want to make sure the guy prospective for India agrees to go. Otherwise he may send me to India and I'll just have to quit my job on the spot. I don't want to go!!!!!!!!!! :tears2::tears2::tears2::tears2::tears2::tears2::tears2:

Salt Lake City?! :( There's nothing there! No bunnies. No Kirby. No Toby. No forum members for me to get a rabbit fix from. Can't they send me to Wisconsin or something?!:X

Anyhoo, here are some overdue rabbit nation pix. Kirby's been feeling kind of unpopular what with nobody commenting on his blog. Here's him giving you the disapproving look from out of the corner of one eye.


"mommy, you promised me a banana chip."


"mmmmmmm pellets!!!"

"nommy hayyyy!"

SOMEBUNNY woke me up on Saturday in protest of getting breakfast at 11am (5 hours past due) by throwing his water crock down the ramp of his condo. That royal bun has earned himself a new water crock.

Complete with attachment to the wall.

Kirby is the cutest, I love his little white toes!

Awwww, SLC or India??? That is rough! I hate to say that I think you should probably go to SLC if you must, jobs are so slim right now. Not a good idea to quit. Good luck, I hope you can stay home with the bun-buns.
Thanks silvermoon! Kirby's precious white footie is one of his cutest features indeed :)
I hope I get to stay too.
Believe me when I say, I am ready to quit this job daily. They just need to gimme one more reason...