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October 4, 2009 - A sad end to the weekend

This morning I got up feeling pretty crumy. I have a lot of cleaning and stuff to do, and being under the weather all week, I pretty much left myself a week's worth of it to do. I barely scratched the surface of the chores when I felt like I needed to go shopping for winter clothes. My weight has fluctuated up and down (mostly up) and I am fairly certain nothing I currently own fits right anymore. The weather is quickly turning cold and I needed to go buy clothes. I happen to hate going shopping... it's just not my thing. So, it was another "chore"...

I went out for 2 hours shopping, was somewhat successful in my mission. Developed an amazingly potent migraine by noon. I went and watched a movie (Capitalism: A Love Story) with my husbun. He wanted to see it andI didn't really care for it. It was funny but in a dark, depressing kind of Michael Moore way. Meanwhile, migraine only intensified.

Then I read myheart's blog with Luna and Patrick pictures, and news of Luna's passing. Maybe it was the state I was already in when I read it. Maybe something about her dutchies has touched the rabbit lover in me. The pictures of her trio... the expression on the rabbits' faces and the body language of the buns, especially with Patrick- it's something that can't be mistaken for anything other than pure love the way nature intended it. I am so sad about Luna, even though I've never met her (Luna, or myheart), and even thoughshe has been preparing us on RO for this inevitable event.

Janet, my condolences to you. Very sorry for your loss. Luna looked like a very sweet, special girl. I think many of us on RO have fallen in love with her too. I sure hope Zappa and Patrick comfort each other and their mom. :hug:

Kirby is such a good boy. I'd been going in the rabbit nation whining "I need to hug a bun!" all night. I finally tried at 10pm to get a hug from a bun.

Well, the easiest bun to get was Toby. I picked him up and he was already thinking of escape routes. Realization number 1 wasgeez, he's a lot heavier than I remember. I picked him up last week for a nail trimming but I didn't really think about hugging him or doing an overall health check or anything. He hopped out of my arms and onto my table pretty much within 10 seconds so I put him back in the pen.

I went to pet Kirby and he flattened for me of course. I just said to him, "Kirby, mommy needs a hug. Can I please get a hug?" I swooped him up in my arms... he didn't fight it. It's literally the first time I've ever picked him up on the first try. I took him to the couch and held him on my chest. I pet him and stroked his head and ears. I had a very warm, "honey" moment with Kirby. He looked at me in his silent, calm, loving way. I gave him cheek rubs and little eskimo kisses. And of course, big kisses on top of his head. Oh, my Kirby is the best. He always knows when mommy needs him. :hearts: I put him back in his castle, and pet his head. He flattened out again. He has never really done this... usually after being picked up, no matter for how little time he usually is kind of cranky about it. But he flattened and let me pet him and accepted 2 craisins from me. What a sweetheart he is.

Then Toby started to chew on the bars so I let him out again. He came up to the couch with me and started to climb all over me. I guess it's Toby's way of giving me some bun love. :hearts

I guess it's the closest I'll get to either of my buns giving me bunny kisses and stuff. It's how they express love. :)

I'm glad that Kirby was available for squishing. Everyone has a "I need to hug a bunny" day. Luna's passing hit me hard here, too. :(

P.S.: I hate clothes shopping, too! I know your pain. :p
kherrmann3 wrote:
I'm glad that Kirby was available for squishing. Everyone has a "I need to hug a bunny" day. Luna's passing hit me hard here, too. :(

P.S.: I hate clothes shopping, too! I know your pain. :p

I feel so needy sometimes! I'm like, I *need* a bun hug... Please?? As my rabbits look at me, disapprovingly. In my head, clips from my childhood cartoon "Tiny Toon Adventures" get conjured up. Does anyone remember Elmira, the animal squisher? She grabs the bunnies and goes "Im gonna hug you and kiss you and love you to pieces forever and ever!!!!" I'm not quite that bad but... If someone was going to make a characature of my bunny neediness, it wouldn't be too far off :p

On the topic of clothes shopping: I know the stores I'm going to hit, and I'm in and out. If I can find anything I want to buy, I'm pretty mch screwed the whole season! Shopping makes my head spin...
I remember Elmira. :p I have those days, too.

I go through bunny hugging withdrawal when I go out of town. My mum has all the squishiness to herself (but chooses not to utilize it)!
kirbyultra wrote:
kherrmann3 wrote:
I'm glad that Kirby was available for squishing. Everyone has a "I need to hug a bunny" day. Luna's passing hit me hard here, too. :(

P.S.: I hate clothes shopping, too! I know your pain. :p

On the topic of clothes shopping: I know the stores I'm going to hit, and I'm in and out.
Finally a woman who shops like I shop, commando hit and run! I don't go shopping with my wife because she likes to look and look and look...
kirbyultra wrote:
October 4, 2009 - A sad end to the weekend

Then I read myheart's blog with Luna and Patrick pictures, and news of Luna's passing. Maybe it was the state I was already in when I read it. Maybe something about her dutchies has touched the rabbit lover in me. The pictures of her trio... the expression on the rabbits' faces and the body language of the buns, especially with Patrick- it's something that can't be mistaken for anything other than pure love the way nature intended it. I am so sad about Luna, even though I've never met her (Luna, or myheart), and even thoughshe has been preparing us on RO for this inevitable event.

Janet, my condolences to you. Very sorry for your loss. Luna looked like a very sweet, special girl. I think many of us on RO have fallen in love with her too. I sure hope Zappa and Patrick comfort each other and their mom. :hug:


I read this at work this morning, and re-read it again now.... Makes me cry every time!!! :cry1:I don't even know what to sayabout such kind words. I wish we could meet so I could give you and your bunners big squishes of "Thanks" for your kindness. It is amazing to think about how attached we are to all ofthe forum bunnies. When the forum loses a bunny, it hurts almost as much as losing one of our own bunnies.

Thank you for your kindness. I will treasure your words for as long as I take to grieve Luna's loss. If I lean on you a little for support, I know you will be there for me, as I will always be there for you. :hug:

myheart wrote:
I read this at work this morning, and re-read it again now.... Makes me cry every time!!! :cry1:I don't even know what to sayabout such kind words. I wish we could meet so I could give you and your bunners big squishes of "Thanks" for your kindness. It is amazing to think about how attached we are to all ofthe forum bunnies. When the forum loses a bunny, it hurts almost as much as losing one of our own bunnies.

Thank you for your kindness. I will treasure your words for as long as I take to grieve Luna's loss. If I lean on you a little for support, I know you will be there for me, as I will always be there for you. :hug:


:hug2:I am here anytime you need me, Janet. Bun moms go through so many things together that only we can understand. I think we are so lucky to have found our heart buns. Kirby is mine. I don't know if I could be as strong a woman as you if it were Kirby, frankly. I couldn't think of the possibility... It is good to know that I have a support system here on RO. :rose:I wish you and the buns well. It's such a shame Wisconsin is so far away. :dunno

...I should really consider moving. New York is too crazy for me sometimes...

kirbyultra wrote:
:hug2:I am here anytime you need me, Janet. Bun moms go through so many things together that only we can understand. I think we are so lucky to have found our heart buns. Kirby is mine. I don't know if I could be as strong a woman as you if it were Kirby, frankly. I couldn't think of the possibility... It is good to know that I have a support system here on RO. :rose:I wish you and the buns well. It's such a shame Wisconsin is so far away. :dunno

...I should really consider moving. New York is too crazy for me sometimes...

I think you would be amazed at the things you are able to do when you need to. It's either do it, or risk the alternative situation. I did what Luna needed at the time, as difficult as it was, but I managed to have an extra six months with her. I guess, in retrospect, giving fluids wasn't that bad. It became part of our routine as much as we didn't like it. The members of RO were awesome for the support we needed on days that it didn't go well. It made the times we did give fluids right even better.

I've thought about moving many times for a change of pace. But I think I would be lost without a lake nearby to walk around to clear my head. I am so fortunate to live on Lake Michigan, and the only thing better would be to have my own private lake and a farmette filled with critters. :D

I suppose you're right, myheart. I didn't know I could love a little creature so strongly until my life actually took me there with Kirby. Who knows what the future holds...

Maybe RO just has a lot of Wisconsin members. I just feel like Wisconsin has a lot of rabbit people... and NY not so much. Maybe upstate NY but not in the city. Lots in Jersey too.

Petfinder shows a LOT of NY bunnies in need of a home. It's kind of heart-breaking. Husbun says we can really get a 3rd bun. He's willing to get rid of the computers and stuff and use a laptop instead. He saidI could get Kirby a queen. Kirby's at the right age and such to settle down :biggrin2:

I really like boy buns though. I just seem to like boys better, maybe because my first bun was a boy. I have never had a girly bun and I'm not sure what the difference would be. But I should really get Kirby a girlfriend to help with the bonding... and I have to do bunny dates right this time so, no more impulse bunny napping...

I kind of want to wait for Toby to settle down. He's showing signs of calming (with me, not with Kirby). Maybe one day he will be... bondable. I know that my husbun loves me and would give into anything to make me happy. A 3rd bunny would make me really happy. But at the same time with my ^&$#*! job doesn't give me enough time to enjoy 3 buns. And if I didn't get to love all my buns I wouldn't feel like I was giving them a good home. I want to quit and spend time doing something else with my life, but it's been such a miserable year that if I don't stay for that year end bonus check, I would be a crazy fool. I should hold out until at least January to get a bun.

But I keep looking at petfinder...Gah!! I'm so bad!:grumpy:
I surfed petfinder constantly, too. That's kind of how we found Sammi. Actually, we just called in to HAWS, set up a bunny date for ALL of the bachelorette bunnies and went in. Sammi and Toby didn't fight "as much" as the other pairings ;) Will was the impulse adopter with that one. :p

Like I said, Wisconsin isn't THAT far away, and if you lived near Waukesha, there's a lovely little non-profit rescue that has a few available bachelorette bunnies! (That's where Andy is fostered from) :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
I surfed petfinder constantly, too. That's kind of how we found Sammi. Actually, we just called in to HAWS, set up a bunny date for ALL of the bachelorette bunnies and went in. Sammi and Toby didn't fight "as much" as the other pairings ;) Will was the impulse adopter with that one. :p

Like I said, Wisconsin isn't THAT far away, and if you lived near Waukesha, there's a lovely little non-profit rescue that has a few available bachelorette bunnies! (That's where Andy is fostered from) :)

Wisconsin is pretty far away, 15 hours! lol I actually did a whole plan thing in my mind - I was going to take a week off, have my brother bunnysit Toby, take Kirby with me in the carrier, bring towels and stuff in the car, plenty of litter, etc.... drive to Wisconsin. Live in a hotel for the week, spend the week having bunny dates with Kirby and Andy, make sure they get along. Convince myheart to gimme Andy. If she says no, I will have to steal him in the middle of the night! Drive 15 hours back to NY :biggrin2:Yeah, I was totally nuts about this... Except I only 1.5 vacation days left and I'd have to use the 5 days I allocated to visiting husbun's grandma in Cali in December... and explain to an old woman on her 80th birthday why I couldn't stay. :?


I'm totally going to have a get a dutch girlie for Kirby one day... I don't know when, but I want a dutch. myheart's trio and Andy really have me in love with the breed. Also, Saudade's dutchLucy is so adorable. So jealous! After ElfMommy got Poe, I wanted a Rex or mini rex and I actually accidentally got a mini rex (mix) which is Toby. I am totally convinced. Rex/mini rex bunnies are just crazy fun. :biggrin2:So, with that wish fulfilled, I must have a Dutch!
kirbyultra wrote:
Wisconsin is pretty far away, 15 hours! lol I actually did a whole plan thing in my mind - I was going to take a week off, have my brother bunnysit Toby, take Kirby with me in the carrier, bring towels and stuff in the car, plenty of litter, etc.... drive to Wisconsin. Live in a hotel for the week, spend the week having bunny dates with Kirby and Andy, make sure they get along. Convince myheart to gimme Andy. If she says no, I will have to steal him in the middle of the night!

I'm totally going to have a get a dutch girlie for Kirby one day... I don't know when, but I want a dutch. myheart's trio and Andy really have me in love with the breed. Also, Saudade's dutchLucy is so adorable. So jealous! After ElfMommy got Poe, I wanted a Rex or mini rex and I actually accidentally got a mini rex (mix) which is Toby. I am totally convinced. Rex/mini rex bunnies are just crazy fun. :biggrin2:So, with that wish fulfilled, I must have a Dutch!

:ponder: Well.... that sounded like quite the plan...!!! Not sure what to say, other than I might have to implement that one when I find a bunner out of state that I absolutely must have.

:bunny18Woot!!! One more person converted over to needing a Dutchie in their life!!! After you get a Dutch, Helen, the next phase is to want a Flemmie.... Just to warn you how the chain of needing other breeds goes. The alternative to Flemmie, if you can't find one, is any bun six pounds or over who likes to be squished on and loved up. I am just throwing this important information out there in case you need to forewarn your husbun that you might need a house sooner than you thought. ;):p

myheart :rabbithop :dutch :anotherbun :headflick:(mmmm... herd of Dutchies... :biggrin2:)
myheart wrote:
Not sure what to say, other than I might have to implement that one when I find a bunner out of state that I absolutely must have.

:bunny18Woot!!! One more person converted over to needing a Dutchie in their life!!! After you get a Dutch, Helen, the next phase is to want a Flemmie.... Just to warn you how the chain of needing other breeds goes. The alternative to Flemmie, if you can't find one, is any bun six pounds or over who likes to be squished on and loved up. I am just throwing this important information out there in case you need to forewarn your husbun that you might need a house sooner than you thought. ;):p

myheart :rabbithop :dutch :anotherbun :headflick:(mmmm... herd of Dutchies... :biggrin2:)

It's a pretty good plan, huh? If Andy's staying a few more days, you better lock your doors! I'm pretty sure Kelly and I have our eyes locked on dear Andy!:duel

Flemmie eh? I always wondered why so many members need to get Flemmies. They just seem so... large? lol I was at my rescue's semi annual Bunny Spa Day and saw this small boy holding a rabbit as large as he was and my jaw hit the floor! He was holding the bun like a big carnival prize stuffie, it was pretty funny. Are they really so squishy? :shock:I told my husbun about the bun I saw and he was scared/mortified LOL!

Hmm herd of Dutchies, small... medium.. large... ? I see where you're going with this ;)

Here's to more buns! More buns! More buns!
JadeIcing wrote:
I wonder what the drive from you to me is. :ponder:

Much, much shorter!! I have made it to Hartford in rain in under 4.5 hrs I think.

Everybun lock your doors! Kirby's slaves are looking for a Dutch lady for the Rabbit Nation queen's throne!