JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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stanleysmommy, youcould always go to the "no bunnies allowed" thread, if you haven't beenthere already, and see what a lot of us look like! ;)It is avery fun thread and it really had quite a sense of family at one time.It got a little out of hand for a while, but maybe with this new senseof closeness we are starting to find again, it could be that way oncemore.

Sorry, that post doesn't exist anymore, Raspberry.

Anyone that wishes to post their pictures can do so on their home threads.


**"A Flemish breeder is coming to the party. I'll ask him not to bring any babies.


AND WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!! I want aFlemmie whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa okim over it lol but istill want a Flemmi .

Doots Mom Mydrivers license always looks l ikethereshould be numbers lol I lovethe color of that georgeous Lop inyour arms , what astunner .

Your shed looks like my garage, lock up tight we have aserial breeder on hte loose down here ! Iam getting security camerasinstalled early next week because of it:X, like i dont have enough todo now i have to sitthru 8 to 16 hrsofcomputer program geesh .
LOL!!!! That "shed" is my sons old bedroom! Whenhe left, we decided to make it our computer room and installed newwindows (haven't gotten around to sheetrocking it!)...then the bunniesbegan to come. It has a/c! There's 16 buns in there now! I have bunniesunderfoot as I compute!! Jeez!
Carolyn, either I forgot how to PM (it's been awhile) or it's just not working - I tried clicking on your name and Ijust got your user profile. I notice some changes on the board recently- did PMing change too? Can you please tell me how to do this again?Thanks!:)

Go into where it says, "No new Messages", when you get in there, clickon Write New Message, and type my name in next to "To". Hopethat is clear. :)

YEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! So GLAD Yourgoing to be able tojoin us MAmbo , I cant waitto meet you !!!!!

hows that ankle getting better I hope .
mambo101 wrote:
Well sports fans:


mambo101 wrote:
Iwon't be bringing Fonzie. I really don't want to put him through thestress of an eight hour car ride.
We've taken a crew of five rabbits to Tennessee and back. Twoday trip down and two day trip back. Have stayed up to sixweeks in between on various occasions. No apparent illaffects on the buns.

We frequently took buns to Carolyn's Tucker Town, a three hour trip oneway, and it doesn't seem to affect them at all. We have ourbuns in cages with food, water, litter, and hay. Eight hoursmight not be too difficult, but you got to do what you got to do and Iimagine doing anything that might put Fonzie at risk right now is notat all appealing.

Happy to see that a bunch of us of the male persuasion will be on hand.

Buck Jones wrote:
I imagine doing anything that might put Fonzie at risk rightnow is not at all appealing.
That exactly is my thoughts right now. After losing two buns is 6 month, I just don't think I could deal with the risk.