JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Ohthat PoorPunkin!! He's lucky he didn't break anybones in his face.

He's such a little cutie too.

LOL He is aShe her name is Lexilol its the hair cut , shewanted it all gone and thehairdresser complied lmao .
LOL No Problem , Everyonehas said the same thing sincethe day that child was born lol, even dressed in pink with a hairbow they sayaww what a cute little boy lol.
gypsy wrote:
LOL No Problem , Everyone hassaid the same thing since theday that child was born lol ,even dressed in pink with a hairbow they sayaww what a cute little boylol.

I had the opposite problem with Ryan. All dressed in blue andpeople would hear me call him Ryan and say "what an unusual name for alittle girl!". I was also told how "pretty" he was.He had the most beautiful blonde hair down to his shoulders.Everyone thought he was Stephanie's twin sister(they are"Irish" twins -- 15 months apart).

He's all boy now though!

The whole party is maxed out.Can't take any more attendees to the party, and don't have room left inthe dorms.

**" (they are "Irish" twins -- 15 months apart)."**
Poor Ryan I do feel bad for him .
My Daugters last 3 are polish triplets Lexi is 4 Nate 3 Zach 2 it goesLexi jan to may older by 1 yr as nate Nate to Zach from may to june 1year older , stupid twit is as bad as a rabbit lol.

A Flemish breeder is coming to the party. I'll ask him not to bring any babies.


I can't believe it. Thank goodness he'snot bringing any with him. I would be dead meat because I couldn't sayno with a couple Flemmie babies running around. My self control wouldfall to the bottom of the lake.

He will be so much fun to talk to. Hope me doesn't mind me picking his brain lol.

Who said he's not bringing anybabies?? I was kidding when I said I'd tell him notto. He's very psyched to meet everyone.

Carolyn wrote:
Whosaid he's not bringing any babies?? I was kidding when I saidI'd tell him not to. He's very psyched to meet everyone.

Iam so dead. I have No Flemish Willpower. Oh Boy am I going to be introuble. No Flemish baby No Flemish baby. Yeah right,who am Ikidding. I'm dead.

Carolyn wrote:
Whosaid he's not bringing any babies?? I was kidding when I saidI'd tell him not to. He's very psyched to meet everyone.


I'm so excited! I wanted a Flemish, but Napoleon needed a home, so I got a "mini" version.

I can't wait to see all the Flemish, babies or otherwise!



Iam sooo going to need ya'll to help me say No. Flemish are such a weakness for me. I want them all.

I am so excites. I until it's time to leave for the party. I've already started packing.

From Carolyn found on page 10

"No pictures of the human attendees willbe posted without the consent of whoever is in the picture. Alot of people have already said they don't want their pictures posted,but we will post pictures of the rabbits in attendance.



You're so on top of this stuff, Amy. Your memory and ability to recall what's been posted really impresses me.

Thanks for doing it here and all over the board.

