JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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There's one in every crowd!


RaspberrySwirl wrote:
stanleysmommy, you couldalways go to the "no bunnies allowed" thread, if you haven't been therealready, and see what a lot of us look like! ;)It is a veryfun thread and it really had quite a sense of family at one time. Itgot a little out of hand for a while, but maybe with this new sense ofcloseness we are starting to find again, it could be that way oncemore.

Well, the thread may be gone, but the important information we allshared just kind of rippled out into cyberland to do whatevergood it may. That ripple just keeps on going.

Sometimes, now, when a newbie shows up who has been directed here, Ilike to think it is our concern for our rabbits and for the informationwe shared, that is now rippling back to the us in the form of newmembers.

I'm sure you havenoticed, butmany of our newermembers are pretty rabbit savvy and are fielding queries quickly andcorrectly. Not as much need for old timers like me to jump inwith my two cents worth if everything necessary to be said,isbeing said.

I think this year's party will do a great deal toward inculcating asense of family amongst us. The Missus and I have met about ahalf-dozen Internet bunny friends andI 've never beendisappointed when we met them personally, so we look forward to meetingall of you in person in July.

You know we have to start planning for the Third Annual Night ofthe Lepus screening to be held in October, especially now thatwe have so many of our own Giants amongst us.


OH. MY. GOODNESS. I want to go SObad! I am going to find out if I can make the drive and workon my boss next ;)

Sounds like SO much fun!!! ;)
I can't express how excited I am about this. Everyone of ya'll has a hug coming so be prepared.:)

We have even worked out where everyBunny is going to stay inthe truck for the trip. I'm already to go. I'm just waiting and it'salmost here...

They gotst Woody Pet? (((enters woody pet smilie)))

10 miles from the Boathouse Party?:clap:

At a TSC Store???:yes:

This is just getting better all the time!!:dancing:


I do believe..I do believe..I do believe...



WHY did I mention TSC???????

W H Y ??????????

I'm just gonna kick back and Watch the Show with SLG!

Oh, I so wish I could go, but alas, I just can'tjustify taking another vacation this summer or get any more time offwork, I'm pushing it as is. Shawn and I have a ridiculousamount of places to go, and not really for vacation, but to seepeople. We are going to Hawaii for a Christening (Shawn's theGodfather), to LA to see my best friend and my to-be stepsister, toAlabama to help a friend who is moving back this way (he and his 2 yr.old daughter are going to live with us for a while :shock:), finally inSeptember, we are going to Vegas for a short vacation withfriends. I'm not even going to be in town during the bunnyparty, I'm going to visit my brother for a week. It's goingto be busy, especially since I've started hunting for a new job in thePittsburgh area because I'm moving back there from Punxsutawney soon.

But a Flemish breeder is going to be there? Oh, I really wishI could go! Sampson needs a friend who is his size.He's been trying to play with my cat, that's an interesting thing, thecat just tries to groom him. Maybe Mambo can smuggle one homefor me. LOL


mambo101 wrote:
Can you just imagine. All these rabbit people converging onthis TSC store looking for WoodyPet!:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::groupparty:
That's too funny, Mambo. I can just see it now.We'll be pushing each other around in the carts, having races andknocking over pallets of God knows what. Maybe we'll take oneof the John Deere's for a spin in the parking lot.

Hee hee

mambo101 wrote:
Can you just imagine. All these rabbit people converging onthis TSC store looking for Woody Pet!
I got that bag of Woody Pet......No! That's mine....No it's mine, give it to me....:D

Rainbows! :angel:
cirrustwi wrote:
But a Flemish breeder is going to be there?

Unfortunately, a friend told me the breeder was a Flemish, but he'snot. He's a Californian breeder. I think we're allsafer with that though.

* * * *

Hope everyone got the invitation packages in the mail and it wasclear. Don't hesitate to PM me with questions.

Time's flying. We'll all be together before you know it.


I feel the same way about you,Jen, andBunnyMommynot attending, Amy. At least this weekendis one to look forward to! I can't wait to meet you and takeyou to pick up your beautiful baby boy.
