RaspberrySwirl wrote:
stanleysmommy, you couldalways go to the "no bunnies allowed" thread, if you haven't been therealready, and see what a lot of us look like!
It is a veryfun thread and it really had quite a sense of family at one time. Itgot a little out of hand for a while, but maybe with this new sense ofcloseness we are starting to find again, it could be that way oncemore.
Well, the thread may be gone, but the important information we allshared just kind of
rippled out into cyberland to do whatevergood it may. That ripple just keeps on going.
Sometimes, now, when a newbie shows up who has been directed here, Ilike to think it is our concern for our rabbits and for the informationwe shared, that is now rippling back to the us in the form of newmembers.
I'm sure you havenoticed, butmany of our newermembers are pretty rabbit savvy and are fielding queries quickly andcorrectly. Not as much need for old timers like me to jump inwith my two cents worth if everything necessary to be said,isbeing said.
I think this year's party will do a great deal toward inculcating asense of family amongst us. The Missus and I have met about ahalf-dozen Internet bunny friends andI 've never beendisappointed when we met them personally, so we look forward to meetingall of you in person in July.
You know we have to start planning for the
Third Annual Night ofthe Lepus screening to be held in October, especially now thatwe have so many of our own Giants amongst us.