JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Well don't give up hope yet, Amy.

* * * * * * *

To those attending the Party:

Some of you have confirmed your dorm room rentals, thank you forthat. :) Those of youwho areundecidedundecided, I really am going to have tohavea count so that I may order linens for you.Please let me know by Saturday, June 11thwhat your plans areif you wish to stay in the dorm.


P.S. Dorms aren't air conditioned.

Being an early user and proponent of WoodyPetpurchased from Tractor Supply Company outlets, members heresometimes jokingly queried me, tongue in cheek, if I had stock inTSC. You all thought that was a "funny."

Itook the advice implicit in your humor and bought the stock. It's doing well.:dancing:

Thank you for being such a lovely bunch of coconuts.

Can't wait to see you all queue up for the TCS/WoodyPet run.:clap:


I got my package!! And I've already asked a hundred questions, too!

Danielle and I aregoing to stay in a motel in the area. Theyallow pets, so Rosie will stay with us ($10 extra per night). We'recoming up Friday night and staying Saturday night, too.

I'm bring my fishing poles in case anyone wants to join me in drowning some worms!

I even found a sushi bar in the area!!

I can't wait!!! This is sooooo exciting !!

There aren't many restaurantsinthistownthat don't serve Sushi,Jim. :) Once "The Boathouse Restaurant" startedserving it, it put the pressure on others to get their act together aswell.

(I suppose I should've included the TSC run in the agenda!)

Carolyn wrote:
There aren't many restaurantsinthistownthat don't serve Sushi,Jim. :) Once "The Boathouse Restaurant" startedserving it, it put the pressure on others to get their act together aswell.

(I suppose I should've included the TSC run in the agenda!)



***jim makes note to bring sake and tsing-tao***

This just keeps getting better and better!!!

Apollo, Christa, Hopi, Misty and Stormy are coming.

I'm not sure about Tinsel and Mitzy. I'm afraid it may be toomuch for them. If they don't come I'll bring pics of them foreveryone.

Sushi, sake andtsing-tao???

What about the hotdog dinner you promisedme? I want a hotdog dinner!

Beans& Weenies and Beerwould be okay too. That does fit right in with my hayseed image,doesn'tit?

I'm not eating raw fish Carolyn. :X:X:X

Raspbery, Quit puking on the board it'sso Eww Gross. Here drink some ofthis and take somePepto.

Carolyn, I Am Not Eating Raw Fish..disgusting. I think I'll stick to veggie burgers.

Gypsy, I think your mailman and my mailman are partying at the same bar. I want my packet:tears2:.

Ally,I am so excited. I can barely wait.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Sushi, sake andtsing-tao????? ?

What about the hotdog dinner you promisedme? I want a hotdog dinner!

Beans?& Weenies and Beer would beokay too. That does fit right in with my hayseed image, doesn'tit??? ?

I'm not eating raw fish Carolyn. :X?:X?:X?



If it's a HOT DOG Dinner you want, It's a HOT DOG DINNER You Get...and so does everyone else.

There you have it folks. We'll be cookin Dogs on the Beach at the Lake for the After-Party.

HHHHHHHot Dooooooggggg!!!! :bunnydance:

FreddysMom wrote:
:growl:**tantrum** i want to go so baaad!! :sad:

darn work.....

Say you got food poisoning *vision of bad sushi with Raspberry's input* and call in sick.

Come Party With Us!

"We are Family. I got all my bunnies and Me..."

:groupparty: :groupparty:

I'm not doing this next year. This is my last year.

Carolyn wrote:
Unfortunately, a friend told me the breeder was a Flemish,but he's not. He's a Californian breeder. I thinkwe're all safer with that though.

Hmm....I know I'm tired - but I read this as the breeder being FROMCalifornia and not the way it was meant. I was thinking, "Whyare we discriminating against Californians on the board?"

Sheesh! Maybe I need a dose of Tiny's medicine......he's mad enough right now I'm sure he'd love to give it to me!

You're definitely too tired and out of it, Peg.

There is no discrimination against anyone on this board. We love ourCalifornia members and our California Rabbits. We welcome variety andexperience from all. It doesn't matter where you're from or what breedyou're interested in. We're all rabbit fanciers.

Give Tiny his medication because he needs it. He'll get over being madat you when he's feeling better. Give him a kiss from me, and go to bed.

Prayers continue for Tiny.

Maybe I will host it next year ::Laughs:: Unfortunatly that leaves it still in CT ;)

Well Guinevere is definitely coming, and Anubis may join us, dependingon how he is acting. He is currently laying in his chube, itsthe FUNNIEST thing.

Oh and... Internet is back! Yay!

Now to find the box that has my medication in it ::grumblegrumble::
