JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Buck Jones wrote:
Security isnot an areato taken less than seriously!


Thank you, Buck. I strongly feel the same way.

Buck Jones wrote:
....I suspect that much of that comes with having a studentbody whose parents areaffluent and famous on a worldwidelevel.

You are absolutely correct, Buck. That's why we have a fewmembers working Security 24/7, 365 days a year. TheSchool absolutely doesn't take it lightly. They neverwould've rented the place to me if I didn't as well.


I certainly hope everyone takes a lot ofphotos! I'm going to be very disappointed if I can't at leastenjoy the festivities via the world wide web :)

pamnock wrote:
Icertainly hope everyone takes a lot of photos! I'm going tobe very disappointed if I can't at least enjoy the festivities via theworld wide web :)

I second that!!!!

Lots and lots of photos please.

I'm planning on having a "Backyard Bunnies Party" the same day, so we'll be there in spirit at least!!

JimD wrote:
pamnock wrote:
I certainly hopeeveryone takes a lot of photos! I'm going to be very disappointed if Ican't at least enjoy the festivities via the world wide web :)

I second that!!!!

And I third!
No pictures of the human attendees will beposted without the consent of whoever is in the picture. Alot of people have already said they don't want their pictures posted,but we will post pictures of the rabbits in attendance.


Nope. No one's going to have aresponsibility.We're going tobebusy enough getting aquainted, sharing stories, eating,golfing, enjoying our families, the scenary, fishing, etc.Not interested in a bunny picture contest.

I'm glad you understand about the pictures, Amy and Pamnock. :)


It wasn't held at the same place. Samedeal though - people came from miles around and we enjoyed ourselvesmore than any of us ever imagined. We thought itmight be awkward,especially one member who is painfully shy,but shecame right out of her shell. :)

He he. Most of us were technologicallychallenged, I'm afraid. The couple who took most of thepictures have lost their buns since that time and find it difficult tovisit with us at the site here because they miss them so, but then donot want to be tied down by traveling with new buns.

Both Carolyn and I benefited by inheriting her complete collection ofrabbit oriented literature, to include a raft of original RabbitsOnly Magazine hard copies before it became an Internet magazine.

Connections like that are bittersweet because one knows how much theirbuns meant to them over the years, but one also understands how owingbuns limits travel opportunity once one retires.

I finally did get a digital camera, but still do not know how to post pictures here. *embarrassed"

**" You don't have to bring your golf clubs. Youcan rent them - for a cost of $10 - at the School. **" NOGolf for Cassi

That child isnt to get within 100 yardsof a golf course after whathappened over the weekend ,. Got a call saturday atwork ER call to be exact ,Seems My oldest daughter needed my car torun the 4 yr old to thehospital ,. I punched outof workand waited for her to arrivevia my Hubby who istottally useless in an emmergency. got to the hospitaland the nurse took the bandageoff Lexi's face and I nearlyhit the floor ,she had a 3 cm gashcleaved into her cheek , took 3 stitchesto close it up . seems Cassiwas trying to show Lexi how togolf and when Cassi sung the 9iron Lexi stepped in for a closer look . wellneedless to say NO MORE Golf!!!
Cassi and Lexi before the accident ,


this is what a 9 iron will do to a 4 year olds face , see why i say no golf for Cassi ,