JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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JimD wrote:
JimD wrote:
***thinks ofsuitable bunnie disguise so he can sneak in.....aha it's a brokenjersey felmish giant !***
OH NO!!!! I can't take this!!!

And I was worried about my appearance when I arrived??? :shock:

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
JimD wrote:
***thinksof suitable bunnie disguise so he can sneak in.....aha it's a brokenjersey felmish giant !***
OH NO!!!! I can't take this!!!

And I was worried about my appearance when I arrived??? :shock:

I hoping that somebody will be willing to take "my daughter's bunnie". ;)

***i didn't rsvp in time....doy! i'm on the waiting list :(***

Saffy, Vickie, and samandshawn,

It would be great if you guys got together over there and had your own party.

I won't be hosting a party in New England next year. Give people enough of notice, and you never know who would show up.


* * * *

Those who are attending, please PM me your mailing address. I'm putting together a package to send each of you.

One of the things I'll be sending is a Cheat Sheet so that you willknow where the grocery stores, pharmacies, tourist attractions,restaurants, shopping, TSC store, pet shop, hospitals for rabbits andpeople, and anything else I can think of.

You don't have to bring your golf clubs. You can rent them - for a cost of $10 - at the School.



As my guests, green fees are waived. If you wish to rent a golf cart or clubs, it's $10 each.


For those interested in Golfing:

Our course is a 9-hole course. It was designed by a Scottish Gentlemanwho was very well-known for his talent in designing a golf course.Golfers love the way he challenges them.

There's only a few of his that are left in the world and Hotchkiss has been able to preserve ours. It's an old course.

ayglnu13 wrote:
Thanks! I was stupid and waited waaay to long :X Oh well i've learned my lesson!


Hi Amy,

Truth be told, many people are flying in and driving in. Since theyalready have their airplane tickets, scheduled their vacations fromwork, car rentals figured out, and have sent in the money for the costof the rental of the room, I really would be surprised if we had anycancellations, but of course, it could happen.

I wish you and everyone could've made it, but there is a fire code lawthat I had to stick to for the number of attendees to provide insuranceand the rental of the Boathouse. It's as simple as that. I hoped peoplewouldn't take it personally, but at least one did...you'll have thiswith a group this size.

Oh goodness I know that you have to folllow therules, I would never take it personally! It isnt your choice that youhave to limit the number of people :) I am just kicking myself for notasking to go earlier! :D

I hope you don't think I took it personally.

Unfortunately I just didn't RSVP in time. It was my own fault.

I even made light of it and tried to have a little fun with it.

Hey Jim,

Maybe if we shave you and put you in aspeedo everyone will think you are so cute they will let you slideright in! :p

(It worked for Sebbie you know!)

All kidding aside, we are taking the security ofthis party Very Seriously.There have been some people that have found it funny andhaverefused to stop harrassing our members and we've found itnecessary to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigators. IfI seem to have lost my sense of humor on this matter, I'msorry. Weare very sensitive to the safety andsecurity of all of our members.

I am serious when I say that No One will be allowed on thecampus without being on the list of attendees and without providing mewith the information requested.


I have to be totally open and honest.Security is a major deal with me. I am so grateful that you are keepingsecurity as tight as you are. Most people laugh at me because I worryabout Jeremy's safety as much as I do. He is my baby and I worry alot.

I love that I will not have to spend my time at the partyworrying about him or his safety. This is our family's vacation. What ajoy and relief to know that we can relax and enjoy our friends companywithout worrying sick the whole time.

Carolyn, Thank You Oh So Very Much.

Well, I must admit to being impressed with thesecurity measures in general last year and I suspect that much of thatcomes with having a student body whose parents areaffluentand famous on a worldwide level.Security isnotan areato be taken less than seriously!
