Introducing Yofi :o)

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Bassetluv wrote:
and there was Yofi, straight up on his hind legs, paws up on the top tier of the rack, and he was pushing it as he walked...and headed for the rabbit room. I swear, he looked like a human out for a stroll with a baby carriage. The sight was just so indescribably funny! I burst out laughing and did nothing, just watched as he walked along so casually, pushing his treasure.
LOL!! Love it!
Oh my goodness...I think I would've just passed out from laughter (and not being able to catch my breath) if I'd seen that first-hand. I swear, I would LOVE to visit you for a weekend, just to get my Yofi fix...and see all that goofiness first-hand!!

That's wonderful...sure had me laughing!! :D
Oh my goodness...I think I would've just passed out from laughter (and not being able to catch my breath) if I'd seen that first-hand. I swear, I would LOVE to visit you for a weekend, just to get my Yofi fix...and see all that goofiness first-hand!!

I sometimes think I draw the weird ones to me, and that everyone else's pets are 'normal'. I mean, who else could just be sitting there and turn around to see their rabbit walking casually past the doorway - on his hind legs - pushing a cart?

Then again...they say like attracts like...:p

:great::roflmao:OMG! Lol. I can just imagine Yofi doing all these things (just seeing your blog now). He's just such a little character! I'm so glad my E-lop Sippi isn't THIS bad, but I'll tell you Sippi does get into massive trouble!

I told my mom about Yofi's glove throwing when you were watching that one movie and she was -so- glad that Sippi isn't as bad as Yofi. lol. I love this blog and I love Yofi! His antics are just too hilarious!

I agree, he should have his own show!

MY GOODNESS! He thinks you've decided to make him wait tables for you! Poor Yofi! Thinks he's a slave......

OMG, that is just priceless :D. Yofi out walking with his stroller - must have been a sight to see. Did he manage to get any banana ?

Nope, Jan...I didn't give him one bit of it. Yofi doesn't have me fooled any more; I don't fall for the 'please, may I have some more Sir? I'm so hungry that I'm wasting away' routine with him. Not one bit.

Now if you'll 'scuse me, I have to go give the Lord and Master some parsley...:?
So what kind of mischief did Yofi get into over Christmas? I need a good laugh:roflmao: and he always provides that for me.:apollo:
So what kind of mischief did Yofi get into over Christmas? I need a good laugh:roflmao: and he always provides that for me.:apollo:

Well, Yofi has actually been good lately (I know, I know...will wonders ever cease?!? :p) Mind you, he has been showing a bit too much 'tude lately, and nips me whenever I pick him up and His Royal Highness doesn't approve.

BUT...I do have a couple of pics of him and one of Anna...;)

"What the...? Mom, where's my dinner??"


"Oh, the humiliation..."


"This is what ya get for humiliating me yet again, Mom....I shall destroyeth your camera!"


"Ummmm....Mom??? I'm down here..."


"And finally...shnuggling on my Mom..."



AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Okay, love the sticker, sqeeze me, I squeak:p. But this is the best! Look at that head!:D That's too adorable:).


hehe...I laughed when I saw that one on the camera. I'd been trying to get shots of Yofi while he was lying on my chest, and kept goofing up and missing. There's just something about the look on his face in this one...sorta accusatory... ;)
First time i'v been on here for a while and it never disappoints i know exactly the type of basket he was walking cause i used to have one. Classic!!!!:biggrin2:

Yofi has totally changed my mind on english lops he is so much fun and i love his sticker :p