Introducing Yofi :o)

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I have an English Lop he is 5 months old, don't they just crack you up. Sometimes I wish I had a witness for some of the stuff he does, people think I'm making it up. Yofi is adorable you should check out my Weasley!!
Hi guys...I hadn't realized you had posted (the RO notifications of new posts is all wonky; I often don't get any notices, or I will get them a month or two after they were put up). Yofi's been doing well, so has Anna; and neither of them has been into anything too bad. Although...I did change my room around the other evening after setting up the new computer and discovered that the Internet cable in my bedroom was secretly gnawed up, right down to the wire. :grumpy: This must have happened quite some time ago as the bunnies haven't had access to my room in quite a while. Since I can't be positive who did it (Yofi is an enormous *copy-bun* and will do whatever he notices Anna is doing) I will simply point the finger at them both. Bad buns!!! :shame

Bunluv, I just saw pics of your Weasley and his new little sister. First, I love Weasley's color! What great markings for an E-lop...he's beautiful! And Clover is just too sweet. :inlove: It's funny to see the two of them together with such a difference in their sizes, and it looks like they really love one another's company. Oh, and what you wrote about Weasley acting funny...acting hyper and then boxing you...LOL, I think he's got E-lop-tude! Yofi does the same thing. He flies around the room in spurts, just sitting there and suddenly taking off as though his underwear had just burst into flames or something. And for me to pick him up, has to be on his terms. As soon as he wants down he will nip - hard - and gets very squrimy until you give him his way. Yofi is a couple of months older than Weasley and he began acting this way two or three months ago, so I imagine a lot of it is youth-related (hopefully!). Anyway, your bunnies are gorgeous!

So I received a delivery this evening from UPS; I purchased a dog crate from someone on eBay. Yofi and Anna have their own room and each has their own dog crate to sleep in at night, but the crates are much too small for them to spend any amount of time in. I was allowing the bunnies full access of the room, but Yofi seemed more than determined to ruin - er, rebunnify - various spots. First was the carpet, which he spraypainted an odd Yofiesque during his pre-neutering days, as well as permanently soiling a dark yellow-brown in one corner. Then he chose the one corner in the room I couldn't protect - right behind the door - and totally *urinatored* the entire spot, including the hardwood floor underneath. So I decided that was it...and went on a search to find a cage that would be big enough for the two of them to occupy during the day. This is what I purchased:


And here it is tonight, constructed and bunnies moved in....

Yofi checking out the little shelf (wheeeee!):


Meanwhile, Anna has discovered the joy of the hay:


That's a temp hay 'rack' (looking for something smaller)...I bought it to hold hay in the room, but 5 minutes after I put it on the floor they were using it for a litter box. :? So when I put it in the crate I raised it off the floor with a series of small clamps to discourage them getting into it. Lotta good that did...

"Hey, what's Anna doing?"


*sigh* Bunny see, bunny do:


"Loves da hay Mom...thanks!"


"mmmmm...nom nom nom..."


"Double mmmmmm....nom nom nom..."


Tired flops after all that werk:


And a couple of Yofi-pics that I took a week or so ago...

Exploring his favorite thing...Mom's grocery cart (hey, don't knock it...I don't have a car, so this thing comes in handy!):


and nope, I didn't put him in there. Yofi loves climbing into that thing, getting out, getting in again...don't ask me why...:dunno

"Mah bootiful ears (and a giant hand ready to squeeish me!)":


And lastly...

"Hey...hai dere!!" (Yofi speaking cheesburger-speak):


Oh my goodness, Bassetluv...yer gonna have to give both pairs of those bunneh wips kisses from me!!! They're so gorgeous, your babies...

Oops...I've just meltered...:)

LOL...I knows, Rosie...I loves bunny wips too! ;)

Oh, and I just melted the first time I saw your Fiver! There's just something about him; he feels special somehow. I know all our bunnies are special, but sometimes some of them stand out...and I think he's definitely one who does. And Teeny...:inlove:!!!!

Yeah, there is certainly something special about Fiver...he's my little dollbaby. :)

I took more pictures of him and Teeny both today. I had a friend over, and he SPECIFICALLY requested to have Fiver out to play with, hehe! It was so much fun!

I'll finish uploading the pics and videos and post them soon...:D

Edited to add: Thought you'd like this thread.
LOL...I love it, Super Teeny!!! That's hilarious! I hope it helped to cheer up Peg...:) Gosh, there were so many who crossed over last year, it seems almost every one suffered a loss at some point. That's what makes it so hard to be a bunny lover tough as they are, they can just be so fragile too. :?

Took me a long time to construct that crate, and it was tiring! It got a bit damaged when it was delivered (my last 3 things that were delivered to me all suffered various degrees of damage!), but thankfully it was all things I could work around. And the crate will be a work in progress, as I want to make them a bigger shelf and such. Feels nice to be able to house them together in the same cage now the past, every morning when I'd let them out they would run to each other. So cute, I think Yofi and Anna really miss one another when housed separately, even if it is just overnight.

Bunny hugs to you and your crew Rosie! And since Anna and Yofi are all tucked in, now I'm off to bed too.:yawn:
Aww...sorry to hear it was partially damaged...but HAPPY that you were able to handle whatever needed doing! :D

I bet you're tired...that's a big job!

And, thank you! My crew is so is yours! :)

Have a wonderful night!! :hug:

Remember this?


Well, THIS is what I wake up to every morning, and have to clean up:


And this is what I come home to every evening:

(See the little baby keyring in this shot? Well, in the first shot, that had been sitting in front of the litter box. When I began cleaning up the Yofimess, I discovered them under the rubble. :?)

"Hey Mom...I didn't do"

Oh YES, I know who, alright...little mister *I'm so cute and adorable, I'd never do anything wrong*

"See? I'm too pretty to be bad"


I'll toss in a couple of shots that just happened to happen as well; nothing to do with the tornado that hits the bunny room, but they were just, kinda, cute:

Anna toesies:

And this one. When I looked at it I first thought the camera strap had been hanging over the lens...but then I realized what it really was:

:roflmao:Sorry to laugh, but it's just toooo funny!!

Just "leafed" through your blog brieflyfor the first time today, enjoying some of Yofi and Anna's antics.

When I came across the first picture of that neat new cage, I started thinking, maybe I should do something like that for acouple of our buns.

But now, I don't think so!!

Your bunnies are adorable. Thanks for some humor today, I needed it !!
I'm sorry but I had to laugh. Have you ever tried the screens that alot of people use on here? I use them on all the litter pans we have (8 in total) and to me they are the best invention since sliced bread. They are so easy to clean up. I goy mine at Wallymart (in the craft section)and at Michaels. And they do have big ones too that you can cut to fit the litter pans.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Oh, BTW, have you considered re-naming them "MR. AND MRS. DESTRUCTOR"?! LOL.:D

hehe...judging from the messes that I come home to every day, it's a very good suggestion! Oh, and welcome to Anna and Yofi's corner, wabbitdad...reading through this blog you'll be sure to find something that will make you laugh. Y'know how some guys are labelled 'babemagnets' because of their innate ability to attract tons of girls? Well, I seem to be the 'weirdomagnet', cuz I attract some of the weirdest pets...go figure...;)
Susan, I have a question about those screens for the litter pans. How do you manage to keep the destructo-type bunnies from pulling the screens out and then trashing the litter? Yofi digs in the litter box with such fury that the wood pellets (and/or the broken-down pressed wood residue) go flying in a plume that would make Old Faithful jealous. And if that doesn't satisfy him, he then begins to haul the entire pan - with or without its contents - around the cage.

It probably wouldn't be too hard for me to set it up so the litter box can't be moved from its position (thinking - wire attached to the NIC grids and the box itself), do you keep the screen that you place in the litter box in place? From what I'm picturing, unless it's totally anchored into place somehow, it would take the Yofinator all of 5 seconds to dismember it and then get at the pellets again. :?

*P.S. What are those screens called? If I go to WalMart I'd probably need to know what it is I'm looking for...LOL
Plastic craft canvas.... but our Walmart doesn't carry it.

I can see Yofi picking it up and chewing it until it gets boring - then tossing it aside.....

Thanks for the name, bbb...I'll see if I can find some. There must be some way to be able to secure it to the litter box and make it detachable; probably just takes a bit of imagination and ingenuity. :biggrin2:
I guess we are lucky, at first Winston chewed on the plastic. He didn't eat it just chewed. I ended up buying the bigger plastic canvas and just cut it so it had a tight fit. We use the Binder Clips to keep the litterbox attached to the cage. I bought those at Food Basics for $1.00 (coloured one too).

Here's a picture of the label on the canvas. Sorry it's so big.


Thanks Susan! I'll be taking a look around for this tomorrow (as I was sitting here at the computer about 20 minutes ago, I could hear Yofi scattering the litter box again - about the 5th time today he's done it. :X

After I cleaned the cage yet again today, I wound up setting a couple of bricks at the edges of the mat on the cage floor to discourage Yofi from lifting that up. One of the bricks was resting against the litter box...I think that might be enough to keep him from moving it around again. But if not, I should be able to wire it in place. :)

These bunnies may think they have us hoomans outsmarted, but we'll show them who's smarter! muwahahaha...(hopefully I won't wind up eating my words later!)
Here's a couple of short clips of Yofi - caught red-pawed - after he'd gutted the litter box. The lighting sucks so the picture is dark, but to get the gist of what Destructo-boy does, turn your sound on...

