Introducing Yofi :o)

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That Yofi is a little Brat isn't he (but so cute), and poor Good little Anna justsittting back watching her man destroy the cage.

Sometimes I think my two have their brains cross-wired or sumthin'.

Anna, who is so laid-back that she never gets upset, can be on alert when she hears a pin drop. Two rooms away. On a carpet. You can't ever sneak up on her, because she's got super-hero hearing...I swear there must be little sonic noise-detectors implanted in each of her otic appendages. If she's snoozing, she does so with one eye open...she hears everything. And yet she doesn't startle easily; she just looks, observes, and then goes back to her Annaness.

Yofi, on the other hand...

He is constantly on the alert. What's that sound? Omigod, it must be the Bunnymonster, come to eat us in our sleep! What was that? I must THUMP repeatedly to warn the others!!!?!!!! WHUMP! BANG!!! ZOOM!!! Run away!! RUN AWAAAAAY!!!!!

When Yofi thumps because he's heard yet another foreign noise (of which there seem to be approximately 2,325 foreign noises per day), the sound of his WHUMP is terrific, especially if he happens to be sitting in the bunnies' cage. The tray at the bottom acts as some sort of cacophonic rabbit instrument, resonating THUMPS and WHUMPS throughout the house. This, in turn, upsets The Dog, who reacts in her own caninesque manner. So what normally should be peace and quiet at my house very often turns into this:

*pause* (again)
last *pause*
and then
"WOOF!!! WOOF!!! WOOF!!!"
(The Dog doesn't know how to turn off her woofer once she gets into full woofmode)

And this will continue on - and on - until a frustrated human intervenes. Not that I don't love these two weirdos, but if I'd wanted to be entertained by such dueling prowess I'd have rented Deliverance.

Anyway, my point in all this is that Yofi reacts - sometimes explosively - to the slightest noise or distraction...while Anna is as cool as a furred cucumber. However, THIS is what it's like when I walk into the bunny room during nap time:


A bomb could go off and the boy wouldn't wake up. Once asleep, Yofi cannot be stirred from his bunnydreams for anything...well, except maybe a craisin. But even then, you'd have to prod him into getting up...

And here's a couple of other pics of my photogenic phfurr-buns:

"When I grows up, I wanna be a Belgian hare":


"Hi guys! Am I bootiful or what??"


"HALP!!! Let us out!!! She never feeds us!! SERIOUSLY!!!!":


(Don't believe a word of that last
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Does anna have a stripe on her lip?! She's so cute!

We just love both of them!

A stripe? I don't think so...not that I've noticed. I'll have to go look at her and see(!) (hope she doesn't mind bein' turned downside-up...:p)

Hi, I noticed you got the screens for the litter box, doyou find they help? or is Yofi being his cute self and still digging the litter out?


edited for spelling;)
Omigosh, they so work! :D When I bought them I discovered that one wasn't big enough to cover the box, so I took some wire garbage bag ties and 'sewed' them together...then trimmed the edges and inserted it. I had to punch holes in the litter box so I could anchor the screening down with more twist ties (otherwise Yofi would have had it removed at lightning speed), but yes, it stopped him from digging up the litter! (In the photo the litter box is pretty dirty...took that pre-litter-cleanup.) He did somehow manage to get a bit of litter on the floor (still scratching my head over how) but hey, they effectively put an end to Yofi's digging rampages. Thanks so much for the tip the rate Yofi was going, he was probably going to wind up with a litter box full of rocks, courtesy of one frustrated owner. :p

And apparently, those screens make a pretty comfy bed too...:wiggle
OH my goodness...Fiver is our little sounder...I guess it suits his name, hehe!

And, this is funny, but a little sad...the other night, I had some last-minute thoughts I just HAD to write down (at about 2am, I believe it was), so I got up, creeping across the room, so as not to wake Danny from his slumber, got near the bun cages, and little Velveteen did his little *gasp* "OHMYGOSH" thump (totally freaked him out that I was creeping, I guess, hehe). Well, I lifed an arm, au de New York "getouddahere", and ALL of them, ALL at the exact same moment bounced straight in the air and away from me (at the same time). I felt so awful, but at the same time, what synchrosy!

Hehe...silly bunnies...

Oh, and I had my hair down, which I don't most of the time, so that must've spooked them, too.

I did make sure to stand there for a moment reminding them (with a very quiet voice) who it was that was standing there. But, Fiver couldn't resist a few extra thumps in response anyway, lol!

"MOMMY...don't DO SCAREDED me!!" With this look on his face: :grumpy:


You should catch Yofi & The Dog in their little back and forth...I would LOVE to see/hear that!!


And, I must say, Maisie approves of Anna's beauty (and Maisie doesn't really approve of anything, hehe)...and I think Flower's in love with Mr. Yofimous. :D
Bo B...I checked out the Annaster's lower lip...yep, it's the lighting (no stripe there). Also gave both of them manicure/pedicures while I was at it...they are now both officially not talking to me for the rest of the day. ;)

hahaha Rosie, you have spontaneous thumpers too! So cool that they all reacted in unison to you too, that must've been quite the sight! :D

Oh, and I had my hair down, which I don't most of the time, so that must've spooked them, too. critics!!

aww...give Maisie and Flower hugs from Yofi and Anna (I won't tell them that the other has a secret admirer, or jealousy would abound!). And give Fiver big secret hugs from me; don't tell my two, but I have a bunnycrush on him!;))

Oh, here's a pic I took of Yofi tonight, and had to laugh at it...

Yofi doing his Jimmy Durante impression:


***Almost forgot to note Yofi's latest badboy stunt (lately he's been acting good...that had me worried!).
In the evenings I sometimes will make myself a snack...and the other night I decided to have some rice cakes topped with almond butter. I put the cakes on a plate and set them down on a small table in the living room...went out to the kitchen to get my water, came back in, and...saw a Yofi-head pop up from underneath the table, snag a rice cake and run. Only, he didn't have a firm grip on the cake, and it fell to the floor. Of course it had to fall according to Murphy's law:

"Anything that may be deemed ooey, gooey, or otherwise sticky and/or hard to clean from a carpeted surface must fall sticky side down".

So after chasing the rice cake monster out of the room, I fetched some paper towels and began cleaning. And I'll bet you anything he was sitting there in the hall, watching me and chuckling under his bad little bunny breath...:shame
Bassetluv wrote:
hahaha Rosie, you have spontaneous thumpers too! So cool that they all reacted in unison to you too, that must've been quite the sight! :D
Oh...and it was quite the SOUND, too!! Shook the walls to have them all jump away at once! Poor goofballs...who the heck else would it have been?? LOL...scary, long-haired, goofy-lookin' monster!!! OH NO!!

Bassetluv wrote:
(The Dog doesn't know how to turn off her woofer once she gets into full woofmode)
I've been having a really really rough day and I started reading this and I laughed so hard I started crying and Robin and Art from the other room yelled in and wanted to know what I was laughing at - so I read it to them and they started laughing so hard I thought Art was going to fall out of his chair...

My boy is back to normal! I'd been wondering about him, because he hadn't been doing anything bad lately...but just a little while ago I heard a crash in the kitchen. Since I was only a few steps away and the camera was sitting on the table (and I knew turbo-terror was on the loose), I grabbed the camera and went to's what I saw:


Dustpan had gone flying, garbage bin knocked over, contents strewn everywhere (yep, the frying pan and bowl had been in the, and Mr. *I NEVER Do Anything Bad* was in the middle of it...caught red-pawed. :nonono:
Ah Di, thank you SOOO much for the smiles :D. I swear, you are going to have to rent Yofi out as a remedy for sad/depressed people. His antics are sure to cheer anyone up. And I bet Anna isn't as innocent as she makes out - y'know that it's always the quiet ones .... ;)

You know what, Jan? I was going through a lot of 'stuff' in the last while, which is one of the reasons why I seriously questioned whether getting another E-lop would be a good idea. But when Yofi came along it turned out he was just the medicine I needed, literally. He has put more smiles on my face in these past few months than anything else. So I definitely agree with you...Yofi is a great anti-depressant (even when he does trash the kitchen, the litter box, etc.)! And Anna isn't innocent either...she's the designated chewer/destroyer of all communication systems. Fastest teeth in the North!

Oh, I have to share this...for anyone who didn't see the thread on Bunny Art, Tamsin did this most wonderful sketch of Raph for me....and then uploaded it to Cafepress (The Rabbit House). Raph's drawing is now available on t-shirts, bags, mugs, etc. It's absolutely gorgeous! Take a look:


I ordered a couple of things so far, and once I have more money freed up will definitely be getting more. What a wonderful way to honor my special guy. :inlove: