Introducing Yofi :o)

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LOL...Yofi's getting quite the reputation! As soon as something happens, everyone thinks *he* did it! (Must admit, that's exactly my reaction too soon as something's moved, broken, chewed or peed-upon, I yell "YOFI!!!") ;)

Oh, but I forgot to relate this Yofi story the other day. I think it was Friday night, I rented a scary movie to watch ("1408" with John Cusack). The bunnies were running around loose - their door was open - so I decided to let them have free range of their room and the kitchen while I watched the movie. There wasn't much they could really get into...Yofi does still get up on the stove from time to time :)grumpy:!!!) but it had nothing on it and I hadn't been using it, so it seemed safe enough. Anyway, I shut the doorto the living room - a bifold French door with glass panels - turned out the lights and settled back to watch the film.

About an hour into the movie I was starting to get creeped out, as scary movies will do that to me when I'm watching them alone in the house, with the lights in the room off. ;)All was quiet, and I was totally engrossed in whatI was watching, when suddenly...


I turned and looked at the door, just about jumping out of my skin as I did so. Something had struck the glass pretty forcefully, and thenfell to the floor. Cripes! My mind was racing, wondering if some sort of ghoul from 1408 had entered my house and was now trying to get at me via the kitchen. So I got up, opened the door (very tentatively, as I'm not as brave as I sound), and looked down. There were my gloves, lying in front of the glass panels of the door....and above them, sitting on the raised countertop next to the stove, was...yes, you got it...the ghoul himself. Yofi, the fool, was sitting there staring at me wearing his best "What??" face. Now, his being on the countertop wasn't particularly surprising to me, as the boy will scale anything (dog and cats included)if he thinks the prospect of food lies at the summit. However, I cannot figure out how he managed to actuallypropel my gloves - both of them at once - from the surface of the counter, across a span of about 3 feet, and have them hit the door about five feet off the ground.

You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think he realized I was watching a scary flick and he actuallyplanned to scare the $%!@ outta me by throwing those gloves at the door.

But I will never admit to him that it worked. :disgust:
LOL about the gloves!! Oh man...sometimes my buns also do things where later on, I realize just how big a feat it was to have accomplished, and shake my head, and sit there like this for a while: :ponder:

I get that look on my face with the kitties sometimes,!!
What makes me think that your bunnies keep you young? (At least they keep your heart pounding...).

They're so funny!

I can just hear Yofi's little brain working.........

"She thought it was so funny when I flew down the garbage hole! We'll just see how funny she thinks this is - I'll throw these gloves right when the movie gets creepy!"
This week, so far all has been quiet on the Northern bad buns, no bad dogs, no bad cats...hhhmmm...something must be brewing. :ponder:

And the only Yofi-ism to report lately happened a couple of days ago. Yofi was running about in the kitchen while I was putting some things away. I just stepped into the room in time to see one of the kitchen chairs go flying backwards, with a long-eared bunny firmly attached to its back, paws on the rungs. Ears sailed, chair went *THUD* on the floor, and if I had better hearing I'm sure I would've been able to catch a "WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!" accompanying the fall.

I just shook my head, walked over and picked up the chair, bunny still attached.

Apparently he was waiting for the ride to go again.:foreheadsmack:
LOL! I dunno if he's a ferret, but Yofi sure seems to think he's a human...albeit a very short one. And if he were a human, he'd be the kid that'd be forever assigned the corner seat in the classroom, the place reserved for those *special* kids who are constantly getting into trouble.

And's some pics of Yofi practicing to be St. Yofi (under a bit of protest):

All hail the great St. Yofimous!!


Thou must boweth to thus-eth:


And I shall pretendeth to ignore thou


What?!? Darest thou question my reign????


Then I shalst say dirty bunny words under my breath-eth


And setteth thine eyes upon my own fair princess, St. Anna


(Mom, I officially hate you for this):


As for St. Yofi...all Mom heard him say after the royal photo shoot was this:



The End-eth
The shot that got cut from the shoot (I believe it might have been sold to the National Bunquirer)...St. Yofi after one too many Eggnogs:


"Whaddya mean, I've had too *hic* many?! I'm ash sober ash I possssib..posshhibl...poshibabl...AW, forget it..."
Next time WARN me of cute photos and to put my drink down BEFORE I look at this blog?

(scampering off to get paper towels...).

Great Pictures.

I can never get enough of your two Fur Babies. Are they living together yet?

Your house looks amazing. I LOVE your floors I'm so jealous.

LOL Susan...Yofi and Anna share the same room, but they don't sleep together. ;) At night they go to their separate cages, and during the day they can run about the room together. It's cute too; as soon as I let them out in the morning, Anna runs to the door of Yofi's cage and waits for him to come out. (Then again, now that I think about it...when I open his cage door he runs out and Anna runs into it, checking to see if he's left behind any pellets from his previous meal. So I guess it isn't quite love of's more adoration for his food.) They do get along very well together though, and they do snuggle with one another when they're out and about. :)

As for my house, the floors are rather unique, as it's fairly old. I'd love to have them refinished as they are very scratched up, but with a dog, two cats and two bunnies, there's not much point. ;) But you wouldn't be quite so envious if you lived here, I'll bet. The basement is unfinished and unheated, with no insulation between floor and basement...which means in the wintertime, the floors are like walking on ice. The rooms are extremely small too, as it's a single dwelling house that was converted to a duplex (I live on the main floor, the tenant lives upstairs). The kitchen is a good size but the rest of the rooms are very tiny, with only one extremely tiny closet (in the bathroom!) for my clothes...and there's been humidity/mold issues too. I love my house, but wish I had the money to fix it up properly! (Oh, and the kitchen still has the same countertops and tiles on the walls that it had when I bought it about 8-9 years When you walk in you get the biggest urge to want to order a pizza, as it looks just like a PizzaPizza place!) :p
You are too hilarious with this blog! What a stinkin character. I absolutely LOVE all the photos!:D That Yofi is something else-literally:p. How wonderful you have him. Keep us posted on his antics.:D
Been a while since I posted for Yofi. Have been having some sick times (all the result of taking antibiotics post- oral surgery). Had to take another day off today, but hopefully will be going back to work tomorrow. (Can you believe it? I'm one of those people who really does like my job! :))

Okay, I just wanted to write another (brief) episode of *What Yofi Did*...

This follows hot on the tail of the dog food for that one, I was forced to put Kaya's bag of dog food in the bunny room, since my house has so little space. I set it on top of a bureau that's in the room, thinking all would be well. Guess I underestimated Yofi, because he somehow managed to reach up, gnaw through one corner of the bag, food poured aaaallllll over the floor. There was probably about 15 lbs of dog food I had to clean up (less all the ones Yofi decided to munch upon). As a result, he now has a taste for the fine delicacy of Nature's Recipe dog food. I've caught him twice since in the dog's food dish just after I've filled it (and before The Dog had a chance to eat). I scooped Yofi up from the floor before said Dog decided to eat him for eating her food, and Yofi didn't care either time...his face was too crammed full of dog food balls to notice. (All I could hear was *munch crunch chomp* next to my ear as Yofi desperately tried to get rid of the evidence.)

But this next Yofi escapade was the one I really wanted to note. I guess it's one of those 'you really had to be there' to appreciate, but still, it was hilarious. In my kitchen I have a small white 3-tiered rack on wheels. It's designed as a space organizer, and I usually will put a few oranges or apples in the top rack, and the other two I will fill with clutter. Well, last evening I was sitting in the living room having dinner while Yofi tore between the rabbit room and the kitchen, looking for something bad to do. I didn't really take too much notice of him since I'm so used to his antics by now. So I didn't notice when he'd stopped his mad dashes and became somewhat quiet. A few moments later something caught the corner of my eye, and so I turned and looked...and there was Yofi, straight up on his hind legs, paws up on the top tier of the rack, and he was pushing it as he walked...and headed for the rabbit room. I swear, he looked like a human out for a stroll with a baby carriage. The sight was just so indescribably funny! I burst out laughing and did nothing, just watched as he walked along so casually, pushing his treasure.

In actuality, the reason Yofi was doing this is because I'd left a banana on the top tier of the rack, and Yofi could smell it. In his attempt to reach the banana the rack began to roll and he simply followed along behind, walking on his two hind legs...but the sight of him pushing that rack was absolutely hysterical. If only I'd had my camera at that moment...