LOL...Yofi's getting quite the reputation! As soon as something happens, everyone thinks *he* did it! (Must admit, that's exactly my reaction too soon as something's moved, broken, chewed or peed-upon, I yell "YOFI!!!")
Oh, but I forgot to relate this Yofi story the other day. I think it was Friday night, I rented a scary movie to watch ("1408" with John Cusack). The bunnies were running around loose - their door was open - so I decided to let them have free range of their room and the kitchen while I watched the movie. There wasn't much they could really get into...Yofi does still get up on the stove from time to time

grumpy:!!!) but it had nothing on it and I hadn't been using it, so it seemed safe enough. Anyway, I shut the doorto the living room - a bifold French door with glass panels - turned out the lights and settled back to watch the film.
About an hour into the movie I was starting to get creeped out, as scary movies will do that to me when I'm watching them alone in the house, with the lights in the room off.

All was quiet, and I was totally engrossed in whatI was watching, when suddenly...
I turned and looked at the door, just about jumping out of my skin as I did so. Something had struck the glass pretty forcefully, and thenfell to the floor. Cripes! My mind was racing, wondering if some sort of ghoul from 1408 had entered my house and was now trying to get at me via the kitchen. So I got up, opened the door (very tentatively, as I'm not as brave as I sound), and looked down. There were my gloves, lying in front of the glass panels of the door....and above them, sitting on the raised countertop next to the stove, was...yes, you got it...the ghoul himself. Yofi, the fool, was sitting there staring at me wearing his best "
What??" face. Now, his being on the countertop wasn't particularly surprising to me, as the boy will scale anything (dog and cats included)if he thinks the prospect of food lies at the summit. However, I cannot figure out how he managed to actuallypropel my gloves - both of them at once - from the surface of the counter, across a span of about 3 feet, and have them hit the door about five feet off the ground.
You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think he realized I was watching a scary flick and he actuallyplanned to scare the $%!@ outta me by throwing those gloves at the door.
But I will never admit to him that it worked. :disgust: