Introducing Yofi :o)

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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Bassetluv wrote:
What's scary is, they say you draw your friends, pets, etc. to you according to your own personality....:shock:
If that is true then it would explain my OCD dog!:laugh:
and my grumpy old bunny, mare, neurotic cat, LOL!
Yes, guilty as charged...I've been lag(omorph)ging on Yofi updates. Truthfully, The Boy has been pretty good lately. And I'm pleased to report that those huge Yofifeetz are well on their way to a full recovery. No more angry red, oozing giant lumps in the middle of his hoofers, Yofi's feet are now a much more pleasant blushing pink, no raised areas, and he's back to putting his full weight on them, rather than tippy-toeing his way across the room (made me think of those old Bugs Bunny cartoons whenever I saw him, where the cat would be up on his toes attempting to go unnoticed to catch the bird). He's binkying full force, usually sitting silently in place when suddenly an invisible demon ignites a firecracker under his bunnybum, and he leaps straight up in the air, ears twirling madly as he lifts off. One of these days I swear, The Boy will learn to fly.

One quick story and I have to run (wondering as I type if I've shared this one before...I'm beginning to think that owning rabbits brings early-onset memory loss...or maybe it's just owning a Yofi that does it):

A while back I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, having just settled myself in to have dinner and watch tv (living alone, I tend to use the kitchen table more for storage than as a place to actually eat). My plate was in one hand and in the other was the tv remote, as I was trying to find a certain show. Suddenly there was a 'whoooosh' as a huge object hurtled itself from the floor and landed right next to me...Yofi, of course. I hadn't realized he was there as he tends to sometimes skulk into a room (a trait he no doubt learned from watching The Cat), so this sudden entrance into my space startled me. And so it only registered a moment later that my dinner, still on my plate, which was still in my hand, was now completely draped in one of The Boy's enormous ear covers. "YOFI!" I yelled at him; "No! Get down!" But he was, of course, always one step ahead of me. Those words were still coming out of my mouth when the ear pulled away from my dinner, now exposing what was underneath...a veggie wrap surrounded by an enticing bed of brown rice...rice that had taken forever to cook and I was finally going to get to enjoy. And no sooner had the ear unveiled the offerings when Yofi, in his usual English lopovian style (new, dove right in. He literally stuffed his mouth to the proverbial gills with rice - all in one fell swoop - and began munching away contentedly at the stolen treasure.

"YOFIIII!!! NO!!!" I again yelled, this time more than a little upset with both his bunny brazenness and the fact that part of my dinner was now in his mouth, and not mine. But again I underestimated the response of a Yofi. As soon as I yelled "NO!!!" he replied, as only a rabbit with wabbitude will - and all of you bunny owners know what I mean - the scolding word NO was a trigger. He answered me back, all right, with his "No one yells at me and tells ME not to do something" air....he gave me the biggest, baddest nose nudge a 12-lb rabbit can give. Only, he didn't get me. He got the plate. That elop nose of his went directly under the bottom of the dinner plate - which was still in my grip - and he heaved(!) it angrily, so hard that he knocked it completely out of my hand. The neatly-wrapped wrap went sailing, the rice, so nicely decorating the entreé seconds before, scattered everywhere. I sat there in shock as rice rained down onto the carpet, wrap unfolded and contents spewed, and Yofi watched too, smile on face at his success. In the meantime The Dog, who had been sitting patiently watching on the other side of the room, could not believe her eyes. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!'s made of brown rice and tomatoes and avocado and hummus and...and....omigod! A dog's dream come true!! She swooped in faster than you'd think a 12-yr-old canine would be capable of swooping, and began systematically hoovering the carpet of its sudden delicious offerings. I'm certain she didn't taste any of it either, as The Dog does not so much eat food as she does inhale it. Yofi, on the other hand, was still happily munching away on the last grains of rice that still inhabited his little rabbit maw. As for me, my little human maw was still gaping, my mind still not quite registering what just took place, and the one thought that began to cross my mind was: if ever there was a natural disaster to strike, and I was stuck in the house with these two and we were battling over who was going to get the long would I survive?

I think that's one question I don't want to know the answer to....:shock:
:clapping: LOL! I'm sorry, but that's hilarious. But look on the bright side - Yofi and Kaya are starting to do some 'teamwork' :biggrin2:

Glad to hear that the Yofster's feet are getting better - all the better to thump at you with ;)

Glad the Yofi feetz are feelin better!

Re: The Flying Rice and Veggie Wrap Story: He looked at your plate and said, "For ME?!? You are too kind! *Chomp....* "

I've noticed that dogs tend to mellow a bit after a certain age...will that be the case with a Yofi too? Someday?
wabbitmom12 wrote:
I've noticed that dogs tend to mellow a bit after a certain age...will that be the case with a Yofi too? Someday?
Well, if he's anything like The Dog...I won't be holding my breath. Kaya's now 12-1/2 and still is a going concern. I've noticed tiny areas where she's actually decided to cool her heels (she certainly doesn't have the stamina to outrun other dogs any more), but give her an excuse and she's off and running. Squirrels still drive her absolutely nutz, as does the huge bruiser of a stray cat who's decided to take up residence under my bedroom window at the front of the house. Every time I take Kaya outside to go for a walk she immediately leaps up to the railing and checks the scene frantically ("Whereishe?whereishewhereIShe???? Nope, not there...okay mom, coast is clear"). Woofs at every sound, real or perceived, and even if she's dog-tired (pun intended ;)) she'll be on her feet in nano-seconds at mere mention of the word W*A*L*K. Mind you, she has slowed down since yesterday, but that was because of an accident. :( Ever since we got Kaya she has loved to walk on anything that is raised...raised lawns, curbs, cement or brick walls...this originated with my son, who took delight in encouraging her to jump up on anything, and the tradition remained engrained in her head. Unfortunately, yesterday we were out for a walk and Kaya decided once again to leap up on a concrete wall that we were passing...but she miscalculated and slipped, banging her leg and shoulder while tumbling to the ground. She was fine for a couple of hours, but then began limping yesterday afternoon. Not too surprising though, as I suspect she's been developing arthritis in either that leg or that shoulder (long walks with a run or two tossed in result in a minor limp the next day). However, I did also notice that this new limp increases greatly whenever one happens to say, "Oh, pooooor Kaya!", and just as noticeably, it all but disappears when she gets to go out for a walk.

Anyway, if Kaya is any example of what I could expect from an older Yofi, then I'd better batten down the house hatches. That boy has more energy in him than a Tasmanian devil, tearing through the rooms at breakneck speed in his mad dash to break some sort of nonexistent bunny record. Yet at the other end of the spectrum, he can also be the laziest rabbit in the world, stretched out in his cage, eyes tightly shut and lips twitching sporadically (dreaming of craisin-stuffed apples, I'll bet). When The Boy is in Yofi downtime, nothing can wake him.

And Anna seems to have some sort of devious plan in place to overtake me and rule the Housedom. I swear she is the hardest rabbit to walk around, as she manages - every time! - to trip me whenever I go into their room. She darts and circles and always winds up being underfoot, no matter how carefully I tread. Maybe in her little bunny mind she thinks that if I fall over, my body will crack open and bunny treats will come spewing out, sort of like a ghoulish rabbit-made pinata. Or maybe she's just...weird. :p
Argh!!!!!! Wabbitdad here, I really have to start checking to see who is logged in!

Great stories! I think your safe until Anna and Yofi convince Kaya to join them in their plot to take over the house!
Bassetluv wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
I've noticed that dogs tend to mellow a bit after a certain age...will that be the case with a Yofi too? Someday?
Anyway, if Kaya is any example of what I could expect from an older Yofi, then I'd better batten down the house hatches. That boy has more energy in him than a Tasmanian devil, tearing through the rooms at breakneck speed in his mad dash to break some sort of nonexistent bunny record.
LOL!! I keep thinkingabout the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, with Taz zipping around like a tornado, buzz-sawing his way through trees, etc. "Run! Run for your lives! The Tasmanian Devil is on the loose....Rr-uu---nn!" Only, its Yofi, whirling around, with his long bunneh ears a-flappin, tearing through bags of hay and craisins...Run! Run for your lives! The Yofi-Bunny is on the loose....Rr-uu--nn!

or has Yofi tied you to a chair so he can raid the kitchen?

*gasp* Don't even suggest it! If The Boy so much as gets a glimpse of this he'll surely start devising a plan; after all, he does know where the carrots and apples are stored...all he'd have to do is find a roll of duct tape and I'd be in serious trouble...:shock:

No new news on the continuing adventures of Yofimous the Great. However, I don't know what he was up to this morning, but I was in the bathroom drying my hair, and I'd left the cupboard door open. Boy sticks his head in the room, espies the open door and before I know it, he's got a brand new roll of toilet tissue in his mouth and is headed full tilt for his room. Fortunately the roll was just a bit too awkward for the little imp and he dropped it before he was able to get away *Scott* free. ;)

I dunno what goes through Yofi's mind sometimes; I truly don't. He's attempted to steal everything from the food on my plate to charcoal fish tank filters to hand towels to...well, now toilet paper. I wouldn't be one bit surprised to some day discover an anonymous account on ebay on my computer, with an assortment of household items up for bid.

"1 role uf humin toylit papr...nebber usid. Gud kundishun, a few teef markz but stil uzable. Opining bid: $1. Or 4 karutz. Will shipp tew the Unitd Steats. Plz kno dedbun biddirz."

"Oh, but weight...dere'z moar. Wif wining bid ai will throaw in 1 big grei kat. Free shiping inkludid. Bid awftun! Bid naow!"

:shock: Why on Earth would a bun want a roll of TP? Well, aside from the fact that the cardboard rolls seem to contain endless amusement... What does Anna do with Yofi's "treasures"? Is she just indifferent to them? :p
If he ever gets out of the house the police will be bringing him back for trying to leave the grocery store without paying for some parsley! or a tv!;)

I'll bet he could hide a 32"er 'neath those enormous ears, too. Thing is, I don't have the heart to tell him that we no longer get Animal Planet, so he'd be pretty disappointed in bunnyheisting a Sony, only to get it home and still not get his favorite channel. Ah well...knowing Yofi, he'd pass up the tv for the parsley anyway.

Why on Earth would a bun want a roll of TP? Well, aside from the fact that the cardboard rolls seem to contain endless amusement... What does Anna do with Yofi's "treasures"? Is she just indifferent to them?

Anna doesn't bother with Yofi's treasures at all. I think she's rather like me...she's become so accustomed to his weirdness that she's constantly got her radar set to ignore. Well, almost: Whenever he snatches a big juicy carrot and flies into the rabbit room with it, she's definitely there to help him hide the evidence. ;)

Darla has started going into the bathroom to steal toilet paper - fortunately - she's never taken a whole roll though. I'm going to have to keep an eye on her -perhaps she's been corresponding with the Yofster...
TinysMom wrote:
Darla has started going into the bathroom to steal toilet paper - fortunately - she's never taken a whole roll though. I'm going to have to keep an eye on her -perhaps she's been corresponding with the Yofster...
I tell you its a bunny conspiracy! I will hear tapping coming from the dining room late at night and the kids swear they are not at the computer. I think one or all my buns are sneaking on to the pc at night coordinating with other buns!;)
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Darla has started going into the bathroom to steal toilet paper - fortunately - she's never taken a whole roll though. I'm going to have to keep an eye on her -perhaps she's been corresponding with the Yofster...
I tell you its a bunny conspiracy! I will hear tapping coming from the dining room late at night and the kids swear they are not at the computer. I think one or all my buns are sneaking on to the pc at night coordinating with other buns!;)
Maybe they're bidding on Yofi's "never used" hooman toilet paper roll. ;)