wabbitmom12 wrote:
I've noticed that dogs tend to mellow a bit after a certain age...will that be the case with a Yofi too? Someday?
Well, if he's anything like The Dog...I won't be holding my breath. Kaya's now 12-1/2 and still is a going concern. I've noticed
tiny areas where she's actually decided to cool her heels (she certainly doesn't have the stamina to outrun other dogs any more), but give her an excuse and she's off and running. Squirrels still drive her absolutely nutz, as does the huge bruiser of a stray cat who's decided to take up residence under my bedroom window at the front of the house. Every time I take Kaya outside to go for a walk she immediately leaps up to the railing and checks the scene frantically ("Whereishe?whereishewhereIShe???? Nope, not there...okay mom, coast is clear"). Woofs at every sound, real or perceived, and even if she's dog-tired (pun intended

) she'll be on her feet in nano-seconds at mere mention of the word W*A*L*K. Mind you, she
has slowed down since yesterday, but that was because of an accident.

Ever since we got Kaya she has loved to walk on anything that is raised...raised lawns, curbs, cement or brick walls...this originated with my son, who took delight in encouraging her to jump up on anything, and the tradition remained engrained in her head. Unfortunately, yesterday we were out for a walk and Kaya decided once again to leap up on a concrete wall that we were passing...but she miscalculated and slipped, banging her leg and shoulder while tumbling to the ground. She was fine for a couple of hours, but then began limping yesterday afternoon. Not too surprising though, as I suspect she's been developing arthritis in either that leg or that shoulder (long walks with a run or two tossed in result in a minor limp the next day). However, I did also notice that this new limp increases greatly whenever one happens to say, "Oh, pooooor Kaya!", and just as noticeably, it all but disappears when she gets to go out for a walk.
Anyway, if Kaya is any example of what I could expect from an older Yofi, then I'd better batten down the house hatches. That boy has more energy in him than a Tasmanian devil, tearing through the rooms at breakneck speed in his mad dash to break some sort of nonexistent bunny record. Yet at the other end of the spectrum, he can also be the laziest rabbit in the world, stretched out in his cage, eyes tightly shut and lips twitching sporadically (dreaming of craisin-stuffed apples, I'll bet). When The Boy is in Yofi downtime,
nothing can wake him.
And Anna seems to have some sort of devious plan in place to overtake me and rule the Housedom. I swear she is the hardest rabbit to walk around, as she manages - every time! - to trip me whenever I go into their room. She darts and circles and always winds up being underfoot, no matter how carefully I tread. Maybe in her little bunny mind she thinks that if I fall over, my body will crack open and bunny treats will come spewing out, sort of like a ghoulish rabbit-made pinata. Or maybe she's just...weird.