Signs that a Yofi is feeling better:
Every morning for the past couple of weeks, when I'd go and open the door to the bunny room Anna would come flying over to greet me. Yofi, on the other hand, would remain stretched out on his vet bedding, perhaps twitching a foot or an ear to let me know he was there. If he was feeling really generous, one eye might slowly blink open, peer at me with an 'oh, it's you' expression, and then slowly close. Not that I minded Yofi's nonchalance; I actually welcomed it because it meant he was staying off those ginormous sores on his hind enders. However, it did also mean that he was not feeling very well, and a not-well Yofi is not a sight I like to see.
Now as I said, this has been the scene nearly every morning for the past couple of weeks. This morning, however, was different. I woke up initially because The Dog decided she just had to go pee at 7:00. So I got up, shuffled to the back door and let her out, then returned to my nice warm bed once she was finished and pulled the covers over me.
Ten minutes later I heard a strange sound coming from outside the bedroom. Actually it was coming from the other room...the bunny room. At first I couldn't make out what it was (being slightly hearing-impaired now means having to wear hearing aids, which can actually be convenient...not having them on means selective hearing in the presence of relatives who like to drone on...but that's a whole 'nuther story

). Anyway, I laid there for a moment and tried to listen...and I thought I recognized the sound, but wasn't sure. So I sat up, put on said listening devices, and in an instant realized I was right.
It was Yofi, digging furiously from the inside of the rabbit room. Pre-sore foot days, this was a regular habit for him; he would decide when it was time for the rabbit room to be opened up to the rest of the world, and would dig as hard as he could in an attempt to tunnel under the door and get out, if I wasn't fast enough to open it for them. And so here he was again, digging fast and furious, determined to create an escape route through the carpet, through the hardwood flooring, and then under the door itself. So to save him the trouble of digging his way to China, I went to the rabbits' room and opened the door.
And there he sat, Mr. See-Me-NOW!, proud as a peacock that he was up and about before me, and that he was ready for action so early in the day. Anna was still sitting next to the cage so I walked over to greet her, and then I stopped in my tracks. The cage, which had been vamped up to super-tone the cushyness factor, had - again, for the past couple of weeks - been remaining very neat and tidy. I had been relieved about it too, for it was vital for Yofi's recovery to keep the cage as clean and as soft as possible. This morning, however, was a different story. The tidy, folded, fluffy blanket which had one side anchored to the cage, the other anchored in place under the vet bedding, was now ripped completely out of place and tossed in a thankless heap in the corner. The litter box - which had pelleted litter topped with Carefresh, and plastic grids removed (as the vet feared they might be adding to Yof's sore feetz) - was completely tunneled through, it's contents spewed unceremoniously about. And the vet bedding, which offered Yofi a perfect place to relax and rest his feet, was no longer to be was no covered in a deep pile of pelleted litter, clumps of errant Carefresh, and bunny balls. And over by the door Yofi, smile on his face as big as the Cheshire Cat's, did a binkie.
The Boy is
BACK. With a vengeance. :rollseyes
Now, his feet are an ongoing concern, and I suspect they will be for the rest of his life. The hard, raised areas that had formed in the centers of each huge hoofer have finally become softer. But they do still form cracks, and they do still get very red, sore, and sometimes even bleed. He's got a long way to go before I will feel comfortable about them, but his Yofi actions this morning have definitely lightened my worry. It's going to be a challenge, I can see, to keep things semi-orderly and clean for him, as he loves to rabbitauge anything that looks neat and tidy, but I will gladly opt for that challenge over having a Yofi who sits there morosely, looking sad and disheartened. All is not right with the world when a Yofi isn't being a Yofi, after all.
And I don't know if it's the time of year, or the fact that we're finally getting some sun at this corner of the world, but even The Dog is acting strange. Three times this morning so far she has begged and pleaded to be let outdoors, and when she comes in she goes to my bedroom window and props her chin on the sill, where she looks longingly out at the world. She wouldn't let me sleep in at all, which normally is a given on a Saturday as she usually snoozes for at least as long as me. But today, not a chance.
I think Spring Fever must be in the air.