Introducing Yofi :o)

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I love all of the pictures! That last one is like a little bonus for us viewers! :biggrin2: Yofi is ADORABLE! If I ever wind up with an English Lop, you can bet it's because of the Yofster! :)
I can see it now; Yofi becoming a poster boy for E-lops everywhere:

"Pleez, pleez donate any unused karots and parslee for all uf the abandeneded and unwauntid E-lopz in teh wurld. U can send them to

Yofi's hawse
In teh Midle uf teh Street
Ottuwaa, Canaduh
Y0F 1R0

And ai will be shur to dish...diz...destrib... giv dem all awayee to teh pore unforchunit bunnays evrywere. Thanks u."
Bassetluv wrote:
I can see it now; Yofi becoming a poster boy for E-lops everywhere:

"Pleez, pleez donate any unused karots and parslee for all uf the abandeneded and unwauntid E-lopz in teh wurld. U can send them to

Yofi's hawse
In teh Midle uf teh Street
Ottuwaa, Canaduh
Y0F 1R0

And ai will be shur to dish...diz...destrib... giv dem all awayee to teh pore unforchunit bunnays evrywere. Thanks u.
:laugh: That's awesome!
LOL...I've been so focused on Yofi lately that poor Anna hasn't had any photo ops. There's only one ('scuse me, two...I canna count :p) I took of her recently, when she ventured out and joined the Yofster in his new digs (the futon in the livingroom).



Anna's doing very well these days, Susan (well, except for her occasional poopy bum, stinky thing....then she needs a butt bath). She's not as adventurous as Yofi, but she certainly is affectionate, and she's always the first to greet me in the morning when I walk into the bunny room. She's also taking great advantage of the fact that I had to 'soften' their cage...she loves snuggling on the cozy blankets. :) And to my surprise (so far) neither one of them have chewed the blankets.

Yofi, though, is becoming more of a mystery to me. Of course a few days after taking him to the vet's, he began developing something weird. (I'll take a pic at some point and post it.) His lower lip formed hard, almost crusty bumps. Now, he had something like this last year; not long after I got him he'd developed a hard, large red lump under his chin. By the time I took him to the vet it was almost gone, and the vet didn't seem concerned. And I had noticed them quite some time ago as well, but they disappeared on their own before really developing. But now they're back, so I'm putting cream on them in the hope they'll clear up. If not, another trip to the vet...(hopefully not, as it's hard for me to get out there with The Boy, and it's costly). Beats me as to what they are. Same as his feet...the sore hocks seemed to develop suddenly and very rapidly. Anna's feet, on the other hand, are absolutely fine.

Maybe Yofi's an alien. ;)
More Anna pics:











And a couple of pictures of Yofi's bumpy chin - this was hard to capture on film:




After I took these pics and let The Boy go, he raced over to his perch and sat there like this for about 5 minutes...a Yofistatue stargazing:



The only think I can think of for the scab on his lip is rabbit syphyllis... unless bunnies get cold sores, which would make a lot of sense.

In any case, Anna is begging for a KISS:

Di, Anna's pictures are sweet. Boy it must be great to have to big bunnes in your house. She's such a pretty bunny.

It sure looks like her and Yofi are really "In Love".

LOL tonyshuman...Anna always looks like she's begging for a's those Annagelina Jolie lips of hers. ;)

It's funny, I've kind of thought Yofi has some sort of systemic *something* going on with him ever since the first bump appeared under his chin after I first got him. It also has me wondering if whatever it is - syphilis (yikes) or any other kind of disease - would be related to the problem with his feet. The sore hocks seemed to come on suddenly, progressed rapidly, and now he has huge, hard lesions on his feet that I'm treating. I'm hoping that none of it is serious enough to compromise his health permanently.

Susan, Yofi and Anna really are inseparable. Yofi will go off on his jaunts, and if he's gone too long Anna comes looking for him even though she hates leaving the room. Whenever they're together in the bunny room they are snuggled next to one another, or grooming each other. When Yofi first had sore hocks and was in pain, he would sit quietly on one of the shelves in the cage, or huddle in a corner of the room...and I began to notice that Anna would always be next to him, her body completely wedged against his. I'd say they definitely are 'in love'. :biggrin2:
Well rabbits can get the human cold sore virus, but it doesn't manifest as cold sores in them. The rabbit form of herpes is very uncommon. I would think syphyllis would be a lot more dramatic. What about feeding him extra high vitamin C foods this time of year? I read that can cause mouth sores in pets. If you're really concerned you could start an infirmary thread on it to see if one of our experts has seen something like it before. :?
That's not a bad idea...asking about this in the Infirmary. The bumps Yofi gets are very hard and they do get pronounced. The very first one he had under his chin (more the lower jaw area)a year and a half ago was quite large, but did go down on its own. I'd thought it was an infection back then, but it turned out not to be that. And since it was almost gone when he went to the vet's, the vet wasn't concerned...he suggested that it could have been a scratch or some sort of irritation. Yof did get the odd small bump on his lower lip after that, but they would be tiny, almost unnoticeable, and would go away. This 'flareup' is worse than I've seen in the past.His feet are also still showing signs of rawness, which is disappointing...I may put him back on the Bag Balm treatment once the vet cream is finished.

I do give him orange slices every so often (not for vitamin C...he just gets them because he sees me eating an orange and he pesters the @#$%@ out of me until he gets some), but am not sure whether that would be associated with this.

And wabbitdad.....LOL!! Why oh why did I not think of that myself? Can't you just envision Yofi sitting there chewing a wad of 'tabbacky' and then hawking a big hunk of it out of the side of his mouth? Come to think of it...maybe that's not a great visual. It's the reason I never could stand seeing baseball games on tv when my brother was home. :yuck
Signs that a Yofi is feeling better:

Every morning for the past couple of weeks, when I'd go and open the door to the bunny room Anna would come flying over to greet me. Yofi, on the other hand, would remain stretched out on his vet bedding, perhaps twitching a foot or an ear to let me know he was there. If he was feeling really generous, one eye might slowly blink open, peer at me with an 'oh, it's you' expression, and then slowly close. Not that I minded Yofi's nonchalance; I actually welcomed it because it meant he was staying off those ginormous sores on his hind enders. However, it did also mean that he was not feeling very well, and a not-well Yofi is not a sight I like to see.

Now as I said, this has been the scene nearly every morning for the past couple of weeks. This morning, however, was different. I woke up initially because The Dog decided she just had to go pee at 7:00. So I got up, shuffled to the back door and let her out, then returned to my nice warm bed once she was finished and pulled the covers over me.
Ten minutes later I heard a strange sound coming from outside the bedroom. Actually it was coming from the other room...the bunny room. At first I couldn't make out what it was (being slightly hearing-impaired now means having to wear hearing aids, which can actually be convenient...not having them on means selective hearing in the presence of relatives who like to drone on...but that's a whole 'nuther story ;)). Anyway, I laid there for a moment and tried to listen...and I thought I recognized the sound, but wasn't sure. So I sat up, put on said listening devices, and in an instant realized I was right.

It was Yofi, digging furiously from the inside of the rabbit room. Pre-sore foot days, this was a regular habit for him; he would decide when it was time for the rabbit room to be opened up to the rest of the world, and would dig as hard as he could in an attempt to tunnel under the door and get out, if I wasn't fast enough to open it for them. And so here he was again, digging fast and furious, determined to create an escape route through the carpet, through the hardwood flooring, and then under the door itself. So to save him the trouble of digging his way to China, I went to the rabbits' room and opened the door.

And there he sat, Mr. See-Me-NOW!, proud as a peacock that he was up and about before me, and that he was ready for action so early in the day. Anna was still sitting next to the cage so I walked over to greet her, and then I stopped in my tracks. The cage, which had been vamped up to super-tone the cushyness factor, had - again, for the past couple of weeks - been remaining very neat and tidy. I had been relieved about it too, for it was vital for Yofi's recovery to keep the cage as clean and as soft as possible. This morning, however, was a different story. The tidy, folded, fluffy blanket which had one side anchored to the cage, the other anchored in place under the vet bedding, was now ripped completely out of place and tossed in a thankless heap in the corner. The litter box - which had pelleted litter topped with Carefresh, and plastic grids removed (as the vet feared they might be adding to Yof's sore feetz) - was completely tunneled through, it's contents spewed unceremoniously about. And the vet bedding, which offered Yofi a perfect place to relax and rest his feet, was no longer to be was no covered in a deep pile of pelleted litter, clumps of errant Carefresh, and bunny balls. And over by the door Yofi, smile on his face as big as the Cheshire Cat's, did a binkie.

The Boy is BACK. With a vengeance. :rollseyes

Now, his feet are an ongoing concern, and I suspect they will be for the rest of his life. The hard, raised areas that had formed in the centers of each huge hoofer have finally become softer. But they do still form cracks, and they do still get very red, sore, and sometimes even bleed. He's got a long way to go before I will feel comfortable about them, but his Yofi actions this morning have definitely lightened my worry. It's going to be a challenge, I can see, to keep things semi-orderly and clean for him, as he loves to rabbitauge anything that looks neat and tidy, but I will gladly opt for that challenge over having a Yofi who sits there morosely, looking sad and disheartened. All is not right with the world when a Yofi isn't being a Yofi, after all.

And I don't know if it's the time of year, or the fact that we're finally getting some sun at this corner of the world, but even The Dog is acting strange. Three times this morning so far she has begged and pleaded to be let outdoors, and when she comes in she goes to my bedroom window and props her chin on the sill, where she looks longingly out at the world. She wouldn't let me sleep in at all, which normally is a given on a Saturday as she usually snoozes for at least as long as me. But today, not a chance.

I think Spring Fever must be in the air.
