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perhaps she's been corresponding with the Yofster...

They're probably YDM'ing one another (Yofi-Darla-Messaging). Another good reason to power down the 'puters at night...the bunnies are running the zoo, folks...

Bassetluv wrote:
perhaps she's been corresponding with the Yofster...
They're probably YDM'ing one another (Yofi-Darla-Messaging). Another good reason to power down the 'puters at night...the bunnies are running the zoo, folks...
That would mean we win in the long run, because they won't chew the computer cords anymore! They need the computer, too! :D
LOL...well I wish I'd had my camera charged, as a video of Yofi out in the garden would've been great. For the past two weekends I've been putting the bunnies out in the vacant veggie garden, and he's been having a blast. He'll be sitting there and suddenly F.L.Y.!! across the entire thing, those ears sailing furiously behind. Anna does her little scoots and darts as well, but not nearly so much as the Yofster.

Haven't been posting lately because, well...this year (so far) sucks. It all started with a house inspection my sister wanted to have done early in the year, as she feared for the roof during the winter. (Apparently a couple of houses in the area last year had roofs collapse under the weight of the massive snowfalls we had.) So we hired an inspector. Roof fine. Electrical fine. Plumbing fine. Back steps to tenant's place...not fine. We were told to have the steps - massive concrete-formed things - replaced very soon as they're getting to a dangerous point. So we called around, got quotes, and found out it's going to cost several thousand dollars to have the old stairs torn down, hauled away, and replaced with new ones. However, we were also told that because the stucco on the house - which will be damaged when the stairs are taken down...and there's also some spots missing in other areas - is extremely outdated, the newer stuccos can't be used to patch the holes. So now we're looking at having to put siding on the house. Several thousand more $$$$. And the windows are all getting wonky and will have to be repaired this year, with one maybe needing full replacement. More $$$.

Add to this the fact that I just did my taxes. Thought I was getting a bit of money back. Nope. Rev. Canada sent me a statement showing where I carried a number incorrectly on my return, and instead of getting back $125.00, I owe them $824.00!!! I thought, this has to be a mistake, as last year I actually claimed a wee bit more in income than this year and still only paid back a minimal amount. So I called them. Turns out it wasn't a mistake by Revenue Canada; it was a mistake made at my work by Pay and Benefits. They mistakenly didn't take enough off my cheques in taxes throughout the year (why they suddenly changed the deducted amount, I have no idea) now I owe over $800 to the gov't.

And now for the pièce de résistance:

Just over a week ago I was in my backyard doing yardwork when I noticed a strong odor...oil. So I went to the back of the house and looked...there's an old oil tank back there that's never been used, at least not since I moved here, and it was leaking. So I called a company to ask if the tank can be drained and removed. And that was the first of many, many, many phonecalls. Apparently when an oiltank starts to leak it's considered a HUGE problem, and the cost of cleanup and damage control can be astronomically expensive (we're talking multiple, multiple tens of thousands of $$$). So I notified my insurance company and have since met with claims adjusters, environmental companies, the ministry of the environment, etc. etc. etc. Last evening the tank was finally drained of its remaining contents...and that alone was $800. Right now I'm literally :pray: that the insurance company will cover this. I was told that it looks like a very very minimal amount - if any at all - that got into the soil, but still, they have to do tests, bore into the basement, and excavate if anything at all was contaminated.

Oh, and did I mention that both my and my sister's jobs are being cut this year? Yeah. We both work for the same gov't dept and it is being 'let go' from the gov't.

However, they are in the process of making arrangements to privatize it, which means there's a possibility we could still keep our jobs. But we will have to reapply for them...and that's if the powers that be decide to keep those positions in the first place. So right now, everything's up in the air, and the stress levels at work are terribly high.

So that's why I've been hiding out. :expressionless

* Oh yeah, and I lost my Zen too. :cry2
Bassetluv wrote:
Haven't been posting lately because, well...this year (so far) sucks. It all started with a house inspection my sister wanted to have done early in the year, as she feared for the roof during the winter. (Apparently a couple of houses in the area last year had roofs collapse under the weight of the massive snowfalls we had.)
I just thought I'd share this. My dad is a roofer, and in Winter, some of the guys he works with work on the side to help people with the snowfall on their roofs. They basically will go up there and shovel it down. It's kind of silly-looking, but the results are good. You just have to find someone who will crawl up on a roof (and knows what they're doing) to help remove the snow.

Just my 2¢.
I am sorry that your having a rough time.

Just a quick note, if the oil tank is within a couple of feet of the house, a good engineer should not suggest excavation to get the oil soak soil out. Excavating too close to a structure can compromise the structural integrity of the building. They should be able to use a biological based clean up solution to get the oil out of the soil. It is sprayed to a saturation level on the oil soaked soil and the "little "bugs"devour the petroleum based products, break down into harmless components and die. They should have to godown morethen a meterto determine the contamination levels and they could do that by hand or a vibrating soil boring device. It could also be as easy as excavating a half meter of soil and backfilling it in too.

Sorry about the taxes too, blood sucking tax collectors!:X I have always noticed that the errors they discover arenever in the tax payers favor.

Well, at least the Yofster should put a smile on your face every now and then. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

With the year you are having and the year we are having, any chance your releated to any Walters or McKiernans in the US?
I didn't have time to type this before (I was late to work :p), but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry your year is going so crappy. :( I hope things get better for you! :hug:
Oh Di, I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time. Seems things always happen at once, doesn't it? I hope the job situation works itself out OK.

I'm sure Yofi and Anna will keep your spirits up (couldn't you have told the tax man that Yofi destroyed your papers?) :p

Many apologies for disappearing again, and many many thanks to everyone for their replies and suggestions. The oil tank situation is still ongoing - investigations drag out forever, it seems. (Came home last night to find a bill in my mailbox from one of the companies who were sent out to examine the soil...another $900+(!!!) that has to be paid immediately(!), and they're sending yet another company here on Thursday to inspect the tank itself.)

I don't know what it is about this year. It seems a great many people are going through sudden, very difficult times. (And yes wabbitdad, I suspect many of us are related...we're probably all related to that Murphy guy too, who wrote that law.)

Well, I just wrote, and then deleted, three paragraphs of 'stuff'...mostly about bad things that have been happening to good people I know. I decided to delete it because a) no one wants to read about more negative things, and b) I think by focusing on it too much, it gives bad stuff more bad stuff power. I'm kinda superstitious like that. ;)

At any rate, so far it's been an unusual year, to say the least. I've been trying to deal with the stress at my end but it was really starting to get to me (emotionally as well as, you should see me right now, I look like I got punched in the face by a raving maniac; I've developed an infection on my lip). So my son called me on Mother's Day and he gave me these sage words of advice: "You should be writing about your life!" That's when I told him that I do, in a way...I blog about Yofi. But of course I haven't been doing it for a while because of...well...stress. So he told me that's all the more reason to keep writing, and so here I am. Back. To write. Even though I'm kinda like this :nerves1 and kinda like this :bawl: and a lot like this :pullhair:. Writing is good for the soul, my son implied. And writing about a Yofi is even better. So I'll try to keep up again, even if it's piecemeal at first. So now you can ignore all the blah stuff I just wrote about

Of course right now it's almost 4 in the morning so my Yofi stories are nothing but a big ol' blur in my head. I can think of one silly thing that happened the other night though, so I'll jot that one down quickly and then head back to bed before I have to get up for work. ;)

One evening last week I was sitting in the living room watching American Idol on tv (GO ADAM!! hehe...had to throw that in). I was overdue for a bathroom break but didn't want to miss the competition, so opted to wait for the next commercial break instead. And so as soon as they cut to an ad I dashed (literally) for the bathroom. As I rushed through the doorway I happened to notice a banana peel lying on the floor (only in my house, right?) and noted that I'd better pick it up - but on my way back, as I was in too much of a hurry at the moment to do so. Visions of old cartoon images danced through my head as I could see the comic characters slipping on a peel and 'whooopsing' through the air, only to land with feigned surprise on their whimsical keisters.

Just as I reached the bathroom door, however, a sound penetrated the air...a definitive and unexpected 'thadumbump' (I dunno, how does one type a sound?). I felt it too, as the floor vibrated behind me. I turned and looked, and there behind me was Kaya, splay-faced on the ground...apparently in my rush to the latrine she must have thought I was headed for my favorite secret stash of Dentabones and pigs' ears, and she wasn't gonna miss out...well, she had been following me lickety-split out of the room, but she didn't see the banana peel lying inconspicuously on the floor, paw hit the peel and she went flying, tail over teakettle. Nothing was hurt but her pride, of course, especially when I couldn't resist pointing and laughing at the look of shock on her face.:)

Now how does Yofi fit into this comic equation, you may ask?

While he was nowhere in sight when this little scene played out, guess who had been rummaging in the garbage earlier?:X And I'm pretty sure (no, I take that back; I'm positive) he placed that peel there on purpose. And he got his intended victim too. I swear I should start keeping a score sheet on those two.

Now it's back to


for me.
And, while Yofi plots his comic stunt, Annabananna, observing from thebackground, sniffs her disdain: "That's not gonna work, Yofi. She'll see it, you know. AND BESIDES,if Mom falls down and breaks her neck, who's gonna FEED us?"

"NOT MOM, you goof,"the Yofer whispers from the side of his mouth, "THE DOG."

"YOFI! YOU'RE A GENIUS!!"squeals Anna.

"Shh!! you're gonna give it away!"

"Oh, oh you're right.Sorry.. I'll be quiet. Can I watch, huh? If I'm quiet? Please? huh? Can I? Please..?!"

"SHH! Here they come! Ooo, this is gonna be GREAT!"

"Oh good...I NEEDEDa potty-break! I sure hope Adam stays in the competi...KAYA!! Outta the way! Move it! I only have a minute and a half before the show comes back..."

THADUMBUMP!! *The poor bewildered Kaya lands awkwardly*

"SCORE!!!"*peals of bunny laughter, ears a'flappin' behind them,& a thundering of giant bunneh feet, disappearing down the hallway....*

*Professional-Sounding Voice Over* Join us next time, for another exciting epiode of YOFI: WHAT WILL HE THINK OF NEXT?!

And now for today's topic:

Confessions of a Bad Bunny Mom

(Otherwise known as 'Yofi's Great Escape')

This morning I was rather rudely awakened at 7:30 by one cross-legged, desperate dog who was frantically pleading at my semi-conscious form, "Pleez let me out Mom....I gotta GO! Lemme out NOW! Puuuleeeeez!!!!" Since I had been planning on sleeping in until at least 8:00 to catch up on some missing zzzzz's, this abrupt awakening was quite original plan now thwarted by The Dog's aging bladder. So up I got, shuffling across the bedroom floor and out into the back porch. As soon as the door was opened The Dog bolted out, leaving me mumbling gentle curses under my breath in her wake. I shut the door, retreated back to the kitchen, and decided I might as well stay up. Kaya tends to remain outdoors for extended stretches of time now; being a senior citizen of the canine variety, she has developed subtle changes over the years, one of them being 'laid back', now opting to relax and chill in the yard after the first order of business is out of the way. So, since I wasn't expecting her to be whimpering at the door any time soon, I decided to heat up some breakfast, open the door to the bunny room and give 'the guys' their breakfast, and then go on the computer for a few minutes.

Now, anyone who knows me will also know that a few minutes on the computer usually translates into "omigod, where did the time go????". And this morning was no exception. I went online, checked emails, removed some important papers from Yofi's mouth, pushed The Cat off my lap, went to a couple of websites, told Yofi "NO!" for the umpteenth time, did a bit of online searches, ate my breakfast, pushed The Cat out of my cereal bowl, and briefly played an online game. Then I decided (after doing the "omigod, where did the time go????") that I'd better get off the computer and start actually doing something useful.

And that's when it hit me. The Dog was still outdoors. And Yofi was being ultra quiet. Of course the two thoughts didn't strike me at the same time, nor did I put the two together, but both of them led to a 'hhhhmmmm' moment. Kaya I wasn't bothered about; she can stay outside all day if the weather cooperates and not say boo (as opposed to her younger years, when 5 minutes outdoors alone would lead to desperate barking "I want somebody to PLAY with me!!!"). No, it was the second thought that worried me. In the world of Yofimatics, the following equation tends to hold true:

Yofi + silence = :shock:.

And it doesn't matter how you do the math; divide, multiply, stick in integers and still adds up to the same thing. So I made my way to the bunnies' bedroom rather quickly, and was immediately greeted by Anna. But no Yofi. So I checked his favorite hidiespots, one at a time.

Rabbit's litter box, No.

Behind the bunnyroom door, No.

In the bathroom closet, No.

Behind the toilet, No.

Under the kitchen table, No.

In my bedroom, No.

No Yofi to greet me (or run away from me, depending on His Highness' mood) anywhere. Silence. NOW I was worried. I ran to the back door, for the first time actually praying he was in the cat's litter box, as the only other option would be OUTDOORS. But I was certain he couldn't get outside; after all, I'd shut the back door when I'd let The Dog out.

So I ran through the kitchen and pushed the door to the porch open. And felt panic, but immediate relief, both at the same time. The door to the backyard was swinging wide open...obviously due to the efforts of Kaya, who must have decided she'd wanted inside after all, and had managed to pry the door open with one of her devious paws. However, she also must have decided, upon getting the door open, that she changed her mind and wanted to stay outdoors after all, for she was lying in the yard, eyes closed and sunning herself (either that, or she'd opened the door and came into the porch, only to have a senior moment and forget what she'd wanted in for).

At any rate, much to my immense relief was Yofi, sitting in his famous periscope pose and looking at me with an "Oh, hai Mom" expression on his face. I laughed when I saw him, and started to say, "Oh, what a good boy you are Yofi; you didn't even go outs..."

And then I saw his feet.

All four of those lucky rabbit paws of his were covered, and I mean covered, in black, grimy earth. Oh, The Boy could pretend he'd been innocent and had stayed inside, but his filthy hoofers told me otherwise. It didn't take a CSI agent to figure out that the Yofster had taken advantage of the Great Portal being opened, and he'd made his dash for freedom.

Now, how long he'd been out there, I don't know. I'm guessing it must have been around 5-10 minutes, estimating from the last time I'd noticed him darting through the living room while I was on the computer. But judging from the look of his feetz, those 5-10 minutes had been pure bliss. The grime was literally ground into every toesie, every crevasse filled and sealed, every white hair transformed into midnight ebony earthtone. And once I'd stopped cursing myself for my own carelessness (after all, a Yofi outside alone is like a Yofi without his heat-seeking defence missiles loaded; free target for every scud-launching kitty entering the yard's demilitarized zone....although his backup defence - The Dog - would protect him), I began to laugh at the sight of him. However, my laughter again was cut short when I suddenly realized that Yofi'd had access to the area around the once-leaking oil tank. And while I had been assured by one of the inspectors that it wasn't dangerous for my dog, as the topsoil itself didn't seem oil-laden, I wasn't certain just how well that would hold true for a rabbit, especially one as talented for trouble and mayhem as a Yofi.

So what followed was a scene that I'm sure would have had the most seasoned pet lovers chuckling: I scooped Yofi up in my arms, carried him to the living room and propped him on my lap, and began systematically smelling his feet. Yes, that's right...I had my nose buried deep into those giant hind enders, attempting to see if there was even the slightest hint of an oil smell. Front enders too...spreading toes and smelling deeply, praying that the Yofster wasn't harboring some of Esso's finest in his feetz. He was good about it, not struggling at all; the only thing I heard from him was a resigned deep sigh as I smelled one of his hinders (a most definite non-verbal Yofi expression denoting, "She's getting weirder and weirder by the day"). Once done, I didn't find any hint of oil odor...there was only a strong smell of damp dirt; but I still worried about it and thus decided to play it safe, and ran water in the tub. The Yofster's hoofs had to be scrubbed clean.

So off we went, with Yofi wading discontentedly in the shallow end of the big blue pool that is my bathtub. At first he was enraged by this indignity, stamping those dirt-laden leg supports in the water (which of course only got him even more upset, since the law of water physics states that splashed H[sub]2[/sub]O must wind up in the splasher's face), but soon he settled down and allowed me to clean him. And to my relief, the muck and dirt melted away quickly, with not a trace of oil tank residue in his fur. He emerged from the water with sparkling clean white tootsies, and once dried was ready again for more Yofinine adventures...though this time confined to the indoors.

Anyway, yes...this was definitely one of my Bad Bunny Mom moments...although Yofi would probably tell you that from his perspective, it was the bestest morning he'd had in a long time.

If you don't count the mandatory cleanup afterward, of course.

Honestly Di, you tell the best stories.

You really must right a book one day. Of course I'd buy one but has has to be personally signed by the author.

Susan :)

I bet Yofi was thanking Kaya all morning for that! haha!
I agree, you really should compile all these stories into a book and have it you know how many rabbit lovers would love to read Yofi's stories? They'd get so many laughs!!

It'd be like Marley & Me; how the dude takes his stories of Marley and publishes the book...!

:laugh: I swear that Yofi and Kaya are working as a team. They only pretend that they don't get along to lull you into a false sense of security;)

The sniffing Yofi feetsies had me laughing out loud. At least you did it indoors, so nobody could see the weirdness:D


ps - Sorry for all the problems you've been having. How is the job situation?
