Introducing Yofi :o)

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Thanks all! And I am attempting to put something to paper in the form of a journal, or book, at some point. I've always wanted to write, but - procrastination being my middle name - have been putting it off for years. So a compilation of Yofi-stuff is going to be a first start for me, even if it turns out to be nothing more than a personal writing in the end.

But I wanted to jump in and say that today is


I had actually forgotten when it was, only remembering that it was sometime in the spring...but about an hour ago I was attempting to find something on my computer and came across a file where I'd recorded his actual day of birth...May 23, 2007.

So Happy 2nd Birthday to my big boy!! Yay!!


And now I'm off to the store to pick up some charcoal for the bbq...this afternoon is going to be dedicated to letting the bunnies run rampant outside (in the fenced-off garden area, of telling what a totally unleashed Yofi could do) while I plant some veggies and have a vegetarian bbq. :biggrin2:

Have a great one everybody!
[align=center]HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOFI[/align]
[align=center]:bunnydance::pinkelepht::balloons::runningrabbit::jumpforjoy::party::energizerbunny::bestwishes::bunny18:group::party0002::trio:airborne::running bunny[/align]
Hewwo Yofi, Happy Burfday!

May you live a long and happie and healthie life and may you always binkie and may you always have tweats to eat.

I'm sure Yofi appreciated all of the birthday wishes, everyone! His and Anna's foray into the backyard garden got a bit delayed (visit to the local garden center with my sister), but the two of them still got out to enjoy the wilds of the great outdoors for 3 hours or so. As soon as I get off the computer they're headed back out again today...this weekend the weather is gorgeous, so we're definitely taking advantage of it.

One semi-funny Yofi story to relate (though it might be one of those 'you had to be there moments):

Last evening I was watching Gene Simmons' Family Jewels on tv. Yofi was having fun 'sploring the living room, and running back and forth between there and the bunny room. Every so often he'd BANZAI!! onto the sofa, dash across me or land on The Cat, and then head off again just as quickly, so he was having fun. Since I'm used to his antics by now (after two years I'd better be!), I ignored him and concentrated on the show.

Now, this part is a bit hard to describe tactfully, but I'll try. ;) On the show, Gene had apparently invested in a cattle ranch, but discovered he'd lost $20,000 in his initial investment, so he and his (reluctant) son headed down to the ranch to find out why, and how to get his money back. In meeting with the woman who ran the place, she explained the ups and downs of the cattle industry to Gene (who, as he admitted, only knew that cattle 'mooed', and that was as far as his bovine knowledge extended), and she suggested a plan on how to regain the money he'd lost. The idea was to'samples'....from the bulls and sell it; apparently bull 'samples' were a hot commodity and sold very lucratively. And that's when the program - in typical Gene Simmons style - got to the heart of the matter and showed exactly how said samples were collected. As they were airing this, Yofi was in the living room with me, although I wasn't really aware he was there...he'd gone under the sofa and was doing who-knows-what (probably masterminding his next devilish plan). Now...switch back to the show...and the cattle wrangler was standing next to one of the bulls as he attempted to collect a sample - and suddenly the bull made a huge bull sound: "UNHGHH UNHGHH UNHGHH UNHGHH!!"

As soon as that happened, one immensely traumatized English lop bolted from underneath the sofa, eyes wild with fear, and he stopped at the entrance to the living room...then came the "Whump!!!" of his hind end.

I laughed at this sudden display of Yofi-fright, but wasn't quite sure what had triggered it. Moments later, however, I knew. On the tv the cattle wrangler was laughing and said (paraphrasing here), "Ever hear a bull call out? That's it" and then he imitated the sound that this massive bovine had just made. And as soon as he did so, Yofi kicked into ultra-horrorphobia...he literally barreled out of the living room, bouncing off a nearby wall as he went, and sprinted to the bunny room, where I heard him go crashing into the cage. This was followed immediately with his announcement of complete and utter displeasure, panic, and rabbitine agitation:


After finally gaining my composure (laughing at such a silly lagomorphian outburst is hard to stop), I went in to calm The Boy down. But he was having none of it. Apparently his absolute vehemence of discovering that a bull with vocal aptitude had been invited (by me, of course) into the Yofster's home was just too much to bear, and he spent the rest of the evening sulking in his litter box.

Well, of course it was my fault, as Yofi thought. After all, I should have known that the rabbit's most heinous enemy in the world, especially in a Yofi's world, happens to be...the Cow.



Oh, I missed Yofi's birthday! Bad me, for not checking my RO every day!


Poor lil' guy, thought his mom bought him a loud, scary moo-cow for his birthday!
Happy belated Birthday Yofi! :bestwishes:

You certainly have brought a lot of laughter and tears (from laughing so hard) in your 2 years!

I look forward to your upcoming antics for years to come!

Hey all...:) I haven't been updating on Yofi lately as I've been feeling quite sick. Took a week off for vacation - intention: to get rested and relax - only to have it a most stressful time (isn't that always the way?). Exhausted and feeling really out of sorts, both emotionally and physically. Visits back and forth to clinic for bloodwork. Visits to doctor when blood results were back (low iron was the biggest concern). And visits from all the guys associated with the ongoing oil leak drama in my backyard, followed by subsequent excavation of the land. And still no word one way or the other whether the insurance company is covering the cost, even though they gave the order for the work to be done.

However, this last event (the oil leak stuff) did happen to involve a bit of a Yofistory. Last Tuesday I was feeling particularly awful - migraine, dizziness, pain, overall UGH day - so as soon as I got up that morning I wound up lying down again. But I took some meds and a couple of hours later was actually feeling a lot better, and decided to get up and get a few things done around the house. And so litter boxes were emptied and cleaned and refilled, dishes put in hot water to be washed, laundry headed to the basement for cleaning. In the midst of this The Dog decided that she preferred to be outdoors, so I opened the door and let her go out to the backyard.

About half an hour later there was a knock at the door, and The Dog, still in the backyard, heard this and exploded into full browrowrowrowrowrowrowrow!!! mode (she can hear a pin drop two blocks away, I swear). I, however, was not in the mood to be talked into the latest magazine subscription for House and Garden, or a lecture on converting to whatever the latest trend happened to I ignored the knock and went about my business. Then 5 minutes later The Dog decided she no longer wished to explore the great wilds of the backyard, and I heard her clawing at the back door. I'd forgotten to put the little latch hook in place when I'd let her out, so by the time I got to the door she had already managed to open it and let herself in. So I shut the door and went back to what I was doing.

Another 5 minutes pass....and I was walking by the back door when something caught the corner of my eye. Turned and looked and there, casually hophophopping his way through the grass, was Yofi. He must have been right at the door when The Dog let herself in, and probably saw his chance and darted out there before I could notice him. Of course I went flying outside to scoop him up, but that's when I discovered he wasn't alone. The guy who was in charge of arranging for the excavation work to be done was there, inspecting the site - apparently he was the one at the door earlier, not a salesman for Field & Stream after all - and he greeted me with a big smile. He was getting the biggest kick out of Yofi, who apparently was giving him a grand tour of the place. He laughed and said, "Oh, I love your rabbit...he just seemed so natural out here, I thought he lived in your backyard. He's been following me everywhere!"

Yeah, that's Yofi alright. Tour guide to the stars. Or, in this case, the oil spill guy. I can just picture how it must've gone:

"Hey, over here Mr. Oilman, check this out...there's a great hiding place where me and Anna go when Mom tries to find us; and over here's the best place to get your fill of dandelions. Oh, and over here is a great place to lie in the shade on the hot days...but OH! OH! You MUST see this! See these bushes?? They actually have big red berries hanging off them when it gets really hot out...and they are the BESTEST!! You're gonna love living out here, really!!"

Sorry that you haven't been feeling well, hopefully things will get better very soon. Must be the weather or something, last couple of days I've just been feeling blah.

Thanks for the Yofi update! When you said he was following the guy around I thought you were going to say Yofi was asking the guy "mister whats your name?, my name is Yofi?, what are you doing?, why?, I can dig holes too, wanna see?, is it going to be a big hole?, why do you have to dig a big hole?..."

Di you are a gifted writer, seriously put these stories in a book and it would be a best seller. Then you could hire Yofi his own butler and Anna could have her own masseuse.
Sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.
Great Yofi update! I do agree entirely about the book thing! If it was popular Yofi might even get his own tv show! That would be cool! I really think you should write a book about all of yofi's antics and such.