I'm sure Yofi appreciated all of the birthday wishes, everyone! His and Anna's foray into the backyard garden got a bit delayed (visit to the local garden center with my sister), but the two of them still got out to enjoy the wilds of the great outdoors for 3 hours or so. As soon as I get off the computer they're headed back out again today...this weekend the weather is gorgeous, so we're definitely taking advantage of it.
One semi-funny Yofi story to relate (though it might be one of those 'you had to be there moments):
Last evening I was watching Gene Simmons' Family Jewels on tv. Yofi was having fun 'sploring the living room, and running back and forth between there and the bunny room. Every so often he'd BANZAI!! onto the sofa, dash across me or land on The Cat, and then head off again just as quickly, so he was having fun. Since I'm used to his antics by now (after two years I'd better be!), I ignored him and concentrated on the show.
Now, this part is a bit hard to describe tactfully, but I'll try.

On the show, Gene had apparently invested in a cattle ranch, but discovered he'd lost $20,000 in his initial investment, so he and his (reluctant) son headed down to the ranch to find out why, and how to get his money back. In meeting with the woman who ran the place, she explained the ups and downs of the cattle industry to Gene (who, as he admitted, only knew that cattle 'mooed', and that was as far as his bovine knowledge extended), and she suggested a plan on how to regain the money he'd lost. The idea was to collect...um...'samples'....from the bulls and sell it; apparently bull 'samples' were a hot commodity and sold very lucratively. And that's when the program - in typical Gene Simmons style - got to the heart of the matter and showed exactly how said samples were collected. As they were airing this, Yofi was in the living room with me, although I wasn't really aware he was there...he'd gone under the sofa and was doing who-knows-what (probably masterminding his next devilish plan). Now...switch back to the show...and the cattle wrangler was standing next to one of the bulls as he attempted to collect a sample - and suddenly the bull made a huge bull sound: "UNHGHH UNHGHH UNHGHH UNHGHH!!"
As soon as that happened, one immensely traumatized English lop bolted from underneath the sofa, eyes wild with fear, and he stopped at the entrance to the living room...then came the "Whump!!!" of his hind end.
I laughed at this sudden display of Yofi-fright, but wasn't quite sure what had triggered it. Moments later, however, I knew. On the tv the cattle wrangler was laughing and said (paraphrasing here), "Ever hear a bull call out? That's it" and then he imitated the sound that this massive bovine had just made. And as soon as he did so, Yofi kicked into ultra-horrorphobia...he literally barreled out of the living room, bouncing off a nearby wall as he went, and sprinted to the bunny room, where I heard him go crashing into the cage. This was followed immediately with his announcement of complete and utter displeasure, panic, and rabbitine agitation:
After finally gaining my composure (laughing at such a silly lagomorphian outburst is hard to stop), I went in to calm The Boy down. But he was having none of it. Apparently his absolute vehemence of discovering that a bull with vocal aptitude had been invited (by me, of course) into the Yofster's home was just too much to bear, and he spent the rest of the evening sulking in his litter box.
Well, of course it was my fault, as Yofi thought. After all, I should have known that the rabbit's most heinous enemy in the world, especially in a Yofi's world, happens to be...the Cow.