Introducing Yofi :o)

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Bassetluv wrote:
LOL tonyshuman...Anna always looks like she's begging for a's those Annagelina Jolie lips of hers. ;)
Good Thing you got her spayed!!!

:happybunny::brown-bunny:happybunny::brown-bunny :happybunny::brown-bunny
Glad to hear Yofi is feeling better! He's such a character.
If the bump(s) dont go away, I would definitly get a scraping of the area to see what youre dealing with. It could just be something fungal that needs medication. Syphillis is a possibility, but Anna would probably have it as well and it probably would have spread a lot more by now.
Oh yes, he's definitely a character (cage was totally trashed again this morning :X).

The bumps are strange, because they seem to arise suddenly and then resolve themselves. The first was a lone, large lump/bump under his jaw, but by the time he went to the vet it was almost gone. Then I noticed a couple of very small ones on his chin some time ago, but they too went away. This time the outbreak was larger, still on his chin, and a small one that appeared above his upper lip as well. But they too have been clearing up (mind you, I was applying some of his foot cream to his chin, but I hadn't put any on the spot above his upper lip, and that cleared up along with the others). If ever he has to go to the vet for something else I'll discuss it with him (the vet, not Yofi ;)). Anna shows no signs of anything. Her only problem is poopy bum. eeeww.

I forgot to mention that Yofi gave me a bloody mouth the other day. I was putting a touch of cream on his lower lip - believe me, I was taking my fingers' lives into their own hands (so to speak) when doing so, as he HATED me touching his lip and would try to slice and dice my finger ala Dexter[sup]©[/sup] - but in the process of attempting to keep his hind end from suddenly leaping into action, I didn't watch his front feetz. The Boy suddenly flicked his left paw up at me and it caught me square in the mouth...and a moment later blood was flowing. I guess he got his point across...DON'T TOUCH THE LIPS!

Good Thing you got her spayed!!!
LOL!!!! I love that! :laugh:
LOL! Too Cute! I have the Yof on my desktop, no less, haha.


Sometimes one notices the strangest things...

The other evening I was channel-surfing, looking for something interesting to watch on tv, when I saw that the movie "Rain Man" was about to air on one of the more obscure stations. Since that's a film I loved in the past, I decided to watch it again. So I settled in with my popcorn and blanket, and it began.

Partway through the movie there's a scene where Raymond ('Rain Man') starts getting visibly upset when his brother Charlie - who is talking to Raymond's caretaker, Vern - begins to absentmindedly pick up books and thumb through them. Obviously the books are important to Raymond, and as Charlie picks up one, and then another, Raymond gets rather agitated. He begins pacing back and forth, back and forth, mumbling to himself...then gets louder and louder until the others in the room notice. The pacing becomes more frantic, and you can hear Raymond saying, "Uh-oh...uh-oh" as Charlie holds onto one book in particular. It finally escalates into "Uh-oh...uh-oh...UH-OH, Vern...uh-oh...VERN...V-E-R-N! He's touching it...V-E-R-N!! VERN!! UH-OH!!", spelling out Vern's nameas his fear rises.Once they realize what is upsetting him, Charlie puts the bookback on the shelfand Raymond settles down.

As I was watching this scene I thought, 'This looks familiar somehow. It reminds me of someone". Yet for the life of me I couldn't figure out who, and so I forgot about it.

Two days later. I start to clean the rabbit's cage, crawling inside to first reach the litter boxes and scoop out the messy contents. As I'm doing this Anna, who had been lying placidly in a corner, comes over to inspect. Yofi, of course, has other things on his mind and goes charging out of the room to do who-knows-what to anything that is within his reach. So Anna comes running up behind me and gives me a nudge. I ignore her and continue on, scoop in one hand and bag in the other. She nudges me again. I ignore again. Then she runs out of the cage and over to the door, looking back, watching me, as I go about my work.

Litter boxes done, Imove on to removing and replacing soiled blankets. Anna is still watching, only now she is running in little circles, darting back and forth, coming over to me, giving a nip, running away, returning...I ignore her as I'm used to her antics by now, whenever I clean the rabbits' area. I pull the soiled blanket up from the cage floor, and Anna, seeing this, runs over to the door of the room, spins in circles, goes back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

And that's when it strikes me. Anna is my 'Rain Man'! Whenever I disrupt the inner workings of her and Yofi's love nest she gets into a tizzy, at first curious, but tension and anxiety mounting as the job continues. So this time I sat back and laughed, as I could see the resemblance so clearly now...Anna, pacing back and forth, back and forth, me touching her litter box, then touching her blankie...and she frantically begins to run about, rushing to the door where Yofi has vacated, calling (in her little bunny head), "Uh-oh...uh-oh...UH-OH, Yofi...uh-oh...YOFI...Y-O-F-I! She's touching it...Y-O-F-I!! YOFI!! UH-OH!!"

It's funny, the things we may miss when we're not paying attention. And now I'm wondering...if I toss a pile of hay onto the floor, does she actually count each and every strand within seconds of their landing?

"UH-OH!! Y-O-F-I!!!!!!"

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
If Anna is your rabbit rain man version, you need to figure out how to use her at a casino! a card counting rabbit they'll never suspect that!;)

LOL...but that only begs the question: Would we have to dress alike too?

I can see us at the casino table now, Anna tucked under my arm, twitching her nose and saying,

"Yes, definitely the ace. Oh yes, the ace. DEFINITElY the ace. Definitely take another card. Yes...another card, defin...oh wait...(as she spots the buffet table) that PARSLEY?!?!! Be right back..."
I just hope she doesn't need to watch Jeopardy at 5 O'clock........ :shock:

Thankfully Anna is afeeeerd to cross the dreaded wood floors to enter the living room in time for Jeopardy. Otherwise I could just see her: She'd have her carrots and romaine set out in front of her on the little tv table (in specific order, of course), furry legs crossed and propped up on it, notepad in paws, ready to take down all the details.

"I'll take Movies for $100, Alex."

"Okay, contestant...which movie starred a cheese-eating Brit and his faithful companion dog named..."

and you suddenly hear from the peanut gallery:


as little bits of carrot spray out of her mouth in excitement...:rollseyes
And how did you manage to get too unique bunnies? Yofi At Large, and Anna, the OCD girl

That's a good question. May I take the fifth on this one? :biggrin2:

What's scary is, they say you draw your friends, pets, etc. to you according to your own personality....:shock:
Well, Yofi still has sore feetz, but he's been feeling much much better...bunny binkies and the odd 'WHUMP' here and there (which I have tried as much as I can to discourage, to no avail). And despite those sore hind enders, it doesn't stop him at all from getting into mischief.

A couple of evenings ago my cell phone had slipped out of my pocket and onto the sofa, unbeknownst to me. I had been watching tv and was drinking a cup of water, and decided to get up and go to the kitchen. Turned around and was headed back to the living room, just in time to see two long ears - with a huge bunny body attached - go sailing up onto the sofa. I never thought anything of it, as Yofi spends a lot of time up there, dashing from one end to the other, or simply settling in to his favorite spot to schnooze. However, it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my cup of water there, so I went running in to grab it before Yofiman mowed it down. Too late. There was water all over the sofa, with a rather smug-looking bunny sitting there looking at me, as if to say, "Whut?"

And then I noticed my cell phone. So I ran over and picked it up, breathing a sigh of relief that it handed been doused in water. I was going to put it back in my pocket but thought for a moment and decided to flip it open. Well, everything looked okay, but a couple of numbers on the keypad were just a bit moist. hhhmmmm. And the battery was running low. So I wiped it off and plugged it into the recharger. And it died. Totally. It may as well have said 'RIP' on the call display.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of phonicide, I took it to Rogers the next day, praying that it was something as simple as the battery, as I'd been having a wee bit of trouble with it in the past...but at the back of my mind I already knew: YOFI + water + phone = disasterinthemaking. And of course I was right. The girl opened the back of the phone, took one look and said, 'This has been water-damaged. See this strip? It's supposed to be white. If it turns red, that's an indication that water got into the phone. It's dead.'

Sigh. So I had to fork out $100.00 to replace the Yofinated phone. I had no choice, as I no longer own a home phone and it was my only means of communication with the outside world. And can you imagine being stuck inside a house with a Yofi, with no way to call out? I certainly didn't want to take that chance.