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Poor Yofi! I hope his feetz get better soon, all I have ever done is apply antibiotic ointment. I put some on my buns feet put some cotton balls over the ouchy and wrapped them up with this clingy gauze the hospitals use on you after you give blood etc,.
Hey wabbitdad...:)

Honestly, I'm worried sick about Yofi right now. I have been having a hard time getting him in to the vet (no transportation, vet doesn't take appts on the weekend). Last week I managed to get an appt for him for tonight, but his feet don't look good at all. I've been treating them twice a day, washing them in warm soapy water and applying antibiotic cream along with Bag Balm...have been washing everything in the rabbits'cage daily, have bought cushioning to go under the floor mat, placed the vet bedding on the floor so Yof doesn't have to go up on the shelving, placed his hay on the floor so he doesn't have to be sitting to reach it, been cleaning the litter boxes daily (tho they have grids on them so the rabbits don't sit in soiled litter), etc. But Yofi's feet now have developed infection (minor swelling in one spot on one foot, large swelling in one spot on the other foot). He still hops around, but not nearly as much because his feet hurt, and he has shifted his weight to his toes. His appetite was going down so I began offering more of his 'treats' to keep it up (oats, banana, etc.) and today he seemed to be eating more heartily...but this is extremely worrisome.

I'm just praying the vet will be able to successfully treat the infection, and am hoping it is contained to the tissue and hasn't gone deeper. LOL...I also just found out that my ride to the vets tonight (via my brother) is only one way...he isn't planning on taking me back home. So I've been scrambling to get transport after the appt as well. Not so worried about that though, as it'll work out...just very upset over Yofi right now.

Thanks wabbitdad, and everyone...
Finally back from the vet. Good news....the vet believes there isn't any infection; it's inflammation of Yofi's feet. (Thank God for that!) I thought they were badly infected because they swelled up on each foot, right in the center, and they looked (look) terrible. He hasn't been able to put much weight on them at all, has been lethargic and lying around. However, after the vet examined Yofi he said that he's seen much worse cases of sore hocks that have recovered nicely.

The challenge is going to be providing Yofi with surfaces soft enough to accomodate him. Carpet can aggrevate the condition...any hard surface can. He has a dog bed and vet bedding to lie on, but I can't make his whole room soft. And confining Yofi to the rabbits' cage until he heals would be a major challenge too, as he hates being locked up. (As the vet said, if Yofi is goiing to make a huge fuss if he's confined, then it would be defeating the purpose to do so.)

Yofi received an injection of Metacam for pain while he was there, and omigod...ever since I brought him home he's been trying to make up for lost badness, I swear...he's trying to get into/eat/otherwise destroy everything in his path. Getting him to be quiet is going to be a HUGE undertaking. He's actually acting like a Yofi again! He'll be on Metacam for the next 10 days, and he has a special foot cream to help take the inflammation down and soothe the tissues.

It's such an enormous relief to find out The Boy's sore hocks aren't as bad as I'd originally thought. Doesn't mean they're in great shape, but I was so afraid of the worst - especially how they looked, and how miserable he's been these past few days - that this is a welcome diagnosis. So now it's on to getting him 100% better. :)

Thanks to everyone for asking about Yof, and sending good has been so welcome, as this has been so worrying. Anyway, here's a couple of pics I took after getting back home; Yofi on my lap and reeeeeeally wanting to get down (though it doesn't show in the photos), and one of what his poor sore feetz look like (and that photo also doesn't capture how bad they look 'in person').




Aww! Those are some sore-looking Yofi feetz! No wonder he hasn't been himself! I guess the Metacam is his way of making up for lost naughtiness! Have fun! ;)
Bassetluv wrote:
He's actually acting like a Yofi again!
Yay! Go, Yofi, go! :bunnydance:

It's so much more worrisome when they just lay there, isn't it?

Just like kids...if they don't wantto play, and just want to lay on the couch or in know they're REALLY sick!
Poor Yofi I hope his feet get better quick!!

I like the idea of having a Yofi Calendar and book!
I posted this in Raph's old thread but thought I'd put it here too:

I do believe Raph was watching over Yofi recently. Yof's feet were a mess last weekend; they had developed sore hocks and then became swollen...they were soft with two large masses in the center of each foot. I've seen infection in rabbits before, and this definitely looked like infection. I'd been treating them twice a day for almost two weeks but his feet just seemed to be getting worse, and I couldn't get him in to see the vet until Monday evening. So on the weekend I did a lot of praying, and Raph suddenly appeared in my I prayed to him too, to help Yofi's feet.

Monday morning I treated Yof's feet before going to work and thought, 'They seem different somehow'. Monday evening took him to the vets, and I was shocked. The vet examined him and said, 'There's no infection's just irritation and inflamation. If there had been infection his feet would have been swollen and soft to the touch; you would have been able to leave an 'impression' in the area had you pushed on it'. Well, that's exactly how Yofi's feet had appeared...until Monday. But at the vet's the area was firm and raised, like callouses, no softness whatsoever, no cracks and bleeding as there had been a couple of days prior.

Was it the power of prayer (mine as well as others here)? Or the continued treatment that caused the sudden change? Or...did Raph somehow have something to do with it?

I think it was probably all three...but I somehow suspect Raph had a huge paw in it. :)


Honestly, if you believe in the power of prayer as I do, I'd say this was a bit of a mini-miracle. The last photo I took of Yofi's feet look bad, but that's nothing compared to how they were a few days before we got to the vet's. The swelling was enormous, and the 'soft, squishy spots' on each foot had begun in the center of each (with a ring of white, dead-looking skin where it began on one of the feet). The swelling had started to extend to the side of one foot as well; the skin was blood red and there had been some bleeding. To have it all disappear so suddenly like that - Sunday night it was still red and grossly swollen, and Yof was lethargic - was amazing.

And it looks like I don't have to worry too much about his antics either. Yofi's no longer lethargic, his appetite is once again huge, but other than the evening when we came home from the vet's and he transformed into The Bunnygizer, he's settled down. I've been treating his feet twice daily for a few weeks now, and when I do, he rests on my lap on the sofa while I treat them. Well, now he seems to have declared the sofa as officially his. Every evening now after I do his feet, Yofi runs away in a feigned snit, then returns five minutes later. And he spends the rest of the evening stretched out on the sofa, lazing about and falling asleep, waking up and grooming, then back to dreams again. He literally stays there for hours, and last evening quietly made his way over to me and snuggled next to my body. Anna is now forced to come into the living room (and thus has to cross the dreaded land of hardwood flooring) to see him. And I thought The Boy was spoiled before...:rollseyes

I'll try and post some pics of His Hareness tonight when I'm home.

LOL wabbitdad...Yofi would definitely love your suggestion! A rabbit spa? He'd be in bunnay heaven...especially if it came with complimentary dogs to traumatize. Throw in a cat or two as well, and he'd never leave!
Bassetluv wrote:
LOL wabbitdad...Yofi would definitely love your suggestion! A rabbit spa? He'd be in bunnay heaven...especially if it came with complimentary dogs to traumatize. Throw in a cat or two as well, and he'd never leave!
I didn't know he like to traumatize cats too! Why yes, I just happen to have 2 catshe can set straight!:biggrin2:

The Boy's feetz are still recovering, still sore, and so what does he do? For some reason a few moments ago he got upset - has some sort of bug up his bunny bum over something - so he ran out to the kitchen and began WHUMPING his hinders on the hardwood floor! The whumps were a bit muffled as he can't stomp properly, but gee whiz Yofi...your FEETZ!:foreheadsmack: So now I have a PO'd bunny draped over my lap so he doesn't keep stamping his sores like a two-yr-old having a hissy fit.

Oh, and I put extra cushioning all through the rabbits' cage (soft thick blanket, removed the top shelf and put the vet bedding on the floor, added padding under the mat that was on the cage floor, put the dog cushion in front of the cage), and guess what this has triggered. The two of them - Yofi and Anna both - are now using the entire room as their litter box. :X Guess they don't like 'change'.

Will post a few Yofi-pics tomorrow. Right now I have to soothe some ruffled bunny fur, even though I have no idea what he was mad about. Maybe he just felt he wasn't getting enough attention or something....

And thanks for all the yays for him everyone! wabbitmom, you're so right...when they suddenly become quiet and aren't themselves, ewwww, what an awful feeling it is. You truly do know when a Yofi is sick if he isn't running around and causing chaos somewhere. (And wabbitdad...oh yes, Yofi is notorious for kitty-wrangling. If Fritz wanders into his room without permission, he is risking a major bunny-slam in the side (no teefs, just a huge *suggestion* via body check to get the heck out of there). When Tasha was still alive Yofi was really mean to her...charging at her suddenly without warning. Mind you, that was kind of funny to watch though; a 12-lb bunny attacking a 3-1/2 lb kitty, only to be belted across the face by one of Tasha's big ol' ballcatcher mitts - she was a polydactyl cat, so those extra toes came in handy.)

Yep, Yofi officially owns my raggedy old sofa now. ;) (I'll post some pics tomorrow to prove it.)

And ear rubs are definitely administered. (Even if he has been giving me heart attacks lately.):biggrin2:
As promised, a few Yofi pics. Most of them were taken in his now most-favorite spot...the sofa. Ever since I started treating The Boy's feetz, he began chillin' on the sofa instead of in his room. So here he is, lounging as only a Yofi can lounge...


"Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup"

Infamous Yofi pose (with a heck of a pout thrown in)

Ol' PointyHead


Waving to his fans

Anudder closeup

Brief schnooz under the sofa, instead of on top

Lookit the size of those (sore) FEETZ!

Sofa flawp

Doing his part to conserve energy...Yofi the Draft Muffler

"Roll over...roll over..."



Ear nommin'....three in a series




Cleaning owies



Lord and Master of the futon

Wif his new blankie


"Ai PPPFFFFFFTTTTTTT! in your generel direkshun!"

And finally.....

I swear, I did not set this up. The Boy was in the midst of doing a head toss and this was the result:

"HEY! Where'd everybuddy go?!"
