Introducing Yofi :o)

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How funny! I've heard of rabbits stealing some things, like clothes/towels/paper bags, but never fish tank cartridges! Funny bunny! My little guy likes to steal my stapler and hide it under the bed. No idea why... Maybe it's for attention, like Yofi. I bet that the whole scene was hilarious!
Bassetluv wrote:
:) Anna too, enjoyed having company here, though she refused to leave the confines of the rabbit room. After all, hardwood floors ARE beneath the dignity of a female lago-queen to trod upon, are they not? A slip or two of the hind end would be rather embarrassing, and Anna would never subject herself to such a display in front of witnesses. So she remained in their room, but every time someone would venture past the doorway she'd make a beeline for them, fully expecting nose rubs and scritches. And she always got them.
Of course! Give her some nose rubs and scritchies for me too!:D
Bassetluv wrote:
Now, why had he wanted this particular item? I believe it was all a ploy. Yofi hadn't exactly wanted filters - unless he'd become more eco-aware and decided that his and Anna's water needed to be more purified. No, I think this was his way of gaining attention. Since it had been exactly 22.34 minutes since anyone had ooooohed and aaaawed over the Yofster, he decided to take matters into his own hands and draw the focus back to him, Yofi-style.

I have to give The Boy credit; his plan worked. :p
Well, the World revolves around The Yofi, right?! Funny bunny boy.:bunny24
Well, I've seen strange sights in the past, especially dealing with a certain rabbit who resides in this household (no names, no names), and tonight was one of the funnier ones. Not quite ranking up there with the rabbit walking the kitchen cart to his room, but this one gave me a chuckle nonetheless.

First I have to note that Mr. Helpshimself was at it once again a little while ago. I was sitting at the computer typing, when I heard a soft munching sound behind me. I turned around and there he was, head shoved into a leftover box of Christmas chocolates I'd inadvertently left on the sofa, and was helping himself to a treat. Cripes, I thought, just what I need...a Yofi wired to the eyeballs on sugar (not to mention how bad it would be for him to digest the stuff, a Yofi on a chocolate high would be very scary indeed). So I snatched the box away from him, whereupon he shot me a rather nasty glare and huffed out of the room. All chocolates are still firmly in place, nestled in their respective slots, but one now sports a telltale imprint of rabbit incisors.

I should have known, though, that this would not be the only theft of the evening. Roughly ten minutes later The Boy crept silently back into the living room. I was still at the computer and I mightn't have even noticed his presence, except his rather obvious sudden dash for the kitchen gave him away. Something was protruding rather ominously from his mouth, and at first I wasn't sure what he had now snagged. So I hightailed it after him, and after running in circles (three times!) around the kitchen table as he darted back and forth between the chairs in his effort to lose me, I finally managed to block his escape just as he made one last lunge toward the safety of his own room. And what did he have in his little rabbitine possession? Dangling from that theiving maw was something cylindrical in shape, white, fuzzy...

Yofi had stolen my cat's Christmas present...a catnip toy in the shape of a cigar. Not only did he look ridiculous doing his lagomorph version of W.C. Fields...cigar dangling from one corner of his opulent mouth....but he refused to give up this latest treasure. I tugged and yanked, and he tugged and yanked back. He was as stubborn as a seasoned smoker who protests vehemently in giving up the habit. In the end I was the victor, finally managing to extract the catnip cigar from this stubborn boy's clutches...but I am afraid this may be the start of a nightmare. I can just see it now: having to locate and sign Yofi up for the next meeting of Catnip's Anonymous. He will be the only presence at the meeting not able to speak 'kitty', but then, addictions have a universal language anyway, and I'm sure his complaints would come through loud and clear.

Come to think of it, it's really a good thing The Boy does not speak human, otherwise I might some day be at the recieving end of a visit from Bunny Welfare Services, demanding to know why I never feed the poor waif, never give him treats, and never ever let him do anything he wants.

Oh, the pain of being a neglected rabbit. :foreheadsmack:

And here's a picture of Yofi, of course with tongue dangling for all to see. Can one ever have a photo of a Yofi without that attitude being in the pic as well? sheesh


You NEED to put all of your Yofi antics into a book! Us rabbit people would go nuts over it! :biggrin2: I mean, just the toilet-diving incident is gold! :p
Kinda bouncin' off of K's post above...

Seriously, D, a Yofi 2010 Calendar. (A belated 2009 edition?)

Wouldn't that be awesome? ! ? Would his celebrity highness want too much in royalties?

An RO-helper YOFI Calendar adding his antics tips to bunnies who need mentoring.
Maybe some donations to RO Forum for sales, if Yofi would be agreeable?


My family always knows when there is a new Yofi story 'cause I make them listen as I read it aloud - usually breaking up into laughter halfway through since I've already read the story a bunch of times already...

I just adore Yofi - he can always come live here if you need a break. Zeus might even share his harem (not).

I really like the calendar idea! Though with Yofi, if he ever saw it his head would swell exactly 3.68 sizes. ;) And I'd love to see an RO bunny calendar; I'd buy one in a heartbeat!

LOL Peg, if Yofi and Zeus met I fear there'd be some sort of apocolyptic a vacuumous black hole spinning a violent vortex of ears and feetz. It'd be a match rivalling that of Darth Vader meeting Obi-wan, light sabers blazing and humming in tune with ginormous kicks and spins. Either that or Yofi'd try to lick Zeus to death with his most heinous of weapons, the Yofi-tongue. :p
Wow! This is always so funny! You really make all of this into a book and get it published. You are such a good writer and Yofi is such an entertaining subject, lol.

Well, my plan was to sneak in here at lunchtime and post a few more pictures, but just realized I haven't uploaded them to Photobucket yet. And since I'm at work, I can't access them from home.:foreheadsmack:

In the meantime, I also wanted to say I'm worried about Yofi. His sore hocks flared up a week or so ago and one foot was bleeding. :(I've been cleaning and treating them twice a day, changing the cage daily, and this morning I moved one of the pieces of vet bedding from a cage shelf and put it on the floor of the cage, in front of the hay rack (they love to pee in that one spot whilst munching, so the mat there gets pretty damp). I hauled Kaya's old dog bed up from the basement and put it on the shelf so Yofi would have an even cushier place to's at least 4" thick; hopefully it'll survive their constant digging.

Yofi's still eating, still runs around, but he doesn't run around quite as much, and he 'sits' more than usual....he's a wee bit 'off'.Sohis feet are obviously bothering him. I've made an appt with his vet, but unfortunately can't get him in until Monday evening - and that's if I can find some way to get him there. This guy is one of the only good rabbit vets in the city and not long after he neutered Yofi he moved to Orleans, which is waaay out at the far east part of the city, much further from me than he used to be. Dang. I want him to check Yofi for any signs of infection - external and internal - and help me out, because I really don't like the look of the boy's feet.

At any rate, it's continued treatment until Monday, and then we'll see what Dr. Auger thinks. Please cross your fingers for Yofi's feetz....:nerves1

P.S.Sorry it's such alate response, but thank you Aina...:)
Ahh poor Yofi, i hope his Feetzs get better soon. What are you putting on the feet Di?

I noticed Buttercup has a little red spot on one of his feet. I do have some Bag Balm, not sure if that will work though.

Hi Susan! :D

I've been bathing his poor red feet with mild soap (Dove) and water, drying them and then applying a layer of Polysporin followed by Bag Balm. I first noticed the sores on Yofi's feet some time ago and treated them, and mistakenly thought he had healed well so ended the treatment. Then (big mistake) I never really re-checked his feet again until a week or two ago and was shocked to see that one was bleeding and both were very red.The redness isstraight up the bottoms of both feet, so I'm quite concerned. Anna's feet look fine...but then again, she doesn't carry the weight that Yofi does - he looks to be a healthy weight, not carrying extra, but he's a big bunny - and she also was never in the habit of WHUMPHING her feet the way Yofi will. He also had the bad habit of sitting in the litter box too (I've since purchased litter boxes with grids on top), and the mat on the bottom of their cage gets wet daily from urine...their place to munch on hay and pee. :?I do suspect that the biggest contributing factors are Yofi's size, perhaps the fact that he'shoused indoors (in looking up sore hocks I've discovered that a big contributor to the condition - aside from dirty housing and/or wire cage bottoms, both of whichused to get thefull blame - is keeping arabbit indoors)and genetics...the breeder I got him from no longer has English lops, I believe; he removed them from his website a few months after I got Yofi, and when I tried contacting him once he didn't respond, which makes me wonder if the whole line didnt' have issues.

Anyway, poor Yofi is so patient....well, once he gets in his mandatory grunt and full-forced kick as I place him in my lap for footbaths, of course. Once settled in hislies there quietly on his back the entire time, grinding his teeth furiously as A)I'm sure it hurts, and B) he hates being on his back. If he gets REALLY mad at me he will grab my jacket once I'm finished and chomp it hard, then he's over his 'mad' and goes back to Anna (only to return to me 5 minutes later for a massage). ;)

I just feel so badly for him right now, and am hoping I haven't done anything to contribute to the sores.

*oops, meant to say that yes, Bag Balm is supposed to work quite well for sore hocks, so definitely give it a try. A lot of people swear by it. I've also heard that 'New Skin' is very good for protecting their feet if the sores aren't cracked...if the skin is red but not open anywhere. It provides a protective layer that cushions their feet somewhat, and supposedly helps keep dirt and bacteria away. I haven't seen any of that around here (have seen it on the 'net) but can't use it on Yofi anyway because his heels have cracked.

And one other thing that I want to discuss with the vet...everywhere I've read or asked people, they say it's essential to bath the feet well and keep applying antibiotic ointment 2-3 times a day until the condition clears up...yet the other day I ran across a chapter in a book (online, could only view one page as a preview) that said sometimes aggressively treating the feet like that can exacerbate the condition instead of help.

I'd love to get a copy of the book; it's a veterinary journal called "The 5-minute " somethingorother (I've bookmarked it somewhere). This particular one focuses mainly on ferrets and rabbits. If I find the full name I'll post it; maybe some forum members here have it (pricey book though; cheapest copy I could see was around $80.00).
Aww. the poor Yofster :(. Sore hocks are such a nuisance. My first rabbit, Fudge, (a Rex) suffered with sore hocks, and they are a nightmare to heal.

Don't blame yourself for them, though. Yofi is a big boy, and I definately don't think the thumping will help the matter - silly boy!

Will be thinking of you, and hoping Yofi does OK. Not sure about aggressive treatment making matters worse :?

Thanks's been so many years since I've ever had a rabbit with sore hocks that I honestly don't even remember how I treated it on my previous bunny (we're talking 30 years ago). I don't recall how long it took to clear the rabbit's feet up, or how mild or severe it even was.

So it's all new to me again. Well, Yof's been resting his feet since I got home...stretched out on the dog bed in his cage. He still has a healthy appetite, but just isn't himself. Too quiet; makes me worry. But at least his feet are getting rest.

As much as I've gone on about how much trouble The Boy is always causing, having him this quiet is disheartening. I looked in on him a few moments ago and was going to do his feet but he and Anna just look too comfortable to disturb; both are stretched out on the dog pillow. I'll prepare his feetz bath a bit later this evening. :)

**I forgot, if you don't mind my severe did your bunny's sore hocks get? And how did you treat it?
He finally came out of his room a while ago and was hopping around, but rather tentatively. He's shifted his weight slightly to the front of his feet and hops a bit wonky.

I don't have 'official' painkillers, but gave Yofi some baby aspirin about 15 minutes ago. It used to help ease Raph's pain in his legs, so hopefully will help him too. I'm glad I had that dog pillow stored away, as he likes to stretch out on that might encourage him to rest his feet. When he goes to the vet I'll see if the vet can trim his claws just a bit shorter. I trim them but - to me - it looks like they're cut not far from the quick, and the claws still look a bit long. I hate not having an accessible rabbit dr close by, and having to wait for appointments.

Ugh...I didn't sleep at all last night, not even half an hour, thinking about Yofi. Guess I'd better get to bed and try to sleep tonight.

Thanks for your prayers wabbitmom...I know Yofi hears them. ;)


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