Many thanks to all who posted wishes for a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you all had a joyous holiday as well! (And thanks very much for the compliments on the Yofi stories I've posted; I take that as very high praise...though as you all know, of course, there would be no stories without His Royal Hareness providing the groundwork.

) I've just spent the past half-hour copying Yofi-tales from here, so if ever I do become motivated enough to clean them up and edit a bit, maybe they will live on somewhere...
Christmas at my house was very crowded for the past four days, having to squeeze two extra bodies (my son and his girlfriend) into an already cramped abode. But the cramping was more than worth it. Everyone had a wonderful time, and yesterday I once again said goodbye to my son as he headed back home to Toronto. Now it seems all too quiet, even with a Yofi in residence. Anna and the Yofster did have to spend much of it confined unfortunately - more for their safety than anyone else's, as access to exposed wiring was all too tempting with the Christmas tree setup, and with extra people in the house, an unsupervised rabbit or two could easily slip past and get an unexpected shock. However, they did still have access to the kitchen as well as their room, and Yofi took full advantage of coming out and mingling with the rest of the folk. He seemed to take to Brooke, my son's girlfriend, following her about and constantly pleading ("They never feed me here, honest"). Stephen, my son, was a bit more apprehensive of Yofi's presence, as previous rabbits in my life seem to have not taken a liking to him...Rufus, for instance, a little dwarf mix I had, would nip Stephen every time he went near him, and would actually seek out his shoes and unceremoniously urinate on or in them. So Stephen admired Yofi from a bit of a distance, until the day before he left...then he finally gave in and approached Yof a bit tentatively...and the Yofster looked at him, reached over and gave him bunny kisses all over his hand.

Anna too, enjoyed having company here, though she refused to leave the confines of the rabbit room. After all, hardwood floors ARE beneath the dignity of a female lago-queen to trod upon, are they not? A slip or two of the hind end would be rather embarrassing, and Anna would never subject herself to such a display in front of witnesses. So she remained in their room, but every time someone would venture past the doorway she'd make a beeline for them, fully expecting nose rubs and scritches. And she always got them.
The only Yofi-related event that took place was a brief one that occured on the 24th. We (humans) were sitting in the kitchen talking, and Yofi - ever the attention-seeker - heard our voices and came ambling out, long ears trailing behind him as he went from one person to the next, obviously attempting to get in on the discussion at hand. However, when no one paid him heed, he disappeared quietly into the shadows unnoticed. At that point I should have realized His Hareness was up to Something, but my guard was down. Sure enough, moments later we all heard a muffled scuffling sound, as though something was being yanked away. I turned and heard a *thunk*, and then all three of us saw a orange-and-white flash of fur and ears darted past us and out of the kitchen...but I did manage to notice that the blur was carrying something blue in it's ample maw of a mouth. So I ran after him, yelling, "Yofi, NO!!" even though I had yet to determine just what it was he had stolen. Even carrying the loot however, he proved to be faster than me, and the chase led me all the way into the rabbit room and into the rabbits' cage. There, Yofi finally dropped his cargo, though not on purpose; it had snagged on the edge of the litter box as he attempted to haul it up to the safety of the bunny shelf within their crate. So I followed him on hands and knees, snatching the treasured loot from where it had fallen, only to discover just what The Boy had taken: A box of charcoal filters for the fish aquarium.
Now, why had he wanted this particular item? I believe it was all a ploy. Yofi hadn't exactly wanted filters - unless he'd become more eco-aware and decided that his and Anna's water needed to be more purified. No, I think this was his way of gaining attention. Since it had been exactly 22.34 minutes since anyone had ooooohed and aaaawed over the Yofster, he decided to take matters into his own hands and draw the focus back to him, Yofi-style.
I have to give The Boy credit; his plan worked.