Introducing Yofi :o)

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I'm glad I can share the Yofster with everyone here too. :) And I'm so glad I have him, especially on days like this. It was a rough one at work; our director called an unexpected meeting this afternoon and announced that all of our layout staff (I work at a publishing press) are being laid off. All twelve of them. They are going to be creating four new positions so four people will be able to reapply for their jobs, but still..some people took the news very hard. It wasn't totally unexpected mind you, as they were told that something was happening soon, but it's still a shock when one hears it. The worst was about half an hour after the meeting was over, I ran into one of the women who's being cut as she was leaving the building. She had trained me when I first started working there ten years ago, and she's one of the company's hardest workers. She literally fell apart...she was sobbing and couldn't even get any words out when she tried to talk. It was horrible, and I feel sick about it all.

So I thought I'd post some Yofi pics to lighten up the rest of the day. The first pic isn't a happy one, but I thought I'd post a picture of his sore hocks (one of them anyway). I'll use it as a guideline to see how his feet are doing a few weeks from now. It looks pretty awful right now, very red...and looks even worse in the picture. I'd cut away the fur that was covering the sores and had applied Prep-H, so I *think* the red looks deeper because of that. Anyway, here's one of poor Yofi's sore feet:


(Excuse the gratuitous bunnybum in the photo.)

Here's cuddlebunny, a bit happier than he was when he had to pose his feets:


That famous schnoz:


Some of Anna:



One that shows some of her molt...she really does look like she was sitting in a windstorm:


The two of them (with Yofi in mid-spin):



Anna, Yofi, and Kaya's nose:


Whispering secrets to Kaya:


Anna enjoying a nose scritch:




Yofi's favorite pose:


And (taken a week or two ago)...Yofiwitch:



I just read the toilet post and I was laughing so hard yet I was paranoid at the same time LOL. On a more serious note his poor footsies, could you do the wrapping thing with vet wrap? those pics of Him and Anna are gorgeous!
Thanks, PepnFluff. :) I haven't tried wrapping Yof's feet because I suspect they'd heal better without wrapping, and I highly doubt any wrapping would stay on him for more than 5.6 seconds, tops. The Boy has the patience of a flea on a hot sidewalk. :p

Ah yes, the toilet scene...etched forever in my memory (and I'm sure, in Yofi's as well). There go my plans to teach him to use the toilet. ;)

Ouchie feetsies!! We have to really watch our "Big" buns' feet, too, as Flemmies are prone to them. Most sources say that it's due to their weight.:) 'Course, that's not the case with Yofi!!;)

Funny thing, though: Rex and mini rexhave that trouble too, because their fur type doesn't add much cushioning.

Sounds like you're doing the right things to get them healed up, it will just take time. ANNA might have to be the head mischief maker for a few days :biggrin2:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Ouchie feetsies!! We have to really watch our "Big" buns' feet, too, as Flemmies are prone to them. Most sources say that it's due to their weight.:) 'Course, that's not the case with Yofi!!;)

Funny thing, though: Rex and mini rexhave that trouble too, because their fur type doesn't add much cushioning.

Sounds like you're doing the right things to get them healed up, it will just take time. ANNA might have to be the head mischief maker for a few days :biggrin2:

I know; when I look at Yofi's feet I feel so badly for him, because they would have to be sore. I remember waaaaay back when I used to show Polish, talking to some Rex breeders who would curse sore hocks in their bunnies because of the thin foot padding. I did have one little Polish who wound up with sore hocks as well, but can't recall now how I treated them (this was - * away age - about 30 years ago). One thing that might have either started this with Yofi, or at least accelerated it, is that he has had a penchant for constantly sitting in the litter boxes, at the back where he and Anna urinate. He is a bigger bunny too - certainly not as heavyweight as a Flemish, but I'd guess that he weighs at least 11 lbs. now. Anyway, so far no difference in the look of his feet, but as you say wabbitmom, it'll take time. :)

(LOL @ wabbitdad's exclamation! :biggrin2:)

I have to share this with everyone, just to give you an idea of how heavy a sleeper Yofi can be. From the very first day I got him he has been scaring me with his intense schnoozes, and the other day was no exception. Two evenings ago I came home from work and went into the rabbits' room, and there was Yofi, stretched out on the upper shelf of the cage and sound asleep. Anna came flying over to me from across the room, but Yofi remained in dream state, so I walked over to the cage and looked at him. His mouth and nose were both twitching, and every so often his front paws would jerk a little doubt he was dreaming about creating some sort of havoc. (This is probably how he comes up with all of his ideas; they come to him in the form of dreams and he acts upon them once awake.) So I watched him for a few moments, and then decided to wake him.

I said, "Yofi...Yofi". No response.

Again, only a bit louder this time: "Yof...c'mon, get up".


So I put my hand on his back and petted him. "Yofi...time for dinner".

Nothing again.

I stroked his head. "Yofi...wake up..."

Not a thing.

By now he had me a bit worried. So I nudged his back with my hand and said, louder, "Yofi...come on Yof...fooood".

Again no response. Not even a snore.

That's when I started to really worry. I thought, is he in a coma? Can sore hocks cause comas in rabbits? (Okay, I know that was a bizarre thought, but when you worry about a Yofi, anything comes to mind.)

So this time I pushed him, hard enough to actually move his body.

"Yofi...wake up!"


My heart began to seriously pound at this point, as I really did believe there was something actually wrong with The Boy. So in a panic I shook him (rather hard), and yelled,


And that's when he finally stirred. Up came the head, the eyes slowly opened, and he looked at me as if to say, 'Huh? Wha...? Did you want something?'


I swear, I don't know who gives a mom more gray hairs...teenaged boys or teenaged Yofis.

(And now I'm going to go lie down...came home from work not feeling well, and for a while I felt better, but nausea's acting up again...ick....)
This pic of Yofi is adorable!!


Who wouldn't want to snuggle up on the couch with him? Lol.

WOW! Im surprised at how soundly he sleeps! Lol. I can't even open Mississippi's door without him jolting from his sleep and sauntering over to see if I have any goodies for him! Lol.

I think I need to update Sippers blog! lol.

Great picture Di.

Geez I can't believe I missed the Yofi/Toilet story. Poor Yofi, that's why I insist we leave our toilet seat down cause Daisy Maewanders intoour main bathroom to see what she can get into.

What does Preparation H do? Buttercup has a littlewarty type thingy on one of his ears. I wonder if it would be good for it.

What does Preparation H do?

Susan, I don't know the exact logistics, but recall hearing about it a long time ago...that many breeders would use it on their rabbits' sore hocks. I believe it is popular because it has great healing qualities for the skin to help prevent cracks and open sores from forming. So far Yof's feet are still red, and he has a crack in one of them, so I'm thinking I might not be applying often enough...twice a day might be better. Gonna have to be more vigilent in keeping the cage clean too, since sore hocks can get infected and then cause pretty serious problems.
Maybe Santa will bring him a life jacket floaty :p

Oh, I hope not. I don't want His Royal Hareness to be reminded of the Great Diving Fiasco of '08, which was my fault. And give a Yofi a reason to say "It wasn't me, it was YOU" and he'll always be looking for payback. :p

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