Introducing Yofi :o)

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When does Yofi Live come on?:ponder::p.

As soon as the Royal Hareness learns how to set up a Webcam for himself. :p

I must say the boy has had a lot of 'tude lately. Last evening I was sitting in the living room and had a bag of Doritos with me. Fritz (my big grey bruiser of a sookey cat) loves anything that crunches, especially chips, so I finally caved and gave him one. So here he was sitting on the floor happily munching on his lone Dorito when in comes Mr. "Here I Am! Worship Me!". Yofi heard the crunching and immediately went tearing over to Fritz to find the source of the sound. As soon as he realized it was Foooood (with a capital F), he started circling Fritz and grunting at him. Then he got in front of my poor innocent cat, stood up on his hind legs and boxed Fritz right in the face - POW! POW! - with his bunny paws. Fritz was so shocked he dropped the Dorito...and in dove Yofi, lunged and grabbed the treat, and ran out of the room with it.

And this evening I caught him just as he began a surprise assault on my leather shoes. He grabbed one and tossed it in the air, then when it landed he lunged at it and began to gnaw rapidly on the back of it...thankfully I grabbled the little fiend before any damage was done.

Now, who was it said they wanted to borrow him???

:roflmao: OMG, Yofi! :roflmao:

Someone sneak in there already and help Yofi set up his webcam! I'd LOVE to see the "I Love Yofi" show!

Poor Fritz, though... has he recovered yet from the surprize attack?
LOL at sitting on the table! You are too good of a story teller and they are too cute:p!

Got any new stories or pics for us? I'm having Yofi and Anna withdrawls:p.
LOL...well, I don't have any exciting pics of Yofster today (and Anna's always so good that there's never any calamities take place to blame on her). But I did want to share a couple of things.

First, I think I might just have discovered the pan of my life. :inlove: (Yes, a litter pan. :p) I was out yesterday shopping for a Christmas present when I did what I usually do, out of habit: I wandered into the pet section. And there, with angelic golden light accentuating its form on the shelf, I saw *it*....a litter pan designed from heaven. A Yofi pan. I do believe some angel took pity on me and had this created specifically with the Yofster in mind.

But allow me to back up a bit and show you guys a couple of pictures so you can understand what I mean. Here is a shot of Yofi and Anna's cage, as it should look:


And here is how the cage looks once Yofi has had his fun:


Mind you, in the second shot the cage was well overdue for cleaning anyway (I'd been away for four days), but this scene can - and has - taken place even within an hour of my cleaning the entire thing. Yofi is part rabbit, part whirling dervish, and as such LOVES to create re-enactments of tornados. Or hurricanes. Or (in the case of the cat's litter box) sand storms. Whenever he does this in the rabbit cage it drives me crazy, as the litter quickly turns to sawdust and clings to the mat I have on the floor of the cage (which, btw, the two also use as a litter box). This seems to have become a sport with him, much like hockey or golf, only in Yofi's case he is constantly in the sandpit, trying to drive that little ball out.

So...when I came across the litter pans neatly lined on the shelf at Canadian Tire, and then saw IT - the Holy Grail of litter pans - I almost fell to my knees and wept. There truly is a god who watches over human rabbit slaves after all.

And here it is.

First, the instruction sheet:

Let me try that again. :X FIRST, the instruction sheet:


A clearer shot:

And with it set up in the cage, next to one of the old pans:

Now, while it still doesn't prevent Abbott and Costello of the bunny world from going on the mat, it DOES prevent the Yofinator from expelling the pan's contents halfway across the free world. And they do use the pan, so...I'm off to the store a bit later today to invest in a second one. Are my days of cursing and having to groom the mat for hours to remove sawdust remnants before washing it over? Oh, what a bunnysend that would be! :biggrin2:

And for a few more photos, here's a few gratuitous shots of Yofi taken yesterday, when he realized I had the Shreddies box in my hand:

"Morning Mom...hey, you're up early"

"What th...are you holding out on me? Is that FUD????"

"Can I have some? Pleeeeze???"

"Huh...mumblemumblemumble" (bunny curse words no doubt, when I wouldn't share)

But then I had a change of heart, and the next few photos show Yofi enjoying his moment.

"Sniff" (inhaling deeply) "aaaaaahhhhh...I loves the smell of Shreddies in the morning"


Then he realizes the stash is somewhere deeeeeeep within the box, and the Yofster becomes a deepsea diver:

"Dive! Dive! Dive!!!" (If I knew how to type the sound effects of a submarine sounding under the waves, they'd be perfect here ;))




However, those great big lago-Yof ears of his impede Yofi's diving capacity, so he comes up for air, and then devises a better plan.

"If I cans't reach the Shreddies, the Shreddies shall comest to ME!"

Of course this plan was momentarily interrupted when His Hareness thought that I was hogging the box...

"It's mine, I tell ya...mine!"

And then back to Plan B...rising the Shreddies from the

"Ugh...almost...almost got it"

"Oh boy, oh they come..."

"HEY!!!! Wut the...!? LET GO!!! IT'S MINE!!!!!!!"


And finally...with victory comes the reward. The nomming of a Shreddie.

Aw :D I love Yofi.
Andddd, that looks like a great litterbox!
To solve this problem with Flynn, I bought coated 1/2"x1/2" wire from Tractor Supply Co, cut it a few inches larger than his litterbox, turned the extra in so that it stands up a few inches from the litter, and VOILA!
No Flynn floundering in his waste, and no kicking of the litter :)
As I sit here typing this latest entry into the Yofi log, I fear I am being shunned by His Lordship. He is sitting in his cage, nose completely out of joint, and I am pretty sure he's also planning some sort of covert attack strategy.

And I can't say I blame him.

To explain: When I came home this evening and saw Yofi stretched out on the upper shelf of his and Anna's cage, I saw a tiny flash of pink peeking out at me. Knowing what it probably was, but wanting to make sure, I stepped closer and peered directly at those big back hoofers of his. When I got a good look I realized two things: first, the flash of pink, upon closer inspection, was actually more of a sunset red, verging on angry. And second, I was right about my suspicion. Yofi has sore hocks.

Now, how The Boy managed to wind up with sore hocks has me scratching my head. He isn't housed on wire, isn't confined to an area where he's forced to sit in wet conditions or feces-piled corners. The mat on the floor of the rabbits' cage does get wet in spots with urine, but only here and there; I do change it every three days, and for the most part the dasterdly duo spend their days hanging out on top of the vetbedding-lined shelves anyway. And the rest of the room is covered in carpet as well, which (thankfully) they do not use as a litter box. So I decided to inspect Anna's feet, fearing the worst, because when I got her I did notice that the fur on the bottoms of both of her feet was thin. However, her feet do look alright, save for one tiny pink area on the tip of one heel. In any case, I realized that both rabbits will need to be addressed, though I'm not sure how to upgrade living conditions. I do suspect that some factors involved would include their respective bunny weights, Yofi's penchant for WHUMPING!!!! whenever he doesn't get his way, his habit of sometimes 'hanging out' in one of the litter boxes, and perhaps a dash of genetics thrown in for good measure.

In any event, all of this was mentioned to set up the premise as to why Yofi is now madder than a wet hen at me. After examining his little red heels, I decided to trim the fur and apply some Prep-H, which I was certain I had on hand in the bathroom. So I tucked the Yofster under one arm, collected a pair of scissors, and headed off to the bathroom for the ointment. Once in there of course, Yofi began to struggle (*I want down!!! I want DOWWWN!!!!!*). He cannot stand being held for more than two nanoseconds - unless, of course, you have Craisins stashed neatly away in the other hand; then his attention is completely captured. It was going to be too hard to hold him and grab the medication from the cupboard too, so I did something that I now realize was really stupid...I put a Yofi in the bathroom sink.

He fit in it perfectly too. His little muffin body melded with the procelain as he settled in, a look on his face that surely said, "What the *@# are you doin', Mom? Why'd you put me here?" I smiled at his quizzical expression and then I leaned over, one hand vaguely steading him in the sink while my full attention shifted to the cupboard. The ointment, of course, was following Di's law of physics (actually Di's Murphyslaw). It wasn't anywhere to be seen. So I leaned further down, searching the shelves, pushing aside bottles of shampoo, nail clippers, cold medicine, towels, hair brush, contact lens containers, tissue boxes, et al. But still I couldn't find it...the elusive Preparation-H.

And then I heard it. A noise that caused my heart to suddenly leap into my throat, and propelled me to new heightened speeds of reaction. It was the sickening sound of a splash...a wet, watery, sloshy plopping splash, and I knew exactly what it was. I leapt up in a flash and turned around, and there he was...

Yofi. Headfirst in the toilet. Underwater. And stuck.

He was probably only in there for a second or two, but to me - and far more likely, to him - it felt an eternity. I grabbed his huge back end and tugged, and it took two such yanks to actually extract him from the depths of the toilet bowl. He was so shocked that he didn't kick at all when I grabbed him; instead he clung to my chest like crazy glue to a two-year-old's fingers, and even had I tried, at that point I doubt I could have extracted him from me. So I hurried and grabbed the nearest towel and began rubbing him down; face, ears, front legs and feet...all were thoroughly drenched from his sudden half-gainer into the porcelain swimming pool. Thankfully Yofi hadn't inhaled any water, so he suffered only a minor partial soaking along with his full humiliation. I rubbed him down as best I could, apologizing profusely the entire time. But my apologies fell on deaf ears; as soon as I set him down on the floor once more, The Boy went into *RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!!* mode, straight to his perch in the rabbit cage next to Anna, and he has been sulking ever since. I have a feeling I shall be paying for this huge faux pas for quite some time to come.

Well, they say there's always a bright side to everything. At least I had flushed the toilet. :?


On another note, Yofi was up to his bad self the other evening. About once or twice every week the mail delivery person drops someone else's mail into my mailbox. It can be random; it could be for the old fellow who lives one street over and behind me; it could be for somone who is a block and a half away; or it could be for someone on a street I've never heard of. Nevertheless, I am always receiving someone else's letters, bills, and assorted junk mail. Whenever this happens I bring the mail indoors and, when I get the chance, will either hand-deliver it to the addressee, or will drop it off in the nearest postal box the next time I pass one.

The other evening I was cleaning the end table in my living room from it's assorted gathering mess, and I came upon a most curious discovery. A letter, addressed to someone in another neighborhood, was sitting beneath the pile...obviously I'd brought it in with my own mail and hadn't noticed it. But the curious thing about this letter was open. Not just a small *curious to see what's inside peekaboo hole*; no, this letter had the first third of it's side shorn completely off. The severed envelope thankfully still held its contents intact, but to send it off to it's original owner in such a condition would be rather obvious, since the envelope somewhat resembled one of those poor hapless victims from "Jaws". You know the ones; those danged fools who insisted on going swimming anyway, despite the fact that a Great White Shark, 233-1/2 feet long with 20 rows of ginormous teeth, was enjoying the same salty bath as them. And it was always right before lunch when they'd get the urge to go in.

Well, I was all too embarrassed to hand-deliver this particular letter to it's owner, so I opted instead to do some emergency work on it. I grabbed my handy-dandy masking tape and went to work sealing flaps and cauterizing paper arteries until it looked halfway decent. So the envelope was missing the last two and a half inches of it's former least it was still alive.

Then I did a quick dash to the corner and dropped the evidence into the nearest post box, and dashed back to my house just as quickly, all in the cover of darkness. At least the person will receive his letter, albeit a bit late; however, I'm sure he will be scratching his head for a while, wondering why on earth someone would decide to defile the envelope in such a manner, then paste it back together with enough tape to fortify Fort Knox...and most of all, why they would leave little jagged tooth cuttings patterns all along the outermost edges.


Oh, and it turns out Yofi is actually speaking to me now. I checked him in the midst of writing this and he was back to kisses and cuddles and his usual 'yeah, scratch my nose right there' routine. Of course, it is time for their dinner...but I'm going to pretend that The Boy actually has forgiven me for his unexpected christening in the Royal Room's font.

I can always hope so, anyway.

:laughsmiley:lol yofi cracks me up!

i can just picture him head first in the toilet!:roflmao:

although, i DO think we are in dire need of some more yofi pics...:bunny18

Oh my gooshh. lol. I dont think I haven't EVER laughed while reading your blog, but today, gosh I was about dying of laughter!

Yofi is sooo hilarious! I would love to come to your house for a week and see the mischeif that he gets into! oh gosh. lol.

:laughsmiley:Yofi will obviously do anything for a shreddie and it's a good thing you always have a camera with to capture some of his funny moments!

The toilet bowl! Oh jeez. lol. Did he get hurt from the plunge at all? I love the way you describe your stories! I think you should publish a Yofi book!!!! It would be soooo good! Tons of pictures and everyone would get good laughs!

Your stories about Yofi always bring a smile to my face! :great:

:rollseyesWhat are you going to do with that boy? I send him here :)


That bunny is hilarious! He should have his own television sitcom!

You are excellent at telling his stories...... I was laughing loudly just now when I read he had jumped into the toilet..... I didn't even finish reading - my son wanted to know what was so funny....... when I came back to the story I realized he was head-first and stuck OMG! I would have freaked and like broken the entire toilet or something to get him out!

Poor Yofster..... :hug:

:shock::shock: OMG. At first I was terrified for him, then when I found out the Yofster was OK, I can't stop laughing. That boy just has the knack for getting into scrapes. I bet he didn't tell Anna where his head had been - she may never kiss him again:p

Seriously, I'm glad he's OK (and forgiven you ;)). Hope you eventually manage to treat the sore hocks !

Yofi. Headfirst in the toilet. Underwater. And stuck.
OH MY WORD!!! That bun is the ULTIMATE!! I can't stop laughing!:roflmao::laugh: Poor Yofi!! Maybe he was practicing his new deep-sea-diving-for-Shreddies-skills.

Thanks for the laugh...I needed it!
Yofi. Headfirst in the toilet. Underwater. And stuck.
OH MY WORD!!! That bun is the ULTIMATE!! I can't stop laughing!:roflmao::laugh: Poor Yofi!! Maybe he was practicing his new deep-sea-diving-for-Shreddies-skills.

Thanks for the laugh...I needed it!
OH DEAR. The toilet story had me laughing but holding my breath at the same time- I kept thinking of what a hard porecelain bowl can do to a bunny's skull! But I'm glad he's all right and speaking to you now.
The mail story was equally hilarious. It reminded me of those clips on America's Funniest Home Videos and whatnot of the dogs shredding the mail as the postman tries to stick it in the slot :biggrin2:
Well, at least they'll recieve their mail. And probably a few good laughs as well!
How are those sore hocks looking now? So strange that he has them.


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