LOL...well, I don't have any exciting pics of Yofster today (and Anna's always so good that there's never any calamities take place to blame on her). But I did want to share a couple of things.
First, I think I might just have discovered the pan of my life. :inlove: (Yes, a litter pan.

) I was out yesterday shopping for a Christmas present when I did what I usually do, out of habit: I wandered into the pet section. And there, with angelic golden light accentuating its form on the shelf, I saw *it*....a litter pan designed from heaven. A
Yofi pan. I do believe some angel took pity on me and had this created specifically with the Yofster in mind.
But allow me to back up a bit and show you guys a couple of pictures so you can understand what I mean. Here is a shot of Yofi and Anna's cage, as it
should look:
And here is how the cage looks once Yofi has had his fun:
Mind you, in the second shot the cage was well overdue for cleaning anyway (I'd been away for four days), but this scene can - and has - taken place even within an hour of my cleaning the entire thing. Yofi is part rabbit, part whirling dervish, and as such LOVES to create re-enactments of tornados. Or hurricanes. Or (in the case of the cat's litter box) sand storms. Whenever he does this in the rabbit cage it drives me crazy, as the litter quickly turns to sawdust and clings to the mat I have on the floor of the cage (which, btw, the two also use as a litter box). This seems to have become a sport with him, much like hockey or golf, only in Yofi's case he is constantly in the sandpit, trying to drive that little ball out.
So...when I came across the litter pans neatly lined on the shelf at Canadian Tire, and then saw IT - the Holy Grail of litter pans - I almost fell to my knees and wept. There truly is a god who watches over human rabbit slaves after all.
And here it is.
First, the instruction sheet:
Let me try that again. :X FIRST, the instruction sheet:
A clearer shot:
And with it set up in the cage, next to one of the old pans:
Now, while it still doesn't prevent Abbott and Costello of the bunny world from going on the mat, it DOES prevent the Yofinator from expelling the pan's contents halfway across the free world. And they do use the pan, so...I'm off to the store a bit later today to invest in a second one. Are my days of cursing and having to groom the mat for hours to remove sawdust remnants before washing it over? Oh, what a bunnysend that would be! :biggrin2:
And for a few more photos, here's a few gratuitous shots of Yofi taken yesterday, when he realized I had the Shreddies box in my hand:
"Morning Mom...hey, you're up early"
"What th...are you holding out on me? Is that FUD????"
"Can I have some? Pleeeeze???"
"Huh...mumblemumblemumble" (bunny curse words no doubt, when I wouldn't share)
But then I had a change of heart, and the next few photos show Yofi enjoying his moment.
"Sniff" (inhaling deeply) "aaaaaahhhhh...I loves the smell of Shreddies in the morning"
Then he realizes the stash is somewhere deeeeeeep within the box, and the Yofster becomes a deepsea diver:
"Dive! Dive! Dive!!!" (If I knew how to type the sound effects of a submarine sounding under the waves, they'd be perfect here

However, those great big lago-Yof ears of his impede Yofi's diving capacity, so he comes up for air, and then devises a better plan.
"If I cans't reach the Shreddies, the Shreddies shall comest to ME!"
Of course this plan was momentarily interrupted when His Hareness thought that I was hogging the box...
"It's mine, I tell ya...mine!"
And then back to Plan B...rising the Shreddies from the
"Ugh...almost...almost got it"
"Oh boy, oh they come..."
"HEY!!!! Wut the...!? LET GO!!! IT'S MINE!!!!!!!"
And finally...with victory comes the reward. The nomming of a Shreddie.