Introducing Yofi :o)

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Yofi gets more funny every day! :biggrin2:I love the new pictures of him! So cute!! lol.

He looks like he's almost begging that door to open in the video! How funny. haha.

BTW, was that apple really in that bag? lol. That's so funny that he got it out and just started munching on it too his own content! lol. I can imagine my EL's doing that!! And my Mini Rex's too!

BTW, was that apple really in that bag?

Oh yes...I was sitting at the computer and had left my lunch bag on the sofa. when I heard something going on behind me I turned around and there was Mr. Hastogetintoeverything, well on his way to raiding it because he smelled the apple...:shame

Another *Omigod, YOFI!!* moment:

I let the dog out this morning and happened to notice something all over the floor in front of the back door. (Actually it was there yesterday too, but I didn't take time to really look at it.) It appeared to be small pieces of shredded wood, with one big chunk lying off to one side. I looked all around and couldn't find anything that it would be from - knowing Yofi must've chewed up something. So I got down on my hands and knees to look closer - it tends to be rather dark in the back porch and hard to see things sometimes - and as soon as I did I discovered it.

You know the video I'd posted of Yofi digging at the back door? Well, that's nothing new for him...he does it constantly when he wants out. But it seems his efforts have not been in vain. The bottom of the door now has a hole in it that goes almost two-thirds of the way through. The little bugger really IS digging his way out!!

Now I'll have to find some sort of metal guard to put on the bottom of the door, at least until I can afford to install a new one.

YOFI!!!!!!! :pullhair:

Ohhhh Yofi!!!! Well, I guess it just goes to show that persistence pays off. I bet he's ticked off that you found it before he got all the way through. However, I suspect he may have a 'plan B';)

BTW, I love the costumes. This pic made me laugh out loud

I hate to say this - but if I had to wear that costume -I'd be digging for a way out too...

I'm sorry - I know its not funny what he's done - but to someone who doesn't have to live with it - its hilarious. I can just picture him going, "almost there....almost there....stay on target.....scratch on target.."

Maybe bribe him with apples and bananas to keep him from digging his way out?

LOL Peg, that bribe would only last as long as the fruit was on his lips. Once in the stomach, it'd be off to The Great Escape again...only more energized.

Yeah, I never put the two together, but the bee costume might've just pushed the Yofster over the edge...humiliation at it's finest. Now he's trying to leave at all cost, and cursing the fact that The Dog gets let out willingly on her own while he's left behind. But hey, now I've got a great way to get back at him every time he turns the litter box into a sandblaster...I'll decorate him up as a cute little bunnybee and parade him outside so aaalll the neighbors can see him and get a good laugh. (Mind you, I'd better put a lock on my bedroom door after that, or I'd have to sleep with one eye open.)

Now, doesn't it look like he's saying here, "Hyuk, hyuk...duh, yup, mai name is Yofi...yup...huhuhuhuh...and ai'z a beeeee...." sort of in Goofyspeake? :biggrin2:


Bassetluv wrote:

Another *Omigod, YOFI!!* moment:

I let the dog out this morning and happened to notice something all over the floor in front of the back door. (Actually it was there yesterday too, but I didn't take time to really look at it.) It appeared to be small pieces of shredded wood, with one big chunk lying off to one side. I looked all around and couldn't find anything that it would be from - knowing Yofi must've chewed up something. So I got down on my hands and knees to look closer - it tends to be rather dark in the back porch and hard to see things sometimes - and as soon as I did I discovered it.

You know the video I'd posted of Yofi digging at the back door? Well, that's nothing new for him...he does it constantly when he wants out. But it seems his efforts have not been in vain. The bottom of the door now has a hole in it that goes almost two-thirds of the way through. The little bugger really IS digging his way out!!

Now I'll have to find some sort of metal guard to put on the bottom of the door, at least until I can afford to install a new one.

YOFI!!!!!!! :pullhair:

OMG! Lol. That's hilarious! Soon he'll have an entire hole through the door! lol. You better keep an eye on him, now!! lol.

Bassetluv wrote:
LOL Peg, that bribe would only last as long as the fruit was on his lips. Once in the stomach, it'd be off to The Great Escape again...only more energized.

Yeah, I never put the two together, but the bee costume might've just pushed the Yofster over the edge...humiliation at it's finest. Now he's trying to leave at all cost, and cursing the fact that The Dog gets let out willingly on her own while he's left behind. But hey, now I've got a great way to get back at him every time he turns the litter box into a sandblaster...I'll decorate him up as a cute little bunnybee and parade him outside so aaalll the neighbors can see him and get a good laugh. (Mind you, I'd better put a lock on my bedroom door after that, or I'd have to sleep with one eye open.)

Now, doesn't it look like he's saying here, "Hyuk, hyuk...duh, yup, mai name is Yofi...yup...huhuhuhuh...and ai'z a beeeee...." sort of in Goofyspeake? :biggrin2:

Okay! Are you done upstanding all of us?!:biggrin2: I love this last post, you crack me up, always!:panic:

I love you, Silly Yofi!;)

Awesome, awesome pics!:thumbup
LMBO! I can't believe he's so rotten! It must be the dog digging when you aren't looking! Certainly Yofi wouldn't ever do something to destroy a piece of the house! Look at that innocent bee face!
Well, I am not laughing at him right now. The other night I was rabbitauged. :grumpy: Had my headphones on and was sitting at the computer; I'd watched a Youtube video but hadn't bothered to take the headphones off afterward. So when I went to get up I pulled on the headphones and noticed there was no resistance on the cord end, like there usually is. I looked down and there, smiling up at me (trust me, he was smiling) was Yofi...and the cord dangling limply beside him. Yofi's never been one to cut cords before...that used to be Anna's this really took me by surprise. And to figure, the ONE time I wasn't paying attention to the cord - normally I have it hiked up on a hook at the side of the desk - His Royal Lord and Master was there to nip it in the bud. This on top of the fact that I had come down with the flu, it certainly didn't put me in a good mood.

But wait, there's more...

The next morning I walked into my room and picked up a basket of laundry, and what did I find underneath? A form for my living will, chewed and mangled and spit out into probably a bazillion pieces and shoved under the basket. I know Anna didn't do it, as she never goes in my room any more, and Yofi does have a penchant for paper...thankfully the form wasn't filled out, so there was no major loss. But still...sheesh! YOFI!! And it just dawned on me today that perhaps he annihilated the form because he didn't see his name mentioned on it anywhere.


Oh yes, and this morning I was cleaning the rabbit cage and had a big plastic bag sitting beside me to put all of the sweepings in (believe me, there's a LOT of sweepings with Yofi around). I had the broom and dustpan in hand, full of litter and hay and poo, and I grabbed for the bag without looking. But it was stuck. So I turned and looked, and there attached to the other end was Yofi. I tugged on the bag and he tugged back - harder - and suddenly he ran off with it to the other side of the room. Had to get up and chase the little bugger in circles to get it back.

I've a good mind to spend this afternoon dressing him up as a bee again. Revenge...:devil
I think you should punish Yofi by sending him to Texas for a couple of weeks. I have a whole box of stuff that needs shredding and I'll put him to work to earn his keep by shredding those things.

Then...I might send him back.

Di, I just love Yofi's stories. He's such a "Little Monkey". He gets into everything. Honestly if I ever need a good laugh (which I do alot) all i need to do is read all about Yofi's adventures.


LOL...If ever I was to send Yofi off to anyone (or take online orders for a 'Yofi'), I swear, there'd be so many complaints and return requests within three - no, make that two - days that I'd wind up on the Better Business Bureau's list of most wanted. Right at the top. And I can just imagine him having his own show...yep, "I Love Yofi", just like Lucy. Or better yet, set up kinda like The Truman Show with a video camera on him 24/7. (Now that would scare me half to death, to actually see what he does when I'm not there.)

I swear, if the boy had opposable thumbs, we'd all be in serious trouble.

Susan, I must admit, he certainly has cheered me up a lot with his presence too...even through the "Yofi, what have you done?!" and the "Omigod, YOFI!!!" episodes. He's a pretty harebrained :)P) bunny and I love him to bits, even if he is Kid Destructo at times. I think when God created Yofi, He broke the mold...:biggrin2: