Introducing Yofi :o)

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On Navy jets there were arrows that pointed to the intake of the jet engine with the word "DangerIntake"

Yeah - I needed something to make me smile this morning - and I LOVE the pictures....and I so love Yofi.

Are you SURE he doesn't want to visit Texas for a while?

Thanks for the pictures...I love 'em all.

I LOVE the new pictures of Yofi! Sounds like he can never stay out of mischeive (sp?)!!! I love reading your blog! It's so funny and Yofi & Anna are soo cutte! Of course, Kaya is too! I love the picture of Yofi all stretched out like a dog!

My E-Lop, Mississippi, acts like a puppy, I don't call him a bunny haha. Did you know that we got a new E-Lop, Minnesota? She's almost as bad as Sippi! lol.

TreasuredFriend wrote:
What are Yofi and Anna doin' for trick'or'treat day?

LOL...I haven't even thought about that yet. I do know that Yofi's anxiously awaiting it though:


Last year the boy kept trying to run outside and join the little ghosties and goblins that came to the door; I really had to watch that he didn't wind up in one of their bags, being toted from house to house. This year, I think Yof's been hinting that he wants to be a vampire bunneh (an ecologically-minded vampire bunneh, mind you...check out the green teefs...):


Personally, I think I should dress him up as a devil. It'd be more fitting. :p

And now for more Yofi-fix (and a bit of Anna tossed in too, of course)....

Chillin' beneath my chair

Chillin' with his bestest girl

Being a fool (Ai flips mai tunge in ur generil direkshun)

Cleaning those handsome hearing covers (and if you notice, Anna's under there somewhere)

There she is!

Thinking about what he can do to get into trouble

On the forbidden sofa (which he once decided was the world's biggest bunneh litter box :X)

The camera! Run away! Run away!

'sploring the higher altitoodes

Hey...what's this?


I just know I can smell sumthin' good in here

AHA!!!!! Gotz it!!!

Nom nom nom

...nom nom nom...



(Just lookit the way those lips curl around the food...LOL!) I guess forbidden fruit really is the best-tasting of all...:p
Bassetluv wrote:
Chillin' with his bestest girl

Being a fool (Ai flips mai tunge in ur generil direkshun)

^^^^^ these pics look like total myspace photos! ya know the ones where your hold the camera out in front of you?


^^in this one yofi's nose looks HUGE
YAY!!! i love yofi, and anna of course!! i gots my yofi fix!
*love the book title on the shelf there......Running with Scissors! LOL*

Yofi is so darned cute! Anna is the sweetest thing! you can tell she loves him and he can have the spotlight - she just wants the love back.

*That book (Running With Scissors) isn't even mine. My sister insisted I read it, and I started to about six months ago...then set it down and haven't picked it up again. It's supposed to be quite funny; I just wasn't feeling like reading at the time. Since my sister and I are both Maritimers she was drawn to it, as it was written by someone who grew up on the East Coast, and they write about family life back then. ;)

On another note, poor old Annadanna had major poopy butt last she had her first ever butt bath. And she was really good about it too. Wild-eyed, but she seemed to trust me enough to bathe her...and she looked pretty happy once all that guck was cleaned off.

The things we do for our rabbits. :p
Well, Raph sure had his share of butt baths. He actually seemed to enjoy them too...I can imagine they felt soothing to his tender skin. Anna, on the other hand, had never been exposed to water and her face had a look of horror on it at first :)shock:). But she never struggled and actually sat there quietly until I was done.

Her bunny butt is much cleaner today, thank goodness. :biggrin2:

hehe...I suck at using Paint

This morning I got up and let the dog out in the backyard. As is standard habit around here, I was followed by a furry little shadow, silently asking the same curious questions he does every morning ("Where ya goin' mom? Why you opening the door? Is the Dog going out? Can I go too? Can I? Huh? Huh?"). Yes, Yofi wanted to adventure out into the vast world of the backyard as well. However, since I wasn't even dressed, there was no way Mister was going to be allowed out there on his own. We have the same discussion every day (though usually in the evening) - no, you can't go out, no I'm not taking you,'s dark outside and the gollywoggles might get you - but my words fall on (huge) deaf ears.

Anyway, here are a couple of pics of my boy I just took...and a short video of him (if I can get it to load)

"HEY! MOM! I'm down here!!" (Yofi does this whenever he wants my attention...he grabs my robe - or whatever I'm wearing - and tugs on it)


"Hai there Mom...can I go out naow?"


And this was Yofi yesterday afternoon, trying to let himself out:

*Well, forget the video, I can't figure out how to post it. :?

And this was the entertainment last evening. Yesterday I saw some Halloween costumes for pets at the store and decided to pick one up for Yofi. Turns out I grossly miscalculated, as it's far too big for either him or the cat. But I played around with it for a bit (the 'head' part of the costume anyway).

So here's my little family of bees (killer bees, judging from how much they hated it).

The Dog - my Kayabee

"Say ONE word...go ahead, I dare you to..."

Fritzbee - the only one who could get close to wearing the whole outfit

There's an evil plan brewing behind this smile, I know it

And finally, Yofibee - the one who is most likely to hire a hitbunny to get back at me for this





Caption for this last pic, anyone? I can think of a few choice bunnywords that would've been coming outta that mouth, but I can't type any of 'em's a family forum, after all. :p
So let's try this again. This was Yofi this morning when he thought I wasn't looking. He thinks that one of these days he'll be able to open that huge portal to the great outdoors all on his own. So far (thankfully), he's had no success.

I tried not to go too close to film him, as Yofi tends to run away as soon as he realizes I'm there...he thinks (*knows*) he's gonna be in trouble so he skedaddles as soon as I get anywhere near when he's doing something sneaky. And I guess to him, this is sneaky. ;) (He doesn't realize that all his scratching at the door makes enough noise to alert the entire household.) In this video he's rather toned down...sometimes he goes at the door so violently that I swear he will dig a hole right through it.
