Introducing Yofi :o)

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I haven't posted here in a while :)))

(Peg, I bet you will have an e-lop some day...just wait and see)

Of course relating some Yofi stories could be a discouragement; like this one.

This morning I got up and let the dogs out, gave the cat her meds, gave the bird some blueberries and then got into the shower. (Yes, dogs - plural - and bird...I've been watching my sister's dog and parrot for the past 2 and a half weeks and it's been absolute chaos here.)

Anyway, got in the shower and began hearing *whump* *whump* *WHUMP!!!!* every few seconds. Yofi's nose is out of joint because a) there are so many animals here all vying for attention; and b) I forgot to say good morning to him and Anna. But I didn't realize just how peeved he was until a few moments ago. I had taken him outside on his leash because a little girl across the street wanted to see him. He was fine with her, but kept tugging on the leash to go back home, kept turning and trying to go anywhere except where he was, kept trying to push me out of the way with that big nose of his. And when I didn't comply, he got tough. *CHOMP!*

Yeah, I now have a little red mark on my belly because His Highness wasn't getting his way. Mind you, he didn't bite, it was just a nip...but those big e-lop incisors are sharp! So I took him home, whereupon he ran away from me and back into his room, to sit there and sulk again and *whump* his madness out.

Some days....:foreheadsmack:
A few Yofi shots

Squished between my legs


Killing a mortal enemy, the paper towel roll (aka, Paperarodon papercarcharias...the Great White Roll)



Teaching Anna's bear about censorship ("Look son, I don't want you watching those nature videos any more...they show naughty bits")


And of course...ignoring Mom ("I'll talk to you again when I'm good and ready!")


Oh Yofi!! Sounds like he was really mad at you this morning! Mississippi does that to me and my sister alsoif we don't pay attention to him.Those pictures of him are so cute and funny. Especially the las two.
Yes, I think it's adorable when they show you that they're upset, or sulking (Yofi is becoming a pro at sulking).

I've discovered too, that he is more attached to me than I realized. He's always followed me around, and shown interest in attention, but for the past few months he's been expressing his attachment to me by running up to me and licking/grooming my arm, leg...whatever is in reach. And I went away for four days a while ago; when I came back both my brother and my sister (who took turns petsitting for me) said that 'Your big rabbit seemed upset a lot...he wouldn't stop banging his back feet on the ground". Yofi does that when he gets frightened, but he also does it when he is royally upset. As soon as I returned home from my trip, the thumping stopped. And it only started up again after I was dog/bird-sitting for my sister.

That boy is S*P*O*I*L*E*D. :p
It only took him about a week, but I think Yofi's nose is finally back in joint. No more getting upset with me, no more nips - though he still seems to have a dire hatred of poor Fritz. If Fritz wanders into the rabbit room, 8 times out of 10 Yofi will go charging over to him and give Fritz an enormouse bunny ram. Never bites him, just rams...but the weight of a Yofi going a bazillion miles an hour can be pretty slamming to a cat. :X

Ah well. I took some pics of him late this afternoon, just as I began cleaning the rabbit cage (and noticed that Yof could use a pedicure!). Most are pics of him grooming, there's a couple of Annadannabobanna, and my favorite photo is the last one.

(Nommin' on his ear here)

Tongue!! *pppfffffbbbttttt*

What Anna thinks of him

Anna...her bunny senses set on ignore

I *AM* Yofi, and you shall speak to me

Wearing a by Yofi

Cleaning toesies

And more cleaning

Still cleanin'

ooooooo....itch! itch!

Dang! Bigger itch!!!

Yofi....the Dark LagoKnight

Being served


And a headschnuggle

One (bug)eye is always on alert

Mandatory Yofi front shot

And finally....
Lookit that tongue!!! Gene Simmons, eat your heart out ;)

the end

Sooo cute! He and Anna are so adorable- they both have crazy ears. lol

I love this one:


That paw is adorable. Sort of a "talk to the paw" moment ;)
i just wanna say i am in LOVE with yofi, he makes me want an e lop of my own!

is his nose really as big as it seems in pics?? lol
I like that picture too Haley. Yof was so relaxed, and he was stretched out just like my dog...both front feet in front of him and head on top. That's one thing the boy does well...chill...

Yofi doesn't really trip over his ears (though my last elop, Raph, certainly did), but we had a bit of an 'ear moment' this morning. I was leaving the living room, and there is a bifold door that separates the living room and the kitchen. I opened the door to see Yofi trying to run by...but apparently the timing wasn't great, because he chose to fly by just as the door was opening. Result? One of those big ears snagged under the fold of the door - between the door and the floor - and he got stuck. No damage done though, and he didn't seem to notice (other than the fact that he got stopped midway through his trek to the bunny room).

And that schnoz of his really is that big! Sometimes it looks a bit exaggerated in photos, but Yofi does have a big nose. I sometimes call him Jimmy Durante. ;)
Hehe I love Yofi!

Developing a nice little 'dewlap' there isn't he? :p

Does he ever get his foot stuck in his ear when he's scratching it? Alfie has done, and I'm just wondering if he's a clutz or if it happens to every e-lop. ;)
delusional wrote:
Hehe I love Yofi!

Developing a nice little 'dewlap' there isn't he? :p

Does he ever get his foot stuck in his ear when he's scratching it? Alfie has done, and I'm just wondering if he's a clutz or if it happens to every e-lop. ;)

It's not a dewlap, it's a man-chin! :p (Yeah, he's got quite the saggy dewlap; when he sits a certain way you can't help but notice it. I swear, I think he's storing craisins in it for the winter.)

Yofi hasn't managed to get his foot stuck in his ear. Alfie actually has? Omigosh, that must have been a hoot to see!! Poor embarrassing for him! (Gave me a great laugh though, LOL!!!!!) :laugh:
Bassetluv wrote:
delusional wrote:
Hehe I love Yofi!

Developing a nice little 'dewlap' there isn't he? :p

Does he ever get his foot stuck in his ear when he's scratching it? Alfie has done, and I'm just wondering if he's a clutz or if it happens to every e-lop. ;)

It's not a dewlap, it's a man-chin! :p (Yeah, he's got quite the saggy dewlap; when he sits a certain way you can't help but notice it. I swear, I think he's storing craisins in it for the winter.)

Yofi hasn't managed to get his foot stuck in his ear. Alfie actually has? Omigosh, that must have been a hoot to see!! Poor embarrassing for him! (Gave me a great laugh though, LOL!!!!!) :laugh:
Lol, yeah it is quite amusing to watch.. scritch-scratch-scritch... head jerks forward attached to foot... baffled look and much fidgeting as he awkwardly pulls his clown-foot from his ear-hole. :p
A couple more pics today. The ones of Anna are outdoors...I had the whole danged household out in the backyard as it's so beautiful today, but for some reason Yofi decided to go in early. Odd for him, Mr. Naturebun...but Anna was chillin' in her favorite spot under the shrubs.

Well, after following Yofi into the house I realized why he went in early:


Rice crackers...just too hard to resist when you leave one on the floor.

*btw, I was so tempted to caption this picture. The marking on his forehead looks very much like an arrow pointing downward, almost needing a sign above it saying, "Wen fud reseptikle below iz emptee, pleze to fill up agian."

Annadanna hiding:



And the animals always look the same in photos, so I thought I'd try a different shot with him:



Taken a few days ago...bunnybusted! Caught him redpawed on my (very overcrowded) end table that has all the little odds and ends for Schleich projects on it. I was going to the table and thought, 'Wait a of these things just doesn't belong here'. ;)

And some of the other critters who live here (the 'unbunnies'):

Fritz, sound asleep

Tasha...pretty skinny girl, but still happy

And Kaya...just too kewl for words

In more ways than one:


That's my cool dogette, Kaya. ;)

(And I must have a weird sense of humor, because every time I see that last pic of her it reminds me of Ahhnold in Terminator 2, when his glasses get mussed up on his face and are sitting all askew. That's my dog, The Kayanator)
