Well-Known Member
A couple of days ago I was vacuuming the house, and went into the rabbit room with the vacuum still running. It's a wet/dry vac, so is quite loud...and usually Yofi hates it. He'll attack the end of the nozzle and run, then come back for more (take that, you fiend!!); but this time I was quite surprised. Yof had been sitting on the top shelf in the cage, and when he saw the hose headed in his general direction, he jumped down to the second (lower) shelf. I ignored him and continued to vacuum...but about 10 minutes later I noticed that Yofi was stretched out on the shelf, sound asleep. The wet/vac is very noisy, as I said, but yes....the Yofster actually slept through it. I left the vacuum on and grabbed my camera, came back and caught him in mid-schnooz:
First time I've ever seen a rabbit completely ignore a mortal enemy.
Mind you, I discovered about an hour later that Yofi actually wasn't feeling well, and he wound up being the one to give me a scare. He wasn't running around as he normally does, and then when presented with food (first a slice of apple, then banana, and finally craisins) he turned his nose up at them. That's when I knew something wasn't right. I called the vet's immediately, only to discover that his vet had moved. So I tracked down his new office only to be told the vet was unavailable for the weekend, and I could try to find another vet at the other end of the city (these are the times when being a non-car owner is maddening). Anyway, after being on the phone for about 15 minutes, I hung it up to find Yofi happily munching on the apple I'd offered earlier...and the banana and craisins were gone. Then he once again began running everywhere and exploring. So - after keeping an eye on him for the rest of the day - he now seems to be fine. Dunno what was wrong with him (belly ache? tooth issues? virus?), but it's unnerving when bunny-with-bottomless-pitbelly refuses food. Hopefully that won't happen again.
Anyway, here's a picture of him after he woke up from his rest, and one of him and Anna (double-decker bunnies). Oh, and I inherited an older - but nice - camera from my sister, and as soon as she shows me how to use it I'll hopefully get some nicer shots of the two bunstas.

First time I've ever seen a rabbit completely ignore a mortal enemy.
Mind you, I discovered about an hour later that Yofi actually wasn't feeling well, and he wound up being the one to give me a scare. He wasn't running around as he normally does, and then when presented with food (first a slice of apple, then banana, and finally craisins) he turned his nose up at them. That's when I knew something wasn't right. I called the vet's immediately, only to discover that his vet had moved. So I tracked down his new office only to be told the vet was unavailable for the weekend, and I could try to find another vet at the other end of the city (these are the times when being a non-car owner is maddening). Anyway, after being on the phone for about 15 minutes, I hung it up to find Yofi happily munching on the apple I'd offered earlier...and the banana and craisins were gone. Then he once again began running everywhere and exploring. So - after keeping an eye on him for the rest of the day - he now seems to be fine. Dunno what was wrong with him (belly ache? tooth issues? virus?), but it's unnerving when bunny-with-bottomless-pitbelly refuses food. Hopefully that won't happen again.
Anyway, here's a picture of him after he woke up from his rest, and one of him and Anna (double-decker bunnies). Oh, and I inherited an older - but nice - camera from my sister, and as soon as she shows me how to use it I'll hopefully get some nicer shots of the two bunstas.