Introducing Yofi :o)

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And one more footnote to add about these two (well, actually this one's just another Yofi-ism):

The other day I heard something go crashing out in the back porch. When I went to check, I discovered that the frame of the cat door (which was installed in the door so the cats could have access to their litter box in the porch) was ripped completely out of the doorframe. It didn't take much to figure out who did it; Yofi's favorite pasttime these days is sitting there and tugging on the darned thing. Now, he wasn't anywhere to be seen when I saw that the cat door was knocked out, but I knew it was him. The odd thing though, was that I only found one side of the cat door frame...the other half seemed to have disappeared. But the back porch is fairly cluttered, so I figured it must have gone flying and landed behind a box or something, and I vowed to try to fix it later.

Two days later and the other half of the frame was still missing. That is, until I went walking into the rabbit room and picked up a box that I have in there for the two of them. And there it was...lying under the box was the missing half of the cat door frame. Now, how did it happen to go all the way there...around two corners and two rooms away, and land under a box? hhhhmmmm.........:ponder::disgust:

You always crack me up with Yofi pictures and stories...I needed that tonight.

Give the two sneaks a noserub for me (or a craisin)...

Bassetluv wrote:
Two days later and the other half of the frame was still missing. That is, until I went walking into the rabbit room and picked up a box that I have in there for the two of them. And there it was...lying under the box was the missing half of the cat door frame. Now, how did it happen to go all the way there...around two corners and two rooms away, and land under a box? hhhhmmmm.........:ponder::disgust:

Oh goodness, I LOVE the story of the escapees - and complete with pictures too - Magic !! :D

I think it's really clever of Yofi to hide the evidence under a box in their room, a long way from the scene of the crime. you probably found it before he had time to sneak it into the cats area ;)

Keep the stories and pics coming (and hope you are feeling better, too!)

FinallyI got my Yofi and Anna fix. I've missed them so much.

Great pictures and stories as always.

Look forward to many more pictures.

Actually - I think the cats (or Anna) set Yofi up.

Certainly he wouldn't do anything THAT mischievious.......
TinysMom wrote:
Actually - I think the cats (or Anna) set Yofi up.

Certainly he wouldn't do anything THAT mischievious.......
I have to agree... Yofi would not do anything such as you suggested (slander, complete slander)and am willing to be hired as his Animal Public Defender in this court!
OMG! I've been away for so long and I truly did miss all the Yofi adventures. :laugh:Bassetluv, you sure do know how to tell a good story. He and Anna are so unbelievably adorable.
Well, not to say much about my skills as a housekeeper, but...

Last evening I was watching tv in the livingroom when, suddenly, I could hear shuffling sounds coming from the underbelly of the futon. At first I dismissed it, but then it got louder...and before I had time to look, a rather miffed bunny emerged, complete with a rice cracker bag covering his head. The bagged bunnay took a few brief hops across the carpet, stopped, looked around (well, the bag looked around is more like it) and then went on his merry way, oblivious to the fact that he was a bag bunny. Where there's food, or even the hint of food, Yofi is there in hot pursuit. And not even a cracker bag over the head will stop him. :?
Poor starving Yofi my big back bunny feetz! :p Last evening I was in the living room and had a container of blueberries sitting on my lap...suddenly a head (with a huge nose attached) pops up from out of nowhere, and before I can react the blueberries - container and all - are gone...yanked out from under my nose and hauled to the other side of the room. :X Greedy Gus decided he wanted them ALL...
A few more photos

When this boy sleeps, you could set a cannon off next to his head and he wouldn't notice


Hai Mom


Doin' what a Yofi does best

july12008038640x480.jpg of my elderly cat Tasha. As Wayne would say, "EXTREME CLOSEUP! WHOA!"


Annadannabobanna (If I were to caption this one, it would be Anna saying, "Kids! Get in here and clean up your room RIGHT NOW!!!")


Now, this pic of Yofi makes me think of a father talking to his child. "Now, y'see son," (pipe dangling from corner of mouth) "when I was your age I didn't have to worry about things like what kind of hay we eat, or whether the pellets in the litterbox were from PetSmart or Costco. No," (sighs and reminisces pensively) "we just ran about under the bushes, grazing all of the lush green grass and dandelions we could ask for. If y'ask me, you kids today are just too spoiled."


Anna batting her eyes


You'd think, after the hundreds of pictures I've taken, Anna would know by now that the strange silver thing is a camera. Sheesh.




And The Dog - a.k.a. Kaya - sneaking into the rabbit room. She gets jealous if I give too much attention to the rabbits (esp to Yofi); just take a look at her face. She's actually giving Yofi - who was to the right of her on the other side of the wire - the ol' stinkeye, Kayastyle.

Beautiful photos! I love the story about Yofi with the bag over his head. That sounds so much like something my Basil would do. They are such little piggies!

It makes me smile to see your silly boy with those long ears and how happy he and Anna are together. I think of Raph often and miss his gentle face, but I know he's looking down on you and he's so happy that you have brought special Yofi into your life to love and spoil.

Your cat and dog are both adorable as well. Do they both do ok around the buns? Im sure Yofi could hold his own against either. lol
I love reading about Yofi and Anna. Their stories are so funny! Yofi has to be the most popular rabbit on RO! The pictures you take are so great also! I love that one of Yofi with the peice of hay hanging out of his mouth!
