Introducing Yofi :o)

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Wings for ears:
"My beauuutiful ears are so heavy I can't lift my head." LOL:biggrin2:

polly wrote:
I love Anna's *meh* face too how sweet is she :DI have to say i have a bit of a soft spot for agoutis their faces are soooo sweet

I agree, she is a sweetie!And so beautiful.

You know, most *superstars* have someone in their life who is in the background, patient and humble, always there but rarely trying to take the spotlight for themself. I can imagine Miss Anna must be like that....a joy to know, but content to hang back a little most of the time.

Kisses to Anna, WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!
wabbitmom12 wrote:
You know, most *superstars* have someone in their life who is in the background, patient and humble, always there but rarely trying to take the spotlight for themself. I can imagine Miss Anna must be like that....a joy to know, but content to hang back a little most of the time. Kisses to Anna, WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!

Wabbitmom, that truly is Anna. She's a background bunny, but she's so wonderful to be around - very gentle and sweet. And patient...yes! She has to be to put up with Mr. Hollybun stealing the spotlight. :p

I have a few new pics to share; nothing too unique (digital cameras and photographing moving objects just don't equate to good-quality shots), but they're still fun to look at. Oh, and one small Yofi-story too. I was watching tv the other night - "Signs" was on - and I was getting a bit nervous so stopped watching the movie (right around the part where Mel's family is in their basement and the one alien has just grabbed his son through the old coal chute). I was feeling a bit too alone and alien-vulnerable, so I went on the computer and was writing an e-mail when I thought I heard something. It was like a banging sound, but it was muffled so I wasn't even sure I was hearing noises have to compete with the voices in my head(!). Okay, not actual voices, but I have tinnitus, so am constantly trying to hear above the sound in my ears. Anyway, I went back to composing the e-mail when I heard it again. And then a few moments later, there it was yet again. And this time I thought I actually felt it too. Even The Dog looked up and seemed to be sensing it. And creepiest of seemed like it was coming from the basement, because the floor if someone was down there and was trying to bang their way through to the upstairs.

So I gathered up my pseudo-courage and walked into the hallway. And then....WHUMP!!!!! The floor actually vibrated beneath my feet. Now, you'd think I would be in full panic mode at that point, but no...I was laughing...because I knew what it was. Yofi and Anna were in their bedroom, confined to it because I've been dogsitting for my sister, and her dog is not trustworthy around rabbits. Yofi, being used to having the run of the place, and going outdoors in the evening, AND being totally spoiled, was letting me know that he was NOT impressed with being imprisoned in his room like some sort of common rabbit criminal. I had to go in and console him (aka, stuff his gaping maw with treats) to get him to finally stop. But until he did, he literally was causing the floor to vibrate when he stomped those spoiled feets of his.

Anyway, on to photos:

Anna, with her helicopter ears (which seem to be doing so more often, the older she gets):


Inquisitory look at the camera:


Expressing feelings over having camera constantly in her face:


Yofi (looking like Jimmy Durante here) consoling Anna:


Face cuddles:


Claiming his Woman:


And then cleaning her:


Cleaning the hay holder, for some strange reason (note the tiny Yofitongue):


An interruptive pic of The Dog, caught red-pawed eating one of her chewbones that she stole from the counter:


And finally, THIS is the look I got when I touched Yofi on the tail to get him to turn around, as I wanted to take his picture. Mind you, I had planned on a sweet bunny pose for a pic...but he was ready to bite my face off(!):


Such is life at my house...well, the critters' house, I should say...
He does? So does that mean that Bo and Yofi are weirdos-in-law? :biggrin2: LOL...the only other animal I've seen with such a quirk is my cat, Fritz (the big grey face in my avatar). He goes into the bathroom and licks the porcelain sink constantly...but only when it's dry. :dunno
Oh My Gosh! LOL! Our Cat, TANK, licks the mini-blinds!!! :pHe will lick other "plastic" things like garbage bags too but the mini-blinds are his favorite. I have replaced SO many from teeth marks where he bites them sometimes.

I know Bo is Weird....... must be related. ;)
ROFL!!!! Truly funny string there and I KNOW that movie (I bought it) and everytime I watch it I want to run and get the tin foil!! LOL.. Your much braver than especially after figuring out it was YOFI causing the commotion as he was imprisoned!!

Your brave and the look on the dogs face - priceless!
Oh my goodness! Those pictures are SO adorable!! How do you stand it???

I especially love the one with Yofi claiming his woman and then cleaning her :D
Ahh I love the new photos! Yofi sounds a lot like Tumnus in the way he disapproves of being confined.

I love this one:


They are so adorable together! Anna looks a lot like my Biggie Max when her ears are down like that. Shes so pretty!
Julie said ~~ Man life doesn't get much better than lounging on an Sunday afternoon! Loved that pic!

my thought:

"It's good to be the king!"
Back with a few more pics (health has been wobbly lately, so I haven't been here much). Feeling better today though, so I'm posting a few more pics. This one's a bit of a story thread, showing their mischievious side. And since I don't know what goes on in those wee lagomorphian minds, I'll tell the story as it was dictated to me:

The Great Rabbit Escape...or...A Tail of Two Bunnays

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, okay, it wasn't actually stormy. But it was dark. And two semi-famous Internetpets (of the species Rabbitus domesticus) were bored. The Dog had gone to bed, the two resident cats were nowhere to be seen, and the family human (of the species Slavustoall domesticus) was sitting at her computer, blatantly ignoring our hero and heroine. And since there was nothing to break, borrow, or steal in the bunnay room, our two Rabbitus domesticuses (or should that be Rabbitus domestici?) were busy snooping. And plotting.

Anna: "Hey Yofi, what was it you found in that big white box the other day? Was it apples or oranges? I can't remember."

Yofi (yawning a reply): " was carrots. Why?"

Anna: "Well, I was thinking...if we could get out there to the big white box, maybe we could help ourselves to a late-night snack."

Yofi: "Nah, wouldn't work. The portal is in our way. I tried opening it again the other night but it wouldn't budge. Forgetaboudit...go back to sleep." And then he stretched, yawned again, and burped.

Anna, however, wasn't about to give up, as her ever-expanding tummy was grumbling and rumbling its complaints. So she bunny-trotted over to the portal and nudged it. Just a little.

And suddenly....

Anna: "Uh...uh...UUUUHHHHH...!" [[grunting and squeezing with her nose, which is considerably smaller than her sidekicks schnoz]] "Omigawdz...omigawdz...I did it! I opened the portal!"


Anna, excitedly: "YOFI!!! COME QUICK!!! I did it!!!!! IdiditIdiditIdidit!!!!!!!"


Yofi: "Lemmee see...move outta my way...move!!!" [[Thrusts huge Yofinose through the crack and peers out]] "Hey, kewl! Anna, did you really open the portal yourself?"


Anna (shoving Yofi out of her way, and gloating): "Yep...did it allll myself. See? You're not the only one without opposable thumbs who can do things!"


Anna: "So Yofi, whaddya think w...Yofi?" [[Suddenly Anna realizes she has lost his attention, since foood wasn't involved]] "YO, YOFI!! I am talking to you!! Get over here, Yof!"


Yofi, now back again after a momentary lapse of attention: "Oh, uh...hey...yeah! Anna, very kewl of you to get the portal open! I'm impressed! But did you remember to check and see if the coast is clear? We don't wanna get caught by anyone" [['anyone' in rabbitspeake translates roughly into 'human who gets upset at the drop of a bunnyball']]

Yofi now peers out tentatively, making sure the coast (wherever a coast actually is in a house) really is clear.


Anna: "Oh, I didn't think of're SO smart, Yofi!" [[Of course we all know Anna didn't actually say that, but that's how the story was dictated from Yofi to me - humanwithopposablethumbs - to write down. It's more likely she said something along the lines of, 'Yofi you twit...of course I checked! And it's clear, you idiot!' But hey, I wrote down what he said. ;)

Anna: "Yofi, what do we do now?"

Yofi: "Well, let me get the portal open even more [[gives thrust with his ginormous facial appendage]] so you can fit your body through." [[Great save,'re finally learning how to talk to Anna without getting her really upset]]


Yofi verifies that no one is skulking in any corners, waiting to nab the two Bunny and Clydes. And so with a twitch of his nose and a nod to his partner he whispers, "C'mon Annadanna, let's make a run for it!"

And they do.


But no sooner are the domesticus duo through the portal when who should appear but the danged human, ready to trap and eat [[well, that's a BIG exaggeration on Yofi's part, I must say!]] the poor unsuspecting escapees.

The alarm goes up, and Yofi screams out, "Retreat!! Retreat!! RUN AWAY!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!"

And they do.


So back to the dungeon [[translated, 'dungeon' in bunnyspeake is actually the bunny room]] they head. Anna, ever the quick-thinking schemer, says, "Lie low Yofi...she'll never see us down here!"

And she would have been right. If only it hadn't been for that ear...


So Yofi came up with a better plan. "Anna", he whispered to her, "pretend like you and I haven't been out of this room at all. Act normal. She'll never catch on."


So she did. Anna began grooming Yofi as if nothing out of the ordinary had gone on that evening. And Yofi smiled.


And this is where the story ends. Well, that's where Yofi said to end it. But he didn't figure I'd snitch on him. For after Anna turned her back, the long-eared turncoat came running over to me and blurted out:

"I had nuthin' to do with it, I tell was all HER!!! Prosecute her! Don't give HER any karots!!! I sat there innosentlee, minding my own busyness, when she SHOVED me out the portal and MADE me do her dirty werk! I'm innosent, I tell ya! I'm innosent!!!!!!"


SIGH....oh noble rabbit, thy name is not Yofi...:p