Introducing Yofi :o)

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LOL...Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the dentist...:p

Actually, I was hoping against hope that this time I'd escape the ravages of post-antibiotic reactions. The pain and swelling had eased up - actually the pain had gone away - and I was feeling better. Then last Thursday evening I began to get a headache. And I just didn't feel quite right. Friday was even worse, but I kept putting it off as being tired.

Well, I wound up spending a great deal of Saturday in bed (and it was so beautiful outside too!), and on Sunday I'd had enough, and finally decided to go to the clinic. I'd developed a yeast infection along with oral thrush (ick, y'all haven't lived till you've had that) and was feeling completely crappy. And the pain around the surgery site had come back. So off to the clinic I go, only to discover it didn't open for another hour. So I walked back home. Did some things there. Took the dog out. Then went back to the clinic. Was told the doctor had gone to lunch and would be back in about an hour to an hour and a half. So I went back home again. Let the rabbits out. Felt ickky. Yofi leapt about and had a riot. Anna did twists and turns and zoomed and darted (who knew she of immense belly measurements could be so agile?). And I sat and watched.

Finally I decided to return the bunnies to their room (not without major protest from both of them) and walk to the clinic yet again. Got there. No doctor. He'd gone out for a bit and, as I was told, would be back sometime later...but...he also had a list of patients waiting to see him when he returned. So I explained what I wanted to the receptionist; I needed a prescrip. for Nystatin for the thrush, which is what was making me so miserable. I asked her if one can get it from the pharmacy without a doctor's note, and she shrugged and said, 'Maybe. Go to the pharmacy and ask them'. So I walked all the way down to the pharmacy, only to be told that, have to have a prescription. From a doctor. (Apparently a real one too...anyone with the first name of 'Doctor' doesn't count.)

So I went back home, let the bunnies out again, and sulked in my misery. :tears2:

Today I went to the dentist to have the stitches removed. YOWWWWW!!! She wound up having to freeze me because my mouth was so tender. But at least the stitches are out. And she gave me a prescrip for some Nystatin too (yay)...and said that at least the outer part looks good. I go back in two weeks for an x-ray and follow-up. Phew! I will be glad when this is over.

On a Yofi note, you'd think I'd know him better by now. One Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago I walked into their room and there was Anna, sitting at the door of the cage and wanting out, whilst Yofi was in full schnoooze mode behind her. I went over to the cage and opened the door, talked to Anna and scratched her head, and laughed at Yofi because of his rather comatose sleep habits. However, as I sat talking to Anna I began to look at Yofi...and noticed he wasn't stirring at all, other than a very faint breatheing movement in his belly. So I said, "Yofi...time to get up" and moved Anna out of the way.


So I called to him again, this time a little louder ("Yofi...get UP..."). And I pushed Anna out of the way again.

Again, nothing.

I called him again, and this time Anna actually stepped on him (her way of 'going around' a solid object).

Still, nothing. Not a single twitch.

Omigod, was he in a coma? Was he dying? What was wrong with him? Now I really panicked...I jumped up and yelled "YOFI!!!!!", fearing the worst....and apparently I almost scared the poor guy half to death. He leapt into the air in major bunny-panic mode, his eyes absolutely wild and his face saying, "What? WHAT?! WHATTTT??!!!!!?????", while I managed to calm down and then laugh at him, even though I was apologizing immensely for the rude awakening.

I swear, that boy must have some majorly intense bunny dreams to keep him so sound...even Anna's heavy-duty weight and trompsing all over him wasn't enough to wake him from his schnoooze. was his mom's maniacal screaming that did the trick though.

Silly boy.
first off sorry about your mouth that sucks :(

have to say though:roflmao:i have never heard of a bun that can sleep as sound as Yofi can
No kidding! I hate dental work anyhow and then to feel rough and come home to apparently dead rabbit......... well... thank goodness he's ok!
Thanks everyone! :)

Well, apparently Yofi's talent for sleeping deeply isn't limited to the sleepy state. Yesterday morning I walked into the bunny room and there was Yofi in his favorite spot...on top of the food bin, cleaning his belly. So I said good morning to Anna (who had run to greet me) and then walked over to Yofi, still concentrating deeply on fluffin' his fur. I said, "Good morning Yof," but he didn't look up...just licked and groomed, long ears dangling and waggling as he did. So I spoke again.

"Morning Yofi" I said, fully expecting him to react.

But he didn't. Still he ignored me, doing his best to slick back every belly hair (guess he was going for that James Dean look).

So I tried another approach. This time I tickled the back of his neck whilst saying hello, as it was so fully exposed.

Still nothing. He groomed and preened, back of his neck bobbing and ears playing an invisible beat in step with the movements.

I tickled him again. Said good morning again. And again he didn't react.

Finally I gave up and began to step away, moving one foot to go backward toward the door.

Well, you'd have thought the hounds of Hell had been released...the poor boy's fur coat and skin practically fell off as he reacted, his body flattening to the box he was on like a pancake trying to hide from its fate. His eyes bugged out bigger than marbles and he looked at me as if I had snakes coming out of my hair. Then, when he realized it was actually just me and not the Monster from the Black Lago-goon, he sat up, ruffled himself off, and said in bunnyspeake:

'Oh, it's you'.

Then he went back to cleaning himself again. :?

On another note, Anna had an admirer a few days ago. The bunnies were out in the vacant veggie garden, getting some fresh air and exercise, and I was sitting in a chair next to the garden reading a book. Something caught my eye though, and I looked up...a bird had flown overhead, but rather low in the air. I went back to reading and a few seconds later, the bird returned. It flew over the garden, swooping down as it did, and that's when I realized it was eyeing Anna. She realized it too, and she froze like a statue, not knowing what to do.

The bird returned a third time, this time coming quite close to the top of the fence...then he circled and landed on a pole that sits at the corner of the garden, and he stared. He wouldn't take his eye off Anna at all, and that unnerved me, so I got up and went over, climbing the fence and entering the garden.

The bird still didn't move from his perch, but now he was watching both of us; Anna on one side and me on the other. So I looked up at him and said, "What are you doing?" (Yeah, I the bird is going to respond...) He sat there and blinked, looked at Anna once more, cawed three times, and then he flew away.

Yep, it was a crow. I don't think I've ever heard of a crow attacking a live rabbit, but hey, you never know. Although the sense I had from him was much more that he was merely curious about her than he was preparing to attack. I've had some rather strange encounters with crows in the past, and this one was fascinating as well. Still, I'm certainly glad I was there watching the rabbits at the time, otherwise Anna might have had to use her secret lagomorphian drop-kick on this feathered dude.

:heartbeat:I LOVE YOFI!! I started reading your blog from the beginning, a few weeks ago, and got addicted to hearing about all of the Yofster's antics. He is such a character! But, one must have an expansive personality to go with those gorgeous looks. I told my 16 year old son the story of Yofi non-chalantly pushing thatcart, and he just about fell off of his chair laughing!

[align=left]I so love Yofi's long, waggling ears. Maybe I'm fascinated because English lop is one of thebreeds that we don't have. (We have 15 rabbits...9 different breeds.)[/align]
[align=left]I know you haven't been feeling well lately, but I imagine that Yofi and Anna keep your spirits up as much as possible. I hope you are feeling up to filling us all in soon! [/align]​
:laughsmiley:I swear that rabbit zones out or something! He's hilarious.

Who is it that says rabbits are "task oriented?" Yofi sure does get "into" what he's doing!
I swear that rabbit zones out or something! He's hilarious.

Who is it that says rabbits are "task oriented?" Yofi sure does get "into" what he's doing!

Well yes he's task oriented! If he's sleeping, THAT'S his task. And he takes it seriously!! :nodLOL

Well yes he's task oriented! If he's sleeping, THAT'S his task. And he takes it seriously!! :nodLOL

LOL...that so describes Yofi! That, and getting into whatever trouble can be found, wherever he can find it,is his purpose in life. Oh yes, and purpose number 3 as well: antagonize The Dog as long as rabbitly possible. If Dog is eating dinner, steal dog food. If Dog is standing in hallway, run under Dog's belly. If Dog is chewing on favorite bone, run up and pretend to want to take it. (This, btw, and the stealing of dog food,invokes Yofi's favorite face on The Dog: the see-my-teeth-smiley look, which in turn winds up causing her to be grounded and sent to the bathroom (getting Dog grounded scoresbonus points for Yofi).) If Dog is sleeping, awaken as rudely as possible. If Dog is trying to get attention from Human, immediately push Dog out of the way and shove face ahead of said Dog (this maneuver also winds up in a grounding for Dog, as it also invokes her smiley-face look).

And if none of these procedures work, there's always the old *sabotage The Dog's toys* trick. I found one of Kaya's toys - a ropelike elastic with a ball on it - in the rabbit room, elastic severed in three places. I'm pretty sure Anna didn't do it, and when I asked Yofi, I'm sure he was hiding a smirk under all that cuteness. In the meantime, Kaya keeps asking me, 'When is the little twerp's visit coming to an end?!?'...

(See-my-teeth-smiley look, for those who are curious)


I have to get my camera up and running again to take more Yofi/Anna pics too (it's been sitting uncharged for a while now). Will do so shortly :biggrin2:
Poor Kaya, I can totally sympethize with you. I had a little sister just like Yofi and if I could have given her that toothy smiley face you have I would have done so many times;).
K, I took some pics this afternoon. Same old, same old...rabbits ignoring me, rabbits acting nonchalant, rabbits being vain...:p

Here's one of Anna and Yofi on their upper shelf - I was in the midst of cleaning their cage and room, as both were a mess (notice His Royal Highness...can we say *spoiled*??)


Wings for ears:




Anna on the smaller shelf (her ears go that way half the time now...I think she's trying to copy*cat* the Yofster, since he gets so much attention:


Pointy-headed boy (I shoulda named him Alfalfa):


Anna in the garden:


With her *meh* face on:


"See me too! See me!"


The End


Oh, and I took a couple of videos, but they turned out terrible. I dunno what I did to the camera, but videos now come out very grainy and poor quality. Guess I'll have to dig out the manual and actually read it. :? I will post this one though (hopefully I remember how), because it's kinda funny for the first few moments. It's of Yofi (who else?) in the garden. The rest of it will be that of Kaya barkbarkbarking....:X
Aww Anna is so cute with her Meh face!!!

Yofi looks pathetic with his ears hanging off the shelf and his cheeks pressed to the floor of it....... You were ruining his decorating! :p
Hysterical! Yofi sounds very demanding and feels as if he is "entitled".. Too funny, love your take on your buns (and sorry about the dental work, must be done but know how awful that can be)... New fan to your blog so please post often - lol..