Hey all,
I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up lately; been dealing with some health issues that left me in a bit of a mess physically...and have been swamped at work at the same time. I was asked to do overtime so have been struggling to juggle that along with trips back and forth to the dr, and taking meds to feel better. (UGH is all I can say to all of it!)
Thanks for all your posts! Yofi, I'm sure, would be putting himself on an enormous pedestal if he was to have access to the computer and read all of the comments about him. But I wanted to especially thank Jen for her post:
jcottonl02 wrote:
Yofi is precious; absolutely stunning-looking boy.
I was absolutely in love with Raph, and I think it's lovely that you felt it was time to give another rabbit as good a life as you gave Raph; I've read all your threads about Raph and I think any bun would be v. lucky to have u as their owner.
So Lucky Yofi!!!!
How did you come up with the name? It's adorable.
I was so touched by that; thank you so much Jen! :hug: As to your question about Yofi's name...well, you might be aware that when I got Raph, I named him after Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing....it wasn't even really my choice; after picking him up at the airport my niece was sitting in the back of the car, asking what I was going to name the new rabbit. She began tossing out all sorts of names, but what I heard in my head was a soft whispering: 'Raphael...Raphael'. And I knew that was his name...someone up there had given it to me.
So in keeping with that tradition (and in feeling very strongly that Raph had led me to find Yofi) I decided that the new bunny's name should have an angelic reference as well. Actually, that decision didn't come at first; after I purchased Yofi - but hadn't yet gone to pick him up from the breeder - I was surfing the 'net, trying to find something that would suit his looks, going by the photo the breeder had of him. But somehow I just couldn't find anything that sounded right. And as I sat there, this 'sense' came over me suddenly, and I knew that he should be named after an angel, just as Raph had been. So I began searching for names of angels. Many came up, but none seemed right....until I came across the name 'Jophiel'. There were many variations on the spelling, including 'Yophiel' and 'Yofiel'. And as soon as I read 'Yofiel' I knew...that was his name. Yofiel means 'Divine Beauty'; he is an angel who assisted AA Michael in battle; he is an angel of the month of September (which is when Yofi came to me); and...LOL...he is said to cure stupidity in humans. And on the day I arrived at the breeder's house and held Yofi in my arms for the first time, I knew the name fit him perfectly. He possessed strength, angelic qualities, and he certainly felt like a Divine, beautiful gift...one that Raph gave to me.
(However, I do believe the internet left out one more meaning for the name Yofi: klass klown.

This morning I was getting ready to go to the clinic (they vanted some ov my bluuud

) and what did I stumble across? Dear Yofi in the bathroom...he had unravelled almost the entire roll of toilet paper and was frantically attempting to consume the evidence before I caught him.
Oh, and my last bank statement? In the (paraphrased) words of the great John Cleese of Monty Python fame: "It is no more. It ceases to be. It is an ex-statement!"
(LOL...I didn't know there was a bunny-butt contest - or even a bunspace, really!)
Oh, and best of luck with Sippi in the show, Emily!