Introducing Yofi :o)

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Ooh Wow! Yofi just gets more hilarious as the months drag on! I would of died of laughter seeing him sipping coffee! lol. I would of place him in an HUGEexercise pen outside, grabbed a book (harry Potter, the 7th one), and sat until the book was over, or until the caffeine and ALL the energy had drained out of the poor wicked guy. lol.

he is just too funny. I'm SO glad Sippi isn't that bad! Of course, we're taking him to his first overnight show tomorrow, and he has to be in a carrier all night long....I'd not be surprised if I went in Saturday morning to find he had escaped out of boredom or something....But i would be surprised if he had escaped and somehow managed to let all the other bunnies out...whata mess that would be...shoot. Now I'm afraid of what might happen with Sippi! Lol.

Hey all,

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up lately; been dealing with some health issues that left me in a bit of a mess physically...and have been swamped at work at the same time. I was asked to do overtime so have been struggling to juggle that along with trips back and forth to the dr, and taking meds to feel better. (UGH is all I can say to all of it!)


Thanks for all your posts! Yofi, I'm sure, would be putting himself on an enormous pedestal if he was to have access to the computer and read all of the comments about him. But I wanted to especially thank Jen for her post:

jcottonl02 wrote:
Yofi is precious; absolutely stunning-looking boy.

I was absolutely in love with Raph, and I think it's lovely that you felt it was time to give another rabbit as good a life as you gave Raph; I've read all your threads about Raph and I think any bun would be v. lucky to have u as their owner.

So Lucky Yofi!!!!

How did you come up with the name? It's adorable.


I was so touched by that; thank you so much Jen! :hug: As to your question about Yofi's name...well, you might be aware that when I got Raph, I named him after Archangel Raphael, the angel of wasn't even really my choice; after picking him up at the airport my niece was sitting in the back of the car, asking what I was going to name the new rabbit. She began tossing out all sorts of names, but what I heard in my head was a soft whispering: 'Raphael...Raphael'. And I knew that was his name...someone up there had given it to me.:)

So in keeping with that tradition (and in feeling very strongly that Raph had led me to find Yofi) I decided that the new bunny's name should have an angelic reference as well. Actually, that decision didn't come at first; after I purchased Yofi - but hadn't yet gone to pick him up from the breeder - I was surfing the 'net, trying to find something that would suit his looks, going by the photo the breeder had of him. But somehow I just couldn't find anything that sounded right. And as I sat there, this 'sense' came over me suddenly, and I knew that he should be named after an angel, just as Raph had been. So I began searching for names of angels. Many came up, but none seemed right....until I came across the name 'Jophiel'. There were many variations on the spelling, including 'Yophiel' and 'Yofiel'. And as soon as I read 'Yofiel' I knew...that was his name. Yofiel means 'Divine Beauty'; he is an angel who assisted AA Michael in battle; he is an angel of the month of September (which is when Yofi came to me); and...LOL...he is said to cure stupidity in humans. And on the day I arrived at the breeder's house and held Yofi in my arms for the first time, I knew the name fit him perfectly. He possessed strength, angelic qualities, and he certainly felt like a Divine, beautiful that Raph gave to me. :)

(However, I do believe the internet left out one more meaning for the name Yofi: klass klown. :p)

This morning I was getting ready to go to the clinic (they vanted some ov my bluuud ;)) and what did I stumble across? Dear Yofi in the bathroom...he had unravelled almost the entire roll of toilet paper and was frantically attempting to consume the evidence before I caught him.

Oh, and my last bank statement? In the (paraphrased) words of the great John Cleese of Monty Python fame: "It is no more. It ceases to be. It is an ex-statement!"

(LOL...I didn't know there was a bunny-butt contest - or even a bunspace, really!)

Oh, and best of luck with Sippi in the show, Emily!
Oh my goodness, are simply amazing...and so so wonderful!

Bassetluv, I think you're absolutely right about him being a gift from Raph...and what a perfect name! I didn't realize he was supposed to cure stupidity in perfect! I think Yofi takes that one to heart, hehe!! (That's not to say you're stupid...just that he obviously thinks we humans have a thing or two to learn! Hehe!)

I just love reading about his handsome self!

How's Anna doing?

Loved the story about Charlie...our kitties attempt such things with us...and they (believe it or not) do the puppy dog eyed look quite perfectly as well. Hobbes will go YOWLING around the house like an injured animal, asking for more food...when dinnertime is still ten hours away! Methinks we need to buy him a watch...hehe!

Such stinkers...all of them!

And, for the record, I think WE attract the weird I sit with ten animals...each and every single one of them just weird to the nines...and I know each one of them picked me, not the other way around, hehe!

Stinky animals...boy do I love 'em! :biggrin2:
Hiya Rosie :D

Anna's doing fine, though she tends to be the quiet one. I leave the door to the rabbit room open, but she's pretty content to stretch out on the carpet in their room for the most part. I think the only time she really ever ventures out is when she's

I believe you about your cats; they are just as good as dogs when it comes to pleading. Sometimes even better! Fritz will follow me around like a puppy when he's hungry, getting under my feet or on the table in front of me, or hooks his claws into my clothing with this 'please mum, I want some more' look in his eyes. btw, he was sitting on my lap yesterday when I posted and was totally fascinated with the little smiley-bunny icon that travels across the top of the screen!

I have some pics to share; this is what it currently looks like at my place. I haven't heard how much snow we received, though my sister said it was 49 cm between yesterday and today. That on top of what we've already had from past storms. Anyway, here's my place:

This is my driveway facing the can see footprints, cuz it wasn't passable for cars:

My front stoop:

Kaya in the backyard...thankfully I remembered to shovel out there before going to bed, as it was a fight to push the door open enough to be able to shovel around it this morning. Notice the fence behind her?:

It's 6 ft high:


Kaya - hesitant to go out there:

Kaya exploring the tenant's car in the driveway:

Then she disappeared, until I yelled for her to get out of there!:

Mad at me...she wanted to go in the house. Kaya's had enough of the snow:

And this was the sun earlier this morning. It was sorta surreal:

Yofi wasn't impressed with the snow any more than Kaya. I took him outside for two minutes and all he did was scramble his way back to the door, pleading to go in again. I tell ya, my crew are a bunch of sissies...:p

WOW! That's gorgeous!

I love snow if I don't have to go out. Right about now I'd like that much to keep me in for a week or so!!
Believe it or not, Kaya and I walked to my sister's (and back home again) last night in the midst of the heaviest part of the storm. The walk from my house to hers is - normally, on a nice summer day - about 25 minutes long. I have no idea how long it took us last evening, but it was fun! The sidewalks were nowhere in sight so we were forced to walk along the roads, and the roads were very slippery...glare ice hidden underneath. It was relatively warm out so, except for the wind, the walk there was really beautiful.

Going home was a bit harder though, as snow was beginning to change to sleet. I had a hood that would semi-close, so my face was pretty well covered, but poor Kaya was getting it in her eyes and ears. I considered tying one of the plastic bags I had over her, but that probably would have turned into a battle of "I don't want that thing on me!!" and we would never have arrived home. Despite it though, she does love being out in that weather if it means getting to go for a walk, and she had a riot jumping through all the drifts. Then it was a small panic when we finally did get back as my front door handle had frozen solid; I couldn't get the thing to push in to unlatch it, and my backyard was pretty unaccessible. Finally a lot of banging loosened it though, and we were indoors, safe and sound.

Oh, and halfway home there was something pretty amazing...lightning! One tremendous bolt of lightning lit up the entire night sky, and a few moments later an enormous booming sound followed. It was the only lightning we saw, but it was spectacular. :)
Has Yofi seen the snow yet?

Somehow I picture him trying to throw a snowball at you when your back is turned...

LOL...yep, Yofi's seen the snow. And he hates it! He'd much rather be indoors - probably because that's where the main food source is at the moment - than outside getting his bootiful ears covered in cold white stuff. He's nothing like Raph, who used to run through the snow to follow Kaya wherever she went (at least, in his first year of life). I imagine come summer - if the snow manages to melt by then - Yofi will once again be in his glory outdoors because it will mean he can run, jump, and do ear twirls right in the food (a.k.a. the backyard lawn). Then he won't want to come in!

And Yofi doesn't go for the flicks either...he waits until I decide to pick him up, then it's a full force WHUMP!!!! against my chest with his ginormous hind hoofers. No fooling around with the Yofster...he gets down to business when his nose is out of joint. :p
Oh wow! What gorgeous pictures! I would wonder if Kaya was a bit tentative about going outside because the world had gotten shorter...hehe! I know *I* would wonder...hehe!

And Yofi not liking the snow...hehe!! I can picture him bounding onto the snow real quick like, "Hey! What's THIS STUFF??" And then getting his ears cold right off the bat, and going, "AAAAAAHHHH!!!! Let me back in!!!!!" Hehe...silly boy!

What wonderful sweeties you have...
I need to send you my address..

I expect Yofi to be sent ASAP.

I love that rabbit.... I swear, I want to keep him.

The dog smiling pic.. cracked me up, I have some of my weenie dawgs doing that..

GoinBackToCali wrote:
I need to send you my address..

I expect Yofi to be sent ASAP.

I love that rabbit.... I swear, I want to keep him.

The dog smiling pic.. cracked me up, I have some of my weenie dawgs doing that..
Sorry - but he and Zeus are long-lost twins separated pre-birth....

If Yofi comes to Texas - its to be here with Yofi Sr. ~ ah ~ I mean Zeus....

LOL! You guys make me laugh, and that's so great! I truly needed it today.:D

I don't really have time to catch up - been ultra-mega-swamped today at work and (of course, Murphy's Law applies) every single thing I worked on today has had major problems. We're in a rush to get papers processed, I'm supposed to be putting in as much overtime as I can, and it's been paper after paper that gets delayed because of computer program problems. aarrgghhh!

Will be back later...
It's been a while since I've posted in Yofi's thread! Well, today I have time, as I'm at home recovering from oral surgery. This is the second time I've had surgery done on my mouth since December, and all I can say is, I'm not a big fan of multiple dental slicing and dicing. :p I do have to say though, that my dentist is fantastic! I used to be absolutely terrified of setting foot in a dentist's office until I found her. She keeps her procedures as quick and as pain-free as possible. The surgery I had yesterday went very fast, took about 25 minutes, and I didn't feel a thing (well, except for the weird pressure sensation and that awful rowr-rowr-rowr of the drill when she went in to fix the root of the tooth). So right now I'm on kinda strong painkillers and am probably a bit loopier than normal. ;) Oh, and one side of my face is swollen worse than a chipmunk on a shopping spree for acorns, but at least the pain is manageable. The antibiotics are starting to play havoc on my system, but hoepfully that won't get any worse.

As for the dynamic duo, yesterday was their first foray to the great outdoors since last fall...and they had a blast! I sat in a chair and nursed my oral wounds whilst Yofi and Anna had free run of the veggie garden area. Anna was in her glory, digging up spot after spot so she could get comfy cozy, and Yofi kicked up his heels in pure lagomorph pleasure, ears sailing like two rudders in the wind whenever he'd decide to do a 50-yrd bunny dash. It was so good to see them out in the sun and stretching their legs.

I don't have any recent pics of the two (keep forgetting to recharge the camera!), but Yofi now has his own official chair in the kitchen. Recently I decided to take the swivel chair I was using at my computer out of the was taking up too much space in my little room...and it was headed down to the basement when Yofi discovered it. It's a cushioned swivel office chair, and the boy spotted it sitting next to the kitchen talbe (waiting for me to move it downstairs). He leapt into it and immediatelyh claimed his territory, and I haven't had the heart to take it away from him. Now every tiem he goes into the kitchen that's the first thing he heads for, and he sits there in his glory, sort of like Donald Trump chairing a board meeting (minus the really bad coiffure).

Will update more once I'm feeling a bit better...:)
It's funny, but I was just thinking of you this morning, wondering why we hadn't heard for a while. And no wonder! I hope you are feeling OK and recover quickly. There is nothing worse than having a sore mouth - you can't even eat to comfort yourself!

Sounds like Yofi and Anna had fun outside. I love the image of him running with his ears blowing in the breeze:D. I think it will be a while before Pernod and Shadow go into the garden again - way too much snow!

Bless Yofi's heart - he's got himself a special chair :D. I guess it's going to have to stay in the kitchen now - could lead to big sulks (and more Yofiness) if you take it away from him :p

Take care

Ugh...I thought I was through the worst of it, but then last night the pain flared, and this morning I got up looking more swollen than ever. Good news is though, that apparently this sort of thing will happen...the swelling is a sign that healing is taking place - which I didn't know till I called the dentist and went in for a recheck:foreheadsmack:. Anyway, now I'm beginning to feel better and so it's back to work tomorrow.

Jan, I heard about the weather out west...holy cow! So much snow to deal with. And here it's been unseasonably warm; the last few days have been like mid-summer...everyone's running around in shorts! It's all so odd.

I'll have to take a pic of Yofi in his chair at some point...His Royal Highness being 'Hareman of the Board'. :p
OMG, how many more of these do you have to have? I feel so bad for you. Owweee! You must be one tough cookie! I don't think I could get through it, arg.

:hug:You feel better very soon, you poor thing.
We really do need to see a picture of Yofi Trump in his chair....

Perhaps we can find him a bad wig to wear too???

Aww I hope you're feeling better! I know those surgeries are hard on you!

I do want to see that big baby, Yofi in his chair. I can just imagine how he thinks you placed it there for him! LOL!