Well, the boy - I have discovered - has a penchant for coffee. Left my mug on the table and found him contently supping on the contents when I returned. Of course I whisked away the liquid immediately upon seeing this; after all, what could be worse than a Yofi on caffeine? It'd be like owning an ADD bunny x10. And I could just see it now; having to order not one, but two coffees on my trips to Tim Hortons: "Yes please, I'd like a large coffee with two milk, oh...and a small with two creams and ten sugars for my rabbit please".
I decided the other night to be nice to Yofi, since he so politely asked if I would share my rice cakes with him (a push and a shove, and a 'GIMMEEE GIMMEEE GIMMEEE' in rabbitspeake is the best niceness he can muster). So I put my plate - which consisted mostly of crumbs at that point - in front of him. Yofi quickly Hoovered up the contents, then once he realized there was nothing left he looked at me, looked down at the plate, and then picked it up and threw it across the room. Literally. I sat there for a moment looking back at him, Mr. BadBoyOfTheBunnyWorld, and then just shook my head and fetched the plate (luckily it survived the violent discus-toss to the other side of the living room).
Sometimes I wonder how I wound up with such a weird animal. But then again, in thinking back....I don't really recall ever having a pet that didn't fall into the 'weird' category in some form or another. Even my dog, Charlie, when I was growing up...he most certainly had a mind of his own. I remember one day he decided that he wanted to be fed, and began pawing at his food dish and whining. I responded to his pleas by saying, "No Charlie...you don't get fed for at least a couple of hours yet", but that didn't stop him from trying. He paced the floor, going from me to his dish, from his dish to me...even pulled the old puppy-dog eyes tactic, looking up at me mournfully, as if he hadn't been fed in a week. Finally I got frustrated with him and cried out, "For heaven's sake Charlie, I said NO!!" and I walked away. Well, I thought that stopped him. But no...I turned around to see him pick up his food dish, walk over to the back door, set the dish down, scratch at the door with his paw, and then pick up the dish again. That was it; since there was no food for him at home he was taking things into his own hands...er, paws...and would find dinner on his own. With his dish.
So now I guess the question is: Do I draw the weird ones to me, or does the weirdness rub off of me, and onto them?