Introducing Yofi :o)

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How's our Yofi doing? It's been over a week are you trying to tell us he hasn't gotten into something he shouldn't have.

I need an update on that Handsome boy and his Beautiful Girlfriend of course.



Well, Yofi seems determined to be Lord of the Domain. What started out as cute little nips here and there - his way of saying, 'Stroke my ears, Muther....NOW!!' has now, I fear, turned into an ego bigger than Texas. He will jump onto the sofa and begin nudging me, but then gets annoyed and starts yanking at any part of my body he can reach...chomp, chomp, chomp! When I get upset and tell him to stop it, and move him from the sofa he simply jumps back up again, demanding he have his way.

Last evening my cat Tasha was standing next to me on the sofa when Yofi came barrelling into the room - his room, apparently - and he took one look at Tasha, leapt from the floor to the sofa and promptly bit her on the rear. So I pushed him away, chastising him for being so rude, when moments later my other cat (Fritz, the big grey bruiser of a feline) wandered in. Yofi spotted him as well and before I had time to react, a blur of Yofitude went flying across the carpet and barrelled into poor Fritzy.

This bunny is definitely going through terrible teens, or something. And yet this is the same boy who posed for this picture a while ago:


I hope the boy grows out of his 'tude soon...I already lived through the terrible teens with my son...don't need to do that again... :p
BabyBunnies wrote:
I love his ears they are absolutley gorgeous!!

Thanks, Babybunnies...I do too! :) But I'm not telling Yofi what you said, since his ego's already 9 sizes too big...don't want his head swelling any more than it already has....:p
all i can say:

thats an english lop for ya!

gosh, i love hearing about all yofi's stories, they bring me right back to herman!
Oh I love that NOSE!

Yofi is like Bo! he is so possessive of me! He gets so angry if anyone (even my husband!) gets near me.

He also goes to my hubby's pillow and pees on it if he's on my bed!

Yofi and the nipping - Bo has left bruises! I have been holding his head down and saying NO! It can be hard to do cause they try to wiggle out but it does help.

Also, a time out in a cage with no toys (like a pet taxi) is good.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
All I can think of everytime I think of Yofi is him pushing that cart:surrender. He should be cooking your dinner before long:p.
I think he should take the cart to go to the store and get the food - then cook it and serve it to her with the cart too...and I can almost picture him trying to do it too!

Yofi makes me laugh so hard....

TinysMom wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
All I can think of everytime I think of Yofi is him pushing that cart:surrender. He should be cooking your dinner before long:p.
I think he should take the cart to go to the store and get the food - then cook it and serve it to her with the cart too...and I can almost picture him trying to do it too!

Yofi makes me laugh so hard....

I can almost see it too, Peg! Haha. Have that camera handy:p.
I think of him jumping onto that waste can - and then the lid not being there one time! Yofi drops into the void...... LOL!

Look at his nose, peg! and how sweet he looks when he's recharging....... :p
Ok - I'm beyond asking nicely - now I'm demanding....

We need more Yofi pics and stories.... NOW.

Well, the boy - I have discovered - has a penchant for coffee. Left my mug on the table and found him contently supping on the contents when I returned. Of course I whisked away the liquid immediately upon seeing this; after all, what could be worse than a Yofi on caffeine? It'd be like owning an ADD bunny x10. And I could just see it now; having to order not one, but two coffees on my trips to Tim Hortons: "Yes please, I'd like a large coffee with two milk, oh...and a small with two creams and ten sugars for my rabbit please".

I decided the other night to be nice to Yofi, since he so politely asked if I would share my rice cakes with him (a push and a shove, and a 'GIMMEEE GIMMEEE GIMMEEE' in rabbitspeake is the best niceness he can muster). So I put my plate - which consisted mostly of crumbs at that point - in front of him. Yofi quickly Hoovered up the contents, then once he realized there was nothing left he looked at me, looked down at the plate, and then picked it up and threw it across the room. Literally. I sat there for a moment looking back at him, Mr. BadBoyOfTheBunnyWorld, and then just shook my head and fetched the plate (luckily it survived the violent discus-toss to the other side of the living room).

Sometimes I wonder how I wound up with such a weird animal. But then again, in thinking back....I don't really recall ever having a pet that didn't fall into the 'weird' category in some form or another. Even my dog, Charlie, when I was growing up...he most certainly had a mind of his own. I remember one day he decided that he wanted to be fed, and began pawing at his food dish and whining. I responded to his pleas by saying, "No don't get fed for at least a couple of hours yet", but that didn't stop him from trying. He paced the floor, going from me to his dish, from his dish to me...even pulled the old puppy-dog eyes tactic, looking up at me mournfully, as if he hadn't been fed in a week. Finally I got frustrated with him and cried out, "For heaven's sake Charlie, I said NO!!" and I walked away. Well, I thought that stopped him. But no...I turned around to see him pick up his food dish, walk over to the back door, set the dish down, scratch at the door with his paw, and then pick up the dish again. That was it; since there was no food for him at home he was taking things into his own, paws...and would find dinner on his own. With his dish.

So now I guess the question is: Do I draw the weird ones to me, or does the weirdness rub off of me, and onto them? ;)
YAY!! yofi update!!

i must say, he is one of my fav buns here. he makes me want an e-lop!!

i think all buns have a little weirdness to them, but just different ways. having five buns here has taught me that
I think you starve your poor animals and they have to attack you and your house and even take their dishes out for neighbors to feed them! YOU ARE MEAN!:eats:

:big wink:
swanlake wrote:
i think all buns have a little weirdness to them, but just different ways. having five buns here has taught me that

LOL...I must agree. And that's what makes them so fun! Last evening my sister was visiting and we were sitting in the living room; Yofi was all over me, curious to see why he wasn't the complete center of attention. When I laughed and said to my sister, 'Now doesn't he make you want to have a rabbit?' she made a face (not unlike one of complete horror) and said, " way!!!" To me, it's just unfathomable that anyone could not want a rabbit as a pet. I guess you have to have been bitten by the bunny bug to understand. But then again, she has a parrot - and he's cute too - but I'd never want a bird as a pet. Bunnies are so much funner! :p

And now for some weird pics. I've discovered that taking pictures of moving subjects (aka, weird pets) is almost impossible with a digital camera. By the time the camera has flashed and taken the photo, the subject has gone completely out of the frame (all the way to the other side of the room) and you're left with a picture of a wall. Or a floor. But I was taking some photos tonight and did manage to actually get some with the animals still in them. Sort of.

Here's one of The Dog:


And another of said Dog, smiling for the shot:


One of Yofi:



One of the weirdest pictures I've ever taken of a rabbit...







Yofi is precious; absolutely stunning-looking boy.

I was absolutely in love with Raph, and I think it's lovely that you felt it was time to give another rabbit as good a life as you gave Raph; I've read all your threads about Raph and I think any bun would be v. lucky to have u as their owner.

So Lucky Yofi!!!!

How did you come up with the name? It's adorable.

lmbo I just read your post about Yofi drinking your coffee and had visions of him sitting rattling for his caffeine fix on a morning!!